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Created December 17, 2012 13:47
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DVI のパース
import Control.Applicative ((<$>), (<*>), pure, some)
import Control.Monad (replicateM)
import Data.Binary (get, Binary(..), Get)
import Data.Binary.Get (bytesRead, runGet, getWord8, getWord16be, getWord32be, getByteString)
import Data.Int (Int8, Int32)
import Data.Word (Word, Word8, Word16, Word32)
import qualified Data.ByteString as SB (ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as LB (readFile)
data DviOp
= Set Word
| SetRule Int32 Int32
| Put Word
| PutRule Int32 Int32
| Nop
| Bop [Int32] Int32
| Eop
| Push
| Pop
| Rgt Int
| W (Maybe Int)
| X (Maybe Int)
| Dwn Int
| Y (Maybe Int)
| Z (Maybe Int)
| Fnt Word
| Xxx Int
| FntDef Word Word32 Int32 Int32 SB.ByteString SB.ByteString
| Pre Word8 Word32 Word32 Word32 SB.ByteString
| Post Int32 Word32 Word32 Word32 Int32 Int32 Word16 Word16
| PostPost Int32 Word8 Bool
| Reserved
| Dir Bool
deriving (Show)
parseDvi :: Get [(Int32, DviOp)]
parseDvi = some parseDviOp
parseDviOp :: Get (Int32, DviOp)
parseDviOp = do
p <- fromIntegral <$> bytesRead
t <- getWord8
(,) p <$> case t of
_ | t < 128 -> Set <$> pure (fromIntegral t)
| t `elem` [128..131] -> Set <$> readuint (t - 127)
| t == 132 -> SetRule <$> getInt32be <*> getInt32be
| t `elem` [133..136] -> Put <$> readuint (t - 132)
| t == 137 -> PutRule <$> getInt32be <*> getInt32be
| t == 138 -> pure Nop
| t == 139 -> Bop <$> replicateM 10 getInt32be <*> getInt32be
| t == 140 -> pure Eop
| t == 141 -> pure Push
| t == 142 -> pure Pop
| t `elem` [143..146] -> Rgt <$> readint (t - 142)
| t == 147 -> W <$> pure Nothing
| t `elem` [148..151] -> W . Just <$> readint (t - 147)
| t == 152 -> X <$> pure Nothing
| t `elem` [153..156] -> X . Just <$> readint (t - 152)
| t `elem` [157..160] -> Dwn <$> readint (t - 156)
| t == 161 -> Y <$> pure Nothing
| t `elem` [162..165] -> Y . Just <$> readint (t - 161)
| t == 166 -> Z <$> pure Nothing
| t `elem` [167..170] -> Z . Just <$> readint (t - 166)
| t `elem` [171..234] -> Fnt <$> pure (fromIntegral t - 171)
| t `elem` [235..238] -> Fnt <$> readuint (t - 234)
| t `elem` [243..246] -> fontdef t
| t == 247 -> pre
| t == 248 -> post
| t == 249 -> PostPost <$> getInt32be <*> getWord8 <*> postcheck
| t `elem` [250..254] -> pure Reserved
| t == 255 -> Dir . (/= 0) <$> getWord8
| otherwise -> undefined
fontdef t = FntDef
<$> readuint (t - 242) <*> getWord32be <*> getInt32be <*> getInt32be
<*> (getWord8 >>= readstring) <*> (getWord8 >>= readstring)
pre = Pre
<$> getWord8 <*> getWord32be <*> getWord32be <*> getWord32be
<*> (getWord8 >>= readstring)
post = Post
<$> getInt32be <*> getWord32be <*> getWord32be <*> getWord32be
<*> getInt32be <*> getInt32be <*> getWord16be <*> getWord16be
postcheck = all (== 223) <$> some getWord8
readstring = getByteString . fromIntegral
readuint :: Integral a => a -> Get Word
readuint cnt = foldl f 0 <$> map fromIntegral <$> replicateM (fromIntegral cnt) getWord8
where f o n = o*256 + n
readint :: Integral a => a -> Get Int
readint cnt = do
x <- get :: Get Int8
foldl f (fromIntegral x) <$> map fromIntegral <$> replicateM (fromIntegral cnt - 1) getWord8
where f o n = o*256 + n
getInt32be :: Get Int32
getInt32be = fromIntegral <$> getWord32be
main :: IO ()
main = do
r <- LB.readFile "genfunc.dvi"
mapM_ print (runGet parseDvi r)
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