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Created August 18, 2018 11:50
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// responsible for handling mouse and setting global states
vec4 data = vec4(0); // data (fragment color) to write
ivec2 fc; // current fragment coords
// how quick to blend to target state
const float TARGET_LERP_RATE = 0.08;
// store a value in the current row (fc.y)
void store(int dst_col, vec4 dst_value) {
if (fc.x == dst_col) { data = dst_value; }
// do these settings represent a valid triangle?
bool valid_pqr(vec3 pqr) {
float s = 1./pqr.x + 1./pqr.y + 1./pqr.z;
return s > 1. && s < 1.3;
// helper function for below
void update_snap(inout float dmin,
inout int imin,
in int i,
in vec3 q,
in vec3 p) {
float d = length(p-q);
if (d < dmin) {
dmin = d;
imin = i;
// given a position q on the sphere, see if it "snaps" to one of
// three triangle vertices or four "special points"
int tri_snap(in vec3 q) {
float dmin = 1e5;
int imin = -1;
float ds = 1e5;
for (int i=0; i<3; ++i) {
update_snap(dmin, imin, i, q, tri_verts[i]);
update_snap(dmin, imin, i+3, q, tri_spoints[i]);
ds = min(ds, length(tri_spoints[i] - tri_spoints[3]));
update_snap(dmin, imin, 6, q, tri_spoints[3]);
if (dmin < max(0.5*ds, 0.125)) {
return imin;
} else {
return -1;
// helper function for below
void update_closest(inout vec4 pd, in vec3 pi, in vec3 q) {
float di = length(pi-q);
if (di < pd.w) { = pi;
pd.w = di;
// if q is in the triangle, return q; otherwise return closest point
// in triangle to q
vec3 tri_closest(vec3 q) {
if (min(dot(q, tri_edges[0]),
min(dot(q, tri_edges[1]), dot(q, tri_edges[2]))) > 0.) {
return q;
} else {
vec4 pd = vec4(1e5);
for (int i=0; i<3; ++i) {
update_closest(pd, tri_verts[i], q);
int j = (i+1)%3;
int k = 3-i-j;
vec3 Tji = tri_verts[j] - tri_verts[i];
float u = clamp(dot(q - tri_verts[i], Tji) / dot(Tji, Tji), 0., 1.);
vec3 p = normalize(tri_verts[i] + u*Tji);
update_closest(pd, p, q);
// handle clicking in bottom right inset depicting sphere
void gui_vertex_update() {
if (fc.x != BARY_COL && fc.x != SPSEL_COL) { return; }
if (length( - inset_ctr)*inset_scl > 1.) {
} else {
vec3 q = sphere_from_gui(iMouse.xy);
vec4 spsel;
int s = tri_snap(q);
if (abs( == iMouse.xy && s >= 0) {
if (s < 3) {
if (fc.x == BARY_COL) { = bary_from_sphere( tri_verts[s] );
} else {
data = vec4(0);
} else {
if (fc.x == BARY_COL) { = bary_from_sphere( tri_spoints[s-3] );
} else {
data = vec4(0);
data[s-3] = 1.;
} else {
if (fc.x == BARY_COL) { = bary_from_sphere( tri_closest(q) );
} else {
data = vec4(0);
// handle clicking triangle spin boxes
void gui_pqr_update() {
if (fc.x != PQR_COL) { return; }
for (int i=0; i<3; ++i) {
int j = (i+1)%3;
int k = 3-i-j;
for (float delta=-1.; delta <= 1.; delta += 2.) {
bool enabled = (delta < 0.) ? data[i] > 2. : data[i] < 5.;
if (!enabled) { continue; }
float d = box_dist(iMouse.xy, tri_ui_box(i, delta));
if (d > 0.) { continue; }
data[i] += delta;
int iopp = delta*data[j] > delta*data[k] ? j : k;
for (int cnt=0; cnt<5; ++cnt) {
if (valid_pqr( { continue; }
data[iopp] -= delta;
// handle polyhedron rotation (time based or mouse based)
void gui_theta_update() {
if (fc.x != THETA_COL) { return; }
if (iMouse.z > 2.*inset_ctr.x && iMouse.w > 0.) {
// mouse down somewhere in the pane but not in GUI panel
if ( length( - object_ctr) < 0.45 * iResolution.y) {
// down somewhere near object
vec2 disp = (iMouse.xy - object_ctr) * 0.01; = vec3(-disp.y, disp.x, 1);
} else {
// down far from object
data.z = 0.;
if (data.z == 0.) {
float t = iTime;
data.x = t * 2.*PI/6.;
data.y = t * 2.*PI/18.;
// handle clicking on distance function selectors
void gui_dfunc_update() {
if (!(fc.x == DFUNC0_COL || fc.x == DFUNC1_COL)) { return; }
bool is_linked = (load(MISC_COL, TARGET_ROW).x != 0.);
for (int row=0; row<2; ++row) {
int col_for_row = (row == 0 ? DFUNC0_COL : DFUNC1_COL);
for (int i=0; i<5; ++i) {
bool update = ( (is_linked && fc.x == DFUNC1_COL) ||
(!is_linked && fc.x == col_for_row) );
if (update) {
if (box_dist(iMouse.xy, dfunc_ui_box(i, row)) < 0.) {
data = vec4(0);
if (i > 0) { data[i-1] = 1.; }
// handle clicking on chain link icon or color selectors
void gui_misc_update() {
if (fc.x != MISC_COL) { return; }
if (box_dist(iMouse.xy, link_ui_box()) < 0.) {
data.x = 1. - data.x;
for (int i=0; i<2; ++i) {
if (box_dist(iMouse.xy, color_ui_box(i)) < 0.) {
data.y = float(i);
// handle clicking on decoration icons
void gui_decor_update() {
if (fc.x != DECOR_COL) { return; }
for (int i=0; i<4; ++i) {
if (box_dist(iMouse.xy, decor_ui_box(i)) < 0.) {
data[i] = 1. - data[i];
// main "rendering" function
void mainImage( out vec4 fragColor, in vec2 fragCoord ) {
fc = ivec2(fragCoord);
data = texelFetch(iChannel0, fc, 0);
vec4 pqrx = load(PQR_COL, TARGET_ROW);
float gui = 1.0 - texelFetch(iChannel1, ivec2(32, 2), 0).x;
if (iFrame == 0) {
// on first frame, store in default values
store(PQR_COL, vec4(5, 3, 2, iTime));
store(THETA_COL, vec4(0, 0, 0, 1));
store(BARY_COL, vec4(0, 0, 0, 0));
store(SPSEL_COL, vec4(0, 0, 0, 1));
store(DFUNC1_COL, vec4(0, 1, 0, 0));
store(DFUNC0_COL, vec4(0, 0, 0, 1));
store(DECOR_COL, vec4(1));
store(MISC_COL, vec4(0, 0, gui, 1));
} else if (fc.y == TARGET_ROW) {
// target values are set by UI
setup_gui(iResolution.xy, gui);
float cur_mouse_state = min(iMouse.z, iMouse.w) > 0. ? 1. : -1.;
bool click = (cur_mouse_state == 1. && pqrx.w <= 0.);
if (fc.x == PQR_COL) {
data.w = cur_mouse_state * iTime;
if (fc.x == MISC_COL) {
data.z = gui;
float current_gui = load(MISC_COL, CURRENT_ROW).z;
if (current_gui > 0.95) {
if (click) {
} else {
vec4 cpqrx = load(PQR_COL, CURRENT_ROW);
float dt = iTime - cpqrx.w;
// current values are set by lerping towards target
vec4 target = load(fc.x, TARGET_ROW);
if (dt == 0.) {
data = target;
} else {
data = mix(data, target, TARGET_LERP_RATE);
if (fc.x == PQR_COL) {
data.w = abs(pqrx.w);
fragColor = data;
// distance marches and shades the polyhedron
const int rayiter = 8;
vec3 L = normalize(vec3(-0.7, 1.0, -1.0));
const float dmin = 2.0;
const float dmax = 5.0;
vec4 distance_function;
float shade_per_face;
float bg_value;
vec4 decorations;
// data structure for polyhedron distance queries
struct query_t {
int vidx; // index of triangle vertex
int eidx; // index of triangle edge
float fdist_vertex; // 3D distance to closest vertex
float fdist_edge; // 3D distance to closest edge/vertex
float fdist_face; // 3D distance to closest face/edge/vertex
float pdist_tri; // distance to triangle cutting plane
float pdist_poly_edge; // SIGNED distance to polyhedron edge cutting plane (pass thru ctr)
float pdist_poly_perp; // perpendicular distance to polyhedron edge (parallel to face)
float pdist_bisector; // distance to polyhedron edge bisector cutting plane
mat3 M; // 3D flip to move point inside spherical triangle
// wythoff construction - the workhorse of the distance estimator.
void construct(in vec3 pos, out query_t Q) {
// flip point to land within spherical triangle
Q.M = tile_sphere(pos);
// position relative to vertex
vec3 rel_pos = pos - poly_vertex;
// initialize data structure members that get updated
// as the loop progresses
Q.fdist_vertex = length(rel_pos);
Q.fdist_edge = Q.fdist_vertex;
Q.pdist_tri = 1e5;
// for each potential face edge (perpendicular to each tri. edge)
for (int eidx=0; eidx<3; ++eidx) {
vec3 tri_edge = tri_edges[eidx];
// update distance to triangle
Q.pdist_tri = min(Q.pdist_tri, dot(pos, tri_edge));
// signed distance of polyhedron vertex poly_vertex from edge plane
float V_tri_dist = dot(poly_vertex, tri_edge);
// polyhedron edge cut plane (passes thru origin and V, perpendicular
// to triangle edge)
vec3 poly_edge = poly_edges[eidx];
// signed distance from point to face edge
float poly_edge_dist = dot(pos, poly_edge);
// triangle vertex on the same side of face edge as point
int vidx = (eidx + (poly_edge_dist > 0. ? 2 : 1)) % 3;
// see which side of the vertex we are on
float rel_tri_dist = dot(rel_pos, tri_edge);
// update distance to edge
Q.fdist_edge = min(Q.fdist_edge, length(rel_pos - min(rel_tri_dist, 0.) * tri_edge));
// construct at the other polyhedron edge associated with the given
// triangle vertex
vec3 other_poly_edge = poly_edges[3-eidx-vidx];
// construct the plane that bisects the two polyhedron edges
vec3 bisector = cross(poly_vertex, poly_edge - other_poly_edge);
float bisector_dist = dot(pos, bisector);
if (bisector_dist > 0.) {
// if we are on the correct side of the associated
// bisector, than we have found the closest triangle
// edge & vertex.
Q.pdist_bisector = bisector_dist;
Q.pdist_poly_edge = poly_edge_dist;
Q.eidx = eidx;
Q.vidx = vidx;
// computing the perpendicular distance away from
// the polyhedron edges was a bit hairy. there
// was probably a better way to do this.
// initialize to zero
Q.pdist_poly_perp = 1e5;
// for each triangle vertex
for (int vidx=0; vidx<3; ++vidx) {
if (!is_face_normal[vidx]) { continue; }
vec3 tri_vertex = tri_verts[vidx];
// midpoint of polyhedron face
vec3 P = tri_vertex * dot(poly_vertex, tri_vertex);
// initial big negative perpendicular distance
float pp = -1e5;
// for each triangle edge associated with the vertex
for (int j=0; j<2; ++j) {
int eidx = (vidx+j+1)%3;
// constructed same as big for loop above
vec3 tri_edge = tri_edges[eidx];
// midpoint of polyhedron edge
vec3 F = poly_vertex - dot(poly_vertex, tri_edge)*tri_edge;
// mix in signed distance perpendicular to edge
pp = max(pp, dot(rel_pos, normalize(F - P)));
Q.pdist_poly_perp = min(Q.pdist_poly_perp, pp);
if (Q.pdist_poly_perp < 0.) {
// only use true distance to face if we are "above" it
Q.fdist_face = dot(rel_pos, tri_verts[Q.vidx]);
} else {
// otherwise just use distance to edge
Q.fdist_face = Q.fdist_edge;
// distance estimator weighs a linear combination of different
// distance functions
vec2 map(in vec3 pos) {
query_t Q;
construct(pos, Q);
mat4x2 tm;
// distance to sphere
vec2 sphere = vec2(length(pos)-1., 2);
// distance to polyhedron
tm[0] = vec2(Q.fdist_face, 2);
// distance to ball-and-stick web (cylinders/spheres)
vec2 dv = vec2(Q.fdist_vertex-0.07, 0);
vec2 de = vec2(Q.fdist_edge-0.04, 1);
tm[1] = dv.x < de.x ? dv : de;
// distance to polyhedral net (faceted edges)
tm[2] = vec2(max(-(Q.pdist_poly_perp+0.08),
max(Q.fdist_face, -0.08-Q.fdist_face)), 1);
// distance to polyhedron dilated by sphere
tm[3] = vec2(Q.fdist_face-0.15, 2);
// sphere coefficient
float k = 1.0 - dot(distance_function, vec4(1));
// return final linear combination
return (k*sphere + tm * distance_function);
// IQ's normal calculation.
vec3 calcNormal( in vec3 pos ) {
vec3 eps = vec3( 0.01, 0.0, 0.0 );
vec3 nor = vec3(
map(pos+eps.xyy).x - map(pos-eps.xyy).x,
map(pos+eps.yxy).x - map(pos-eps.yxy).x,
map(pos+eps.yyx).x - map(pos-eps.yyx).x );
return normalize(nor);
// IQ's distance marcher.
vec2 castRay( in vec3 ro, in vec3 rd ) {
const float precis = 0.001;
float h=dmin;
float t = 0.0;
float m = -1.0;
for( int i=0; i<40; i++ ) {
if( abs(h)<precis||t>dmax ) continue;//break;
t += h;
vec2 res = map( ro+rd*t );
h = res.x;
m = res.y;
if (t > dmax) {
m = -1.0;
return vec2(t, m);
// coloring function for surface shading - input is position and
// material (0=vertex, 1=edge, 2=face)
vec3 poly_color(vec3 pos, float material) {
// do our distance query with the given point
query_t Q;
construct(pos, Q);
// this would be an odd failure but it happened
// sometimes during debugging
if (Q.vidx < 0) {return vec3(0.9); }
// "standard" blue/yellow/red vertex colors
const mat3 std_fcolors = mat3(vec3(0, 0, 1),
vec3(1, 1, 0),
vec3(1, 0, 0));
// for coloring with faces - gives a nice contrast to
// the bgcolors above
const mat3 std_ecolors = mat3(vec3(1, 0.5, 0),
vec3(0.5, 0, 1),
vec3(0, 0.5, 0));
const vec3 std_vert = vec3(0.1, 0.2, 0.5);
// start setting up some AA for face coloring
// Q.vidx is the index of the triangle vertex that forms
// the normal of this face
// Q.eidx is the index of the triangle edge perpendicular
// to the polyhedron edge
// now we want to find the index of the triangle vertex
// which lies *across* this polyhedron edge (this is for
// anti-aliasing using the "standard" color scheme
// start with other vertex on this triangle edge,
// and see if it is also on this polyhedron edge
int vidx2 = 3 - Q.vidx - Q.eidx;
vec3 opposite_tri_vertex = tri_verts[vidx2];
float opp_on_edge = abs(dot(opposite_tri_vertex, poly_edges[Q.eidx]));
// if so, then the same triangle vertex is used as normal
// for both faces (just in an adjacent triangle)
if (opp_on_edge < TOL) { vidx2 = Q.vidx; }
vec3 tri_vert2 = tri_verts[vidx2];
if (vidx2 == Q.vidx) {
tri_vert2 = reflect(tri_vert2, poly_edges[Q.eidx]);
// hacked scaling factor for antialiasing -- should probably
// be based on ray differentials, but in practice this works fine
float s = 2.5/iResolution.y;
// blend coefficient for blending between two different face colors
float u_face_aa = smoothstep(-0.5*s, 0.5*s, abs(Q.pdist_poly_edge));
// get antialiased standard face color and face normal
vec3 std_face_aa = mix(std_fcolors[vidx2], std_fcolors[Q.vidx], u_face_aa);
vec3 sph_face_aa = mix(tri_vert2, tri_verts[Q.vidx], u_face_aa);
// AA for edge coloring
// get blended edge color (probably a smarter way to antialias)
vec3 std_edge_aa = mix(std_ecolors*vec3(0.33333), std_ecolors[Q.eidx],
smoothstep(0., s, Q.pdist_bisector));
// midpoint of closest polygon edge
vec3 edge_midpoint = poly_vertex - dot(tri_edges[Q.eidx], poly_vertex)*tri_edges[Q.eidx];
// plane splitting face thru polyhedron vertex and face center
vec3 face_split = normalize(cross(tri_verts[Q.vidx], poly_vertex));
// same midpoint across splitline
vec3 opp_edge_midpoint = reflect(edge_midpoint, face_split);
// edges should blend together at polyhedron vertex
vec3 sph_edge_aa = mix(poly_vertex, edge_midpoint,
smoothstep(0., s, Q.pdist_bisector));
// edges should blend together near corners of face
sph_edge_aa = mix(opp_edge_midpoint, sph_edge_aa,
smoothstep(-0.5*s, 0.5*s, abs(dot(pos, Q.M*face_split))));
// now put it all together
// blend between standard and spherical shading
vec3 face = mix(std_face_aa, 0.5*(Q.M*sph_face_aa)+0.5, shade_per_face);
vec3 edge = mix(std_edge_aa, 0.5*(Q.M*sph_edge_aa)+0.5, shade_per_face);
vec3 vert = mix(std_vert, 0.25*(Q.M*poly_vertex)+0.75, shade_per_face);
// blend face, verts, edges with decorations
vec3 color = face;
// vertex and polyhedron edge decorations affect just face
float scaled_vertex_distance = length(pos - Q.M*poly_vertex*length(pos));
color *= mix(1.0, 0.0,
max(decorations.x*smoothstep(s, 0.0, scaled_vertex_distance-0.02),
decorations.y*smoothstep(s, 0.0, abs(Q.pdist_poly_edge)-.5*s)));
// edge colors
color = mix(color, edge, clamp(2. - material, 0.0, 1.0));
// parity & triangle edges affect face & edge
float parity = dot(Q.M[0], cross(Q.M[1], Q.M[2]));
color *= mix(1.0, 0.8, decorations.w*smoothstep(0.5*s, -0.5*s, parity*Q.pdist_tri));
color *= mix(1.0, 0.5, decorations.z*smoothstep(s, 0.0, abs(Q.pdist_tri)));
// vertex colors
color = mix(color, vert, clamp(1. - material, 0.0, 1.0));
return color;
// trace ray & determine fragment color
vec4 shade( in vec3 ro, in vec3 rd ){
vec2 tm = castRay(ro, rd);
vec3 c;
if (tm.y < 0.0) {
tm.x = dmax;
c = vec3(bg_value);
} else {
vec3 pos = ro + tm.x*rd;
vec3 n = calcNormal(pos);
vec3 color = poly_color(pos, tm.y);
vec3 diffamb = (0.9*clamp(dot(n,L), 0.0, 1.0)+0.1) * color;
vec3 p = normalize(pos);
vec3 refl = 2.0*n*dot(n,L)-L;
float spec = 0.4*pow(clamp(-dot(refl, rd), 0.0, 1.0), 20.0);
c = diffamb + spec;
c *= 0.4*dot(p, n) + 0.6;
return vec4(c, tm.x);
// generate polyhedron image finally
void mainImage( out vec4 fragColor, in vec2 fragCoord ) {
fragColor = vec4(1, 1, 1, dmax);
// load in settings from GUI manager
// load triangle shape & rotation from target row (set directly)
vec4 pqrx = load4(PQR_COL, TARGET_ROW);
vec4 theta = load4(THETA_COL, TARGET_ROW);
vec4 cpqrx = load4(PQR_COL, CURRENT_ROW);
float dt = iTime - cpqrx.w;
int active_row = CURRENT_ROW;
if (dt == 0.) {
active_row = TARGET_ROW;
// all other params change continuously
bary_poly_vertex = load3(BARY_COL, active_row);
spoint_selector = load4(SPSEL_COL, active_row);
vec4 misc = load4(MISC_COL, active_row);
vec4 df1 = load4(DFUNC1_COL, active_row);
vec4 df0 = mix(load4(DFUNC0_COL, active_row), df1, misc.x);
decorations = load4(DECOR_COL, active_row);
shade_per_face = misc.y;
bg_value = misc.w;
distance_function = mix(df0, df1, smoothstep(0.25, 0.75, fragCoord.y/iResolution.y));
setup_gui(iResolution.xy, misc.z);
// pretty normal raymarcher/renderer from here on out
// only twist is that emit ray distance along with
// color to final buffer in order to do AA along
// depth discontinuities
vec2 uv = (fragCoord.xy - object_ctr) * 0.8 / (iResolution.y);
const vec3 tgt = vec3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
const vec3 cpos = vec3(0.0, 0.0, 3.25);
const vec3 up = vec3(0, 1, 0);
vec3 rz = normalize(tgt - cpos),
rx = normalize(cross(rz,vec3(0,1.,0))),
ry = cross(rx,rz);
mat3 Rview = mat3(rx,ry,rz)*rotY(theta.y)*rotX(theta.x);
L = Rview*L;
vec3 rd = Rview*normalize(vec3(uv, 1.));
vec3 ro = tgt + Rview*vec3(0,0,-length(cpos-tgt));
fragColor = shade(ro, rd);
// mostly code for triangle setup and coordinate projection
// also gui placement
const float PI = 3.141592653589793;
const float TOL = 1e-5;
// define this to see some interesting visualization
// (and to speed up compile!)
// state storage
#define PQR_COL 0
#define THETA_COL 1
#define BARY_COL 2
#define SPSEL_COL 3
#define DFUNC0_COL 4
#define DFUNC1_COL 5
#define DECOR_COL 6
#define MISC_COL 7
// link, shade per face, GUI, debugbgcolor
#define TARGET_ROW 0
#define CURRENT_ROW 1
#define load(x,y) texelFetch(iChannel0, ivec2(x,y), 0)
#define load4(a,b) load(a,b)
#define load3(a,b) load(a,b).xyz
#define load2(a,b) load(a,b).xy
#define load1(a,b) load(a,b).x
// triangle layout (see setup_triangle below)
vec3 pqr;
mat3 tri_edges, tri_verts, poly_edges, ortho_proj, planar_proj;
mat4x3 tri_spoints;
bvec3 is_face_normal;
mat3x2 planar_verts;
mat2 bary_mat;
vec3 bary_poly_vertex;
vec4 spoint_selector = vec4(0);
vec3 poly_vertex;
// GUI layout (see setup_gui below)
float inset_scl;
vec2 inset_ctr;
vec2 object_ctr;
float text_size;
float dfunc_y;
// stereographic projection
vec2 planar_from_sphere(vec3 q) {
q = q * planar_proj;
return q.xy / q.z;
vec3 sphere_from_planar(vec2 p) {
return planar_proj * vec3(p, 1.);
// cartesian <-> barycentric
vec3 bary_from_planar(vec2 p) {
vec2 bxy = bary_mat * (p - planar_verts[2]);
return vec3(bxy, 1.-bxy.x-bxy.y);
vec2 planar_from_bary(vec3 b) {
return planar_verts * b;
// 3D <-> barycentric (via sterographic projection)
vec3 bary_from_sphere(vec3 q) {
return bary_from_planar(planar_from_sphere(q));
vec3 sphere_from_bary(vec3 b) {
return tri_verts * b;
// given polyhedron vertex coords as barycentric coords,
// compute where it should be on sphere (but first check)
// if it should be at a "special" point
void poly_from_bary() {
bool was_select = false;
for (int i=0; i<4; ++i) {
if (abs(spoint_selector[i] - 1.) < TOL) {
poly_vertex = tri_spoints[i];
bary_poly_vertex = bary_from_sphere(poly_vertex);
was_select = true;
if (!was_select) {
poly_vertex = normalize(sphere_from_bary(;
// map 2D position in lower right inset of gui to 3D sphere pos
vec3 sphere_from_gui(in vec2 p) {
p -= inset_ctr;
p *= inset_scl;
float dpp = dot(p, p);
if (dpp >= 1.) {
return vec3(p/sqrt(dpp), 0);
} else {
vec3 p3d = vec3(p, sqrt(1. - dot(p, p)));
return ortho_proj*p3d;
// given PQR and specification of polygon vertex, set up all of the
// static info we need to do Wythoff construction later
void setup_triangle(in vec3 new_pqr) {
pqr = new_pqr;
float p = pqr.x;
float q = pqr.y;
float r = pqr.z;
float tp = PI / p;
float tq = PI / q;
float tr = PI / r;
float cp = cos(tp), sp = sin(tp);
float cq = cos(tq);
float cr = cos(tr);
vec3 lr = vec3(1, 0, 0);
vec3 lq = vec3(-cp, sp, 0);
vec3 lp = vec3(-cq, -(cr + cp*cq)/sp, 0);
lp.z = sqrt(1.0 - dot(lp.xy, lp.xy));
tri_edges = mat3(lp, lq, lr);
vec3 P = normalize(cross(lr, lq));
vec3 R = normalize(cross(lq, lp));
vec3 Q = normalize(cross(lp, lr));
tri_verts = mat3(P, Q, R);
tri_spoints[0] = normalize(cross(lq - lr, lp));
tri_spoints[1] = normalize(cross(lr - lp, lq));
tri_spoints[2] = normalize(cross(lp - lq, lr));
tri_spoints[3] = normalize(cross(lp-lq, lr-lp));
ortho_proj[2] = tri_spoints[3];
ortho_proj[0] = -normalize(cross(ortho_proj[2], tri_edges[1]));
ortho_proj[1] = normalize(cross(ortho_proj[2], ortho_proj[0]));
planar_proj[2] = normalize(cross(R-P, Q-P));
planar_proj[0] = -normalize(cross(planar_proj[2], tri_edges[1]));
planar_proj[1] = normalize(cross(planar_proj[2], planar_proj[0]));
for (int i=0; i<3; ++i) {
planar_verts[i] = planar_from_sphere(tri_verts[i]);
bary_mat = inverse(mat2(planar_verts[0] - planar_verts[2],
planar_verts[1] - planar_verts[2]));
is_face_normal = bvec3(true);
for (int i=0; i<3; ++i) {
poly_edges[i] = normalize(cross(poly_vertex, tri_edges[i]));
for (int j=0; j<2; ++j) {
int vidx = (i+j+1)%3;
if (abs(dot(tri_verts[vidx], poly_edges[i])) < TOL) {
is_face_normal[vidx] = false;
// if point p lies opposite m, mirror it. return the transform that
// accomplishes this.
mat3 mirror(inout vec3 p, in vec3 m) {
float d = dot(p, m);
mat3 rval = mat3(1.) - (2. * step(d, 0.)) * outerProduct(m, m);
p = rval * p;
return rval;
// modify the vector m to halve the angle with respect to the y
// axis (assume that m.z == 0)
vec3 half_angle(in vec3 m) {
return normalize(vec3(m.x - 1.0, m.y, 0.0));
// use space folding to make sure pos lies in the triangular cone
// whose edge planes are given by tri_edges
// this function was largely determined by trial and error. possibly
// if I understood more about symmetry I would be able to get it
// a little simpler
mat3 tile_sphere(inout vec3 pos) {
mat3 M = mat3(1.);
// part 1: guarantee that the point lives inside
// the cluster of p triangles that share the vertex
// (0, 0, 1)
M *= mirror(pos, vec3(1, 0, 0));
vec3 m = tri_edges[0];
for (float i=0.; i<5.; ++i) {
// mirror
M *= mirror(pos, m);
m -= tri_edges[1] * 2.0 * dot(m, tri_edges[1]);
M *= mirror(pos, m);
m -= tri_edges[2] * 2.0 * dot(m, tri_edges[2]);
// part 2: fold in the XY plane to make sure the
// point lives in the triangular cone just to the
// right of the y axis
M *= mirror(pos, vec3(1, 0, 0));
float p = pqr.x;
float k = p >= 5.0 ? 4. : p >= 3.0 ? 2. : 1.;
float theta = k * PI / p;
m = vec3(-cos(theta), sin(theta), 0); // lq
if (p >= 5.0) {
M *= mirror(pos, m);
m = half_angle(m);
if (p >= 3.0) {
M *= mirror(pos, m);
m = half_angle(m);
M *= mirror(pos, m);
return M;
// rotate about x-axis
mat3 rotX(in float t) {
float cx = cos(t), sx = sin(t);
return mat3(1., 0, 0,
0, cx, sx,
0, -sx, cx);
// rotate about y-axis
mat3 rotY(in float t) {
float cy = cos(t), sy = sin(t);
return mat3(cy, 0, -sy,
0, 1., 0,
sy, 0, cy);
// GUI box placement functions
float box_dist(vec2 p, vec4 b) {
p = abs(p - b.xy) -;
return max(p.x, p.y);
vec4 char_ui_box(int idx) {
const vec2 digit_rad = vec2(0.35, 0.5);
return vec4(inset_ctr.x + (float(idx - 1))*text_size,
2.*inset_ctr.y + 1.15*text_size,
vec4 tri_ui_box(int idx, float delta) {
return vec4(char_ui_box(idx).xy + vec2(0, 0.9*delta*text_size),
0.4*text_size, 0.3*text_size);
vec4 dfunc_ui_box(int idx, int row) {
return vec4(inset_ctr.x + (float(idx - 2))*text_size,
dfunc_y - float(1-row)*text_size,
vec4 link_ui_box() {
return vec4(inset_ctr.x + 2.85*text_size,
dfunc_y - 0.5*text_size,
0.3*text_size, 0.5*text_size);
vec4 decor_ui_box(int idx) {
return vec4(inset_ctr.x + (float(idx)-1.5)*text_size*1.1,
dfunc_y - 2.5*text_size,
vec4 color_ui_box(int idx) {
return vec4(inset_ctr.x + (float(idx)-0.5)*text_size,
dfunc_y - 3.5*text_size,
// set up GUI positions
void setup_gui(vec2 res, float gui) {
//bool show_gui = gui > 0.99 && res.y > 250.;
if (res.y < 250.) { gui = 0.; }
float inset_sz = 0.20*res.y;
float margin_px = 6.0;
text_size = 0.06 * res.y;
inset_scl = 1.0 / inset_sz;
inset_sz += margin_px;
inset_ctr = vec2(mix(-inset_sz, inset_sz, gui), inset_sz);
object_ctr = vec2(0.5*res.x + gui*inset_sz, 0.5*res.y);
dfunc_y = res.y - text_size;
/* Wythoff explorer, by mattz
This is an update to my "Wythoff construction" shader:
I've learned a bit since I wrote that, and was able to add
a few new features I couldn't figure out last time:
- lots more distance functions besides sphere and
polyhedron! faceted or ball-and-stick nets, and
also polyhedron dilated by sphere
- user-modifiable polyhedron vertex within triangle
- lots of cool blending effects
As usual, I'm indebted to other users on shadertoy for
helpful/inspiring examples, especially:
- Polyhedron again (knighty)
- 2D Folding (gaz)
These links were helpful when creating this shader:
If you want to browse the code: this main buffer only does AA
and GUI rendering. Buffer A handles mouse interaction and
global state updates, and Buffer B handles distance marching
and shading the actual polyhedron.
I'm pretty sure this is the largest shader I've posted on
Shadertoy -- apologies for the long compile times!
// point-line distance
float dline(vec2 p, vec2 a, vec2 b) {
vec2 ba = b-a;
vec2 n = normalize(vec2(-ba.y, ba.x));
return dot(p, n) - dot(a, n);
// point-line and point-segment distance
vec2 dline_seg(vec2 p, vec2 a, vec2 b) {
vec2 ba = b-a;
vec2 n = normalize(vec2(-ba.y, ba.x));
vec2 pa = p-a;
float u = clamp(dot(pa, ba)/dot(ba, ba), 0., 1.);
return vec2(dot(a, n) - dot(p, n), length(p-mix(a,b,u)));
// distance to character in SDF font texture
float font2d_dist(vec2 tpos, float size, vec2 offset) {
float scl = 0.63/size;
vec2 uv = tpos*scl;
vec2 font_uv = (uv+offset+0.5)*(1.0/16.0);
float k = texture(iChannel2, font_uv, -100.0).w + 1e-6;
vec2 box = abs(uv)-0.5;
return max(k-127.0/255.0, max(box.x, box.y))/scl;
// distance to triangle for spin box
float spin_icon_dist(vec2 pos, float size, bool flip, bool dim) {
if (flip) { pos.y = -pos.y; }
pos.x = abs(pos.x);
vec2 p0 = vec2(0, -0.7)*text_size;
vec2 p1 = vec2(0.35, -0.7)*text_size;
vec2 p2 = vec2(0.0, -1.1)*text_size;
float d = max(dline(pos, p0, p1), dline(pos, p1, p2));
if (dim) {
d = abs(d + 0.02*text_size) - 0.02*text_size;
return d;
// distance to icon for distance function
float dfunc_icon_dist(vec2 p, float sz, int style) {
if (style == 0) {
return length(p) - sz;
} else if (style == 5 || style == 6) {
p.y = abs(p.y);
vec2 vp = p*vec2(1, 0.9);
float d = abs(length((vp - vec2(0, 0.6*sz))) - 0.5*sz) - 0.06*sz;
float q = length(p - vec2(0, min(p.y, 0.4*sz)))-0.06*sz;
float r = box_dist(p, vec4(0, 0, 0.35, 0.7)*sz);
if (style == 6) {
q = min(q, box_dist(p, vec4(0, 2.0, 0.06, 0.46)*sz));
q = min(q, box_dist(p, vec4(-0.5, 2.4, 0.56, 0.06)*sz));
return min(q, max(d, -r));
p += vec2(0, 0.15*sz);
sz *= 0.9;
const float k = 0.8660254037844387;
p.x = abs(p.x);
vec2 m0 = vec2(0, sz);
vec2 m1 = vec2(k*sz, -0.5*sz);
vec2 m2 = vec2(0, -0.5*sz);
vec2 d_ls = min(dline_seg(p, m0, m1),
dline_seg(p, m1, m2));
float d_point = min(length(p - m0), length(p - m1));
if (style == 1) {
return -d_ls.x - 0.5;
} else if (style == 2) {
return min(d_point - 0.25*sz, abs(d_ls.y)-0.08*sz);
} else if (style == 3) {
return abs(d_ls.x)-0.15*sz;
} else {
return min(min(d_ls.y, d_point) - 0.35*sz, -d_ls.x);
// distance to icon for decorations
float decor_icon_dist(vec2 p, float sz, int style) {
float s = sign(p.x*p.y);
p = abs(p);
vec2 a = vec2(0, sz);
vec2 b = vec2(sz, 0);
float l = dline(p, a, b);
float c = length( p - (p.x > p.y ? b : a)*0.8 );
if (style == 0) {
return c - 0.2*sz;
} else if (style == 1) {
return abs(l + 0.04*sz) - 0.08*sz;
} else if (style == 2) {
return min(abs(l), max(min(p.x, p.y), l)) - 0.03*sz;
} else {
return min(max(min(s*p.x, s*p.y), l), abs(l)-0.03*sz);
// draw color icon (RGB or facet-shaded selectors)
void draw_color_icon(vec2 p, float sz, int i, bool enable, inout vec3 color) {
const float k = 0.8660254037844387;
mat2 R = mat2(-0.5, k, -k, -0.5);
vec2 p1 = vec2(k*sz, 0);
vec2 p2 = vec2(0, 0.5*sz);
mat3 colors;
if (i == 0) {
colors = mat3(vec3(1, 0, 0),
vec3(1, 1, 0),
vec3(0, 0, 1));
} else {
colors = mat3(vec3(0.6, 0, 0.6),
vec3(0.7, 0.4, 0.7),
vec3(0.1, 0.5, 0.5));
float ue = enable ? 1. : 0.3;
float ds = 1e5;
for (int j=0; j<3; ++j) {
vec2 ap = vec2(abs(p.x), abs(p.y-0.5*sz));
vec2 dls = dline_seg(ap, p2, p1);
p = R*p;
color = mix(color, colors[j], smoothstep(1.0, 0.0, -dls.x+0.5) * ue);
ds = min(ds, dls.y);
color = mix(color, vec3(0), smoothstep(1.0, 0.0, ds-0.05*sz) * ue);
// draw sphere inset for bottom left corner
void draw_sphere_inset(in vec2 p, inout vec3 color) {
float px = inset_scl;
float dot_size = max(3.0*px, 0.03);
float line_width = max(.25*px, 0.003);
float lp = length((p - inset_ctr)*px);
vec3 sp = sphere_from_gui(p);
if (lp < 1.) {
color = vec3(1);
float d_tri = 1e5;
float d_circ = 1e5;
for (int i=0; i<3; ++i) {
d_circ = min(d_circ, length(sp - tri_verts[i]));
d_circ = min(d_circ, length(sp - tri_spoints[i]));
d_tri = min(d_tri, dot(sp, tri_edges[i]));
d_circ = min(d_circ, length(sp - tri_spoints[3]));
float d_V = length(sp - poly_vertex);
vec3 sp2 = sp;
float d_gray = 1e5;
for (int i=0; i<3; ++i) {
d_gray = min(d_gray, abs(dot(sp2, tri_edges[i])));
float d_pink = length(sp2 - poly_vertex);
color = mix(color, vec3(0.85), smoothstep(px, 0.0, d_gray-2.*line_width));
color = mix(color, vec3(0.9, 0.5, 0.5), smoothstep(px, 0.0, d_pink-0.7*dot_size));
color = mix(color, vec3(0.6), smoothstep(px, 0.0, -d_tri));
color = mix(color, vec3(0), smoothstep(px, 0.0, abs(d_tri)-line_width));
color = mix(color, vec3(1), step(d_circ, dot_size));
color = mix(color, vec3(0.7, 0, 0), smoothstep(px, 0.0, d_V-dot_size));
color = mix(color, vec3(0), smoothstep(px, 0.0, abs(d_circ - dot_size)-line_width));
color = mix(color, vec3(0), smoothstep(px, 0.0, abs(lp - 1.)-line_width));
// was for debugging, now just for fun
vec3 stereographic_polar_diagram(in vec2 p, in vec2 theta) {
mat3 R = rotX(-theta.x)*rotY(-theta.y);
float rad = length(planar_verts[0]);
float scl = 8.0*rad / iResolution.y;
p *= scl;
float d = 1e5;
vec3 Rctr = R * vec3(0, 0, 1);
vec3 Rp3d = R * vec3(p, 1);
vec2 Rp = Rp3d.xy / Rp3d.z;
for (int i=0; i<3; ++i) {
vec3 tp = (tri_verts[i] * planar_proj * R);
d = min(d, length(p - tp.xy / tp.z) - 2.*scl);
vec3 pos = sphere_from_planar(Rp) * sign(Rp3d.z);
mat3 M = tile_sphere(pos);
for (int i=0; i<3; ++i) {
vec3 e = M * tri_edges[i] * planar_proj * R;
e /= length(e.xy);
d = min(d, abs(dot(vec3(p, 1), e)));
vec3 pv = M * poly_vertex * planar_proj * R;
vec3 color = vec3(1);
if (length(Rp) < rad) {
color = vec3(1, .5, 1);
float Mdet = dot(M[0], cross(M[1], M[2]));
color *= mix(0.8, 1.0, step(0.0, Mdet));
color = mix(color, vec3(0, 0, 1), smoothstep(scl, 0.0, abs(length(Rp)-rad)-.5*scl));
color *= smoothstep(0., scl, d-0.25*scl);
color = mix(color, vec3(0.7, 0, 0), smoothstep(scl, 0., length(p - pv.xy / pv.z)-3.*scl));
vec3 e = vec3(0, 0, 1) * R;
e /= length(e.xy);
d = abs(dot(vec3(p, 1), e));
color = mix(color, vec3(0.0, 0, 0.5), smoothstep(scl, 0., d-.5*scl));
return color;
// helper function for drawing icons below
void icon_dist_update(inout vec2 blk_gray,
float d, bool enable) {
if (enable) {
blk_gray.x = min(blk_gray.x, d);
} else {
blk_gray.y = min(blk_gray.y, d);
// our main image - apply AA to rendered polyhedron and draw GUI
void mainImage( out vec4 fragColor, in vec2 fragCoord ) {
// set up GUI placement and load in settings from texture A
bary_poly_vertex = load3(BARY_COL, TARGET_ROW);
spoint_selector = load4(SPSEL_COL, TARGET_ROW);
vec4 theta = load4(THETA_COL, TARGET_ROW);
setup_triangle(load3(PQR_COL, TARGET_ROW));
vec4 decorations = load4(DECOR_COL, TARGET_ROW);
vec4 misc = load4(MISC_COL, TARGET_ROW);
bool is_linked = (misc.x != 0.);
float gui = load(MISC_COL, CURRENT_ROW).z;
setup_gui(iResolution.xy, gui);
// render a cool 2D diagram
vec3 color = stereographic_polar_diagram(fragCoord.xy - object_ctr, theta.xy);
color = mix(vec3(1), color, smoothstep(0.0, 100.0, fragCoord.x-2.*inset_ctr.x));
// texture B holds the rendered scene with the ray distance
// stored in the 4th (w) coordinate.
// note color not yet gamma-corrected so still safe to blend
ivec2 fc = ivec2(fragCoord);
// fetch center texel and four surrounding texels
vec4 sa = texelFetch(iChannel1, fc+ivec2(0, 1), 0);
vec4 sb = texelFetch(iChannel1, fc+ivec2(-1, 0), 0);
vec4 sc = texelFetch(iChannel1, fc, 0);
vec4 sd = texelFetch(iChannel1, fc+ivec2(1, 0), 0);
vec4 se = texelFetch(iChannel1, fc+ivec2(0, -1), 0);
// blur the center pixel horizontally and vertically
const vec3 bcoeff = vec3(0.25, 0.5, 0.25);
vec3 hblur = mat3(,,*bcoeff;
vec3 vblur = mat3(,,*bcoeff;
// get the (absolute) gradient of the depth map
// and its (approximate) norm
vec2 depth_grad = abs(vec2(sd.w - sb.w, se.w - sa.w));
float depth_grad_norm = depth_grad.x + depth_grad.y;
// depth gradient now sums to 1
depth_grad /= max(1e-5, depth_grad_norm);
// compute blur along depth gradient direction
vec3 directed_blur = hblur*depth_grad.y + vblur*depth_grad.x;
// blend in blur where gradient is large
vec3 color = mix(, directed_blur,
smoothstep(0.0, 0.5, depth_grad_norm));
vec3 color = texelFetch(iChannel1, ivec2(fragCoord), 0).xyz;
// everything from here down is just UI and gamma correction
vec3 pre_gui_color = color;
draw_sphere_inset(fragCoord.xy, color);
float d_gray = 1e5;
vec2 d_bg = vec2(1e5);
for (int i=0; i<3; ++i) {
vec2 text_pos = fragCoord.xy - char_ui_box(i).xy;
d_bg.x = min(d_bg.x, font2d_dist(text_pos, text_size, vec2(pqr[i], 12.0)));
d_gray = min(d_gray, spin_icon_dist(text_pos, text_size, true, pqr[i] >= 5.));
d_gray = min(d_gray, spin_icon_dist(text_pos, text_size, false, pqr[i] <= 2.));
text_pos -= vec2(1, 0) * text_size;
float icon_size = 0.35*text_size;
for (int row=0; row<2; ++row) {
vec4 df = load4(!is_linked && row == 0 ? DFUNC0_COL : DFUNC1_COL, TARGET_ROW);
for (int i=0; i<5; ++i) {
vec2 p = fragCoord.xy - dfunc_ui_box(i, row).xy;
float idist = dfunc_icon_dist(p, icon_size, i);
float dfi;
if (i == 0) { dfi = 1. - dot(df, vec4(1)); } else { dfi = df[i-1]; }
icon_dist_update(d_bg, idist, dfi != 0.);
for (int i=0; i<4; ++i) {
vec2 p = fragCoord.xy - decor_ui_box(i).xy;
float idist = decor_icon_dist(p, icon_size, i);
icon_dist_update(d_bg, idist, decorations[i] != 0.);
for (int i=0; i<2; ++i) {
vec2 p = fragCoord.xy - color_ui_box(i).xy;
bool enable = (misc.y == float(i));
draw_color_icon(p, icon_size, i, enable, color);
float ldist = dfunc_icon_dist(fragCoord.xy - link_ui_box().xy,
icon_size, is_linked ? 6 : 5);
icon_dist_update(d_bg, ldist, is_linked);
vec4 rule_box = vec4(inset_ctr.x,
iResolution.y - 2.75*text_size,
0.19 * iResolution.y,
d_gray = min(d_gray, box_dist(fragCoord.xy, rule_box));
rule_box.y -= 2.5*text_size;
d_gray = min(d_gray, box_dist(fragCoord.xy, rule_box));
color = mix(vec3(0), color, smoothstep(0.0, 1.0, d_bg.x));
color = mix(vec3(0.4), color, smoothstep(0.0, 1.0, d_bg.y));
color = mix(vec3(0.2), color, smoothstep(0.0, 1.0, d_gray));
float d_hitbox = 1e5;
d_hitbox = min(d_hitbox, length(fragCoord.xy - inset_ctr) - 1./inset_scl);
for (int i=0; i<3; ++i) {
d_hitbox = min(d_hitbox, box_dist(fragCoord.xy, tri_ui_box(i, -1.)));
d_hitbox = min(d_hitbox, box_dist(fragCoord.xy, tri_ui_box(i, 1.)));
d_hitbox = min(d_hitbox, box_dist(fragCoord.xy, char_ui_box(i)));
for (int i=0; i<5; ++i) {
for (int row=0; row<2; ++row) {
d_hitbox = min(d_hitbox, box_dist(fragCoord.xy, dfunc_ui_box(i, row)));
for (int i=0; i<4; ++i) {
d_hitbox = min(d_hitbox, box_dist(fragCoord.xy, decor_ui_box(i)));
for (int i=0; i<2; ++i) {
d_hitbox = min(d_hitbox, box_dist(fragCoord.xy, color_ui_box(i)));
d_hitbox = min(d_hitbox, box_dist(fragCoord.xy, link_ui_box()));
color = mix(vec3(1, 0, 1), color, 0.5+0.5*smoothstep(0., 1., d_hitbox));
color = mix(pre_gui_color, color, gui);
// gamma correction
color = pow(color, vec3(1.0/2.2));
fragColor = vec4(color, 1);
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