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Last active October 4, 2015 21:29
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Save andrawaag/6989c8c218862a912ef6 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Differentially expressed Genes in a pathway on Insulin Signaling in case of Diabetes Mellitus
wpSparql <- ""
ebiSparql <- ""
efoPathwaysQuery <- "PREFIX identifiers: <>
PREFIX atlas: <>
PREFIX atlasterms: <>
PREFIX efo: <>
PREFIX foaf: <>
PREFIX dcterms: <>
SELECT DISTINCT ?pwIdentifier ?pwTitle ?dbxref ?experiment ?experimentPage ?experimentDescription ?difExpAnalysis ?expressionValue ?pvalue ?tstatistic WHERE {
VALUES ?efoValues {efo:EFO_0000400 efo:EFO_0001359 efo:EFO_0001360 }
VALUES ?pwIdentifier {<> }
?experiment dcterms:description ?experimentDescription .
?experiment foaf:page ?experimentPage .
?experiment atlasterms:hasAnalysis ?difExpAnalysis .
?difExpAnalysis atlasterms:hasExpressionValue ?value .
?factor rdf:type ?efoValues .
?value atlasterms:hasFactorValue ?factor .
?value atlasterms:isMeasurementOf ?probe .
?value atlasterms:pValue ?pvalue .
?value atlasterms:tStatistic ?tstatistic .
?value rdfs:label ?expressionValue .
?probe atlasterms:dbXref ?dbxref .
?pwElement dcterms:isPartOf ?pathway .
?pathway dc:title ?pwTitle .
?pathway dc:identifier ?pwIdentifier .
?pwElement wp:bdbEntrezGene ?dbxref .
tempResults <- SPARQL(wpSparql, efoPathwaysQuery)
tempResults$results$ensembl = gsub("\"", "", gsub(">","", gsub("<", "", tempResults$results$dbxref)))
papertable <- as.matrix(tempResults$results)
write.csv(papertable, "/tmp/WP481.csv")
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