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Created June 20, 2020 11:09
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namespace TopologicalSortOfBiryaniRecipe
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
public static class TopologicalSortHelper
public static List<StepNode> TopologicalSort(List<StepNode> inputGraph)
/*****Initialize storage needed for calculations*******/
Queue<StepNode> ProcessingQueue = new Queue<StepNode>();
List<StepNode> Result = new List<StepNode>();
Find a node to start with, i.e. a node with in-degree zero.
If multiple such nodes found or no node found, it means the graph is not DAG
and it won't have valid topological ordering.
var firstStep = inputGraph.FindAll(x => x.GetInDegree() == 0);
if(firstStep == null || firstStep.Count != 1)
return null;
/***Begin the processing from first step***/
Console.WriteLine($"Enqueued first node - {firstStep[0].GetDescription()}");
while(ProcessingQueue.Count > 0)
At each step, a node will be removed from processing queue, and added
to result
Its edges will be removed from graph by decrementing in-degree
of its neighbours.
var current = ProcessingQueue.Dequeue();
Console.WriteLine($"Dequeued node - {current.GetDescription()}, adding to result.");
foreach(var nextStep in current.NextSteps)
if(nextStep.GetInDegree() == 0)
Console.WriteLine($"Enqueued node - {nextStep.GetDescription()}");
If queue is empty but still there are nodes present in graph(i.e. nodes
with in-degree > 0), it indicates that there is a cycle.
var remainingNode = inputGraph.Find(x => x.GetInDegree() != 0);
if(remainingNode != null)
return null;
return Result;
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