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Last active August 5, 2016 01:24
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A glance at the code of Global Coffee Trade
# This part of the code shows how I create the line chart in the "Trend" tab
# Packages used: dplyr, shiny, shinydashboard, googleVis
# Overview:
# 1. create reactive object to read input from the ui function
# 2. render chart
# line chart (time series) to see how attributes change over time for a particular country
coffee_over_time = reactive({
# validate if user select the desired input
need(input$checked != "", "Please check at least one variable in category"),
need(input$country_nm != "", "Please select a country"),
need(input$type_for_line != "", "Please select a unit")
# get the dataframe based on user selection
coffee_subset = coffee %>% filter(region == input$country_nm)
n = length(input$checked)
# check the year range based on country selected
df = data.frame("year" = min(coffee_subset$year): max(coffee_subset$year))
for (i in 1:n) {
# filter df based on country selected
temp_df = filter(coffee_subset, Attribute_Description == input$checked[i])
# select data with unit selected
temp_df = temp_df[,c(4, which(names(temp_df) == input$type_for_line))]
names(temp_df) = c("year", input$checked[i])
df = full_join(df, temp_df) %>% arrange(year)
df = unique(df)
# render line chart (time series)
output$line_chart = renderGvis(
option = list(
hAxis = "{title:'Year'}",
legend= "{position: 'bottom'}",
height = 400
# This part of the code shows how I read user input
# and render line chart in the "Trend" tab
# Overview:
# 1. get user input with unique id to pass to server function
# 2. place the line chart created in the server into the tab
tabItem(tabName = "line",
# get user input
box(checkboxGroupInput("checked", "Category",
selected = attribute_lst[c(5,8)]), width = 4),
box(width = 4, selectizeInput("country_nm", "Country",
selected = "European Union")),
box(width = 4, selectizeInput("type_for_line", "Unit",
c("kg" = "kg","kg/gdp" = "kg_per_gdp",
"kg/person" = "kg_per_person"),
selected = "kg_per_gdp")),
# insert the line chart
box(status = "primary", solidHeader = TRUE,
title = textOutput("line_info"),
htmlOutput("line_chart", width = "100%"), width = 8)
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