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A M Hendley amhendley

  • Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
  • 00:21 (UTC +11:00)
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amhendley /
Last active March 4, 2017 10:16
Quick and easy script created to be able to get the MD5 digest of a file on either Linux or SunOS
sysname=`uname -s`
if [ "$sysname" = "SunOS" ]; then
r=`which md5sum | grep '/md5sum'`
if [ $r ]; then HAS_MD5SUM="1"; else HAS_MD5SUM="0"; fi
r=`which digest | grep '/digest'`
if [ $r ]; then HAS_DIGEST="1"; else HAS_DIGEST="0"; fi
amhendley / SimpleBackup.ps1
Last active August 29, 2015 14:22
Backs up a source folder path to a given destination folder with some logic to define time stamped folders and preserve file system space by recycling older back-up folders where the -AppendDateTime argument is used.
# SimpleBackup.ps1
# Written by A Hendley (
# A simple back-up of a source folder path to a given destination folder path.
Backs up a source folder path to a given destination folder with some logic to
define time stamped folders and preserve file system space by recycling older
back-up folders where the -AppendDateTime argument is used.
amhendley /
Last active December 10, 2024 17:07
Setting Up a Logitech Harmony Remote on Linux

Setting Up a Logitech Harmony Remote on Linux

After a fair bit of web searching and hacking, the following information should enable you in the configuration of your Logitech Harmony Remote and installation of client interfacing software on Linux to update your universal remote.

These instructions were compiled using Linux Mint 17 (Qiana) x86_64 and Firefox 34 at the time of writing.


Install Dependencies

The following is a list of identified libraries and tools the subsequent software for using your Logitech Harmony Remote.