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Forked from afuna/
Last active December 20, 2015 06:08
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Save anall/6083205 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
use strict;
use warnings;
use Getopt::Long qw{GetOptions};
use lib "$ENV{LJHOME}/cgi-bin";
BEGIN { require ""; }
use LJ::Protocol;
use LJ::User;
our (
sub usage {
die "Usage: $ARGV[0] [--user|-u] <user> [--entry|-e] <numentries> [--comment|-c] <numcomments> | --quick | --nested | --ditemid <entry id> | --parent <parent> \n";
usage() unless GetOptions(
'u|user=s' => \$user,
'e|entry:i' => \$entry,
'c|comment:i' => \$comment,
'ditemid:i' => \$ditemid,
'parent:i' => \$parent,
'quick' => \$quick,
'nested' => \$nested,
usage() unless $user;
my $u = LJ::load_user(LJ::canonical_username($user));
die qq#No such user "$user"# unless $u;
my $do_request = sub {
my ( $mode, %request_args ) = @_;
my $err = 0;
my %flags = %{ delete $request_args{flags} || {} };
my $req = \%request_args;
$req->{username} ||= $u->user;
my $res = LJ::Protocol::do_request( $mode, $req, \$err, { noauth => 1, nocheckcap => 1, %flags } );
return ( $res, $err );
sub post {
return $do_request->( "postevent", tz => "guess", @_ );
sub reply {
return $do_request->( "addcomment", @_ );
if ( $quick ) {
$entry = 5; # post 5 new entries
$comment = 10; # with 10 comments each
} else {
$entry ||= 1 if defined $entry;
$comment ||= 1 if defined $comment;
sub post_comment {
my ( $numcomments ) = @_;
return unless $numcomments;
for ( 1..$numcomments ) {
warn "posting comment $_\n";
my ( $res, $err ) = reply(
ditemid => $ditemid,
parent => $parent,
body => "new comment to $user (in reply to $parent) " . rand(),
$parent = $res->{dtalkid} if $nested;
if ( $ditemid ) {
post_comment( $comment );
} else {
for ( 1..$entry ) {
warn "posting entry $_\n";
subject => "here is a subject for the test post",
event => "new test post to journal " . rand(),
post_comment( $comment );
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