This should make True Color (24-bit) and italics work in your tmux session and vim/neovim when using Alacritty (and should be compatible with any other terminal emulator, including Kitty).
Running this script should look the same in tmux as without.
curl -s >
in your shell (zshrc, bashrc, etc.), but your terminal (alacritty).
In ~/.config/alacritty/alacritty.yml
TERM: xterm-256color
In ~/.tmux.conf
(or ~/.config/tmux/tmux.conf
set -g default-terminal "tmux-256color"
set -ag terminal-overrides ",xterm-256color:RGB"
# Or use a wildcard instead of forcing a default mode.
# Some users in the comments of this gist have reported that this work better.
#set -sg terminal-overrides ",*:RGB"
# You can also use the env variable set from the terminal.
# Useful if you share your configuration betweeen systems with a varying value.
#set -ag terminal-overrides ",$TERM:RGB"
In ~/.vimrc
" You might have to force true color when using regular vim inside tmux as the
" colorscheme can appear to be grayscale with "termguicolors" option enabled.
if !has('gui_running') && &term =~ '^\%(screen\|tmux\)'
let &t_8f = "\<Esc>[38;2;%lu;%lu;%lum"
let &t_8b = "\<Esc>[48;2;%lu;%lu;%lum"
syntax on
set termguicolors
colorscheme yourfavcolorscheme
If you use
for your nvim configuration, use the above vim example because it's fully compatible.
💡 neovim recently (Dec 6th 2023) merged some changes that detects
automatically, so there's no need to set this in an upcoming release.I'll update this notice with a version once released as a public version.This came with the 0.10 release (May 16th 2024).
In ~/.config/nvim/init.vim
set termguicolors
colorscheme yourfavcolorscheme
Or ~/.config/nvim/init.lua
vim.o.termguicolors = true
vim.cmd'colorscheme yourfavcolorscheme'
Check out the comments below for possible solutions.
And if you found another solution I would really appreciate if you left a comment with instructions and the following information:
- OS/Distro + version
- Vim or Neovim + version
- Terminal name + version
Shout-out to the nice folks that provided insightful feedback:
- @mikeslattery native neovim termguicolors support
- @mikeslattery black and white vim colorscheme
- @sahibalejandro env variable inside tmux configuration
- @wonbinbk wildcard in tmux terminal configuration
I've tried everything else in this thread, this was the only thing that solved it for me running
Ubuntu 22.04.5 LTS
withtmux 3.2a
andneovim v0.10.0-dev
. Bless your beautiful shell skills!