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Created December 12, 2012 02:20
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# This file is used to download all web pages that are bookmarked in Chrome
# to the local folder that runs the program. It works by parsing the
# Chrome bookmark file for URLs and then uses the wget linux command to
# download the list of URLs. Downloading web pages is useful so that they
# still be viewed offline.
# Import os for checking if files exist and making system calls
import os
# Import re for using regular expressions to parse bookmark file for URLs
import re
# Import sys for exiting program when necessary
import sys
#TODO: find a way to update bookmark file
#TODO: adapt for use in windows
#TODO: adapt for use for other browsers
#TODO: streamline installation process. maybe packaging python in installer
# Get the current working directory
cwd = os.getcwd()
# Get the user's home folder path on linux
home = os.getenv("HOME")
# File where Chrome automatically stores bookmark URLs and metadata in Linux.
# We will use regex to extract only the urls from this file.
# Note there is no file extension for the bookmarks file.
bookmarkFile = home + "/.config/google-chrome/Default/Bookmarks"
# File for keeping track of all URLs that have been previously downloaded
# We will check to see if a URL already exists in this file before actually
# writing the URL to our file used for wget.
masterList = cwd + "/bookmarksMaster.txt"
# The file actually used by the wget call. This file will contain only
# the new URLs that are not already contained in the master list. This
# is used to prevent re-downloading all previous URLs we have already
# downloaded. (--no-clobber option for wget is supposed to prevent this
# from happening, but it doesn't seem to work correctly when the
# --html-option is also used with wget.
newList = cwd + "/bookmarksNew.txt"
# This function is used to rename all files to a format compatible with
# Windows. The reasoning for this is in case someone runs script from Linux
# and they want their files to be downloaded to Dropbox to sync on Windows
def renameFilesForWindows():
for dirpath, dirs, files in os.walk(cwd):
for oldFilename in files:
if ('?' in oldFilename or '<' in oldFilename or '>' in oldFilename
or ':' in oldFilename or '"' in oldFilename or '\\' in oldFilename
or '*' in oldFilename or '|' in oldFilename):
newFilename = re.sub('[<>:"\\\?|*]', '_', oldFilename)
os.rename(os.path.join(dirpath, oldFilename),
os.path.join(dirpath, newFilename))
# Make sure the bookmark file exists.
bookmarkFileExists = os.path.isfile(bookmarkFile)
# Open file and store contents in data variable.
if (bookmarkFileExists):
fil = open(bookmarkFile, "r")
data =
print "\n'" + bookmarkFile + "'" + " does not exist."
print "This is what was specified as your Chrome bookmark file.\n"
# Store just the URLs in a URL tuple variable.
urls = re.findall(r"((https?):((//)|(\\\\))+[\w\d:#@%/;$()~_?\+-=\\\.&]*)", data)
# Store the descriptions of each URL
desc = re.findall(r'"name": "(.*?)",\n[ ]*"type": "url",', data)
# Make sure the master list bookmark file exists.
masterListExists = os.path.isfile(masterList)
# Store contents of master list of URLs in masterListURLs variable
if (masterListExists):
mlfil = open(masterList, "r")
masterListURLs =
mlfil = open(masterList, "w")
masterListURLs = ""
# Open file for writing new URLs
wrfile = open(newList, "w")
# Open file for containing each description with its associated URL
descriptionFile = open("BookmarkDownloaderDescriptions.txt", "w")
# Variable for cycling through description array
i = 0
# For every URL, index 0 gets just url part of tuple,
# then write it to the file if it doesn't already exist in master list.
# Also write the information to the description file.
for line in urls:
line = line[0]
if (masterListURLs.find(line) < 0): # Returns < 0 if not found
wrfile.write(line + "\n")
with open(masterList, "a") as ml: # Append new URL to master list
ml.write(line + "\n")
print line
descriptionFile.write(desc[i] + "\n")
descriptionFile.write(line + "\n\n")
i = i + 1
# Use wget linux command for downloading the web pages
# -i specifies a file to get the urls from
# -P specifies an output folder (no longer used)
# -p specifies downloading the whole web page (images and all)
# --no-clobber specifies ignoring files that have already been downloaded
# --timeout=10 specifies 10 second timeout for trying to connect to page
# --tries=3 specifies max number of tries for a page before skipping
# --html-extension saves the files with an html extension
os.system("wget -i " + newList + " -p --no-clobber --html-extension --timeout=10 --tries=3")
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