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Created February 12, 2019 09:05
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Stop members from renewing their current membership level [Paid Memberships Pro].
* Stop members from renewing their current membership level.
* Add this code to your PMPro Customizations Plugin -
function stop_members_from_renewing( $okay ) {
// If something else isn't okay, stop from running this code further.
if ( ! $okay ) {
return $okay;
// If the user doesn't have a membership level carry on with checkout.
if ( ! pmpro_hasMembershipLevel() ) {
return $okay;
// Check if the user's current membership level is the same for checking out.
if ( pmpro_hasMembershipLevel( '2' ) && $_REQUEST['level'] == '2' ) { // Change level ID to a different level.
$okay = false;
pmpro_setMessage( 'This is your current membership level. Please select a different membership level.', 'pmpro_error' );
return $okay;
add_filter( 'pmpro_registration_checks', 'stop_members_from_renewing', 10, 1 );
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