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Created March 10, 2017 11:45
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hardcaml-waveterm simple waveform configuration
#require "ppx_deriving_hardcaml,hardcaml-waveterm";;
open HardCaml
open Signal.Comb
module I = struct
type 'a t = {
arg_a : 'a[@bits 2];
arg_b : 'a[@bits 2];
}[@@deriving hardcaml]
module O = struct
type 'a t = {
xorer : 'a[@bits 1];
ander : 'a[@bits 1];
adder : 'a[@bits 2];
}[@@deriving hardcaml]
let testcircuit i =
let open I in
O.xorer = lsb i.arg_a ^: lsb i.arg_b;
O.ander = lsb i.arg_a &: lsb i.arg_b;
O.adder = i.arg_a +: i.arg_b;
(* standard set of modules needed for simulation with waveterm *)
module B = Bits.Comb.IntbitsList
module S = Cyclesim.Api
module W = HardCamlWaveTerm.Wave.Make(HardCamlWaveTerm.Wave.Bits(B))
module Ws = HardCamlWaveTerm.Sim.Make(B)(W)
module Widget = HardCamlWaveTerm.Widget.Make(B)(W)
(* short cut for quickly building the simulator *)
module G = Interface.Gen(B)(I)(O)
let testbench ?cfg () =
(* build the simulator *)
let circ, sim, i, o, n = G.make "mytest" testcircuit in
(* record waveform data *)
let sim, waves = Ws.wrap ?cfg sim in
(* simulate *)
let open I in
for x=0 to 3 do
for y=0 to 3 do
i.arg_a := B.consti 2 x;
i.arg_b := B.consti 2 y;
S.cycle sim;
(* show the waveform *) ( W.({ cfg=default; waves}))
(* show the waveform. hardcaml will display signals in lexicographic order *)
let () = testbench ()
(* control the order of signal explictly; match the interface definition order *)
let () = testbench
"arg_a", W.B;
"arg_b", W.B;
"xorer", W.B;
"ander", W.B;
"adder", W.B;
] ()
(* as the previous test, but derive order automagically *)
let () = testbench
I.(to_list @@ map (fun (n,_) -> n,W.B) t) @
O.(to_list @@ map (fun (n,_) -> n,W.B) t)
) ()
(* ++++ A GOOD DEFALT ++++
derive IO signal automatically and display 1 bit signals as lines,
and multibit signals in hex *)
let fmt (n,b) = n, if b = 1 then W.B else W.H
let () = testbench
I.(to_list @@ map fmt t) @
O.(to_list @@ map fmt t)
) ()
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