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Created July 2, 2015 15:49
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Ember Starter Kit // source
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>Ember Starter Kit</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<style id="jsbin-css">
/* Put your CSS here */
html, body {
margin: 20px;
<script type="text/x-handlebars">
<h2>Welcome to Ember.js</h2>
<script type="text/x-handlebars" data-template-name="index">
{{#each model as |item|}}
<h3>Initial Foos</h3>
{{#each initialFoos as |foo|}}
{{foo.a}} - {{foo.b}} - {{foo.c}} - {{foo.d}} - {{foo.observedFor}}
{{#each foos as |foo|}}
{{foo.a}} - {{foo.b}} - {{foo.c}} - {{foo.d}} - {{foo.observedFor}}
<h3>Foos Membership</h3>
{{#each foosMembership as |foo|}}
{{foo.a}} - {{foo.b}} - {{foo.c}} - {{foo.d}} - {{foo.observedFor}}
<h3>Foos Updates</h3>
{{#each foosUpdates as |foo|}}
{{foo.a}} - {{foo.b}} - {{foo.c}} - {{foo.d}} - {{foo.observedFor}}
<p><button {{action "observeInitialFoos"}}>Observe initial foos</button>
| <button {{action "unobserveInitialFoos"}}>Off</button></p>
<p><button {{action "observeFoos"}}>Observe foos</button>
| <button {{action "unobserveFoos"}}>Off</button></p>
<p><button {{action "addFoo"}}>Add a foo</button>
| <button {{action "setFoosA"}}>Set A</button>
| <button {{action "setFoosB"}}>Set B</button></p>
<p><button {{action "start"}}>Start</button> | <button {{action "stop"}}>Stop</button></p>
<script id="jsbin-javascript">
App = Ember.Application.create(); {
// put your routes here
App.IndexRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
model: function() {
var foo = { a: 1, b: 2 };
return Ember.keys(foo);
var DATA_A = [{a: 1}, {b: 2}, {c: 3}, {d: 4}];
var DATA_B = [{a: 10}, {b: 20}, {c: 30}, {d: 40}];
App.IndexController = Ember.Controller.extend({
init: function() {
this._super.apply(this, arguments);
next: 0,
handle: null,
initialFoos: Ember.A(DATA_A),
foos: Ember.computed('initialFoos', function() {
console.log("Computing foos...");
return this.get('initialFoos').map(function(aFoo) {
return Ember.$.extend(true, {}, aFoo, {observedFor: "root"});
foosMembership: Ember.computed('initialFoos.[]', function() {
console.log("Computing foosMemberships...");
return this.get('initialFoos').map(function(aFoo) {
return Ember.$.extend(true, {}, aFoo, {observedFor: "membership"});
foosUpdates: Ember.computed('initialFoos.@each', function() {
console.log("Computing foosUpdates...");
return this.get('initialFoos').map(function(aFoo) {
return Ember.$.extend(true, {}, aFoo, {observedFor: "updates"});
incNext: function() {
this.set('next', this.get('next') + 1);
start: function() {
this.set('handle', setInterval(this.get('addFoo').bind(this), 1000));
addFoo: function() {
// Push changes the array but doesn't not notify observers!!
// this.get('initialFoos').push({ a: this.get('next')});
// Push object does both!!
this.get('initialFoos').pushObject({ a: this.get('next')});
updateFoo: function() {
this.get('initialFoos').pushObject({ d: this.get('next')});
onInitialFoosChanged: function(_, key) {
console.log("InitialFoos changed: ", key);
autoOnInitialFoosChanged: function(_, key) {
console.log("Auto observed initial foos changed!", key);
autoOnInitialFoosUpdated: function(_, key) {
console.log("Auto observed initial foos updated!", key);
autoOnInitialFoosAddedRemoved: function(_, key) {
console.log("Auto observed initial foos added/removed!", key);
onFoosChanged: function(_, key) {
console.log("Foos changed: ", key);
autoOnFoosChanged: function(_, key) {
console.log("Auto observed foos changed!", key);
autoOnFoosUpdated: function(_, key) {
console.log("Auto observed foos updated!", key);
autoOnFoosAddedRemoved: function(_, key) {
console.log("Auto observed foos added/removed!", key);
actions: {
observeInitialFoos: function() {
console.log("Observe IFs");
this.addObserver("initialFoos", this, this.onInitialFoosChanged);
observeFoos: function() {
console.log("Observe Fs");
this.addObserver("foos", this, this.onFoosChanged);
unobserveInitialFoos: function() {
console.log("UNObserve IFs");
this.removeObserver('initialFoos', this, this.onInitialFoosChanged);
unobserveFoos: function() {
console.log("UNObserve Fs");
this.removeObserver('foos', this, this.onFoosChanged);
addFoo: function() {
updateFoo: function() {
setFoosA: function() {
this.set('initialFoos', Ember.A(DATA_A));
setFoosB: function() {
this.set('initialFoos', Ember.A(DATA_B));
start: function() {
stop: function() {
<script id="jsbin-source-html" type="text/html"><!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>Ember Starter Kit</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
<script src=""><\/script>
<script src=""><\/script>
<script src=""><\/script>
<script type="text/x-handlebars">
<h2>Welcome to Ember.js</h2>
<script type="text/x-handlebars" data-template-name="index">
{{#each model as |item|}}
<h3>Initial Foos</h3>
{{#each initialFoos as |foo|}}
{{foo.a}} - {{foo.b}} - {{foo.c}} - {{foo.d}} - {{foo.observedFor}}
{{#each foos as |foo|}}
{{foo.a}} - {{foo.b}} - {{foo.c}} - {{foo.d}} - {{foo.observedFor}}
<h3>Foos Membership</h3>
{{#each foosMembership as |foo|}}
{{foo.a}} - {{foo.b}} - {{foo.c}} - {{foo.d}} - {{foo.observedFor}}
<h3>Foos Updates</h3>
{{#each foosUpdates as |foo|}}
{{foo.a}} - {{foo.b}} - {{foo.c}} - {{foo.d}} - {{foo.observedFor}}
<p><button {{action "observeInitialFoos"}}>Observe initial foos</button>
| <button {{action "unobserveInitialFoos"}}>Off</button></p>
<p><button {{action "observeFoos"}}>Observe foos</button>
| <button {{action "unobserveFoos"}}>Off</button></p>
<p><button {{action "addFoo"}}>Add a foo</button>
| <button {{action "setFoosA"}}>Set A</button>
| <button {{action "setFoosB"}}>Set B</button></p>
<p><button {{action "start"}}>Start</button> | <button {{action "stop"}}>Stop</button></p>
<script id="jsbin-source-css" type="text/css">/* Put your CSS here */
html, body {
margin: 20px;
<script id="jsbin-source-javascript" type="text/javascript">App = Ember.Application.create(); {
// put your routes here
App.IndexRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
model: function() {
var foo = { a: 1, b: 2 };
return Ember.keys(foo);
var DATA_A = [{a: 1}, {b: 2}, {c: 3}, {d: 4}];
var DATA_B = [{a: 10}, {b: 20}, {c: 30}, {d: 40}];
App.IndexController = Ember.Controller.extend({
init: function() {
this._super.apply(this, arguments);
next: 0,
handle: null,
initialFoos: Ember.A(DATA_A),
foos: Ember.computed('initialFoos', function() {
console.log("Computing foos...");
return this.get('initialFoos').map(function(aFoo) {
return Ember.$.extend(true, {}, aFoo, {observedFor: "root"});
foosMembership: Ember.computed('initialFoos.[]', function() {
console.log("Computing foosMemberships...");
return this.get('initialFoos').map(function(aFoo) {
return Ember.$.extend(true, {}, aFoo, {observedFor: "membership"});
foosUpdates: Ember.computed('initialFoos.@each', function() {
console.log("Computing foosUpdates...");
return this.get('initialFoos').map(function(aFoo) {
return Ember.$.extend(true, {}, aFoo, {observedFor: "updates"});
incNext: function() {
this.set('next', this.get('next') + 1);
start: function() {
this.set('handle', setInterval(this.get('addFoo').bind(this), 1000));
addFoo: function() {
// Push changes the array but doesn't not notify observers!!
// this.get('initialFoos').push({ a: this.get('next')});
// Push object does both!!
this.get('initialFoos').pushObject({ a: this.get('next')});
updateFoo: function() {
this.get('initialFoos').pushObject({ d: this.get('next')});
onInitialFoosChanged: function(_, key) {
console.log("InitialFoos changed: ", key);
autoOnInitialFoosChanged: function(_, key) {
console.log("Auto observed initial foos changed!", key);
autoOnInitialFoosUpdated: function(_, key) {
console.log("Auto observed initial foos updated!", key);
autoOnInitialFoosAddedRemoved: function(_, key) {
console.log("Auto observed initial foos added/removed!", key);
onFoosChanged: function(_, key) {
console.log("Foos changed: ", key);
autoOnFoosChanged: function(_, key) {
console.log("Auto observed foos changed!", key);
autoOnFoosUpdated: function(_, key) {
console.log("Auto observed foos updated!", key);
autoOnFoosAddedRemoved: function(_, key) {
console.log("Auto observed foos added/removed!", key);
actions: {
observeInitialFoos: function() {
console.log("Observe IFs");
this.addObserver("initialFoos", this, this.onInitialFoosChanged);
observeFoos: function() {
console.log("Observe Fs");
this.addObserver("foos", this, this.onFoosChanged);
unobserveInitialFoos: function() {
console.log("UNObserve IFs");
this.removeObserver('initialFoos', this, this.onInitialFoosChanged);
unobserveFoos: function() {
console.log("UNObserve Fs");
this.removeObserver('foos', this, this.onFoosChanged);
addFoo: function() {
updateFoo: function() {
setFoosA: function() {
this.set('initialFoos', Ember.A(DATA_A));
setFoosB: function() {
this.set('initialFoos', Ember.A(DATA_B));
start: function() {
stop: function() {
/* Put your CSS here */
html, body {
margin: 20px;
App = Ember.Application.create(); {
// put your routes here
App.IndexRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
model: function() {
var foo = { a: 1, b: 2 };
return Ember.keys(foo);
var DATA_A = [{a: 1}, {b: 2}, {c: 3}, {d: 4}];
var DATA_B = [{a: 10}, {b: 20}, {c: 30}, {d: 40}];
App.IndexController = Ember.Controller.extend({
init: function() {
this._super.apply(this, arguments);
next: 0,
handle: null,
initialFoos: Ember.A(DATA_A),
foos: Ember.computed('initialFoos', function() {
console.log("Computing foos...");
return this.get('initialFoos').map(function(aFoo) {
return Ember.$.extend(true, {}, aFoo, {observedFor: "root"});
foosMembership: Ember.computed('initialFoos.[]', function() {
console.log("Computing foosMemberships...");
return this.get('initialFoos').map(function(aFoo) {
return Ember.$.extend(true, {}, aFoo, {observedFor: "membership"});
foosUpdates: Ember.computed('initialFoos.@each', function() {
console.log("Computing foosUpdates...");
return this.get('initialFoos').map(function(aFoo) {
return Ember.$.extend(true, {}, aFoo, {observedFor: "updates"});
incNext: function() {
this.set('next', this.get('next') + 1);
start: function() {
this.set('handle', setInterval(this.get('addFoo').bind(this), 1000));
addFoo: function() {
// Push changes the array but doesn't not notify observers!!
// this.get('initialFoos').push({ a: this.get('next')});
// Push object does both!!
this.get('initialFoos').pushObject({ a: this.get('next')});
updateFoo: function() {
this.get('initialFoos').pushObject({ d: this.get('next')});
onInitialFoosChanged: function(_, key) {
console.log("InitialFoos changed: ", key);
autoOnInitialFoosChanged: function(_, key) {
console.log("Auto observed initial foos changed!", key);
autoOnInitialFoosUpdated: function(_, key) {
console.log("Auto observed initial foos updated!", key);
autoOnInitialFoosAddedRemoved: function(_, key) {
console.log("Auto observed initial foos added/removed!", key);
onFoosChanged: function(_, key) {
console.log("Foos changed: ", key);
autoOnFoosChanged: function(_, key) {
console.log("Auto observed foos changed!", key);
autoOnFoosUpdated: function(_, key) {
console.log("Auto observed foos updated!", key);
autoOnFoosAddedRemoved: function(_, key) {
console.log("Auto observed foos added/removed!", key);
actions: {
observeInitialFoos: function() {
console.log("Observe IFs");
this.addObserver("initialFoos", this, this.onInitialFoosChanged);
observeFoos: function() {
console.log("Observe Fs");
this.addObserver("foos", this, this.onFoosChanged);
unobserveInitialFoos: function() {
console.log("UNObserve IFs");
this.removeObserver('initialFoos', this, this.onInitialFoosChanged);
unobserveFoos: function() {
console.log("UNObserve Fs");
this.removeObserver('foos', this, this.onFoosChanged);
addFoo: function() {
updateFoo: function() {
setFoosA: function() {
this.set('initialFoos', Ember.A(DATA_A));
setFoosB: function() {
this.set('initialFoos', Ember.A(DATA_B));
start: function() {
stop: function() {
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