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Last active May 24, 2017 18:30
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Implement a Phone Directory using Trie
// Java Program to Implement a Phone
// Directory Using Trie Data Structure
import java.util.*;
class TrieNode
// Each Trie Node contains a Map 'child'
// where each alphabet points to a Trie
// Node.
HashMap<Character,TrieNode> child;
// 'isLast' is true if the node represents
// end of a contact
boolean isLast;
// Default Constructor
public TrieNode()
child = new HashMap<Character,TrieNode>();
// Initialize all the Trie nodes with NULL
// for (char i = 'a'; i <= 'z'; i++)
// child.put(i,null);
isLast = false;
class Trie
TrieNode root;
// Insert all the Contacts into the Trie
public void insertIntoTrie(String contacts[])
root = new TrieNode();
int n = contacts.length;
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
// Insert a Contact into the Trie
public void insert(String s)
int len = s.length();
// 'itr' is used to iterate the Trie Nodes
TrieNode itr = root;
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
// Check if the s[i] is already present in
// Trie
TrieNode nextNode = itr.child.get(s.charAt(i));
if (nextNode == null)
// If not found then create a new TrieNode
nextNode = new TrieNode();
// Insert into the HashMap
// Move the iterator('itr') ,to point to next
// Trie Node
itr = nextNode;
// If its the last character of the string 's'
// then mark 'isLast' as true
if (i == len - 1)
itr.isLast = true;
// This function simply displays all dictionary words
// going through current node. String 'prefix'
// represents string corresponding to the path from
// root to curNode.
public void displayContactsUtil(TrieNode curNode,
String prefix)
// System.out.println(" Prefix Found: " + prefix);
if (curNode.isLast)
for (Character c : curNode.child.keySet()) {
displayContactsUtil(curNode.child.get(c), (prefix+c));
// manual way - to check each and every character
// for (char i = 'a'; i <= 'z'; i++)
// {
// TrieNode nextNode = curNode.child.get(i);
// if (nextNode != null)
// {
// // System.out.println(" Char Found: " + i);
// displayContactsUtil(nextNode, prefix + i);
// }
// }
// Display suggestions after every character enter by
// the user for a given string 'str'
void displayContacts(String str)
TrieNode prevNode = root;
// 'flag' denotes whether the string entered
// so far is present in the Contact List
String prefix = "";
int len = str.length();
// Display the contact List for string formed
// after entering every character
int i;
for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
// 'str' stores the string entered so far
prefix += str.charAt(i);
// Get the last character entered
char lastChar = prefix.charAt(i);
// Find the Node corresponding to the last
// character of 'str' which is pointed by
// prevNode of the Trie
TrieNode curNode = prevNode.child.get(lastChar);
// If nothing found, then break the loop as
// no more prefixes are going to be present.
if (curNode == null)
System.out.println("\nNo Results Found for \""
+ prefix + "\"");
// If present in trie then display all
// the contacts with given prefix.
System.out.println("\nSuggestions based on \""
+ prefix + "\" are");
displayContactsUtil(curNode, prefix);
// Change prevNode for next prefix
prevNode = curNode;
for ( ; i < len; i++)
prefix += str.charAt(i);
System.out.println("\nNo Results Found for \""
+ prefix + "\"");
// Driver code
class Main
public static void main(String args[])
Trie trie = new Trie();
String contacts [] = {"anil", "anu", "anupam", "anpket"};
String query = "anz";
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