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Anndo Ko anndoko

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Team Wonder Squad - OpenAir Competition (Website Redesign & Development for Fashionable Adoptions)


  • Add comments so that others can read your code more easily

  • Be sure to commit your change every now and then so that others can track changes/debug more easily

    How to commit your change

<ion-toolbar color="success">
{{ checklist?.title }}
<ion-buttons slot="start">
<ion-back-button defaultHref="/checklists"></ion-back-button>
<ion-buttons slot="end">
<ion-button (click)="addItem()">
var dataitems = [];
$(document).ready(function () {
// Loads the CSV file
function loadData() {
var dataitems = [];
var names = [];
$(document).ready(function () {
// Loads the CSV file
function loadData() {
var data = []; // the variable that holds the data from csv file
var category_colors = {
"clothing, beauty, & fashion": "#5B7BE9",
"computers & internet": "#E0D22E",
"education": "#2CCEF6",
"food & drink": "#FB7F23",
"grab bag": "#D63CA3",
"health & fitness": "#c38014",
"home & garden": "#E24062",
"human relations": "#5BB923",
command_lst = command.lower().split()
command_dic = {
statement8 = "SELECT * "
statement8 += "FROM [Order]"
statement8 += "LIMIT 1;"
print("\n" + "=" * 30)
print("Columns in the Order Table\n")
columns_in_order_table = cur.execute(statement8)
for column in columns_in_order_table.description:
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import requests
import json
# Caching
CACHE_FNAME = 'cache.json'
cache_file = open(CACHE_FNAME, 'r')
cache_contents =
# prompt the user for input
user_question = input("Please enter your question:")
# check if quesion mark is included:
user_q_lst = list(user_question)
if user_q_lst[-1] != "?":
user_question += "?" # if not, add "?" to the string
# create the list of standard Magic 8 Ball answers
magic_ans = [
# step 3
def get_from_itunes(search_name, search_type):
url_parameters = {}
url_parameters["format"] = "json"
url_parameters["term"] = search_name
url_parameters["entity"] = search_type
base_url = ""
itunes_result_data = requests.get(url = base_url, params = url_parameters).json()