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Created March 29, 2016 02:58
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(def search-term (atom ""))
(defn input [model on-change]
(let [external-model (atom @model)
internal-model (atom (or @external-model ""))]
(fn [model on-change]
;; this is taken from recom -
(when (not= @external-model @model)
(.log js/console "changed to " @model)
(reset! external-model @model)
(reset! internal-model @model))
{:value @internal-model
:on-change (fn [e]
(let [v (.-value (.-target e))]
(reset! internal-model v)
(on-change @internal-model)))}])))
[input search-term (fn [v] (reset! search-term v))]
[:button {:on-click #(reset! search-term "")} "Reset"]]
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