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Created January 28, 2015 05:33
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Water Meter Electric Imp Code
// Create a data stream at, then enter your keys here:
local publicKey = "xx" // enter public key here
local privateKey = "xx" // enter private key here
data_array <- array(800,[0,0,0,0])
total <- 0
conversion <- 4.95/476
local req = http.get(""+o_publicKey+"/latest.json");
local response = req.sendsync()
local data = http.jsondecode(response.body)
total = data[0].cnt_total.tointeger()
function bufferRx(data) {
data_array <- data
local gpm = data_array[1][0].tofloat()*conversion*6.0
local total_gal = total.tofloat()*conversion
// Prepare the phant headers
local phantHeaders = {"Phant-Private-Key": privateKey, "connection": "close"};
// Create a post request
local req =""+publicKey, phantHeaders,"cnt="+gpm+"&cnt_total="+total_gal);
total += data_array[1][0]
//Send out the request!
server.log(gpm+" | "+total_gal+" | "+total+" | "+data_array[1][0]+" | "+data_array[1][1]+" | "+data_array[1][2]+" | "+req.sendsync().statuscode);
function request_handler(request, response)
// Process incoming http request
response.header("access-control-allow-origin", "*");
// If everything worked as expected, send a standard 'OK' status code (200)
local r = "{"
local i=0
local k=0
r += "\"x\":["
for (i=0;i<data_array[0].len();i++) {
if (i!=0) {r += ","}
r += data_array[0][i]
r += "]"
response.send(200, r);
catch (exception)
response.send(500, "Internal Server Error: " + exception);
// Define a class for a ring buffer object with some analysis functions
class ring_buffer {
_depth = 0
_index = 0
_data = 0
_buff = 0
_fill = 0
constructor(depth) {
_depth = depth
_data = array(depth,0)
_index = 0
function insert(value) {
if (_index < _depth)
_data[_index] = value
_data[0] = value
_index = 1
if (_fill<=_depth){
function z(relative_index){
if ((_index-1-relative_index)>=0)
return _data[_index-1-relative_index]
return _data[_index-1-relative_index+_depth]
function dump(){
local i = 0
local buff = array(_fill,0)
for (i=0;i<_fill;i++) {
buff[i] = z(i)
return buff
function stringify(){
local d = dump()
local string = ""
local i=0
for (i=0;i<d.len();i++) {
string += d[i]+" "
return string
function stats(d){
local min = 32767
local max = -32767
local i
for (i=0;i<d;i++) {
local t = z(i)
if (t>max){max=t}
if (t<min){min=t}
return [min,max,max-min]
function fill(){
return _fill
function rolled_over(){
return _fill>_depth
function reset(){
_index = 0
_fill = 0
// Define the Sensor Address
const ADDR = 0x1C;
// Define register map
const OUT_X_MSB = "\x01";
const CTRL_REG1 = "\x10";
const CTRL_REG2 = "\x11";
// Some useful bitmasks
const ACTIVE = "\x01";
const AUTO_MRST_EN = "\x80";
// Define the i2c periphrial being used
i2c <- hardware.i2c89;
// Interupt pin
int <- hardware.pin7;
// Config the i2c periph
// Set to auto reset int flag on read
// Activate the MAG3110, sample at 80Hz
// Read the initial data to clear the isr flag
local data =,OUT_X_MSB,6);
// create a buffer for storing data
data_buffer <- ring_buffer(800);
// We're going to do some global min and max calculations
// So init the variables
min <- 32767
max <- -32767
// Initialize the threshold
thresh <- 0
spread_thresh <- 100
// Debouncing parameter
debounce <- 120
// Some bools for oneshots
x_lf <- false
x_hf <- false
// Counters for counting the number of triggers
trigs <- 0
x_trigs_lf <- 0
x_trigs_hf <- 0
k <- 0
x_int <- 0
x_int_neg <- 0
// Interupt routine for getting MAG3110 measurements
function mag_isr() {
// Check for the rising edge
if (
// Read data from i2c
local data =,OUT_X_MSB,6);
// Combine the MSB and LSB into a 16bit value
local x = data[0]<<8 | data[1]
// Convert 2's compliment
if (x & 0x8000) {x = -((~x & 0x7FFF) + 1);}
// Detect for min and max, then calculate a new threshold
if (x<min) {min = x; thresh = min + (max-min)/2}
if (x>max) {max = x; thresh = min + (max-min)/2}
// Put data in buffer
// Get the count spread from the last 20 items
local stats = data_buffer.stats(20)
local spread = stats[2]
// Detect if measured value is above or below the threshold
if (x>thresh) {
// Logic for oneshot to count the crossing
if (!x_hf){
x_hf = true
// Increment the high frequency counter
if (spread > spread_thresh){trigs++}
// Integrate the measurement, this is for the debounce algorithim
x_int += (x-thresh)
// If integral exceeds the debounce parameter, time for the lf count
if (x_int>debounce) {
// Logic for oneshot to count the crossing
if (!x_lf) {
// Increment the high frequency counter
if (spread <= spread_thresh){trigs++}
// Reset the negative integral
x_int_neg = 0
else {
// Reset the hf oneshot
x_hf = false
// Integrate the measurement under the threshold
x_int_neg += (thresh-x)
// If integral exceeds the threshold, time to reset the lf oneshot
if (x_int_neg>debounce) {
x_lf = false
// Reset the positive integral
x_int = 0
//determine if buffer has reached the end
if (data_buffer.rolled_over())
if (spread>spread_thresh) {
k = x_trigs_hf
else {
k = x_trigs_lf
// Make sure min, max and threshold are stabilized before sending data
if ((max-min)>spread_thresh)
// buffer is at end, send the data back to the agent
// Reset the trigger counters
x_trigs_hf = 0
x_trigs_lf = 0
trigs = 0
//reset the buffer and start all over again
// Configure the interrupt pin to run the mag_isr callback
int.configure(DIGITAL_IN, mag_isr)
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