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Created March 27, 2019 10:13
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  • Save amatsuo/7f64299310a110bd8158e3c2b262ff0b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Run and combine separate spacyr benchmarks for two versions
rm(list = ls())
#spacy_install(envname = "spacy_condaenv_2.0", version = "2.0.18")
spacy_initialize(condaenv = "spacy_condaenv_2.0", refresh_settings = T)
data_text_irishbudget2010 <- quanteda::texts(quanteda::data_corpus_irishbudget2010)
bench_1 <- microbenchmark::microbenchmark(
v2.0.18 = spacy_tokenize(data_text_irishbudget2010),
times = 10
save(bench_1, file = "~/Desktop/temp/bench_1.rda")
rm(list = ls())
data_text_irishbudget2010 <- quanteda::texts(quanteda::data_corpus_irishbudget2010)
spacy_initialize(refresh_settings = T)
bench_res <- microbenchmark::microbenchmark(
v2.1.3 = spacy_tokenize(data_text_irishbudget2010),
v2.0.18 = 1,
times = 10
load(file = "~/Desktop/temp/bench_1.rda")
bench_res$time[bench_res$expr=="v2.0.18"] <- bench_1$time
save(bench_res, file = "~/Desktop/temp/bench_res.rda"
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