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Andrey Popp andreypopp

Working from home
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diff --git a/nextjs-api/types.ts b/nextjs-api/types.ts
index c7a7b7b..bff8e10 100644
--- a/nextjs-api/types.ts
+++ b/nextjs-api/types.ts
@@ -28,29 +28,21 @@ export interface MakeEndpointConstruct<C, R, U, D> {
// TODO: How to make optional types work with generics?!
export interface EndpointConstructClient<C, R, U, D, URLParams> {
// FIXME - this is not working
- post?: C extends undefined
- ? undefined
type CmdArgsResult<C> = C extends Cmd<[], null, infer _O, infer _C>
? []
: C extends Cmd<infer A, null, infer _O, infer _C>
? [...{ [K in keyof A]: ArgResult<A[K]> }]
: C extends Cmd<[], infer RA, infer _O, infer _C>
? WithArgRestResult<[], RA>
: C extends Cmd<infer A, infer RA, infer _O, infer _C>
? WithArgRestResult<[...{ [K in keyof A]: ArgResult<A[K]> }], RA>
: never;
let collect state acc buf =
let should_collect =
match state with
| `empty -> true
| `start | `non_empty -> Buffer.length buf > 0
if should_collect
then (


  • Suggestion: get rid of unused code

    I suggest to turn on noUnusedParameters and noUnusedLocals, then cleanup all the instances.

  • Suggestion: get rid of any, as

Need to review usages of any and EXPR as TYPE. The latter in most cases

path = []
dirs = set()
size = {}
lines = [line.strip() for line in open("./")]
while lines:
line = lines.pop(0)
if line == "$ cd /": line = "$ cd C:"
if line == "$ cd ..":
elif line.startswith("$ cd "):
<!DOCTYPE html>
window.ASAPConfig = {"basePath":""};
window.ASAPBootConfig = {"basePath":"","initialPath":"/hello/message","js":"/__static/__main__-524CBTGD.js","css":"/__static/__main__-M2L2B7QS.css"};
<script type="module" src="/__static/__main__-524CBTGD.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/__static/__main__-M2L2B7QS.css"/>
export declare class TreeCursor implements SyntaxNodeRef {
type: NodeType;
get name(): string;
from: number;
to: number;
private stack;
private bufferNode;
private yieldNode;
private yieldBuf;
private yield;
diff --git a/makefile b/makefile
index bf26179..6f02914 100644
--- a/makefile
+++ b/makefile
@@ -87,8 +87,13 @@ else
ifeq ($(i_FFI),2)
+ifeq ($(shell command -v pkg-config 2>&1 > /dev/null && pkg-config --exists libffi && echo $$?),0)
+ i_LD_LIBS += $(shell pkg-config --libs libffi)
module Ink
mutable struct Thunk
function NBG_CURRENCY(currency, date) {
let [m, d, y] = [date.getMonth(), date.getDate(), date.getFullYear()];
let dates = `${y}-${m+1}-${d}`
let url = `${currency}&date=${dates}`;
let resp = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url);
return JSON.parse(resp.getContentText())[0].currencies[0].rate;