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Playing around with Miquel's theorem
#!/usr/bin/env python3
from typing import Tuple, FrozenSet, Set, Dict
import random
import argparse
import concurrent.futures
import queue
import os
import sys
# For testing purposes
basicConfiguration = {
frozenset(('A', 'F', 'B', 'D')),
frozenset(('C', 'E', 'B', 'F')),
frozenset(('E', 'H', 'D', 'B')),
frozenset(('H', 'G', 'A', 'D')),
frozenset(('G', 'C', 'F', 'A')),
basicNumerical = {
frozenset((1, 6, 2, 4)),
frozenset((3, 5, 2, 6)),
frozenset((5, 8, 4, 2)),
frozenset((8, 7, 1, 4)),
frozenset((7, 3, 6, 1)),
def choose(n : int, k : int) -> int:
(p, q) = (1, 1)
for i in range(k):
p *= n-i
q *= k-i
return p // q
def randomConfiguration(n : int) -> FrozenSet:
"""Return a random configuration of 4 points chosen from n points."""
return frozenset(random.sample(range(n), 4))
def orderedTuples(n : int, k : int):
"""All ordered k-tuples of numbers in range(n)."""
if k == 0:
yield []
for last in range(k - 1, n):
for t in orderedTuples(last, k-1):
yield t
def randomConfigurations(n : int, k : int) -> Set[FrozenSet]:
"""Return k random configurations of 4 points chosen from n points."""
cs = tuple(map(tuple, orderedTuples(n, 4)))
return set(frozenset(t) for t in random.sample(cs, k))
def deduce(concyclic : FrozenSet[FrozenSet], verbose=False) -> Set[FrozenSet]:
"""Given a set of concyclic quadruples, deduce new ones using Miquel's theorem."""
# h1: AFBD
# h2: CEBF
# h3: EHDB
# h4: HGAD
# h5: GCFA
# => CEHG
if verbose: print("Deducing from {0}".format(concyclic))
newConfigs = set()
for h1 in concyclic:
for h2 in concyclic:
bf = frozenset.intersection(h1, h2)
# h1 and h2 must have two points in common
if len(bf) != 2: continue
(b, f) = tuple(bf) # maybe have to be swapped
(a, d) = tuple(h1.difference(bf)) # maybe have to be swapped
(c, e) = tuple(h2.difference(bf)) # maybe have to be swapped
for h3 in concyclic:
# h3 must contain precisely one, b or f
if (b in h3 and f not in h3):
elif (b not in h3 and f in h3):
(b, f) = (f, b)
# we have b and f
# b is in h3, f is not in h3
if e in h3 and c not in h3:
elif e not in h3 and c in h3:
(c, e) = (e, c)
# we have c and e
if c > e: continue
# e is in h3, c is not in h3
if d in h3 and a not in h3:
elif d not in h3 and a in h3:
(a, d) = (d, a)
else: continue
# we have a and d
# d is in h3, f is not in h3
(h,) = tuple(h3.difference((d, b, e)))
if c > h: continue
# we have h
for h4 in concyclic:
if a in h4 and d in h4 and h in h4:
(g,) = tuple(h4.difference((a, d, h)))
if (c > g or e > g): continue
h5 = frozenset((c,f,a,g))
if len(h5) != 4: continue
h6 = frozenset((c, e, h, g))
if len(h6) != 4: continue
if h5 in concyclic and h6 not in concyclic:
if verbose: print("{0} => {1}".format((h1,h2,h3,h4,h5), h6))
return newConfigs
def deduceAll(concyclic : FrozenSet[FrozenSet], verbose=False) -> Tuple[int, FrozenSet[FrozenSet]]:
configs = set(concyclic)
foundNew = True
k = 0
while foundNew:
if verbose:
print("============= Round {0} ({1} statements) =============n".format(k, len(configs)))
newConfigs = deduce(frozenset(configs), verbose=verbose)
foundNew = any(c not in configs for c in newConfigs)
configs |= newConfigs
k += 1
return (k, frozenset(configs))
def runSample(configurations, circles, verbose=False):
axioms = frozenset(frozenset(t) for t in random.sample(configurations, circles))
steps, deductiveClosure = deduceAll(axioms, verbose=verbose)
return (len(deductiveClosure), steps)
if __name__ == '__main__':
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description = "Generate images of complex zeroes")
parser.add_argument('--samples', dest='samples', default=1, type=int, help='number of samples')
parser.add_argument('--verbose', dest='verbose', action='store_true', default=False, help='print information')
parser.add_argument('--points', dest='points', required=True, type=int, help='the number of points')
parser.add_argument('--circles', dest='circles', required=True, type=int, help='the number of circles')
args = parser.parse_args()
print("Using {0} points and {1} circles.".format(
print("Creating {0} configurations.".format(choose(args.points, 4)))
allConfigurations = tuple(orderedTuples(args.points, 4))
samples = queue.Queue()
num_workers = (os.cpu_count() or 2) - 1
print("Using {0} workers.".format(num_workers))
with concurrent.futures.ProcessPoolExecutor(max_workers=num_workers) as executor:
futures = []
print("Submitting tasks...")
futures = [
executor.submit(runSample, allConfigurations, args.circles, args.verbose)
for _s in range(args.samples)
# Collect results as threads complete
print("Collecting tasks...")
k = 0
for future in concurrent.futures.as_completed(futures):
print("Sampling {0}/{1} ...".format(k, args.samples), end='\r', flush=True)
k += 1
except KeyboardInterrupt:
# Handle Ctrl-C and shutdown the pool
print("You pressed Ctrl-C, terminating all processes...")
for future in futures: future.cancel()
# Now update the histogram with all collected results
hist : Dict[int, Tuple[int, int]] = dict() # histogram of results
while not samples.empty():
outputSize, steps = samples.get()
freq, stepsSum = hist.get(outputSize, (0,0))
hist[outputSize] = (freq + 1, stepsSum + steps)
print('Distribution of output sizes and average closure iterations:')
for (outputSize, (freq, stepsSize )) in sorted(hist.items()):
print("{0} (frequency = {1}, steps = {2:0.2f})".format(
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