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Created December 30, 2014 16:50
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Problem with DC.js series chart grouping and sorting
var createSVG = function($scope, config) {
var getLabel = function(variable, circle) {
return variable + " (" + + ")";
var getLabels = function() {
var ret = [];
_.each(config.groups, function(group, name) {
_.each( $scope.filterOnSet(group, name).all(), function(obj) {
var circle =;
ret.push( getLabel(obj.key.variable, circle) );
return ret;
var onClick = function(d, xCoord, yCoord) {
var variable =;
var config = {
variables: { x: },
pooled: false,
somSpecial: true
// remove the old histogram window, if any
// draw a new one
PlotService.drawHistogram( config, $scope.window.handler );
var resizeSVG = function(chart) {
var ratio = config.size.aspectRatio === 'stretch' ? 'none' : 'xMinYMin';"svg")
.attr("viewBox", "0 0 " + [config.size.width, config.size.height].join(" ") )
.attr("preserveAspectRatio", ratio)
.attr("width", "100%")
.attr("height", "100%");
// chart.redraw();
// var sortByLowerCase = function(a,b) {
// var aLower = a.valueOf().toLowerCase(),
// bLower = b.valueOf().toLowerCase();
// if( aLower < bLower ) {
// console.log (aLower, " < ", bLower);
// return -1; }
// if( aLower > bLower ) {
// console.log (aLower, " > ", bLower);
// return 1;
// }
// console.log(aLower, " = ", bLower);
// return 0;
// };
// var sortByLabel = function(a,b) {
// var aLabel = getLabel(a.key.variable,;
// var bLabel = getLabel(b.key.variable,;
// if( aLabel < bLabel ) { return -1; }
// if( aLabel > bLabel ) { return 1; }
// return 0;
// };
// 1. create composite chart
$scope.histogram = dc.seriesChart(config.element[0], constants.groups.histogram.nonInteractive)
.seriesAccessor( function(d) {
return d.key.variable;
.seriesSort(function(a,b) {
return d3.ascending(a.toLowerCase(), b.toLowerCase());
}) //sortByLowerCase)
.valueSort(function(a,b) {
var aLabel = getLabel(a.key.variable,;
var bLabel = getLabel(b.key.variable,;
return d3.ascending(aLabel.toLowerCase(), bLabel.toLowerCase());
}) //sortByLabel)
.title(function(d) {
var variable = d.key.variable;
var totalVal = config.totalReduced.value()[variable];
var value = d.value.valueOf();
var totalStd = d3.round(totalVal.valueOf().stddev, 3);
var circle =;
return [
'Circle filter: ' +,
'Variable: ' + variable,
'Mean of ' + variable + ": " + d3.round(value.mean, 3),
'STD (all samples): ' + totalStd,
'Sample count: ' + d.value.n || 0
.x( d3.scale.ordinal().domain(config.groupNames) )
top: 10,
right: 10,
bottom: 90,
left: 40
colorAccessor: function(d) {
barPadding: 0.30,
gap: 5
.valueAccessor(function(d) { // is y direction
var variable = d.key.variable;
var mean = d.value.mean;
var constant = 100;
var totalVal = config.totalReduced.value()[variable];
var totalStd = totalVal.valueOf().stddev;
var totalMean = totalVal.valueOf().mean;
return ( mean - totalMean ) / totalStd * constant;
.keyAccessor(function(d) {
var circle =,
variable = d.key.variable;
return getLabel(variable, circle);
.renderlet( function(chart) {
// rotate labels
chart.selectAll('g.x text')
.attr('transform', "rotate(-65)")
.style("text-anchor", "end")
.attr('dx', "-1em");
chart.selectAll('rect').on("click", onClick);
.on("postRender", resizeSVG)
.on("postRedraw", resizeSVG);
// hide y axis
// $scope.histogram.yAxis().ticks(0); //.tickFormat( function(v) { return ''; } );
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