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Created June 24, 2014 05:57
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#823 [PoE]
[*]Added Utility.NumberOfMobsNear.
[*]Added GlobalSettings.LastUsedConfiguration.
[*]Spell.InventorySlot updated to use InventorySlot rather than int.
[*]Spell.DisplayString and LinkedDisplayString added.
[*]SkillGem.Spell added.
[*]InteractWithObject now doesn't return fail if the action is Move.
[*]TravelToGrindZonePoi doesn't leave if the current area has a waypoint and we don't have it yet.
[*]Added TagWaypointPoi so the bot will touch a waypoint it does not have yet.
[*]Default Attack is now used last in ExilebuddyRoutine.
[*]Added AssignMoveSkillPoi to assign the move skill for users who don't have it set, as the bot needs it to move.
[*]Added WashedUpStatePoi for new characters so the bot stands up and doesn't try to do other stuff first on Twilight Strand.
[*]PathfindingExtensions.WalkablePosition now caches some.
[*]Disabled the area transition ignoring for Lioneye's Watch, since Hillock has to be killed first.
[*]Added ExilebuddyBotSettings.DefaultMoveSkillSlot for users to configure what slot their move command gets set to automatically. This is more for new characters.
[*]Added ExampleLootPoi to ExampleBot as an example of adding a looting poi for devs.
#822 [PoE]
[*]Updates for poe- (1.1.4c).
#821 [PoE]
[*]Updated ExampleBot to be a basic bot that explores its way to the waypoint, attacking anything that targets the character.
[*]ExploreLocation ctor is now public so devs can construct them as intended.
[*]Id/Sell pois now check for a null ItemEvaluator.
[*]Fixed a bug in ClickToMoveTowards where no path would throw exceptions. The intended behavior is to move towards the point.
[*]TerrainData.GetTgtEntries is now wrapped to be a safe function.
[*]Added InGameState.ChatMessages to get a list of all chat messages.
[*]Added LokiPoe.GetChatEntryMessage to get the chat entry from a message control.
#820 [PoE]
[*]Please keep in mind the beta is not completely finished yet, and is mostly for developer/early testing.
[*]Added DontStashIdScrolls / DontStashTpScrolls to separate logic from the FillIdScrollStacks / FillTpScrollStacks logic.
[*]Added MainSettings.ViableDistanceToNotUsePortal.
[*]PlayerDied is now not polled in town.
[*]ExplorationCompleteBehavior.AutoSelect added for smarter exploration complete. It'll decide to take a wp/at rather than burn a portal if one is close enough.
[*]Added MainSettings.MaxStashPagesToUse to limit how many stash tabs the bot will work with.
[*]RequestStashContentsCoroutine updated to use the logic from Release for the max stash tabs.
[*]Added a TriggerTownRunButton to the gui.
[*]Added TownRunPoi so the bot can arbitrarily go to town.
[*]LootPoi now triggers a town run when inventory is full.
[*]Implemented PortalBackToGrindZonePoi to return us back to the grind zone after doing a town run.
[*]Added a PlayerDied event handler.
[*]Increased default weight for necros.
[*]TravelToGrindZonePoi now handles out of town area transitions.
[*]Loot/Chest poi now only execute when a target is within 30 units to try and avoid the cycling issues.
[*]Added GrindZoneDifficulty and GrindZoneName to settings and the gui bindings for them.
[*]TravelToGrindZonePoi should now properly take area transitions in town to grind zones.
[*]Disabled the inventory check for FastMove, as it needs to be reworked when moving to stash or inventory.
[*]TakeWaypointToAreaCoroutine now takes the area id string rather than a WorldAreaEntry.
[*]Fixed ExplorationComplete Portal logic to address some bugs in town.
[*]ItemEvaluator.GetItemEvaluator added for all code to get the current global ItemEvaluator.
[*]Added a BotState to ExilebuddyBot for keeping track of some state stuff between Pois.
[*]Added old bot settings for shard locations and added locations for portal/id scrolls.
[*]Added a lot of the old in town pois. Some of them have logic updates, and they are not fully tested yet. They are just ported over into the new design.
[*]Added LocalPlayer.ScrollOfWisdomsInInventory and LocalPlayer.PortalScrollsInInventory for convenience.
[*]Added Inventory.NeedsToMerge from old free standing code.
[*]Added ShrinePoi.
[*]ChestPoi updates to try and handle large chests better.
#819 [PoE]
[*]Please keep in mind the beta is not finished yet, and is mostly for developer testing.
[*]Updates for poe-
[*]InteractWithObjectOnce -> InteractWithObject.
[*]Added ComboBox example binding to ExampleBot.
[*]Added ChickenPoi to ExilebuddyBot and all associated settings.
[*]PoiManager.Add now ignores duplicates rather than throws an exception. This is so users can register a base poi type, and the bot's default will simply be ignored. Users can still disable all default poi registration, however, to change the total functionality of the bot.
[*]QuickSilver flask logic moved to ExplorePoi and a setting was added for it.
[*]Added AreaStateCache.OnLocationAdded for more flexibility.
[*]ExplorationCompletePoi added for handling when exploration completes.
[*]SettingsControl logic moved into GuiLogic.GenerateSettingsControl.
[*]ExplorationCompleteBehavior added for handling what to do after exploration.
[*]Added IExplorer.Complete for manual exploration completion.
[*]New Wpf binding functions added for ComboBoxes.
[*]Added CurrentPoi to settings so it'll be shown.
[*]Added MainSettings.MsBetweenTicks so bots can set a default user value.
[*]MoveCursorToMovingTarget/MoveCursorToStationaryTarget removed in favor of just MoveCursorToTarget. The base MoveCursorToTarget function is now MoveCursorToTargetRaw.
[*]Removed the old InteractWithObject, which was only to support low fps issues, which will be re-addressed.
[*]ClickToMoveTowards logic updated to fix some issues with paths and wall hugging.
[*]ExilebuddyBot settings gui updated.
[*]LootPoi/ChestPoi now blacklist objects that fail to interact.
[*]Default settings added into ExilebuddyBot so users can customize default behaviour globally rather than relying on plugins to change it.
[*]Added new Actor properties for flasks and common debuff stats.
[*]Removed the aura checks in Utility flask functions.
[*]DisableAlwaysHighlight added before most pois so labels do not get in the way.
[*]Performance improvements in NewObjectManager.
[*]The old ObjectManager code is now being used, as the overhead of creating objects each tick is too high to overcome.
[*]Removed CheckFrame debugging code from NetworkObject.
[*]PoiManager.Replace added.
[*]Default Attack support added for AvailableSpells since it was filtered out.
[*]InteractWithObject calls replaced with InteractWithObjectOnce.
[*]Added ResurrectToTownCoroutine/ResurrectToCheckpointCoroutine for resurrection support.
[*]MoveCursorToTarget logic updated to toggle the always highlight, which it wasn't before but was supposed to.
[*]CloseBlockingWindows now closes Escape window if its open.
[*]Added Actor.IsTargetingMe.
[*]PoiManager.PoiList is now exposed.
[*]Added a NetworkObject extension for WalkablePosition.
[*]BotGui now calls Dispose of PluginManager, RoutineManager, and BotManager. Those managers now implement that function.
[*]Default targeting state reset on bot Stop to prevent issues when a routine is switched that needs to change targeting.
[*]AreaStateCache now tracks time in instance.
[*]All bot poi code removed in favor of the new poi system. Only the explore poi has been updated to the new system currently. The rest are being worked on now.
[*]Added a new poi system. Pois are implemented via IPoi, so they are self contained.
[*]PoiManager manages the current set of pois. Users will be able to control the order and registration of new pois they want to process for seamless integration into the bot.
[*]Moved the default bot targeting calculators into DefaultTargetingCalcuation.
[*]BestTarget updated to be the stable best target in ExilebuddyRoutine. This might change a little more soon.
[*]ItemEvaluator reorganization. CreateDefaultItemEvaluator added to contain the default filter logic from Registry.
[*]IItemEvaluator added for the main interface for the bot to switch between item evaluators.
[*]The default item filter logic is now exposed through DefaultItemEvaluator.
[*]TspExplorer.Tick updated to use the new Targeting system.
[*]Targeting updated and simplified a little. Chests are now separate from items. Id caching was not readded for optimizations yet.
[*]UsefulLocationManager logic moved into AreaStateCache and renamed some.
[*]Blacklist logic moved into AreaStateCache. It is now per-area rather than global.
[*]AreaStateCache now manages the per-area instance objects.
[*]Debugging lines fixed in EnableAlwaysHighlight/DisableAlwaysHighlight so they don't spam.
[*]Coroutines.ClickToMoveTowards added as a way to move towards a point without actually following the entire path like ClickToMoveTo. This allows for much smoother and fuild movement in almost all cases.
[*]Coroutines.TakeClosestPortalCoroutine added from a previous free stsanding bot function.
[*]Invnentory.GetTotalItemStacksByFullName added to replace common code in Registry.
[*]Monster.CannotDie added to check against the invincibility aura.
#816 [PoE]
[*]Please do not use ExilebuddyBot/Routine and report bugs with it. It is still under going the rewrite, so some aspects of it are broken.
[*]Updates for
[*]New exploration interface integrated into the bot, so users can implement their own custom explorers. See the Loki.Bot.Logic.Bots.ExilebuddyBot.Exploration.IExplorer interface for more information. The old exploration logic is now called TspExplorer, and will be the default explorer used. See the Loki.Bot.Logic.Bots.ExilebuddyBot.Exploration.Explorer class as well, as that is what bots will use to interact with the current explorer.
[*]A new PoiType.Explore has been worked in to test a new movement design as well as using the new Explorer interface to get where to go next.
#815 [PoE]
[*]Updates for
#814 [PoE]
[*]Please do not use ExilebuddyBot/Routine and report bugs with it. It is not working and will be mostly broken. The new bot will be replacing it.
[*]A new routine was added, ExilebuddyRoutine. This will be the new Exile routine.
[*]A new bot was added, ExilebuddyBot. This will be the new GB7.
[*]Updates for
[*]A WinForms example has been added to the ExamplePlugin project for custom settings via WinForms rather than WPF.
[*]Added Monster.HasProximityShield.
[*]Added Actor.IsCursedWith for all curses.
[*]SpellManager.HasSpell -> HasSpellByName.
[*]Added Input.SwapWeapons.
[*]Fixed RoutineManager to be consistent with PluginManager and BotManager. Initialize is now correctly called.
[*]MainWindow now loads bots, routines, then plugins.
[*]BotGuiTimer no longer calls AcquireFrame, to prevent lockups.
[*]Actor.CurseCount added to tally up the number of curses a target has. Also fixed a name switch.
[*]Added LocalPlayer.EquippedItems to easily iterate through them.
[*]Added LocalPlayer.TotalCursesAllowed to determine how many curses we can use. We now have to do this, as the global stat was removed it seems.
[*]Updated LoginCoroutine to separate Gateway from email/pass, as Steam requires no email/pass. The main gui has been updated to configure this as well.
[*]Added Spell.IsCastable to know if a spell can be cast, without checking resources or cooldown.
[*]Updated various Spell things that seemed to have changed.
[*]GetInventoryById changed to GetInventoryBySlot. This should be correct now.
[*]Added Actor.CastableSpells to know which skills we have that we can physically cast based on weapons or support gems.
[*]Created a new internal SpellHelper that contains all the new spell handling. This has been moved from being routine code to internal bot code for easier management.
[*]Added spell skill gem tags. SpellTags is exposed for the entire collection, and each individual tag is cached on spell construction.
[*]CanCast now checks to make sure the spell is on the skill bar.
[*]AvailableSpells now checks IsUserSkill.
[*]Removed gui lock and switched to using main gui thread via Dispatcher to fix deadlock issues between the gui and bot thread.
[*]Old NewBotManager text fixed.
[*]IRoutine.Logic should now return true if logic was executed to handle the type and false if not.
[*]CanCast now checks for being in town.
[*]Added aura tag.
[*]SmartCastCoroutine now has a completeCast to prevent the delay after casting for attacks, whereas other skills like auras need to complete. It defaults to true.
[*]The forced calls to FinishCurrentAction and CloseBlockingWindows removed from MoveCursorToTarget and into higher level functions that should use them.
[*]Added BotManager.MsBetweenTicks so users can set the global hard sleep duration between ticks if needed.
[*]Added some temp debugging logic to track down cache issues with objects.
[*]Various logic updated to address caching issues with coroutines, since objects are not persistent past one frame.
[*]MoveCursorToTarget now takes an id rather than an object for caching reasons.
[*]SmartCastCoroutine switched to ids to prevent spell object caching issues.
[*]nteract coroutines switched to ids instead of passing NetworkObjects around.
[*]GetNpcDelegate / GetAreaTransitionDelegate removed and the corresponding coroutines use ids now.
[*]ResetProcessHookManager now clears mouse/keys.
[*]PortalToTownPoi should now fixed the portal issue of logging out after taking it.
[*]PortalGemToTownCoroutine timeout increased so it doesn't bail due to the long cast.
[*]Removed GameEventManager.Initialize.
#808 [PoE]
[*]Initial version.
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