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Last active January 7, 2018 15:28
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"""Advent of Code 2017. """
import sys
import array
from collections import Counter, defaultdict
from operator import xor
from functools import reduce
from itertools import count
from binascii import hexlify
import numpy as np
def day1a(s):
return sum(int(a) for a, b in zip(s, s[1:] + s[0]) if a == b)
def day1b(s):
return sum(int(a) for n, a in enumerate(s, len(s) // 2)
if s[n % len(s)] == a)
def day2a(s):
data = [[int(a) for a in line.split()]
for line in s.splitlines()]
return sum(max(row) - min(row) for row in data)
def day2b(s):
data = [[int(a) for a in line.split()]
for line in s.splitlines()]
return sum(a // b for row in data
for a in row
for b in row
if a > b and a % b == 0)
def day3a(s):
s = int(s)
n = steps = 1
x = y = 0
while True:
if n == s:
return abs(x) + abs(y)
for _ in range(steps):
n += 1
x += 1
if n == s:
return abs(x) + abs(y)
for _ in range(steps):
n += 1
y += 1
if n == s:
return abs(x) + abs(y)
steps += 1
for _ in range(steps):
n += 1
x -= 1
if n == s:
return abs(x) + abs(y)
for _ in range(steps):
n += 1
y -= 1
if n == s:
return abs(x) + abs(y)
steps += 1
def day3b(s):
def neighbors(x, y):
return (
table.get((x - 1, y), 0)
+ table.get((x - 1, y + 1), 0)
+ table.get((x - 1, y - 1), 0)
+ table.get((x + 1, y), 0)
+ table.get((x + 1, y + 1), 0)
+ table.get((x + 1, y - 1), 0)
+ table.get((x, y + 1), 0)
+ table.get((x, y - 1), 0))
s = int(s)
steps = 1
x = y = 0
table = {(0, 0): 1}
while True:
if table[x, y] > s:
return table[x, y]
for _ in range(steps):
x += 1
table[x, y] = neighbors(x, y)
if table[x, y] > s:
return table[x, y]
for _ in range(steps):
y += 1
table[x, y] = neighbors(x, y)
if table[x, y] > s:
return table[x, y]
steps += 1
for _ in range(steps):
x -= 1
table[x, y] = neighbors(x, y)
if table[x, y] > s:
return table[x, y]
for _ in range(steps):
y -= 1
table[x, y] = neighbors(x, y)
if table[x, y] > s:
return table[x, y]
steps += 1
def day4a(s):
return sum(max(Counter(line.split()).values()) == 1
for line in s.splitlines())
def day4b(s):
return sum(max(Counter(
''.join(sorted(word)) for word in line.split()).values()) == 1
for line in s.splitlines())
def day5a(s):
maze = [int(a) for a in s.splitlines()]
n = pos = 0
while 0 <= pos < len(maze):
newpos = pos + maze[pos]
maze[pos] += 1
pos = newpos
n += 1
return n
def day5b(s):
maze = [int(a) for a in s.splitlines()]
n = pos = 0
while 0 <= pos < len(maze):
newpos = pos + maze[pos]
maze[pos] += -1 if maze[pos] >= 3 else 1
pos = newpos
n += 1
return n
def day6a(s):
data = np.array([int(a) for a in s.split()], dtype=np.int8)
lendata1 = len(data) - 1
seen = set()
n = 0
while data.tobytes() not in seen:
pos = data.argmax()
blocks = data[pos]
data[pos] = 0
for x in range(pos + 1, blocks + pos + 1):
data[x & lendata1] += 1 # x % len(data)
n += 1
return n
def day6b(s):
data = np.array([int(a) for a in s.split()], dtype=np.int8)
lendata1 = len(data) - 1
seen = set()
n = 0
while data.tobytes() not in seen:
pos = data.argmax()
blocks = data[pos]
data[pos] = 0
for x in range(pos + 1, blocks + pos + 1):
data[x & lendata1] += 1 # x % len(data)
n += 1
origdata = data.copy()
n = 0
while True:
pos = data.argmax()
blocks = data[pos]
data[pos] = 0
for x in range(pos + 1, blocks + pos + 1):
data[x & lendata1] += 1 # x % len(data)
n += 1
if np.array_equal(origdata, data):
return n
def day7a(s):
parent = {}
for line in s.splitlines():
node = line.split(' (')[0]
if '->' in line:
children = line.split(' -> ')[1].split(', ')
for child in children:
parent[child] = node
node = next(iter(parent))
while node in parent:
node = parent[node]
return node
def day7b(s):
parent = {}
children = {}
weight = {}
for line in s.splitlines():
node, x = line.split(' (', 1)
weight[node] = int(x.split(')', 1)[0])
if '->' in line:
children1 = line.split(' -> ')[1].split(', ')
children[node] = children1
for child in children1:
parent[child] = node
children[node] = []
node = next(iter(parent))
while node in parent:
node = parent[node]
root = node
def totalweight(node):
return weight[node] + sum(
totalweight(child) for child in children[node])
def postorder(node):
for child in children[node]:
yield from postorder(child)
yield node
for node in postorder(root):
w = [totalweight(child) for child in children[node]]
cw = Counter(w)
if len(cw) > 1:
lcw = [a for a, _ in cw.most_common()]
a, b = lcw
bc = children[node][w.index(b)]
return weight[bc] - (b - a)
def day8a(s):
registers = defaultdict(int)
for line in s.splitlines():
instruction = line.split()
reg = instruction[0]
op = instruction[1]
val = int(instruction[2])
assert instruction[3] == 'if'
condval1 = registers[instruction[4]]
condval2 = int(instruction[6])
condop = instruction[5]
cond = eval('%d %s %d' % (condval1, condop, condval2))
if cond:
if op == 'inc':
registers[reg] += val
elif op == 'dec':
registers[reg] -= val
raise ValueError
return max(registers.values())
def day8b(s):
curmax = -1
registers = defaultdict(int)
for line in s.splitlines():
instruction = line.split()
reg = instruction[0]
op = instruction[1]
val = int(instruction[2])
assert instruction[3] == 'if'
condval1 = registers[instruction[4]]
condval2 = int(instruction[6])
condop = instruction[5]
cond = eval('%d %s %d' % (condval1, condop, condval2))
if cond:
if op == 'inc':
registers[reg] += val
elif op == 'dec':
registers[reg] -= val
raise ValueError
curmax = max(curmax, max(registers.values()))
return curmax
def day9a(s):
pos = cur = result = 0
while pos < len(s):
if s[pos] == '{':
cur += 1
result += cur
pos += 1
elif s[pos] == '}':
cur -= 1
pos += 1
elif s[pos] == '<':
while s[pos] != '>':
if s[pos] == '!':
pos += 1
pos += 1
pos += 1
elif s[pos] == ',':
pos += 1
raise ValueError('%d %s' % (pos, s[pos]))
return result
def day9b(s):
pos = cur = result = 0
while pos < len(s):
if s[pos] == '{':
cur += 1
pos += 1
elif s[pos] == '}':
cur -= 1
pos += 1
elif s[pos] == '<':
while s[pos] != '>':
if s[pos] == '!':
pos += 2
pos += 1
result += 1
result -= 1
pos += 1
elif s[pos] == ',':
pos += 1
raise ValueError('%d %s' % (pos, s[pos]))
return result
def day10a(s, elements=256):
lens = np.array([int(a) for a in s.split(',')])
lst = np.arange(elements)
pos = skip = 0
for l in lens:
lst[np.arange(pos, pos + l) % elements] = lst[
np.arange(pos, pos + l) % elements][::-1]
pos += l + skip
pos = pos % elements
skip += 1
return lst[0] * lst[1]
def day10b(s, elements=256):
lens = [ord(a) for a in s] + [17, 31, 73, 47, 23]
lst = np.arange(elements)
pos = skip = 0
elements1 = elements - 1
for n in range(64):
for l in lens:
indices = np.arange(pos, pos + l) & elements1
lst[indices] = lst[indices][::-1]
pos = (pos + l + skip) & elements1
skip += 1
return hexlify(bytes(reduce(xor, lst[n:n + 16]) for n in range(0, 256, 16))
def day11(s):
path = s.split(',')
maxd = x = y = z = 0
for a in path:
if a == 'n':
x += 1
y -= 1
elif a == 's':
x -= 1
y += 1
elif a == 'ne':
y -= 1
z += 1
elif a == 'sw':
y += 1
z -= 1
elif a == 'se':
x -= 1
z += 1
elif a == 'nw':
x += 1
z -= 1
maxd = max(maxd, max(abs(x), abs(y), abs(z)))
return max(abs(x), abs(y), abs(z)), maxd
def day11a(s):
return day11(s)[0]
def day11b(s):
return day11(s)[1]
def day12a(s):
graph = {}
for line in s.splitlines():
a, b = line.split(' <-> ')
graph[int(a)] = [int(c) for c in b.split(', ')]
reachable = 0
queue = [0]
visited = set()
while queue:
node = queue.pop(0)
if node not in visited:
reachable += 1
queue.extend(graph.get(node, []))
return reachable
def day12b(s):
graph = {}
for line in s.splitlines():
src, targets = line.split(' <-> ')
graph[int(src)] = [int(target) for target in targets.split(', ')]
candidates = list(graph)
visited = set()
groups = {}
while candidates:
a = candidates.pop()
if a in visited:
groups[a] = []
queue = [a]
while queue:
node = queue.pop(0)
if node not in visited:
queue.extend(graph.get(node, []))
return len(groups)
def day13a(s):
depths = []
ranges = []
for line in s.splitlines():
a, b = line.split(': ')
position = -1
severity = 0
down = -1
up = 1
scanners = [0 for _ in depths]
direction = [up for _ in depths]
while position < max(depths):
position += 1
if position in depths:
n = depths.index(position)
if scanners[n] == 0:
severity += depths[n] * ranges[n]
for n, a in enumerate(ranges):
if scanners[n] == 0:
direction[n] = up
elif scanners[n] + 1 == ranges[n]:
direction[n] = down
scanners[n] += direction[n]
return severity
def day13b(s):
ranges = []
for line in s.splitlines():
a, b = line.split(': ')
ranges.extend([None] * (int(a) - len(ranges)))
for delay in count():
time = delay
for scanner in ranges:
if (scanner is not None
and time % (scanner * 2 - 2) == 0):
break # caught
time += 1
else: # not caught
return delay
def day14a(s):
return sum(bin(int(day10b('%s-%d' % (s, n)), 16)).count('1')
for n in range(128))
def day14b(s):
def floodfill(buf, x, y, target, repl):
if (target == repl
or x < 0 or y < 0
or x >= len(buf) or y >= len(buf)
or buf[x, y] != target):
buf[x, y] = repl
floodfill(buf, x - 1, y, target, repl)
floodfill(buf, x + 1, y, target, repl)
floodfill(buf, x, y - 1, target, repl)
floodfill(buf, x, y + 1, target, repl)
buf = np.array([
list(map(int, format(int(day10b('%s-%d' % (s, n)), 16), '0128b')))
for n in range(128)])
n = 1
for x in range(128):
for y in range(128):
if buf[x, y] == 1:
n += 1
floodfill(buf, x, y, 1, n)
return n - 1
def day15a(s, cycles=int(40e6)):
a, b = s.splitlines()
a, b = int(a.split()[-1]), int(b.split()[-1])
result = 0
for n in range(cycles):
a *= 16807
b *= 48271
a %= 2147483647
b %= 2147483647
result += (a & 0xffff) == (b & 0xffff)
return result
def day15b(s, cycles=int(5e6)):
def gen(start, factor, mask):
a = start
while True:
a = (a * factor) % 2147483647
if (a & mask) == 0:
yield a
a, b = s.splitlines()
a, b = int(a.split()[-1]), int(b.split()[-1])
return sum(
(a & 0xffff) == (b & 0xffff)
for _, a, b in zip(
gen(a, 16807, 3),
gen(b, 48271, 7)))
def day16(s, letters):
for move in s.strip().split(','):
if move[0] == 's':
i = int(move[1:])
letters = letters[-i:] + letters[:-i]
elif move[0] == 'x':
i, j = move[1:].split('/')
i, j = int(i), int(j)
letters[i], letters[j] = letters[j], letters[i]
elif move[0] == 'p':
i, j = move[1:].split('/')
i, j = letters.index(i), letters.index(j)
letters[i], letters[j] = letters[j], letters[i]
return letters
def day16a(s, numletters=16):
letters = 'abcdefghijklmnop'[:numletters]
return ''.join(day16(s, list(letters)))
def day16b(s, numletters=16, iterations=1000000000):
letters = 'abcdefghijklmnop'[:numletters]
firstidx = {letters: 0}
results = {0: letters}
cache = {}
n = 1
letters = ''.join(day16(s, list(letters)))
firstidx[letters] = n
results[n] = letters
while True:
if letters in firstidx and firstidx.get(letters, -1) != n:
i = firstidx[letters]
steps = n - i
# FIXME: figure out how to make smaller steps without
# resorting to incremental steps
if n + steps > iterations:
letters = results[n]
n += steps
if n + 1 > iterations:
start = letters
letters = ''.join(day16(s, list(letters)))
cache[start] = letters
n += 1
if letters not in firstidx:
firstidx[letters] = n
results[n] = letters
for m in range(n, iterations):
if letters in cache:
letters = cache[letters]
start = letters
letters = ''.join(day16(s, list(letters)))
cache[start] = letters
return ''.join(letters)
def day17a(s):
steps = int(s)
iterations = 2017
target = 2017
pos = val = 0
buf = array.array('I', [0])
# from collections import deque
# buf = deque([0])
for n in range(iterations):
pos = ((pos + steps) % len(buf)) + 1
val += 1
buf.insert(pos, val)
return buf[buf.index(target) + 1]
def day17b(s):
steps = int(s)
iterations = 50000000
pos = 0
numbefore = 0 # no of items after 0
numafter = 0 # no of items after 0
nextnum = None # the number after 0
for val in range(1, iterations + 1):
pos = ((pos + steps) % (numbefore + 1 + numafter)) + 1
if pos <= numbefore:
numbefore += 1
numafter += 1
if pos == numbefore + 1:
nextnum = val
return nextnum
def day18a(s):
program = s.splitlines()
reg = {}
pos = 0
freq = None
while True:
if pos < 0 or pos >= len(program):
x = program[pos].split()
op, op1 = x[0], x[1]
if len(x) > 2:
op2 = reg.get(x[2], 0) if 'a' <= x[2] <= 'z' else int(x[2])
if op == 'snd':
freq = reg.get(op1, 0)
elif op == 'set':
reg[op1] = int(op2)
elif op == 'add':
reg[op1] = reg.get(op1, 0) + int(op2)
elif op == 'mul':
reg[op1] = reg.get(op1, 0) * int(op2)
elif op == 'mod':
reg[op1] = reg.get(op1, 0) % int(op2)
elif op == 'rcv' and reg[op1] != 0:
elif op == 'jgz' and reg[op1] > 0:
pos += int(op2)
pos += 1
return freq
def day18b(s):
def gen(program, pid):
reg = {'p': pid}
pos = 0
while True:
if pos < 0 or pos >= len(program):
x = program[pos].split()
op, op1 = x[0], x[1]
if len(x) > 2:
op2 = reg.get(x[2], 0) if 'a' <= x[2] <= 'z' else int(x[2])
if op == 'set':
reg[op1] = int(op2)
elif op == 'add':
reg[op1] = reg.get(op1, 0) + int(op2)
elif op == 'mul':
reg[op1] = reg.get(op1, 0) * int(op2)
elif op == 'mod':
reg[op1] = reg.get(op1, 0) % int(op2)
elif op == 'snd':
yield 1, reg.get(op1, 0)
elif op == 'rcv':
reg[op1] = (yield 0, None)
elif op == 'jgz' and (
reg.get(op1, 0) > 0 if 'a' <= op1 <= 'z'
else int(op1) > 0):
pos += int(op2)
pos += 1
program = s.splitlines()
x = [gen(program, 0), gen(program, 1)]
queue0, queue1 = [], []
state0 = state1 = 1 # 0=expecting data; 1=waiting to continue
cnt = 0
while True:
if state0 == 1:
state0, res = next(x[0])
if state0 == 1:
elif queue0 and state0 == 0:
state0, res = x[0].send(queue0.pop(0))
if state0 == 1:
elif state1 == 1:
state1, res = next(x[1])
if state1 == 1:
cnt += 1
elif queue1 and state1 == 0:
state1, res = x[1].send(queue1.pop(0))
if state1 == 1:
cnt += 1
return cnt
def day19(s):
steps = 0
diagram = s.splitlines()
row = 0
col = diagram[row].find('|')
cur = diagram[row][col]
direction = 'down'
letters = []
while cur != ' ':
# change direction / collect letter
if cur == '+':
if direction in ('down', 'up'):
if col > 0 and diagram[row][col - 1] not in (' ', '|'):
direction = 'left'
direction = 'right'
elif direction in ('left', 'right'):
if row > 0 and diagram[row - 1][col] not in (' ', '-'):
direction = 'up'
direction = 'down'
elif cur != '|' and cur != '-':
# move to next position
if direction == 'down':
row += 1
elif direction == 'up':
row -= 1
elif direction == 'right':
col += 1
col -= 1
cur = diagram[row][col]
steps += 1
return ''.join(letters), steps
def day19a(s):
return day19(s)[0]
def day19b(s):
return day19(s)[1]
def day20a(s, iterations=10000):
p, v, a = [], [], []
for line in s.splitlines():
for x, y in zip(
line.split(', '), (p, v, a)):
y.append([int(z) for z in x.strip('pva=<>').split(',')])
p, v, a = np.array(p), np.array(v), np.array(a)
for n in range(iterations):
# for x1, x2, x3 in zip(p, v, a):
# print('%d. p=%s v=%s a=%s\t%d' % (n, x1, x2, x3, np.abs(x1).sum()))
# print()
v += a
p += v
return (np.abs(p).sum(axis=1).argmin(),
def day20b(s, iterations=10000):
p, v, a = [], [], []
for line in s.splitlines():
for x, y in zip(
line.split(', '), (p, v, a)):
y.append([int(z) for z in x.strip('pva=<>').split(',')])
p, v, a = np.array(p), np.array(v), np.array(a)
for n in range(iterations):
v += a
p += v
_, ind, cnt = np.unique(
p, axis=0, return_index=True, return_counts=True)
p = p[ind[cnt == 1]]
v = v[ind[cnt == 1]]
a = a[ind[cnt == 1]]
return p.shape[0]
def day21(s, iterations):
def parse(x):
return np.array([list(map(int, a.replace('.', '0').replace('#', '1')))
for a in x.split('/')], np.int8)
def match(lhs, pat):
for r in range(4):
for f in range(4):
lhs1 = np.flip(lhs, f) if f < 2 else lhs
if f == 3:
lhs1 = np.flip(np.flip(lhs, 0), 1)
if np.array_equal(pat, np.rot90(lhs1, r)):
return True
return False
buf = parse('.#./..#/###')
rules = {2: [], 3: []}
cache = {}
for line in s.splitlines():
lhs, rhs = line.split(' => ')
rules[len(lhs.split('/'))].append((parse(lhs), parse(rhs)))
for n in range(iterations):
if (len(buf) & 1) == 0:
window = 2
newwindow = 3
newsize = len(buf) // 2 * newwindow
window = 3
newwindow = 4
newsize = len(buf) // 3 * newwindow
newbuf = np.empty((newsize, newsize), np.int8)
for a in range(0, len(buf), window):
for b in range(0, len(buf), window):
pat = buf[a:a + window, b:b + window]
pat1 = tuple(pat.ravel())
if pat1 in cache:
aa = a // window * newwindow
bb = b // window * newwindow
newbuf[aa:aa + newwindow, bb:bb + newwindow] = cache[pat1]
patones = pat.sum().sum()
for lhs, rhs in rules[window]:
if lhs.sum().sum() == patones:
if match(lhs, pat):
cache[pat1] = rhs
aa = a // window * newwindow
bb = b // window * newwindow
newbuf[aa:aa + newwindow,
bb:bb + newwindow] = rhs
print(n, a, b, window)
raise ValueError('no matching rule.')
buf = newbuf
return buf.sum().sum()
def day21a(s, iterations=5):
return day21(s, iterations)
def day21b(s, iterations=18):
return day21(s, iterations)
def day22a(s, iterations=10000):
gridsize = 10 if iterations <= 100 else 1000
grid = np.zeros((gridsize, gridsize), np.int8)
inp = np.array(
[list(map(int, a.replace('.', '0').replace('#', '1')))
for a in s.splitlines()], np.int8)
gridsize // 2 - len(inp) // 2:gridsize // 2 + len(inp) // 2 + 1,
gridsize // 2 - len(inp) // 2:gridsize // 2 + len(inp) // 2 + 1,
] = inp.T
x = y = gridsize // 2
direction = 0
infected = 0
for n in range(iterations):
# if n < 10:
# print('it', n)
# for yy in range(gridsize):
# for xx in range(gridsize):
# if x == xx and y == yy:
# print('[%s]' % ('#' if grid[xx, yy] else '.'), end='')
# elif x == xx - 1 and y == yy:
# print('%s' % ('#' if grid[xx, yy] else '.'), end='')
# else:
# print(' %s' % ('#' if grid[xx, yy] else '.'), end='')
# print()
if grid[x, y]: # currently infected
direction = (direction + 1) if direction < 3 else 0
grid[x, y] = 0
else: # clean
direction = (direction - 1) if direction else 3
grid[x, y] = 1
infected += 1
# move forward
if direction == 0:
y -= 1
elif direction == 1:
x += 1
elif direction == 2:
y += 1
elif direction == 3:
x -= 1
return infected
def day22b(s, iterations=10000000):
gridsize = 10 if iterations <= 100 else 1024
grid = np.zeros((gridsize, gridsize), np.int8)
inp = np.array(
[list(map(int, a.replace('.', '0').replace('#', '2')))
for a in s.splitlines()], np.int8)
x = y = gridsize // 2
x - len(inp) // 2:x + len(inp) // 2 + 1,
y - len(inp) // 2:y + len(inp) // 2 + 1] = inp.T
direction = 0 # up
infected = 0
# deltas for: up, right, down, left.
dx = [0, 1, 0, -1]
dy = [-1, 0, 1, 0]
for n in range(iterations):
# if n < 10:
# print('it', n)
# for yy in range(gridsize):
# for xx in range(gridsize):
# z = '.W#F'[grid[xx, yy]]
# if x == xx and y == yy:
# print('[%s]' % z, end='')
# elif x == xx - 1 and y == yy:
# print('%s' % z, end='')
# else:
# print(' %s' % z, end='')
# print()
direction = (direction + grid[x, y] - 1) & 3
infected += (grid[x, y] == 1)
grid[x, y] = (grid[x, y] + 1) & 3
# move forward
x += dx[direction]
y += dy[direction]
return infected
def day23a(s):
program = s.splitlines()
reg = dict.fromkeys('abcdefgh', 0)
pos = mul = 0
while 0 <= pos < len(program):
x = program[pos].split()
op, op1 = x[0], x[1]
if len(x) > 2:
op2 = reg.get(x[2], 0) if 'a' <= x[2] <= 'h' else int(x[2])
if op == 'set':
reg[op1] = int(op2)
elif op == 'sub':
reg[op1] = reg.get(op1, 0) - int(op2)
elif op == 'mul':
reg[op1] = reg.get(op1, 0) * int(op2)
mul += 1
elif op == 'jnz' and (
reg.get(op1, 0) != 0
if 'a' <= op1 <= 'h'
else op1 != '0'):
pos += int(op2)
pos += 1
return mul
def day23b(s):
r"""Code translated to C and optimized by hand.
Compile and run: gcc -lm day23b.c && ./a.out
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
int isprime(int n) {
int sqrtn = sqrt(n);
for (int m=2; m < sqrtn; m++) {
if (n % m == 0)
return 0;
return 1;
int main() {
int a = 1, b = 0, c = 0, f = 0, h = 0;
/* int d = 0, e = 0 */
if (a == 0) {
b = 84;
c = 84;
} else {
b = 84 * 100 + 100000;
c = b + 17000;
while (1) {
f = 1;
for (d = 2; d < b; d += 1) {
for (e = 2; e < b; e += 1) {
if (d * e == b)
f = 0;
f = isprime(b);
if (f == 0)
h += 1;
if (b == c) {
printf("%d\n", h);
return 0;
b += 17;
def isprime(n):
if n & 1 == 0:
return False
sqrtn = int(n ** 0.5)
for m in range(3, sqrtn, 2):
if n % m == 0:
return False
return True
a = 1
b = c = f = h = 0
if a == 0:
b = c = 84
b = 84 * 100 + 100000
c = b + 17000
while 1:
if not isprime(b):
h += 1
if b == c:
return h
b += 17
def day24(n, workingset):
found = False
for a, b in workingset:
if a == n or b == n:
found = True
m = a if b == n else b
if len(workingset) == 1:
yield (a, b)
for x in day24(m, workingset - {(a, b)}):
yield (a, b) + x
if not found:
yield ()
def day24a(s):
pairs = {tuple(map(int, a.split('/'))) for a in s.splitlines()}
result = max(day24(0, pairs), key=sum)
return sum(result)
def day24b(s):
pairs = {tuple(map(int, a.split('/'))) for a in s.splitlines()}
maxlen = max(map(len, day24(0, pairs)))
result = max((a for a in day24(0, pairs) if len(a) == maxlen), key=sum)
return sum(result)
def day25a(s):
def decode(actions):
return (
0 if actions[0][-2] == '0' else 1,
-1 if actions[1].endswith('left.') else 1,
a, b = s.splitlines()[:2]
start = ord(a[-2])
checksum = int(b.split()[-2])
states = {}
for a in s.split('\n\n')[1:]:
aa = a.splitlines()
states[ord(aa[0][-2])] = {
int(aa[1][-2]): decode(aa[2:5]),
int(aa[5][-2]): decode(aa[6:9])}
tape = {}
pos = 0
state = start
for n in range(checksum):
tape[pos], diff, state = states[state][tape.get(pos, 0)]
pos += diff
return sum(tape.values())
def day25b(s):
"""There is no 25b puzzle."""
# -------8<-------- Tests -------8<--------
def test1():
assert day1a('1122') == 1 + 2
assert day1a('1111') == 4
assert day1a('1234') == 0
assert day1a('91212129') == 9
assert day1b('1212') == 6
assert day1b('1221') == 0
assert day1b('123425') == 4
assert day1b('123123') == 12
assert day1b('12131415') == 4
def test2():
assert day2a(
'5 1 9 5\n'
'7 5 3\n'
'2 4 6 8\n') == 8 + 4 + 6
assert day2b(
'5 9 2 8\n'
'9 4 7 3\n'
'3 8 6 5\n') == 4 + 3 + 2
def test3():
assert day3a(1) == 0
assert day3a(12) == 3
assert day3a(23) == 2
assert day3a(1024) == 31
assert day3b(1) == 2
assert day3b(2) == 4
assert day3b(3) == 4
assert day3b(4) == 5
assert day3b(5) == 10
def test4():
assert day4a('aa bb cc dd ee') == 1
assert day4a('aa bb cc dd aa') == 0
assert day4a('aa bb cc dd aaa') == 1
assert day4b('abcde fghij') == 1
assert day4b('abcde xyz ecdab') == 0
assert day4b('a ab abc abd abf abj') == 1
assert day4b('iiii oiii ooii oooi oooo') == 1
assert day4b('oiii ioii iioi iiio') == 0
def test5():
assert day5a('0\n3\n0\n1\n-3') == 5
assert day5b('0\n3\n0\n1\n-3') == 10
def test6():
assert day6a('0 2 7 0') == 5
assert day6b('2 4 1 2') == 4
def test7():
graph = (
'pbga (66)\n'
'xhth (57)\n'
'ebii (61)\n'
'havc (66)\n'
'ktlj (57)\n'
'fwft (72) -> ktlj, cntj, xhth\n'
'qoyq (66)\n'
'padx (45) -> pbga, havc, qoyq\n'
'tknk (41) -> ugml, padx, fwft\n'
'jptl (61)\n'
'ugml (68) -> gyxo, ebii, jptl\n'
'gyxo (61)\n'
'cntj (57)\n')
assert day7a(graph) == 'tknk'
assert day7b(graph) == 60
def test8():
x = (
'b inc 5 if a > 1\n'
'a inc 1 if b < 5\n'
'c dec -10 if a >= 1\n'
'c inc -20 if c == 10\n')
assert day8a(x) == 1
assert day8b(x) == 10
def test9():
assert day9a('{}') == 1
assert day9a('{{{}}}') == 1 + 2 + 3
assert day9a('{{},{}}') == 1 + 2 + 2
assert day9a('{{{},{},{{}}}}') == 1 + 2 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 4
assert day9a('{<a>,<a>,<a>,<a>}') == 1
assert day9a('{{<ab>},{<ab>},{<ab>},{<ab>}}') == 1 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2
assert day9a('{{<!!>},{<!!>},{<!!>},{<!!>}}') == 1 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2
assert day9a('{{<a!>},{<a!>},{<a!>},{<ab>}}') == 1 + 2
# assert day9b('') == ...
def test10():
assert day10a('3, 4, 1, 5', 5) == 3 * 4
assert day10b('') == 'a2582a3a0e66e6e86e3812dcb672a272'
assert day10b('AoC 2017') == '33efeb34ea91902bb2f59c9920caa6cd'
assert day10b('1,2,3') == '3efbe78a8d82f29979031a4aa0b16a9d'
assert day10b('1,2,4') == '63960835bcdc130f0b66d7ff4f6a5a8e'
def test11():
assert day11a('ne,ne,ne') == 3
assert day11a('ne,ne,sw,sw') == 0
assert day11a('ne,ne,s,s') == 2
assert day11a('se,sw,se,sw,sw') == 3
assert day11b('ne,ne,ne') == 3
assert day11b('ne,ne,sw,sw') == 2
assert day11b('ne,ne,s,s') == 2
assert day11b('se,sw,se,sw,sw') == 3
def test12():
graph = (
'0 <-> 2\n'
'1 <-> 1\n'
'2 <-> 0, 3, 4\n'
'3 <-> 2, 4\n'
'4 <-> 2, 3, 6\n'
'5 <-> 6\n'
'6 <-> 4, 5\n')
assert day12a(graph) == 6
assert day12b(graph) == 2
def test13():
inp = ('0: 3\n'
'1: 2\n'
'4: 4\n'
'6: 4\n')
assert day13a(inp) == 0 * 3 + 6 * 4
assert day13b(inp) == 10
def test14():
assert day14a('flqrgnkx') == 8108
assert day14b('flqrgnkx') == 1242
def test15():
assert day15a('65\n8921\n', cycles=5) == 1
assert day15b('65\n 8921\n', cycles=1056) == 1
# assert day15a('65\n8921\n') == 588
# assert day15b('65\n8921\n') == 309
def test16():
assert day16a('s1,x3/4,pe/b', 5) == 'baedc'
assert day16b('s1,x3/4,pe/b', 5, 2) == 'ceadb'
def test17():
assert day17a('3') == 638
def test18():
assert day18a(
'set a 1\n'
'add a 2\n'
'mul a a\n'
'mod a 5\n'
'snd a\n'
'set a 0\n'
'rcv a\n'
'jgz a -1\n'
'set a 1\n'
'jgz a -2\n') == 4
assert day18b(
'snd 1\n'
'snd 2\n'
'snd p\n'
'rcv a\n'
'rcv b\n'
'rcv c\n'
'rcv d\n') == 3
def test19():
diagram = (
' | \n'
' | +--+ \n'
' A | C \n'
' F---|----E|--+ \n'
' | | | D \n'
' +B-+ +--+ \n')
assert day19a(diagram) == 'ABCDEF'
assert day19b(diagram) == 38
def test20():
assert day20a(
'p=< 3,0,0>, v=< 2,0,0>, a=<-1,0,0>\n'
'p=< 4,0,0>, v=< 0,0,0>, a=<-2,0,0>\n',
iterations=10) == 0
assert day20b(
'p=<-6,0,0>, v=< 3,0,0>, a=< 0,0,0>\n'
'p=<-4,0,0>, v=< 2,0,0>, a=< 0,0,0>\n'
'p=<-2,0,0>, v=< 1,0,0>, a=< 0,0,0>\n'
'p=< 3,0,0>, v=<-1,0,0>, a=< 0,0,0>\n',
iterations=3) == 1
def test21():
assert day21a(
'../.# => ##./#../...\n'
'.#./..#/### => #..#/..../..../#..#\n',
iterations=2) == 12
def test22():
grid = ('..#\n'
assert day22a(grid, iterations=70) == 41
assert day22a(grid) == 5587
assert day22b(grid, iterations=100) == 26
# assert day22b(grid, iterations=10000000) == 2511944
def test23():
assert day23b('') == 903
def test24():
ex = (
assert day24a(
ex) == (0 + 1) + (1 + 10) + (10 + 9)
assert day24b(ex) == 19
def test25():
assert day25a("""\
Begin in state A.
Perform a diagnostic checksum after 6 steps.
In state A:
If the current value is 0:
- Write the value 1.
- Move one slot to the right.
- Continue with state B.
If the current value is 1:
- Write the value 0.
- Move one slot to the left.
- Continue with state B.
In state B:
If the current value is 0:
- Write the value 1.
- Move one slot to the left.
- Continue with state A.
If the current value is 1:
- Write the value 1.
- Move one slot to the right.
- Continue with state A.""") == 3
def benchmark():
import timeit
for n in range(1, 25 + 1):
for part in 'ab':
fun = 'day%d%s' % (n, part)
time = timeit.timeit(
'%s(inp)' % fun,
setup='inp = open("i%d").read().rstrip("\\n")' % n,
print('%s\t%5.2fs' % (fun, time))
if __name__ == '__main__':
if len(sys.argv) > 1 and sys.argv[1] == 'benchmark':
elif len(sys.argv) > 1 and sys.argv[1].startswith('day'):
raise ValueError('unrecognized command')
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