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Created March 23, 2017 16:02
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Elasticsearch Output for SmartThings Events
* Elasticsearch Event Publisher
* Copyright 2017 Andrew Kroh
import java.text.DateFormat;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
name: "Elasticsearch Event Publisher",
namespace: "com.andrewkroh",
author: "Andrew Kroh",
description: "Publishes event to Elasticsearch.",
category: "My Apps",
iconUrl: "",
iconX2Url: "",
iconX3Url: ""
) {
appSetting "ES_USER"
appSetting "ES_PASS"
appSetting "ES_URL"
def capabilities() {
return [
accelerationSensor: [
name: 'Acceleration Sensor',
attributes: ['acceleration'],
actuator: [
name: 'Actuator',
attributes: [],
alarm: [
name: 'Alarm',
attributes: ['alarm'],
battery: [
name: 'Battery',
attributes: ['battery'],
beacon: [
name: 'Beacon',
attributes: ['presence'],
button: [
name: 'Button',
attributes: ['button'],
carbonDioxideMeasurement: [
name: 'Carbon Dioxide Measurement',
attributes: ['carbonDioxide'],
carbonMonoxideDetector: [
name: 'Carbon Monoxide Detector',
attributes: ['carbonMonoxide'],
colorControl: [
name: 'Color Control',
attributes: ['hue', 'saturation', 'color'],
colorTemperature: [
name: 'Color Temperature',
attributes: ['colorTemperature'],
configuration: [
name: 'Configuration',
attributes: [],
consumable: [
name: 'Consumable',
attributes: ['consumable'],
contactSensor: [
name: 'Contact Sensor',
attributes: ['contact'],
doorControl: [
name: 'Door Control',
attributes: ['door'],
energyMeter: [
name: 'Energy Meter',
attributes: ['energy'],
garageDoorControl: [
name: 'Garage Door Control',
attributes: ['door'],
illuminanceMeasurement: [
name: 'Illuminance Measurement',
attributes: ['illuminance'],
imageCapture: [
name: 'Image Capture',
attributes: ['image'],
lock: [
name: 'Lock',
attributes: ['lock'],
mediaController: [
name: 'Media Controller',
attributes: ['activities', 'currentActivity'],
momentary: [
name: 'Momentary',
attributes: [],
motionSensor: [
name: 'Motion Sensor',
attributes: ['motion'],
musicPlayer: [
name: 'Music Player',
attributes: ['status', 'level', 'trackDescription', 'trackData', 'mute'],
notification: [
name: 'Notification',
attributes: [],
pHMeasurement: [
name: 'pH Measurement',
attributes: ['pH'],
polling: [
name: 'Polling',
attributes: [],
powerMeter: [
name: 'Power Meter',
attributes: ['power'],
presenceSensor: [
name: 'Presence Sensor',
attributes: ['presence'],
refresh: [
name: 'Refresh',
attributes: [],
relativeHumidityMeasurement: [
name: 'Relative Humidity Measurement',
attributes: ['humidity'],
relaySwitch: [
name: 'Relay Switch',
attributes: ['switch'],
sensor: [
name: 'Sensor',
attributes: [],
shockSensor: [
name: 'Shock Sensor',
attributes: ['shock'],
signalStrength: [
name: 'Signal Strength',
attributes: ['lqi', 'rssi'],
sleepSensor: [
name: 'Sleep Sensor',
attributes: ['sleeping'],
smokeDetector: [
name: 'Smoke Detector',
attributes: ['smoke'],
soundSensor: [
name: 'Sound Sensor',
attributes: ['sound'],
speechSynthesis: [
name: 'Speech Synthesis',
attributes: [],
stepSensor: [
name: 'Step Sensor',
attributes: ['steps', 'goal'],
switch: [
name: 'Switch',
attributes: ['switch'],
switchLevel: [
name: 'Switch Level',
attributes: ['level'],
soundPressureLevel: [
name: 'Sound Pressure Level',
attributes: ['soundPressureLevel'],
tamperAlert: [
name: 'Tamper Alert',
attributes: ['tamper'],
temperatureMeasurement: [
name: 'Temperature Measurement',
attributes: ['temperature'],
thermostat: [
name: 'Thermostat',
attributes: ['temperature', 'heatingSetpoint', 'coolingSetpoint', 'thermostatSetpoint', 'thermostatMode', 'thermostatFanMode', 'thermostatOperatingState'],
thermostatCoolingSetpoint: [
name: 'Thermostat Cooling Setpoint',
attributes: ['coolingSetpoint'],
thermostatFanMode: [
name: 'Thermostat Fan Mode',
attributes: ['thermostatFanMode'],
thermostatHeatingSetpoint: [
name: 'Thermostat Heating Setpoint',
attributes: ['heatingSetpoint'],
thermostatMode: [
name: 'Thermostat Mode',
attributes: ['thermostatMode'],
thermostatOperatingState: [
name: 'Thermostat Operating State',
attributes: ['thermostatOperatingState'],
thermostatSetpoint: [
name: 'Thermostat Setpoint',
attributes: ['thermostatSetpoint'],
threeAxis: [
name: 'Three Axis',
attributes: ['threeAxis'],
timedSession: [
name: 'Timed Session',
attributes: ['sessionStatus', 'timeRemaining'],
tone: [
name: 'Tone',
attributes: [],
touchSensor: [
name: 'Touch Sensor',
attributes: ['touch'],
valve: [
name: 'Valve',
attributes: ['contact'],
voltageMeasurement: [
name: 'Voltage Measurement',
attributes: ['voltage'],
waterSensor: [
name: 'Water Sensor',
attributes: ['water'],
windowShade: [
name: 'Window Shade',
attributes: ['windowShade'],
preferences {
section("Choose one or more, when..."){
capabilities().each{ capability, data ->
input capability, "capability.${capability}", title: data['name'], required: false, multiple:true
def installed() {
log.debug "Installed with settings: ${settings}"
def updated() {
log.debug "Updated with settings: ${settings}"
def subscribeToEvents() {
capabilities().each{ capability, data ->
def attributes = data['attributes']
attributes.each{ attribute ->
log.trace "Subscribing to capability=${capability} attribute: ${attribute}"
subscribe(settings[capability], attribute, eventHandler)
def toJson(data) {
return new groovy.json.JsonBuilder(data)
def eventToMap(evt) {
// These fields are not safe to call unconditionally. They can cause
// exceptions.
//doubleValue: evt.doubleValue
//floatValue: evt.floatValue
//integerValue: evt.integerValue
//isoDate: evt.isoDate
//jsonValue: evt.jsonValue
//location: evt.location
//dateValue: evt.dateValue
//longValue: evt.longValue
//numberValue: evt.numberValue
//numericValue: evt.numericValue
//stringValue: evt.stringValue
//xyzValue: evt.xyzValue
// This field is usually null.
//installedSmartAppId: evt.installedSmartAppId,
// This field causes a StackOverflow because it of circular
// references.
//device: evt.device
def out = [
description: evt.description,
descriptionText: evt.descriptionText,
displayName: evt.displayName,
deviceId: evt.deviceId,
hubId: evt.hubId,
isDigital: evt.isDigital(),
isPhysical: evt.isPhysical(),
isStateChange: evt.isStateChange(),
linkText: evt.linkText,
locationId: evt.locationId,
source: evt.source,
unit: evt.unit,
"@timestamp": timestamp(,
value: evt.value,
if (out['floatValue'] == null) {
try {
out['floatValue'] = evt.doubleValue
} catch (e) {
// Ignore
if (out['floatValue'] == null) {
try {
out['floatValue'] = evt.floatValue
} catch (e) {
// Ignore
if (out['floatValue'] == null) {
try {
out['floatValue'] = evt.numberValue
} catch (e) {
// Ignore
log.trace "numberValue " + e
if (out['floatValue'] == null) {
try {
out['floatValue'] = evt.numericValue
} catch (e) {
// Ignore
if (out['longValue'] == null) {
try {
out['longValue'] = evt.integerValue
} catch (e) {
// Ignore
if (out['longValue'] == null) {
try {
out['longValue'] = evt.longValue
} catch (e) {
// Ignore
return out
def eventHandler(evt) {
try {
def eventMap = eventToMap(evt)
def credsBase64 = "${appSettings.ES_USER}:${appSettings.ES_PASS}".bytes.encodeBase64()
def basicAuthHeader = "Basic ${credsBase64}"
def params = [
uri: "${appSettings.ES_URL}/smartthings/event",
headers: ['Authorization' : basicAuthHeader],
body: eventMap,
log.trace "Request parameters: ${params}"
httpPostJson(params) { resp ->
log.debug "Response status:${resp.status} contentType:${resp.contentType} data:${}"
} catch (Throwable t) {
log.error "Exception while processing event ${evt.value}: ${t}"
String timestamp(Date d) {
Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
DateFormat dfm = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'");
String timestamp = dfm.format(d);
return timestamp;
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