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Created July 24, 2018 16:59
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type input =
| Insert_coin
| Turn;
module Machine_state = {
type t = {
locked: bool,
candies: int,
coins: int,
type t = Machine_state.t;
let make = (~candies, ~coins) =>
Machine_state.{locked: true, candies, coins};
module Machine = State.Make(Machine_state);
let insert_coin =
Machine.modify(s =>
if (s.locked && s.coins > 0) {
{...s, locked: false, coins: s.coins + 1};
} else {
let turn =
Machine.modify(s =>
if (s.locked) {
} else {
{...s, locked: true, candies: s.candies - 1};
let next = input =>
>>= (
s =>
if (s.candies == 0) {
} else {
switch (input) {
| Turn => turn
| Insert_coin => insert_coin
let run = (inputs, t) =>
Machine.Monad.sequence(, inputs))
|> fst
|> (s => (s.candies, s.coins))
type t;
type input =
| Insert_coin
| Turn;
let make: (~candies: int, ~coins: int) => t;
/** The number of candies and coins in the dispenser after the inputs have been processed. */
let run: (list(input), t) => (int, int);
open Printf;
let () = {
open Candy_dispenser;
let dispenser = make(~candies=10, ~coins=3);
let (candies, coins) =
dispenser |> run([Insert_coin, Turn, Insert_coin, Turn, Turn]);
printf("Got %d candies remaining with %d coins.\n", candies, coins);
module type S = {
type t(_);
let map: ('a => 'b, t('a)) => t('b);
module Of_monad = (M: Monad_class.S) : (S with type t('a) = M.t('a)) => {
type t('a) = M.t('a);
let map = (f, ma) => M.bind(a => M.pure(f(a)), ma);
module type S = {
type t(_);
let pure: 'a => t('a);
let bind: ('a => t('b), t('a)) => t('b);
module type EXTENSION = {
type t(_);
include S with type t('a) := t('a);
let (>>=): (t('a), 'a => t('b)) => t('b);
let join: t(t('a)) => t('a);
let sequence: list(t('a)) => t(list('a));
module Extend = (M: S) : (EXTENSION with type t('a) := M.t('a)) => {
include M;
let (>>=) = (m, f) => M.bind(f, m);
let join = maa => maa >>= (ma => ma);
let sequence = mas =>
(ma, ms) => ma >>= (a => ms >>= (s => pure([a, ...s]))),
type t('a) = option('a);
module Monad_instance: Monad_class.S with type t('a) = option('a) = {
type t('a) = option('a);
let pure = a => Some(a);
let bind = f =>
| None => None
| Some(a) => f(a);
module Monad = Monad_class.Extend(Monad_instance);
module Functor_instance = Functor_class.Of_monad(Monad_instance);
module type S = {
type t(_);
type state;
module Monad_instance: Monad_class.S with type t('a) = t('a);
module Monad: (module type of Monad_class.Extend(Monad_instance));
module Functor_instance: (module type of Functor_class.Of_monad(Monad_instance));
let run: (state, t('a)) => (state, 'a);
let get: t(state);
let set: state => t(unit);
let modify: (state => state) => t(unit);
module Make = (K: {type t;}) : (S with type state := K.t) => {
module Run = {
type t('a) = K.t => (K.t, 'a);
type t('a) = Run.t('a);
let run = (k, ma) => ma(k);
module Monad_instance = {
type t('a) = Run.t('a);
let pure = (a, k) => (k, a);
let bind = (f, ma, k) => {
let (k2, a) = ma(k);
module Monad = Monad_class.Extend(Monad_instance);
module Functor_instance = Functor_class.Of_monad(Monad_instance);
let get = k => (k, k);
let set = (k, _) => (k, ());
let modify = f => Monad.(get >>= (k => set(f(k))));
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