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Andrei andreip1

  • United Kingdom
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andreip1 / Social media bar
Created July 1, 2020 10:55
Social Media Bar
<h3>Hover/touch to discover</h3>
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andreip1 / dj_objects.txt
Created February 11, 2021 11:38 — forked from EBashkoff/dj_objects.txt
Get Objects from Delayed Job
Get a deserialized object from a delayed job:
1. Get the delayed_job record using the id: dj = DelayedJob.find(<id>)
2. Get the handler field from dj: dj.handler
3. Convert it from YAML: YAML.parse(dj.handler)
4. You can get the ruby objects that the delayed job was built with by converting that to_ruby and calling the object: