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Created June 21, 2017 08:00
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#include "DeadEnd.h"
#include "Config.h"
#define toDeg 180.0f/3.14159265f;
#define toRad 3.14159265f/180.0f;
using namespace std;
template <typename DerivedA>
void getSegments(const DerivedA& sections, const DerivedA& segments)
segments = sections;
void isPerpendicular()
//template <typename DerivedA>
//void isDeadEnd(const DerivedA sections, const DerivedA segments, const DerivedA leftright, const DerivedA * deadends, int *nDE)
// *nDE = 5;
void DeadEnd::isDeadEnd(Corners corners, int * DeadEndFound, float * DeadEndCoords, float * distTODE)
// start of the real functions for dead end detection.
// variable declarations.
//int nRowsin = 100;
//int nColsin = 3;
int nSections = 0; // number of sections found by wall detection.
int nDE = 0, nDE_dummy = 0; // number of dead ends detected.
int nearestDE = 0; // index of the nearest dead end.
float compSegments = 1.0; // constant to identify segments
float angleTol = 5.0f*toRad; // corner perpendicularity tolerance
float angleSetPoint = 90.0f*toRad; // Corner detection goal (we want corners to be 90 degrees)
float angle; // angle between segments
float DElength = 0.3; // Dead end template parameter: minimum depth of a dead end
float DEwidth_lb = 0.5; // Dead end template parameter: width lower bound
float DEwidth_ub = 1.5; // Dead end template parameter: width upper bound
float closestDE = 30; // distance to the nearest dead end. initialized at max sensor range.
float distToDEThreashold = 1.0f; // distance to dead end threashold. If a dead end is within this range, it is returned.
MatrixXf cornersMat, segments, vect;
MatrixXf RL(2,2), RR(2,2); // Rotation matrix to determine the corner direction
VectorXf v1(2), v2(2), v3(2), v4(2); // dummy vectors to calculate angle between segments
MatrixXf perp; // matrix containing the perpendicularity between segments
MatrixXf leftright; // matrix containing turn direction information. 0 = left; 1 = right; 2 = no turn is being made;
MatrixXf DE; // matrix containing the dead end corner coordinates.
MatrixXf lleft_DE_vect(1,2), lright_DE_vect(1,2), widht_DE_vect(1,2); // vectors containing the dead end dimension vectors.
MatrixXf DeadEnds; // The wall locations of the detected dead end
MatrixXf DEmidpoint, v_toMidPoint(1,2); // midpoint of the dead end;
vect.resize(1,2); // dummy vector used be segment extraction.
RL << 0.0 ,1.0,
-1.0 ,0.0;
RR << 0,-1,
// extract segment data from CornerSections
//int cont = 1;
while( corners[nSections][1] != 0)
for(int i=0; i < nSections; ++i)
for(int j=0; j < 3; ++j)
cornersMat(i,j) = corners[i][j];
// ===================================================================================== //
// Segment extraction routine.
for(int i=0; i < nSections - 1; ++i)
if(cornersMat((i+1),2) == compSegments )
// valid segment found
vect(0,0) = cornersMat(i+1,1) - cornersMat(i,1);
vect(0,1) = cornersMat(i+1,0) - cornersMat(i,0);
vect = vect/vect.norm();
vect << 0,0;
segments.row(i) = vect.row(0);
// ===================================================================================== //
// Perpendicularity routine.
perp.resize(segments.rows()-1, 1); // set the size of the perpendicularity matrix
leftright.resize(segments.rows()-1, 1); // set the size of the leftright matrix
for (int i = 0; i < segments.rows()-1; ++i)
if(segments.row(i+1).norm() > 0.01f)
// valid segment found
v1 = segments.row(i);
v2 = segments.row(i+1);
angle = acos(;
if( abs(abs(angle) - angleSetPoint) < angleTol )
// The angle between segment i and i+1 is perpendicular within 5 degrees.
perp(i) = 1.0f;
v3 = RL*v1;
v4 = RR*v1;
if( > 0.0f )
// turning v1 CCW aligns v1 and v2. Left turn identified
leftright(i) = 0.0f;
else if ( > 0.0f)
// a right turn is found
leftright(i) = 1.0f;
// a turn is detected, but is not a left turn: so it has to be a right turn
leftright(i) = 2.0f;
// no turn is being made
perp(i) = 0.0f;
leftright(i) = 2.0f;
// A segment of 0 length is found
perp(i) = 2.0f;
leftright(i) = 2.0f;
} // subfunction end.
// cout << "All segments have been evaluated, turns are: " << endl;
// for (int i=0;i < leftright.rows(); ++i)
// {
// if (leftright(i) == 0.0f) {cout << "Turn " << i << " is left" << endl;}
// else if(leftright(i) == 1.0f) {cout << "Turn " << i << " is right" << endl;}
// else {{cout << "Turn " << i << " is no turn" << endl;}}
// }
// ===================================================================================== //
// Dead end detection routine.
// find the number of dead ends to construct the deadends vector.
for(int i = 0; i < leftright.rows()-1; ++i)
// look for a dead end sequence, indecated by two consecutave left turns.
if ( (leftright(i) == 0.0f) && (leftright(i+1) == 0.0f) )
if( nDE == 0 )
for(int i = 0; i < leftright.rows()-1; ++i)
// look for a dead end sequenvoid initDElocations(float *DEcoords, int nDEdesired);ce, indecated by two consecutave left turns.
if ( (leftright(i) == 0.0f) && (leftright(i+1) == 0.0f) )
// possible dead end detected.
// now perform template matching
// first make a vector containing the dead end sections (so the 4 points from the wall detection function)
DE.row(0) = cornersMat.block<1,2>(i,0);
DE.row(1) = cornersMat.block<1,2>(i+1,0);
DE.row(2) = cornersMat.block<1,2>(i+2,0);
DE.row(3) = cornersMat.block<1,2>(i+3,0);
// make vectors of the dead end walls.
widht_DE_vect(0,0) = DE(2,0) - DE(1,0); widht_DE_vect(0,1) = DE(2,1) - DE(1,1);
lleft_DE_vect(0,0) = DE(3,0) - DE(2,0); lleft_DE_vect(0,1) = DE(3,1) - DE(2,1);
lright_DE_vect(0,0) = DE(1,0) - DE(0,0); lright_DE_vect(0,1) = DE(1,1) - DE(0,1);
// compare dead end to template
if ( (widht_DE_vect.norm() < DEwidth_ub) && (widht_DE_vect.norm() > DEwidth_lb))
// The width matches the template
if ( (lleft_DE_vect.norm() > DElength) && (lright_DE_vect.norm() > DElength) )
// the side walls are also long enough
DeadEnds.block<4,2>(nDE_dummy,0) = DE;
v_toMidPoint = (widht_DE_vect/widht_DE_vect.norm() * DISTANCE_DOOR_REFERENCE_POINT) * RL;
DEmidpoint.row(nDE_dummy) = widht_DE_vect*0.5 + v_toMidPoint + DE.row(1);
} // function end
// ===================================================================================== //
// function return routine.
// always give back the closest dead end.
if(nDE_dummy >= 1)
// multiple dead ends found
// find nearest dead end
for( int i = 0; i < nDE_dummy; ++i)
if( DEmidpoint.row(i).norm() < closestDE) {closestDE = DEmidpoint.row(i).norm(); nearestDE = i;}
else {nearestDE = 0;}
if (closestDE <= distToDEThreashold){ *distTODE = closestDE; }
// dead end is to far away.
nDE = 0; nDE_dummy = 0;
*distTODE = 30.0f;
*DeadEndFound = nDE_dummy;
DeadEndCoords[0] = DEmidpoint(nearestDE,0);
DeadEndCoords[1] = DEmidpoint(nearestDE,1);
// return all other dead ends for debugging purposes
// int count1 = 1;
// for(int i =0; i < nDE; ++i)
// {
// if(i != nearestDE)
// {
// // this DE is not the closest, so append to list of DE's
// DeadEndCoords[count1*2] = DEmidpoint(i,0);
// DeadEndCoords[(count1*2 + 1)] = DEmidpoint(i,1);
// count1++;
// }
// }
void DeadEnd::initDElocations(float *DEcoords, int nDEdesired)
// initialize all DE coordinates to 0.
for ( int i = 0; i < 2*nDEdesired; ++i)
DEcoords[i] = 0.0f;
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