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Last active April 23, 2020 18:39
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;; Reader macro for hash tables
;; Following code modified from
(labels ((in-place-hash (stream char)
(declare (ignore char))
(let ((ls (read-delimited-list #\} stream t)))
(with-gensyms (table)
`(let ( (,table (make-hash-table :test #'equalp)))
,@(mapcar (lambda (p) `(setf (gethash ,(car p) ,table) ,(cadr p)))
(set-macro-character #\{ #'in-place-hash))
(set-syntax-from-char #\} #\))
;; Utility Macros
(defmacro sethash ((key val) table)
`(setf (gethash ,key ,table) ,val))
(defun put-if-absent (key val table)
(unless (second (multiple-value-list (gethash key table)))
(setf (gethash key table) val)))
;; Utility
(defun transpose (list-of-lists)
(apply #'mapcar #'list list-of-lists))
;; The actual generic system
(let ((type-table {})
(generic-defs {}))
(defun construct (type val)
(unless (gethash type type-table) (error (format nil "Nonexistent type ~a" type)))
(cons type val))
(defun define-type (tname)
(sethash (tname t) type-table))
(labels ((get-type (object) (car object))
(get-val (object) (cdr object))
(apply-generic (name args)
(let ((types (mapcar #'get-type args))
(vals (mapcar #'get-val args)))
(multiple-value-bind (fn-table exists) (gethash name generic-defs)
(unless exists (error (format nil "~a has no specializations" name)))
(multiple-value-bind (fn exists) (gethash types fn-table)
(unless exists
(error (format nil "~a has no definition for ~a" name types)))
(apply fn vals))))))
(defmacro define-generic (name argspecs &body body)
(put-if-absent (name {}) generic-defs)
(arg-types arg-names)
(transpose argspecs)
;; Make sure that all the types actually exist!
(mapcar (lambda (type)
(unless (gethash type type-table)
(error (format nil "Nonexistent type ~a" type))))
;; Allows generic functions to access lexical scope
`(progn (setf (symbol-function ',name) ,(lambda (&rest args) (apply-generic name args)))
(setf (gethash ',arg-types (gethash ',name ,generic-defs))
(lambda ,arg-names ,@body)))))))
;; Example usage
(define-type :int-ends)
(defun make-interval (a b)
(construct :int-ends (cons a b))
(define-generic lower-bound ((:int-ends x))
(car x))
(let ((a 3))
(define-generic use-lexical ((:int-ends x))
(+ a (cdr x))))
(lower-bound (make-interval 3 4))
;; >> 3
(use-lexical (make-interval 3 4))
;; >> 7
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