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Last active October 2, 2017 08:33
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Java program to construct BST from given preorder traversal - O(n)
class Node {
int data;
Node left, right;
Node(int d) {
data = d;
left = right = null;
class Index {
int index = 0;
class BinaryTree {
Index index = new Index();
// A recursive function to construct BST from pre[]. preIndex is used
// to keep track of index in pre[].
Node constructTreeUtil(int pre[], Index preIndex, int key,
int min, int max, int size) {
// System.out.println(" Key " + key + " min = "+ min + " max = " + max );
// Base case
if (preIndex.index >= size) {
return null;
Node root = null;
// If current element of pre[] is in range, then
// only it is part of current subtree
if (key > min && key < max) {
// Allocate memory for root of this subtree and increment *preIndex
root = new Node(key);
// System.out.println(" Node Created: " + key );
preIndex.index = preIndex.index + 1;
if (preIndex.index < size) {
// Contruct the subtree under root
// All nodes which are in range {min .. key} will go in left
// subtree, and first such node will be root of left subtree.
root.left = constructTreeUtil(pre, preIndex, pre[preIndex.index],
min, key, size);
// All nodes which are in range {key..max} will go in right
// subtree, and first such node will be root of right subtree.
root.right = constructTreeUtil(pre, preIndex, pre[preIndex.index],
key, max, size);
return root;
// The main function to construct BST from given preorder traversal.
// This function mainly uses constructTreeUtil()
Node constructTree(int pre[], int size) {
int preIndex = 0;
return constructTreeUtil(pre, index, pre[0], Integer.MIN_VALUE,
Integer.MAX_VALUE, size);
// A utility function to print inorder traversal of a Binary Tree
void printInorder(Node node) {
if (node == null) {
System.out.print( + " ");
// Driver program to test above functions
public static void main(String[] args) {
BinaryTree tree = new BinaryTree();
int pre[] = new int[]{10, 5, 1, 7, 40, 50};
int size = pre.length;
Node root = tree.constructTree(pre, size);
System.out.println("Inorder traversal of the constructed tree is ");
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