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Created August 30, 2016 05:13
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package com.Sapphire.SapphireCore.Commands;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import org.bukkit.Material;
import org.bukkit.Sound;
import org.bukkit.command.Command;
import org.bukkit.command.CommandExecutor;
import org.bukkit.command.CommandSender;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack;
import org.bukkit.inventory.meta.ItemMeta;
import com.Sapphire.SapphireCore.Main;
import net.md_5.bungee.api.ChatColor;
public class Withdraw implements CommandExecutor {
Main plugin;
public Withdraw(Main plugin) {
this.plugin = plugin;
public boolean onCommand(CommandSender sender, Command cmd, String label, String[] args) {
if (cmd.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("Withdraw")) {
if (!(sender instanceof Player)) {
ChatColor.translateAlternateColorCodes('&', plugin.getConfig().getString("Player-only")));
if (sender instanceof Player) {
Player p = (Player) sender;
if (args.length == 0) {
return true;
if (args.length == 1) {
int amount = Integer.parseInt(args[0]);
String amountstring = amount + "";
int max = plugin.getConfig().getInt("BankNote.Withdraw.Max");
String maxamount = max - 1 + "";
int min = plugin.getConfig().getInt("BankNote.Withdraw.Min");
String minamount = min + "";
if (amount <= plugin.getConfig().getInt("BankNote.Withdraw.Min")) {
plugin.getConfig().getString("Min-Amount").replace("%MinAmount%", minamount)));
else if (amount >= plugin.getConfig().getInt("BankNote.Withdraw.Max")) {
plugin.getConfig().getString("Max-Amount").replace("%MaxAmount%", maxamount)));
else if (amount <= plugin.getConfig().getInt("BankNote.Withdraw.Max") - 1
&& amount > plugin.getConfig().getInt("BankNote.Withdraw.Min")) {
if (plugin.econ.getBalance(p) < amount) {
p.sendMessage(ChatColor.translateAlternateColorCodes('&', plugin.getConfig()
.getString("Withdrawed-Amount").replace("%WithdrawAmount%", amountstring)));
else {
ItemStack note = new ItemStack(
ItemMeta notemeta = note.getItemMeta();
// Name
notemeta.setDisplayName(ChatColor.translateAlternateColorCodes('&', plugin.getConfig()
.getString("BankNote.Name").replace("%PlayerName%", p.getName())));
// Lore
ArrayList<String> notelore = new ArrayList<String>();
for (String lorelist : plugin.getConfig().getStringList("BankNote.Lore")) {
lorelist.replace("%PlayerName%", p.getName())));
notelore.add("§6Amount:§a " + amount);
// Set
plugin.econ.withdrawPlayer(p, amount);
p.playSound(p.getLocation(), Sound.BAT_TAKEOFF, 1.0F, 2.0F);
p.sendMessage(ChatColor.translateAlternateColorCodes('&', plugin.getConfig()
.getString("Withdrawed-Amount").replace("%WithdrawAmount%", amountstring)));
return true;
return true;
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