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Created August 18, 2012 19:25
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Orgmode Bug With #+TODO: In-Buffer Setting

Orgmode Bug With #+TODO: In-Buffer Setting

                  +TODO: DO | DONE
  1. Get the raw file and load it into Emacs.
  2. Set `org-todo-keywords’ by executing this statement: (setq org-todo-keywords ‘((sequence “TODO” “|” “DONE”)))
  3. Reset Org settings by typing \C-c\C-c on the `#+TITLE’ line or reloading this file using `find-alternate-file’.
  4. `TODO’ keyword in “Heading 1” will be in `org-todo’. `DO’ keyword in “Heading 2” will not be in `org-todo’.
  5. Change the colon (`:’) in the `TODO’ line above to a hash (`#’). Do not remove the spaces following the colon.
  6. Attempt to reset Org settings by typing \C-c\C-c on the `# +TODO:’ line. This produces the appropriate error.
  7. Now really reset Org settings by typing \C-c\C-c on the `#+TITLE’ line or `find-alternate-file’. This works as expected.
  8. `TODO’ keyword in “Heading 1” will not be in `org-todo’! `DO’ keyword in “Heading 2” will be in `org-todo’!

Heading 1

DO Heading 2

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