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Nick Andrievsky andrievsky

  • Munich, Germany
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andrievsky /
Last active January 15, 2016 08:12
Extra task. Sort arrays
Extra task. Write method that takes two sorted arrays of integers (can be of any range, numbers can
repeat, sizes of arrays can be different) and returns array of n + m length which is sorted in the same
order. Do not use any type of built-in sorting.
function sort(array1:Array, array2:Array):Array{
if(array1.length === 0) return array2;
if(array2.length === 0) return array1;
var compare:Function = (array1[0] < array1[array1.length - 1] || array2[0] < array2[array1.length - 1] ) ? isSmaller : isBigger;
import timeit
COUNT = 1000
for i in range(COUNT):
CITIES.append("city_" + str(i))
def testWithoutTuples(cities):
res = 0
andrievsky / AssetUri.cs
Last active February 12, 2019 10:08
Serialize asset string uri instead of Unity reference to decouple assets from each other and improve loading performance.
using System;
using UnityEngine;
using Object = UnityEngine.Object;
using UnityEditor;
* Usage
#dhclient -r wlp7s0
#dhclient wlp7s0
ADAPTER_ID=$(ifconfig | grep -o "\w*wl\w*")
if [ -z "$ADAPTER_ID" ]
echo "No wl* adapters found"