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Last active February 24, 2020 17:37
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[CINEMA 4D: Python MinMax Class] Class for calculating various metrics from a list of vectors, such as min, max, radius, size and midpoint. #cinema4d #c4d #python #class #minmax #computergraphics #cg
class MinMax(object):
Calculate various area metrics from a list of points,
such as min, max, midpoint, radius and size.
def __init__(self):
super(MinMax, self).__init__()
FLOATMIN = sys.float_info[3]-1000 # workaround for underflow error
FLOATMAX = sys.float_info[0]
self.min = c4d.Vector(FLOATMAX, FLOATMAX, FLOATMAX)
self.max = c4d.Vector(FLOATMIN, FLOATMIN, FLOATMIN)
def __str__(self):
return "%r\n size = %s\n mp = %s\n min = %s\n max = %s" % (
self, self.getSize(), self.getMp(), self.min, self.max
def addPoint(self, p):
if p.x < self.min.x: self.min.x = p.x
if p.x > self.max.x: self.max.x = p.x
if p.y < self.min.y: self.min.y = p.y
if p.y > self.max.y: self.max.y = p.y
if p.z < self.min.z: self.min.z = p.z
if p.z > self.max.z: self.max.z = p.z
def addPoints(self, lst):
for p in lst:
def addSelectedPoints(self, op):
Add selected points from object 'op'.
Returns number of points added, or
False if there are no points or op
doesn't exist.
if op is None: return False
allpnts = op.GetAllPoints()
if len(allpnts) == 0: return False
pntsel = op.GetPointS()
pntcnt = op.GetPointCount()
n = 0
if pntsel.HostAlive():
for i, p in enumerate(allpnts):
if pntsel.IsSelected(i):
n += 1
return False
return n
def getMax(self):
return self.max
def getMin(self):
return self.min
def getMp(self):
return (self.min + self.max) * 0.5
def getRad(self):
return (self.max - self.min) * 0.5
def getSize(self):
return self.max - self.min
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