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Last active May 24, 2020 09:42
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Colection == table; document == row/tuble; field == column
-> Connect DB
### - Show DB : show dbs - dont show empty DB.
### - use or create DB : use <DB-name>
### - Check DB using : db
### - insert collection : db.<coll-name>.insert({"name" :"xyz"})
db.createCollection("name-Coll", {option}) - option : capped, autoIndexId, size, max.
### - show Collection : show collections
### - Drop DB (default "test" DB) : db.dropDatabase()
### - Drop Collection : db.<coll-name>.drop()
### - insert document : db.<coll-name>.insert(obj) - obj: a obj or arr of obj.
### - query Document : db.<coll-name>.find(obj-condition^) - return all result
db.<coll-name>.find(obj-condition^).pretty() - return format result
db.<coll-name>.findOne(obj-condition^) - return one result
=> condition: AND: $and: [obj1, obj2] ; OR: $or: [obj1, obj2] ; NOR: $nor: [obj1, obj2] ; NOT: $not: [obj1]
AND + OR : db.mycol.find({"likes": {$gt:10}, $or: [{"by": "admin"},{"title": "MongoDB"}]}).pretty()
Equality : {key:value};
Less Than : {key:{$lt:value}};
Less Than Equals : {key:{$lte:value}}
Greater Than : {key:{$gt:value}};
Greater Than Equals : {key:{$gte:value}};
Not Equals : {key:{$ne:value}}
### - update Document : db.<coll-name>.update({obj-find}, {$set:{obj-set}}) - Add value to document
db.<coll-name>.save({"_id": Object(...), key:value, key:value} - Repalce value to document
### - Remove Document : db.<coll-name>.remove() - Remove all document of collection
db.<coll-name>.remove({obj-remove}) - remove all doccument by condition
db.<coll-name>.remove({obj-remove}, 1//true) - remove 1 document first by condition
### - Profection : db.<coll-name>.find({},{key: 0//1}) - Select field necessary (0: hiden, 1: show)
### - Limit record : db.<coll-name>.find({}, {key: 0//1}).limit(num) - limit num record to be displayed
### - skip record : db.<coll-name>.find({}, {key: 0//1}).skip(num) - skip num record to be displayed
### - sort record : db.<coll-name>.find({}, {key: 0//1}).sort(key: 1*//-1) - sort record with -1: descending
### - Index : db.<coll-name>.createIndex({key: 1, key: -1}) - create Index for field
db.<coll-name>.dropIndex({key: 1//-1}) - drop 1 index
db.<coll-name>.dropIndexs({key: 1, key: -1} - drop many Index.
db.<coll-name>.getIndexs() - get all Index.
### - Aggregation : db.<coll-name>aggregate([{pipeline : {_id : "$by_user", num_tutorial : {expressions : 1}}}])
pipeline: $project − $match − $group − $sort − $skip − $limit - $unwind
expressions: $sum - $avg - $min - $max - $push - $addToSet - $first - $last
### -
### -
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