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\message{*********** 2130.sty - compiled by Bruce Shawyer ***********}
\message{*********** latest version compiled August 2003 **********}
% curves.sty version 1.41 for LaTeX 2.09, SLiTeX, and LaTeX2e.
% I.L. Maclaine-cross, The University of New South Wales.
% Internet:
\typeout{Document Style Option `curves' <22 August 1995>}
% Draws curves in LaTeX picture environment using parabolas between points
% with continuous slope at points. Equivalent to technical pens with
% compasses and French curves.
% A Command Summary is at the end of this file.
% curvesls.sty is a faster equivalent requiring less memory which uses
% straight line drawing \specials like emTeX's.
% Make `;' appear like a letter so control sequences can use it and they
% will not be accidently used by other macro packages.
\newcount\;sc % number of symbols on Bezier segment
\newcount\;cc % coordinate count
\newcount\;cnd % actual point count to next dot
\newcount\;mcnd % maximum point count to next dot
\newcount\;psc % maximum dot spacing on line in sp.
\newdimen\overhang \overhang\z@
\newdimen\;pl \;pl\z@
\newif\ifcurvewarn \curvewarntrue % Warn about curve problems
\newif\if;ccn % coordinate number correct
\newif\if;pt % plot points if true
\newif\if;csym % curve symbol defined
\newif\if;scnt % symbol or pattern count <>0
\newhelp\;strline{curve straight from}
\newhelp\m;ssingcoord{curve needs more points, add them.}
\newhelp\;negdash{curvedashes needs the same sign for all arguments.}
\newhelp\;oddcoord{curve requires two co-ordinates for each point,
count them.}
\;ddy#2\unitlength \;firstpoint \;td#4\p@ \;drwarc}}
% Redefines version in LaTeX 2e of 1 June 1994.
\def\@bezier#1(#2,#3)(#4,#5)(#6,#7){\;dx#4\unitlength \;ddx-\;dx
\advance\;dx-#2\unitlength \advance\;ddx#6\unitlength \;dy#5\unitlength
\;ddy-\;dy \advance\;dy-#3\unitlength \advance\;ddy#7\unitlength
\;setpoint{#1}\scaleput(#2,#3){\;firstpoint \;bezier}}
\def\;bgcrcl[#1]#2{\;setpoint{#1}\;dx\unitlength \global\divide\unitlength\tw@
\scaleput(#2,0){\;ddx\z@ \;ddy#2\unitlength \global\unitlength\;dx \;td360\p@
\advance\;cc\thr@@ \;tagcurve\;ci}\fi}
\if;ccn \scaleput(\;xa,\;ya){\;firstpoint
\ifnum\;cc=\tw@ \;slbezd \;slbez
\else \;scbezd\;dx\;ddx\;xa\;xb\;xc \;scbezd\;dy\;ddy\;ya\;yb\;yc
\;bezier \;tagcurve{#2}\ifnum\;cc>6\;endcurve\fi \fi}\fi}
\newcommand\;xa{} \newcommand\;xb{} \newcommand\;xc{}
\newcommand\;ya{} \newcommand\;yb{} \newcommand\;yc{}
\newcommand\;curvesymbol{} \def\;curvesymbol{}
\def\;crvdshs[#1]#2{\;ucd#1\def\;icurvedashes{#2}\;ccnfalse \;pl\z@
\@for \;ci:=#2\do{\ifdim\;ci\;ucd<\z@ \;ccntrue \@latexerr{\string
\curvedashes\space sign bad at \;ci}{\the\;negdash ^^J\@eha}%
\else \advance\;pl\;ci\;ucd \fi}\if;ccn\;pl\z@\fi}
\scaleput(\;xb,\;yb){\;firstpoint \;tagcurve{#2}}\fi}
\long\def\scaleput(#1,#2)#3{\@killglue \;td#2\unitlength
\raise\yscale\;td \hbox to \z@{\kern\xscaley\;td \;td#1\unitlength
\kern\xscale\;td \raise\yscalex\;td \hbox{#3}\hss}\ignorespaces}
% Plot first point if any.
% Calculates segment count, sine, cosine and differences then plots segments.
\newcommand\;drwarc{\;cc\;td \;np\;td \;td23\p@ \divide\;cc\;td
\;abs\;cc \advance\;cc\@ne \;pns\p@ \divide\;pns\tw@
\divide\;np\;cc \;rc\;np \divide\;rc\;pns \;abs\;rc
\advance\;rc\@ne \divide\;np\;rc \multiply\;np\;pns \divide\;np14668 %
\multiply\;np\;rc \divide\;np\@cclvi \;scp\p@ \multiply\;scp\@cclvi
\;t\;pns \;csi\;csi\;csi\;csi \;rxy\;ddx\;ddy \divide\;rc\p@
\advance\;rc\@ne \;rtc\;rc \advance\;rc\;rc \;ndd\;ddx \;ndd\;ddy
\;csi \;rxy\;ddx\;ddy \divide\;rc\;pns \advance\;rc\@ne
\@whilenum\;cc>\z@ \do{\advance\;cc\m@ne \;dx\;ddx \;dy\;ddy
\divide\;ddx\;rc \divide\;ddy\;rc \;td\;ddx \;ddx\;t\;td
\advance\;ddx-\;np\;ddy \;ddy\;t\;ddy \advance\;ddy\;np\;td
\divide\;ddx\;pns \divide\;ddy\;pns \;ddx\;rc\;ddx \;ddy\;rc\;ddy
{\;bezier \global\;ytd\;y \global\;tca\;overhang}\;y\;ytd \;overhang\;tca}}
\newcommand\;ndd[1]{\divide#1\;rc \multiply#1\;np \divide#1\;t #1\;rtc#1}
% Cosine and sine half angle iteration.
\newcommand\;csi{\;tcb\;np \multiply\;np\;t \divide\;np\;pns \;t\;tcb
\multiply\;t\;t \divide\;t-\;scp \advance\;t\;pns \divide\;scp4 }
% Count the number of co-ordinate specified and warns if incorrect.
\ifcase\;cc \or \;d;f\;xa \or \;d;f\;ya \or \;d;f\;xb
\or \;d;f\;yb \or \;d;f\;xc \or \;d;f\;yc \fi
\ifx#1\closecurve\ifodd\;cc \;d;f\;xa \else \;d;f\;ya \fi\fi}%
\;ccnfalse \ifx#1\closecurve \advance\;cc-\tw@ \fi
\ifodd\;cc \@latexerr{\string #1\space points odd}{\the\;oddcoord ^^J\@eha}%
\else \divide\;cc\tw@
\ifnum#2>\;cc \@latexerr{\string #1 needs \the#2 points}%
{\the\m;ssingcoord ^^J\@eha}%
\else \;ccntrue \fi\fi}
% Sets symbol, character or disk depending on how line is to be plotted.
% Corrects overhang to be positive or zero but no greater than \;pl.
\newcommand\;setpoint[1]{\curvelength\z@ \def\;po;nt{\raise\;y\copy\;pt}\ch;ckcs
\ifnum#1=\z@\;scntfalse\else\;scnttrue\fi \;sc#1\relax \;abs\;sc \;psc\;sc
\ifdim\;pl>\z@ \;overhang\overhang
\ifnum\;overhang=\z@\else \;np\;overhang \divide\;np\;pl \multiply\;np\;pl
\ifnum\;overhang<\z@ \advance\;overhang\;pl
\else \ifnum\;overhang=\;np\advance\;overhang\;pl\fi
\fi \advance\;overhang-\;np
\fi \if;csym \if;scnt\;setdisk\else\;setsymbol\;td\p@\fi \else \;setdisk \fi
\else\ifnum#1>\z@ \s;tcirc{\hss\vrule\@height\@wholewidth\@width\@wholewidth}%
\else\ifnum#1<\z@ \if;csym\;setsymbol\else\set;pt{}\fi
\else \;setdisk \s;tpitch \fi\fi\fi
\edef\;point{\;po;nt}\;y\dp\;pt \advance\;y-\ht\;pt \divide\;y\tw@}
\newcommand\s;tpitch{\;td\diskpitchstretch\;td \;psc\;td}
\newcommand\;po;nt{} \newcommand\;point{}
% Sets LaTeX disk character and calculates maximum spacing or selects period.
\divide\;td 8\advance\;td.6\p@ \ifdim\;td>\thr@@\p@\;td\thr@@\p@\fi
\else \;setperiod \fi}%
% OFSS, SLiTeX or NFSS version for period selected at load time.
% NFSS fix requested by Peter Vanroose and
% Michel Goossens who also supplied a workable patch.
\newcommand\;setperiod{\ifdim\@halfwidth>.6\p@ \let\;ci\svtnrm \;td.7\p@
\else\ifdim\@wholewidth>.85\p@ \let\;ci\twlrm \;td.48\p@
\else \ifdim\@wholewidth>.6\p@ \let\;ci\egtrm \else \let\;ci\fivrm \fi
\;td.34\p@ \fi\fi \s;tcirc{\;ci\hss.}}%
\newcommand\;setperiod{\;td.7\p@ \s;tcirc{\fourteenrm\hss.}}%
\ifdim\@halfwidth>.6\p@ \;tcb17\;td.7\p@
\else\ifdim\@wholewidth>.85\p@ \;tcb12\;td.48\p@
\else \ifdim\@wholewidth>.6\p@ \;tcb8\else \;tcb5\fi \;td.34\p@ \fi\fi
\s;tcirc{\rm \fontseries m\fontshape n\fontsize{\the\;tcb}\p@
\selectfont \hss.}}%
% Check if curvesymbol exists and set switch.
% Makes zero width box \;pt of point
\newcommand\s;tcirc[1]{\set;pt to\z@{#1\hss}}
% Set global box \;pt
% Plots last segment of curve from coordinates already read.
\;ecbezd\;dy\;ddy\;ya\;yb\;yc \;bezier}
\newcommand\;ecbezd[5]{\;slcd#1#3#5\divide#14 #2-#1\advance#2#5\unitlength
% Reads coordinates of four points before going to difference calculation.
\newcommand\;tagcurve[1]{\ifnum\;cc=\thr@@ \;endcurve \else \;cc\z@
\@for\;ci:=#1\do{\advance\;cc\@ne \ifnum\;cc>6 %
\ifodd\;cc \;slcd\;dx\;xa\;xc \let\;xa\;xb \let\;xb\;xc \;d;f\;xc
\else \t;gcrv \fi \fi}\fi}
% Calculates differences over whole segment from four points.
\newcommand\t;gcrv{\;slcd\;dy\;ya\;yc \let\;ya\;yb \let\;yb\;yc \;d;f\;yc
\;rxy\;dx\;dy \divide\;dx\;rtc \divide\;dy\;rtc
\;ddx-\;ya\;dx \advance\;ddx\;xa\;dy \;ddy\;ddx
\advance\;ddx\;yb\;dx \advance\;ddx-\;xb\;dy
\advance\;ddy\;yc\;dx \advance\;ddy-\;xc\;dy
\;slbezd \;td\;ddy \divide\;td\@m
\ifdim\;td=\z@ \ifcurvewarn
\@warning{\the\;strline \;xa,\;ya\space to \;xb,\;yb}\fi \;slbez
\else \;td\unitlength \;rtc\;td \advance\;rtc\;rtc
\divide\;rtc\p@ \advance\;rtc\@ne \divide\;td\;rtc
\;t\;ddx \;scp\;t \;abs\;t
\advance\;t\;t \divide\;t\p@ \advance\;t\@ne \divide\;scp\;t
\multiply\;td\;scp \divide\;td\;ddy \multiply\;td\;rtc \multiply\;td\;t
\;ddx\;xc\;td \advance\;ddx-\;xa\;td \advance\;dx-\;ddx
\;ddy\;yc\;td \advance\;ddy-\;ya\;td \advance\;dy-\;ddy \;bezier \fi}
% Avoid repeating {\;ci}
\newcommand\;slbezd{\;slcd\;dx\;xa\;xb \;slcd\;dy\;ya\;yb}
% Calculates difference between two coordinates.
\newcommand\;slcd[3]{#1#3\unitlength \advance#1-#2\unitlength}
% Calculates differences for bezier straight line.
\newcommand\;slbez{\divide\;dx\tw@ \;ddx\;dx \divide\;dy\tw@ \;ddy\;dy \;bezier}
% Scales segment differences, then calculates segment pattern and disk count,
% and initial disk differences; selects line or dashes.
\newcommand\;bezier{\;scale\;dx\;dy \;scp\;rc \;np\;rc \;scale\;ddx\;ddy
\ifnum\;rc>\;np\;np\;rc\fi \advance\;np\;np
\advance\;scp\;rc \;bezc\;dx\;ddx \;bezc\;dy\;ddy \;rxy\;ddx\;ddy
\divide\;rc\p@ \advance\;rc\thr@@
\;tc\;rc \;sroot\;sroot\;sroot \;tca\;rc \;rxy\;dx\;dy
\advance\;rc\;scp \divide\;rc\thr@@ \global\advance\curvelength\;rc sp%
\divide\;np\;psc \ifnum\;np<\@ne\;np\@ne\fi \;t\;np
\if;scnt\ifdim\;pl=\z@ \;t\;sc
\if;csym \;rc \divide\;np\;sc \advance\;np-\csdiameter
\;td\;pl \divide\;td\tw@ \advance\;np\;td \divide\;np\;pl
\ifnum\;np<\@ne\;np\@ne\fi \multiply\;np\;sc
\else \;sc \fi \advance\;t\;np \divide\;t\;np \multiply\;t\;np
\fi \fi
\ifnum\;t>\;tca \;mcnd\;t \divide\;mcnd\;tca \else \;mcnd\@ne \;tca\;t \fi
\;tc\;t \advance\;tc\;tc \;rtc\;tc
\;tcb\;tca \advance\;tcb\@ne \multiply\;tcb\;mcnd \advance\;rtc-\;tcb
\multiply\;rtc\;tca \;tcb\;t \multiply\;tcb\;tcb \divide\;tcb\;mcnd
\;bezd\;dx\;ddx \;bezd\;dy\;ddy \edef\;tplot{\;po;nts}\;cnd\;mcnd
\ifdim\;pl>\z@ \;dashes \else \;points \fi}
#2\yscale#2\advance#2\yscalex#1#1\;td \;rxy#1#2}
\newcommand\;bezd[2]{\divide#2\;tcb \;td#2\multiply\;td\;rtc \advance#1-\;td
% Calculates length of vector \;rc from coordinates #1,#2
\newcommand\;rxy[2]{\;tc#1\;abs\;tc \;tcb#2\;abs\;tcb
\;rc\;tc \advance\;rc\;tcb
\ifnum\;rc>\z@ \;rtc\;rc \advance\;rtc\;rtc \divide\;rtc\p@
\ifnum\;rtc>\z@ \advance\;rtc\@ne \divide\;tc\;rtc
\divide\;tcb\;rtc \divide\;rc\;rtc
\else \;rtc\@ne \fi \multiply\;tc\;tc \multiply\;tcb\;tcb
\advance\;tc\;tcb \;sroot \multiply\;rc\;rtc \fi}
% Replaces argument by magnitude
\newcommand\;abs[1]{\ifnum#1<\z@ #1-#1\fi}
% Iteration of square root calculation by Newton's method.
\newcommand\;rroot{\;tcb\;tc \divide\;tcb\;rc \advance\;rc\;tcb \divide\;rc\tw@}
% Variable uses in \;dashes, \;scdashes, \;nscdashes, \;pdashes and \;dash.
% counts
% \;scp = distance between points.
% \;rc = length of Bezier segment.
% \;rtc = total points in Bezier segment.
% \;np = number of whole patterns in Bezier segment or scratch.
% \;overhang = of dash pattern past symbol or end of segment.
% \;pbs = total points between symbols
% \;pns = points to next symbol or dot.
% \;tc = number of points to blank for curve symbol.
% \;tcb = number of points along pattern.
% dimens
% \;pl = length of dash pattern.
% \;ucd = dash pattern unit length.
% Initializes dash plot for segment and selects symbol count alternative.
\newcommand\;dashes{\let\;ticd\;icurvedashes \let\;tucd\;ucd \divide\;rc\;t
\;rtc\;t \;tc\;rc \advance\;tc\csdiameter \divide\;tc\;rc
\divide\;tc\tw@ \;t\;tc \multiply\;tc\tw@ \;ptfalse
\;pbs\;rc \divide\;pbs\tw@ \advance\;overhang\;pbs \divide\;overhang-\;rc
\if;scnt \;scdashes \else \;nscdashes \fi \multiply\;overhang\;rc}
% Plots dash pattern when a nonzero symbol count is specified.
\newcommand\;scdashes{\;pbs\;rtc \divide\;pbs\;sc \;ccss \;scp
\if;csym \;pl \multiply\;scp\;np \divide\;scp\;sc \advance\;pbs-\;tc
\else \;pbs \multiply\;scp\;rc \fi \;np\;overhang \;overhang\z@
\divide\;scp\;pbs \;tcb\z@ \;pns\;t \;dash \;overhang\;np
\if;csym\else \advance\;overhang-\;tcb \advance\;rtc-\;tcb
\advance\;pbs-\;tc \fi
\;pns\;pbs \advance\;pns-\;np \if;csym\else\advance\;pns\;tcb\fi
\@whilenum\;rtc>\z@\do{\;pdashes \;ptfalse \;t\;tc \;pns\;t \;dash
\;pns\;pbs \;overhang\if;csym\;np\else-\;overhang\fi
\;ptfalse \;t\;tc \;tcb\;overhang
\divide\;t\tw@ \;rtc\;t \;pns\;t \;dash \fi}
% Plots symbols at natural pattern length but shrinks pattern to fit between.
\newcommand\;nscdashes{\advance\;pbs\;pl \divide\;pbs\;rc
\if;csym \;bpdashes \fi \;ccss \;pns\;t
\;dash \advance\;pbs-\;tc \;scp\;pl \divide\;scp\;pbs \;pns\;pbs
\@whilenum\;rtc>\z@\do{\;pdashes \;ptfalse \;t\;tc \;pns\;t \;dash
\;pns\;pbs}\if;csym \else \divide\;tc\tw@ \advance\;overhang\;tc \fi}
% If large symbol spaces, blank curve.
\newcommand\;ccss{\ifnum\;pbs>\;tc\else \;bpdashes \fi}
% A blank or symbol plotting dash pattern
\newcommand\;bpdashes{\let\;tucd\;pl \let\;ticd\;ricd \;tc\z@ \;t\z@}
% Reads dash pattern plotting dashes and spaces up to next symbol space.
\newcommand\;pdashes{\ifnum\;pns>\z@ \;td\z@ \;tcb\z@ \;ptfalse
\@for\;ci:=\;ticd \do{\advance\;td\;ci\;tucd \;t\;scp \divide\;t\tw@
\advance\;t\;td \divide\;t\;scp \advance\;t-\;tcb \;dash
\let\n;xt\;pdashes \else \let\n;xt\relax \fi \n;xt}
% Checks if dash or space occurs before or after curve, calculates fractions.
\newcommand\;dash{\ifnum\;t=\z@ \if;csym\ifnum\;rtc>\z@\if;pt\;point\fi\fi\fi
\else \advance\;tcb\;t \advance\;pns-\;t
\ifnum\;overhang<\z@ \advance\;overhang\;t
\ifnum\;overhang<\z@ \;t\z@ \else \;t\;overhang \;overhang\;tcb \fi
\else \;overhang\;tcb \fi
\ifnum\;pns<\z@ \advance\;overhang\;pns \advance\;tcb\;pns
\advance\;t\;pns \;pns\z@ \fi \advance\;rtc-\;t
\ifnum\;rtc<\z@ \advance\;overhang\;rtc \advance\;t\;rtc\fi
\ifnum\;t>\z@ \if;pt\;point\;points\else\let\n;xt\;space\;space\fi \fi\fi}
% Makes \;tplot then plots a single dash.
\newcommand\;points{\let\n;xt\;sdash \;sdash}
\newcommand\;sdash{\let\n;;t\;tplot \ifnum\;t<\;cnd \let\n;xt\relax
\advance\;cnd-\;t \;tca\;t \;tplot
\else \advance\;t-\;cnd \;tca\;cnd \;tplot
\advance\;dx\;ddx \advance\;dy\;ddy \;cnd\;mcnd
\fi \n;xt}
% A fast single macro for drawing straight lines.
\advance\;y\;dy \kern\;dx \;po;nt \advance\;tca\m@ne
\noexpand\else \let\noexpand\n;;t\relax \noexpand\fi \noexpand\n;;t}
% Plots a single space at high speed.
\newcommand\;space{\ifnum\;t<\;cnd \let\n;xt\relax
\advance\;cnd-\;t \advance\;y\;t\;dy \kern\;t\;dx
\else \advance\;t-\;cnd \advance\;y\;cnd\;dy \kern\;cnd\;dx
\advance\;dx\;ddx \advance\;dy\;ddy \;cnd\;mcnd
\fi \n;xt}
%%% Addition February 1997 %%%
\def\;BigcirclE#1{\arc(#1,0){23} \arc(#1,0){-23} \arc(0,#1){-23}
\arc(0,#1){23} \arc(-#1,0){23} \arc(-#1,0){-23} \arc(0,-#1){-23}
\def\join{\@ifnextchar [{\@ijoinline}{\@ijoinline[\joinlinestretch]}}
\def\@ijoinline[#1](#2,#3){\@ifnextchar ({\@iijoinline[#1](#2,#3)}{\relax}}
% Make `;' a punctuation mark again.
%%%%%%%% am2130e.sty %%%%%%%%%%
% Written by Bruce Shawyer March 1995 %
%% This is file `size12.clo', generated
%% on <1995/3/22> with the docstrip utility (2.2i).
%% The original source files were:
%% classes.dtx (with options: `12pt')
%% Copyright 1994 the LaTeX3 project and the individual authors.
%% All rights reserved. For further copyright information see the file
%% legal.txt, and any other copyright indicated in this file.
%% This file is part of the LaTeX2e system.
%% ----------------------------------------
%% This system is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
%% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
%% For error reports in case of UNCHANGED versions see bugs.txt.
%% Please do not request updates from us directly. Distribution is
%% done through Mail-Servers and TeX organizations.
%% You are not allowed to change this file.
%% You are allowed to distribute this file under the condition that
%% it is distributed together with all files mentioned in manifest.txt.
%% If you receive only some of these files from someone, complain!
%% You are NOT ALLOWED to distribute this file alone. You are NOT
%% ALLOWED to take money for the distribution or use of either this
%% file or a changed version, except for a nominal charge for copying
%% etc.
%% \CharacterTable
%% {Upper-case \A\B\C\D\E\F\G\H\I\J\K\L\M\N\O\P\Q\R\S\T\U\V\W\X\Y\Z
%% Lower-case \a\b\c\d\e\f\g\h\i\j\k\l\m\n\o\p\q\r\s\t\u\v\w\x\y\z
%% Digits \0\1\2\3\4\5\6\7\8\9
%% Exclamation \! Double quote \" Hash (number) \#
%% Dollar \$ Percent \% Ampersand \&
%% Acute accent \' Left paren \( Right paren \)
%% Asterisk \* Plus \+ Comma \,
%% Minus \- Point \. Solidus \/
%% Colon \: Semicolon \; Less than \<
%% Equals \= Greater than \> Question mark \?
%% Commercial at \@ Left bracket \[ Backslash \\
%% Right bracket \] Circumflex \^ Underscore \_
%% Grave accent \` Left brace \{ Vertical bar \|
%% Right brace \} Tilde \~}
[1994/12/09 v1.2x
Standard LaTeX file (size option)]
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\topsep 5\p@ \@plus2.5\p@ \@minus\p@
\parsep 2.5\p@ \@plus\p@ \@minus\p@
\itemsep \parsep}
\topsep 2.5\p@\@plus\p@\@minus\p@
\parsep \z@
\partopsep \p@ \@plus\z@ \@minus\p@
\itemsep \topsep}
\def\@listiv {\leftmargin\leftmarginiv
\def\@listv {\leftmargin\leftmarginv
\def\@listvi {\leftmargin\leftmarginvi
%% End of file `size12.clo'.
% Additions by Bruce Shawyer
% Department of Mathematics and Statistics
% Memorial University of Newfoundland
% St. John's, NF, Canada A1C 5S7
% fancyheadings.sty version 1.0 - version for AM2130
% Fancy headers and footers.
% Piet van Oostrum, Dept of Computer Science, University of Utrecht
% Padualaan 14, P.O. Box 80.089, 3508 TB Utrecht, The Netherlands
% Telephone: +31-30-531806. (mcvax!hp4nl!ruuinf!piet)
% March, 1989.
% Here is a documentstylestyle option that allows you to customize your
% page headers and footers in an easy way. It combines features that were
% separately available in other pagestyles, without introducing much
% complexity. You can define:
% - three-part headers and footers
% - rules in header and footer
% - headers and footers wider than \textwidth
% - multiline headers and footers
% - separate headers and footers for even and odd pages
% - separate headers and footers for chapter pages
% To use this pagestyle, you must include the ``fancyheadings'' style
% option in your \documentstyle, and issue the \pagestyle{fancy} command.
% The \pagestyle{fancy} command should be issued after any changes made to
% \textwidth.
% The page layout will be as follows:
% ----------------------------------- (rule)
% page body
% ----------------------------------- (rule)
% The L-fields will be leftadjusted, the C-fields centered and the
% R-fields rightadjusted.
% Each of the six fields and the two rules can be defined separately.
% Simple use:
% The header and footer fields can be defined by commands \lhead{LHEAD}
% and so on for the other fields. If the field depends on something in the
% document (e.g. section titles) you must in general use the \markboth and
% \markright commands, otherwise a title may end on the wrong page. You
% can do this e.g. by redefining the commands \chaptermark, \sectionmark
% and so on (see example below). The defaults for these marks are as in
% the standard pagestyles. The marks can be put into a header or footer
% field by referencing \leftmark and \rightmark.
% Rules in header and footer
% The thickness of the rules below the header and above the footer can be
% changed by redefining the length parameters \headrulewidth (default
% 0.4pt) and \footrulewidth (default 0). These may be redefined by the
% \setlength command. A thickness of 0pt makes the rule invisible.
% If you want to make more complicated changes, you have to redefine the
% commands \headrule and/or \footrule.
% Headers and footers wider than \textwidth
% The headers and footers are set in a box of width \headwidth. The
% default for this is the value of \textwidth. You can make it wider (or
% smaller) by redefining \headwidth with the \setlength or \addtolength
% command. The headers and footers will stick out the page on the same
% side as the marginal notes. For example to include the marginal notes,
% add both \marginparsep and \marginparwidth to \headwidth (see also the
% example below).
% Multiline headers and footers
% Each of the six fields is set in an appropriate parbox, so you can put a
% multiline part in it with the \\ command. It is also possible to put
% extra space in it with the \vspace command. Note that if you do this you
% will probably have to increase the \headheight or \footskip lengths.
% Separate headers and footers for even and odd pages
% If you want the headers and footers to be different on even- and
% odd-numbered pages in the ``twoside'' style, the field-defining macros
% can be given an optional argument, to be used on the even-numbered
% pages, like \lhead[EVEN-LHEAD]{ODD-RHEAD}.
% Separate headers and footers for chapter pages
% LaTeX gives a \thispagestyle{plain} command for the first page of the
% document, the first page of each chapter and a couple of other pages. It
% might be incompatible with your pagestyle. In this case you can use a
% slightly different version of the pagestyle, called \pagestyle{fancyplain}.
% This pagestyle redefines the pagestyle ``plain'' to also use pagestyle
% ``fancy'' with the following modifications:
% - the thicknesses of the rules is defined by \plainheadrulewidth and
% \plainfootrulewidth (both default 0).
% - the 6 fields may be defined separately for the plain pages by
% giving them the value \fancyplain{PLAIN-VALUE}{NORMAL-VALUE}. This
% construct may be used in both the optional argument and the normal
% argument. Thus \lhead[\fancyplain{F1}{F2}]{\fancyplain{F3}{F4}}
% specifies the LHEAD value in a two-sided document:
% F1 on an even-numbered ``plain'' page
% F2 on an even-numbered normal page
% F3 on an odd-numbered ``plain'' page
% F4 on an odd-numbered normal page.
% Defaults:
% \headrulewidth 0.4pt
% \footrulewidth 0pt
% \plainheadrulewidth 0pt
% \plainfootrulewidth 0pt
% \lhead[\fancyplain{}{\sl\rightmark}]{\fancyplain{}{\sl\leftmark}}
% % i.e. empty on ``plain'' pages \rightmark on even, \leftmark on odd pages
% \chead{}
% \rhead[\fancyplain{}{\sl\leftmark}]{\fancyplain{}{\sl\rightmark}}
% % i.e. empty on ``plain'' pages \leftmark on even, \rightmark on odd pages
% \lfoot{}
% \cfoot{\rm\thepage} % page number
% \rfoot{}
% Examples:
% To put two lines containing the section title and the subsection title
% in the righthandside corner, use:
% \documentstyle[fancyheadings]{article}
% \pagestyle{fancy}
% \renewcommand{\sectionmark}[1]{\markboth{#1}{}}
% \renewcommand{\subsectionmark}[1]{\markright{#1}}
% \rfoot{\leftmark\\\rightmark}
% The following definitions give an approximation of the style used in the
% LaTeX book:
% \documentstyle[fancyheadings]{book}
% \pagestyle{fancyplain}
% \addtolength{\headwidth}{\marginparsep}
% \addtolength{\headwidth}{\marginparwidth}
% \renewcommand{\chaptermark}[1]{\markboth{#1}{#1}} % remember chapter title
% \renewcommand{\sectionmark}[1]{\markright{\thesection\ #1}}
% % section number and title
% \lhead[\fancyplain{}{\bf\thepage}]{\fancyplain{}{\bf\rightmark}}
% \rhead[\fancyplain{}{\bf\leftmark}]{\fancyplain{}{\bf\thepage}}
% \cfoot{}
\newif\if@fancyplain \@fancyplainfalse
% Initialization of the head and foot text.
\headrulewidth 0pt %%3001%% was {0.4pt}
% i.e. empty on ``plain'' pages \rightmark on even, \leftmark on odd pages
% i.e. empty on ``plain'' pages \leftmark on even, \rightmark on odd pages
\cfoot{\rm\thepage} % page number
% Put together a header or footer given the left, center and
% right text, fillers at left and right and a rule.
% The \lap commands put the text into an hbox of zero size,
% so overlapping text does not generate an errormessage.
\def\@fancyhead#1#2#3#4#5{#1\hbox to\headwidth{\vbox{\hbox
\def\@fancyfoot#1#2#3#4#5{#1\hbox to\headwidth{\vbox{\footrule
\hrule\@height\headrulewidth\@width\headwidth \vskip-\headrulewidth}}
{\uppercase{\ifnum \c@secnumdepth>\z@
\thesection\hskip 1em\relax \fi ##1}}{}}
\def\subsectionmark##1{\markright {\ifnum \c@secnumdepth >\@ne
\thesubsection\hskip 1em\relax \fi ##1}}}
{\def\chaptermark##1{\markboth {\uppercase{\ifnum \c@secnumdepth>\m@ne
\@chapapp\ \thechapter. \ \fi ##1}}{}}
\def\sectionmark##1{\markright{\uppercase{\ifnum \c@secnumdepth >\z@
\thesection. \ \fi ##1}}}}
\def\ps@fancyplain{\ps@fancy \let\ps@plain\ps@plain@fancy}
%%%%%%%%%%% reset
\def\underhead{\headrulewidth 0.4pt}
\def\overfoot{\footrulewidth 0.4pt}
\def\nounderhead{\headrulewidth 0pt}
\def\nooverfoot{\footrulewidth 0pt}
\def\TODAY{\number\day\space\ifcase\month\or January\or February\or March\or April\or
May\or June\or July\or August\or September\or October\or November\or
December\fi \space \number\year}
\def\theto#1{\ifnum#1<10 0\fi \the#1}% eg. 1991-08-08 16.53
{\TODAY {\ at} \minut=\time \divide\time by 60 \theto\time:%
\multiply\time by 60 \advance\minut by -\time \theto\minut}}
{\today {\ at} \minut=\time \divide\time by 60 \theto\time:%
\multiply\time by 60 \advance\minut by -\time \theto\minut}}
\def\@cent{\count0 } % century number (1979 == 20)
\def\@diy{\count1 } % day in the year
\def\@dow{\count2 } % gets day of the week
\def\@epact{\count3 } % age of the moon on Jan. 1
\def\@golden{\count4 } % Moon's golden number
\def\@leap{\count5 } % leap year fingaler
\def\@x{\count6 } % temp register
\def\@y{\count7 } % another temp register
% --- A replacement for the ``plain'' TeX and LaTeX \today macro, to
% --- to output the date in English-style.
% --- They ensure the smaller text comes out in the right font by saving
% --- the font family before reducing the size, then restoring it. (This
% --- was suggested by Leslie Lamport.) Of course, it requires that the
% --- font in use when today is invoked has a sensible family.
\footnotesize\@setstyle st\fam=-1 }}}$}
\def\nd{\@savestyle\kern.2pt$^{{\hbox{\footnotesize\@setstyle nd\fam=-1 }}}$}
\def\rd{\@savestyle\kern.2pt$^{{\hbox{\footnotesize\@setstyle rd\fam=-1 }}}$}
\def\th{\@savestyle$^{{\hbox{\footnotesize\@setstyle th\fam=-1 }}}$}
% \footnotesize\@setstyle#1\fam=-1 }}}$}}
\footnotesize\@setstyle#1\fam=-1 }}}$}}
\def\stbfp{\@up{\bfp st}}
\def\stit{\@up{\em st}}
\def\ndbfp{\@up{\bfp nd}}
\def\ndit{\@up{\em nd}}
\def\rdbfp{\@up{\bfp rd}}
\def\rdit{\@up{\em rd}}
\def\thbfp{\@up{\bfp th}}
\def\thit{\@up{\em th}}
\def\stb{\@up{\bfp st}}
\def\ndb{\@up{\bfp nd}}
\def\rdb{\@up{\bfp rd}}
\def\thb{\@up{\bfp th}}
% --- Macros to save and restore the font family.
\def\@setstyle{\ifcase\count0\rm\or\mit\or\cal\or\rm% what's family 3?
% --- The date, English style (e.g. Thursday 4th October 1066).
\def\uktoday{\dayoftheweek,\ \number\day%\ifcase\day
% \or\st\or\nd\or\rd\or\th\or\th\or\th\or\th\or\th\or\th\or\th
% \or\th\or\th\or\th\or\th\or\th\or\th\or\th\or\th\or\th\or\th
% \or\st\or\nd\or\rd\or\th\or\th\or\th\or\th\or\th\or\th\or\th\or\st\fi
\space\ifcase\month\or January\or February\or March\or April\or May\or
June\or July\or August\or September\or October\or November\or December\fi
% --- The day of the week ("Sunday", etc.) is inserted into the text
% --- by \dayofweek. (This uses registers \@dow, \@leap, \@x and \@y.)
% --- I acquired this from elsewhere; I don't know who wrote it.
% leap = year + (month - 14)/12;
\@leap=\month \advance\@leap by -14 \divide\@leap by 12
\advance\@leap by \year
% dow = (13 * (month + 10 - (month + 10)/13*12) - 1)/5
\@dow=\month \advance\@dow by 10
\@y=\@dow \divide\@y by 13 \multiply\@y by 12
\advance\@dow by -\@y \multiply\@dow by 13
\advance\@dow by -1 \divide\@dow by 5
% dow += day + 77 + 5 * (leap % 100)/4
\advance\@dow by \day \advance\@dow by 77
\@x=\@leap \@y=\@x \divide\@y by 100 \multiply\@y by 100 \advance\@x by -\@y
\multiply\@x by 5 \divide\@x by 4 \advance\@dow by \@x
% dow += leap / 400
\@x=\@leap \divide\@x by 400 \advance\@dow by \@x
% dow -= leap / 100 * 2;
% dow = (dow % 7)
\@x=\@leap \divide\@x by 100 \multiply\@x by 2 \advance\@dow by -\@x
\@x=\@dow \divide\@x by 7 \multiply\@x by 7 \advance\@dow by -\@x
\ifcase\@dow Sunday\or Monday\or Tuesday\or Wednesday\or
Thursday\or Friday\or Saturday\fi}}
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% **** added 9/16/92
\def\Cents{\hbox{\rlap{\sl c}{$\,|$}}}
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% **** added 23 February 1993
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% **** added 13 February 1995
% **********************************************************************
% bruce.sty Macros by Bruce Shawyer - this version 22 January 1993
% **********************************************************************
%\def\approxeq{\lower.55ex\hbox{$\;\buildrel{\buildrel{\cdot}\over =}
% \over{\scriptstyle .}\;$}}
% **********************************************************************
% Next two lines taken from latex.tex as basis for other diagonal dots
% \raise4\p@\hbox{.}\mkern2mu\raise\p@\hbox{.}\mkern1mu}}
% **********************************************************************
% **********************************************************************
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% **** added 9/16/92
\def\clap#1#2#3{% clap=centerlap
\leavevmode\raise\@@@tmpc\hbox to \@@@tmpb{\rlap{\hbox to \@@@tmpb{\hss%
\vbox to \@@@tmpd{\vss\box0\vss}\hss}}%
\hss\vbox to \@@@tmpd{\vss\box1\vss}\hss}%
\def\tildechar{{\tt \char126}} % The ~ character
\def\hatchar{{\tt \char94}} % The ^ character
% registered - similar to copyright
\def\registered{{\ooalign{\hfil\raise.07ex\hbox{\sc r}\hfil\crcr\mathhexbox20D}}\ }
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% **** added 22 January 1993
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% **** added 23 February 1993
\fboxrule =\tempfboxrule}
\fboxsep =\tempfboxsep}
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ***** added 25 February 1993
% To get the rule to sit exactly at the baseline of the surrounding text
% Give stuff stuff
% ---------------
% stuff
\vbox{\hbox{$\mathstrut #1$}%
\vskip .5pt
\hrule height0pt % invisible rule to put baseline at bottom
\noalign{\hrule \vskip.5pt}% visible rule that expands to full width
$\mathstrut #2$\cr
%% added 17 June 1993
\def\notdiv{\mbox{$\,\hspace{-2pt}\not\hspace{-.5pt}|\;$}} % was -.3pt
%% added 14 July 1993
%% added 15 July 1993
\hfil{}$\scriptstyle #2$\hfil\crcr\noalign{\kern3\p@}}}}\nolimits}
% \raise5\p@\hbox{.}\mkern2mu\raise0\p@\hbox{.}\mkern1mu}}
% from the net
\newcommand\rotate[2]{\special{ps:gsave currentpoint currentpoint
translate -#1\space rotate neg exch neg exch
% 2 February 1994
% some special style of fractions
% 27 August 1994
% for use in continued fractions
% November 1995
\def\vs#1{\vskip #1ex}
\def\toi{\to\infty} % October 1996
% Sept 1996
Enhancements to Picture Environment. Version 1.2 - Released June 1, 1986}
% Copyright (C) podar@sbcs (Sunil Podar) July 14,1986.
% You may use this file in whatever way you wish. You are requested to
% leave this notice intact, and report any bugs, enhancements, comments,
% suggestions, etc. to:
% USmail: Sunil Podar,Dept. of Computer Science,SUNY at Stony Brook,NY 11794.
% CSNET: podar@sbcs.csnet
% UUCP: {allegra, hocsd, philabs, ogcvax}!sbcs!podar
% This file contains implementation of:
% \multiputlist \matrixput \grid \picsquare
% \dottedline \dashline \drawline \jput
% \putfile
% Environments: dottedjoin, dashjoin and drawjoin
% For documentation, see the accompanying manual.
% usage: \multiputlist(x,y)(delta-x,delta-y)[tbrl]{item1,item2,item3,.....}
% \lop and \lopoff taken from TeXbook.
\@xdim=#1\unitlength \@ydim=#2\unitlength
\listnonemptytrue \def\@@mlist{,#6,} % need this for end condition
\@killglue\raise\@ydim\hbox to\z@{\hskip
\advance\@xdim #3\unitlength\advance\@ydim #4\unitlength
\ifx\@@mlist\@@mlistempty \listnonemptyfalse\fi
% two-dimensional version of \multiput
% \matrixput(0,0)(20,0){5}(0,20){3}{\circle{2}}
%% here #5 >= #8
\setbox\@tempboxa\hbox{\@whilenum \@multicnt > 0\do {%
%%\typeout{\the\@multicnt, \the\@@multicnt}%
\raise\@ydim\hbox to \z@{\hskip\@xdim #9\hss}%
\advance\@multicnt \m@ne%
\advance\@xdim #3\unitlength\advance\@ydim #4\unitlength}}%
\@whilenum \@@multicnt > 0\do {%
\raise\@ydim\hbox to \z@{\hskip\@xdim \copy\@tempboxa\hss}%
\advance\@@multicnt \m@ne%
\advance\@xdim #6\unitlength\advance\@ydim #7\unitlength}%
% example: 1. \put(0,0){\grid(95,100)(9.5,10)}
% 2. \put(0,0){\grid(100,100)(10,5)[-10,0]}
% or \put(0,0){\tiny \grid(100,100)(5,5)[0,0]}%numbers in \tiny font
\def\grid(#1,#2)(#3,#4){\@ifnextchar [{\@igrid(#1,#2)(#3,#4)}%
\@delta=#1pt\@@delta=#3pt\divide\@delta \@@delta\d@lta=\@delta%
\advance\d@lta \@ne\relax\message{grid=\the\d@lta\space x}%
%% copied the definition of \line(0,1){#2} for some efficiency!.
\multiput(0,0)(#3,0){\d@lta}{\hbox to\z@{\hskip -\@halfwidth \vrule
\@width \@wholewidth \@height #2\unitlength \@depth \z@\hss}}%
\makebox(0,-.2)[t]{\number\@gridcnt\global\advance\@gridcnt by #3}}%
% was (0,-2)[t] which was wrong corrected 19 March 1993 BLRS %%%%%%%%
\global\advance\@gridcnt by #3}}%
\@delta=#2pt\@@delta=#4pt\divide\@delta \@@delta\d@lta=\@delta%
\advance\d@lta \@ne\relax\message{\the\d@lta . }%
%% copied the definition of \line(1,0){#1} for some efficiency!.
\multiput(0,0)(0,#4){\d@lta}{\vrule \@height \@halfwidth \@depth \@halfwidth
\@width #1\unitlength}%
\makebox(0,0)[r]{\number\@gridcnt\ \global\advance\@gridcnt by #4}}%
\makebox(0,0)[l]{\ \number\@gridcnt\global\advance\@gridcnt by #4}}%
% \picsquare is a centered square of dimensions governed by \thinlines,
% \thicklines or \linethickness declarations.
\def\picsquare{\hskip -0.5\@wholewidth%
\vrule height \@halfwidth depth \@halfwidth width \@wholewidth}
% just a square dot with reference point at bottom-left
\def\picsquare@bl{\vrule height \@wholewidth depth \z@ width \@wholewidth}
% \begin{dottedjoin}{interdot-gap in units}
% .....
% \end{dottedjoin}
% \begin{dashjoin}{dash-length in units}{interdotgap in each dash}
% .....
% \end{dashjoin}
% \begin{drawjoin}
% .....
% \end{drawjoin}
% \jput(x,y){character}
% \dottedline[opt. dotcharacter]{dotgap in units}(x1,y1)(x2,y2)...(xN,yN)
% \dashline[#]{dash-length}[opt. dotgap](x1,y1)(x2,y2)...(xN,yN)
% \drawline[#](x1,y1)(x2,y2)...(xN,yN)
% definitions for *join environment. had to do all this mess because of
% optional arguments.
\newif\if@jointhem \global\@jointhemfalse
\newif\if@firstpoint \global\@firstpointtrue
%\newenvironment{dottedjoin}[1]%[opt char]{dotgap}
%{\global\@jointhemtrue \gdef\dotgap@join{#1}\global\@joinkind=0\relax}%
%{\global\@jointhemfalse \global\@firstpointtrue}
\def\dottedjoin{\global\@jointhemtrue \global\@joinkind=0\relax
\def\enddottedjoin{\global\@jointhemfalse \global\@firstpointtrue\egroup}
\def\dashjoin{\global\@jointhemtrue \global\@joinkind=1\relax
\def\drawjoin{\global\@jointhemtrue \global\@joinkind=2\relax
%% this is equiv to \put(x,y){#1} when not in {dot*join} environment.
\long\def\jput(#1,#2)#3{{\@killglue\raise#2\unitlength\hbox to \z@{\hskip
#1\unitlength #3\hss}\ignorespaces}
\if@firstpoint \gdef\x@one{#1} \gdef\y@one{#2} \global\@firstpointfalse
\gdef\x@one{#1} \gdef\y@one{#2}
%% from sqrtandstuff func basically need \num@segments.
%% given a deltax, deltay and dotgap, it calculates \num@segments = number of
%% segments along the hypotenuse. used by \dottedline & \dashline.
%% It finishes quickly if any of deltax or deltay are zero or close to zero.
\ifdim #1 <0pt \@x@diff= -#1 \else\@x@diff=#1\fi
\ifdim #2 <0pt \@y@diff= -#2 \else\@y@diff=#2\fi
%% @diff's will be positive and diff's will retain their sign.
\@dotgap=#3 \divide\@dotgap \tw@
\advance\@x@diff \@dotgap \advance\@y@diff \@dotgap% for round-off errors
\divide\@x@diff \@dotgap \divide\@y@diff \@dotgap
\ifnum\@x@diff < 2
\ifnum\@y@diff < 2 \num@segments=\@x@diff \advance\num@segments \@y@diff
\else\num@segments=\@y@diff \sqrt@donetrue\fi
\else\ifnum\@y@diff < 2 \num@segments=\@x@diff \sqrt@donetrue\fi
\ifsqrt@done \ifnum\num@segments=\z@ \num@segments=\@ne\fi\relax
\else \ifnum\@y@diff >\@x@diff
\@tempcnta=\@x@diff \@x@diff=\@y@diff \@y@diff=\@tempcnta
\fi %exchange @x@diff & @y@diff, so now @x@diff > @y@diff
\multiply\num@segments \num@segments
\multiply\num@segments by 457
\divide\num@segments \@x@diff
\advance\num@segments by 750 % for round-off, going to divide by 1000.
\divide\num@segments \@m
\advance\num@segments \@x@diff
%num@segments = @x@diff + (0.457*sqr(@y@diff)/@x@diff)
% \dottedline[opt. char]{interdot gap in units}(x1,y1)(x2,y2)....(xN,yN)
%% Used the following construction earlier but that results in box memory
%% full much too soon although it works perfectly.
%% \setbox\@dotbox\vbox to\z@{\vss \hbox to\z@{\hss #1\hss}\vss}\relax}
%% The cenetering of characters is achieved by substracting half the ht, wd
%% of character from the (x,y) coordinates where they are to be put. We
%% chose to use a macro for the ``dot'' instead of \copy\box to save memory
%% at the expense of extra cpu, since memory becomes an issue very soon.
%% \picsquare is already centered, whereas other characters, except \circle,
%% will not be cenetered, hence to handle them all in a similar fashion,
%% used \picsquare@bl.
% kind of tail recursion.
\def\dottedline{\@ifnextchar [{\@idottedline}{\@idottedline[\picsquare@bl]}}
\def\@idottedline[#1]#2(#3,#4){\@ifnextchar (%
%% user not supposed to use this directly. arguments in absolute dimensions.
%% need to pass absolute dimens here because dashline calls dottedline and
%% can supply only absolute dimensions.
\x@diff=#5\relax\advance\x@diff by -#3\relax
\y@diff=#6\relax\advance\y@diff by -#4\relax
\divide\x@diff \num@segments
\divide\y@diff \num@segments
\advance\num@segments \@ne % to put the last point at destination.
%%\typeout{num@segments= \the\num@segments}
\setbox\@dotbox\hbox{#1}% just to get the dimensions of the character.
\@xdim=#3 \@ydim=#4
\ifdim\ht\@dotbox >\z@% otherwise its a circle.
\advance\@xdim -0.5\wd\@dotbox
\advance\@ydim -0.5\ht\@dotbox
\advance\@ydim .5\dp\@dotbox\fi
%%circle's have a ht=0, this is one way I could think of to catch circles.
%%following loop is equiv to
%%with arguments in absolute dimensions.
\loop \ifnum\num@segments > 0
\unskip\raise\@ydim\hbox to\z@{\hskip\@xdim #1\hss}%
\advance\num@segments \m@ne\advance\@xdim\x@diff\advance\@ydim\y@diff%
% \dashline[#]{dash-length}[optional dotgap](x1,y1)(x2,y2)...(xN,yN)
% The minimum # of dashes put is 2, one at either end point; dash-length is
% reduced accordingly if necessary. Also have to some dirty work to account
% for stretch & shrink.
% \renewcommand{\dashlinestretch}{-50} %ONLY INTEGERS PERMITTED.
\def\dashlinestretch{0} %well, could have used a counter.
\def\dashline{\@ifnextchar [{\@idashline}{\@idashline[\dashlinestretch]}}
\def\@idashline[#1]#2{\@ifnextchar [{\@iidashline[#1]{#2}}%
{\@iidashline[#1]{#2}[\@empty]}} %\@empty needed-- later checked with \ifx
\def\@iidashline[#1]#2[#3](#4,#5){\@ifnextchar (%
\x@diff=#6\unitlength \advance\x@diff by -#4\unitlength
\y@diff=#7\unitlength \advance\y@diff by -#5\unitlength
%% correction to get actual width since the dash-length as taken in arguement
%% is the center-to-center of the end-points.
\@tempdima=#2\unitlength \advance\@tempdima -\@wholewidth
\ifnum\num@segments <3 \num@segments=3\fi% min number of dashes I can plot
% is 2, 1 at either end, thus min num@segments is 3 (including 'empty dash').
\@tempdima=\x@diff \@tempdimb=\y@diff
\divide\@tempdimb by\num@segments
\divide\@tempdima by\num@segments
%% ugly if-then-else. If optional dotgap specified, then use it otherwise
%% make a solid looking dash.
{\ifx#3\@empty \relax
\ifdim\@tempdima < 0pt \x@diff=-\@tempdima\else\x@diff=\@tempdima\fi
\ifdim\@tempdimb < 0pt \y@diff=-\@tempdimb\else\y@diff=\@tempdimb\fi
\ifdim\x@diff < 0.3pt %it's a vertical dashline
\ifdim\@tempdimb > 0pt
\global\setbox\@dotbox\hbox{\hskip -\@halfwidth \vrule
\@width \@wholewidth \@height \@tempdimb}
\else\global\setbox\@dotbox\hbox{\hskip -\@halfwidth \vrule
\@width \@wholewidth \@height\z@ \@depth -\@tempdimb}\fi
\else\ifdim\y@diff < 0.3pt %it's a horizontal dashline
\ifdim\@tempdima >0pt
\global\setbox\@dotbox\hbox{\vrule \@height \@halfwidth
\@depth \@halfwidth \@width \@tempdima}
\else\global\setbox\@dotbox\hbox{\hskip \@tempdima
\vrule \@height \@halfwidth \@depth \@halfwidth
\@width -\@tempdima \hskip \@tempdima}\fi
\advance\x@diff by -\@tempdima % both have same sign
\advance\y@diff by -\@tempdimb
%%here we correct the number of dashes to be put by reducing them
%%appropriately. (num@segments*\@wholewidth) is in some way the slack we
%%have,and division by dash-length gives the reduction. reduction =
%% (num@segments includes empty ones)
\@tempdima=\num@segments\@wholewidth \@tempdima=2\@tempdima
\@tempcnta=\@tempdima \@tempdima=#2\unitlength \@tempdimb=0.5\@tempdima
\@tempcntb=\@tempdimb \advance\@tempcnta by \@tempcntb % round-off error
\divide\@tempcnta by\@tempdima \advance\num@segments by -\@tempcnta
\ifnum #1=0 \relax\else\ifnum #1 < -100
\typeout{***dashline: reduction > -100 percent implies blankness!***}
\else\num@segmentsi=#1 \advance\num@segmentsi by 100
\multiply\num@segments by\num@segmentsi \divide\num@segments by 100
\divide\num@segments by 2 % earlier num@segments included 'empty dashes' too.
\ifnum\num@segments >0 % if =0 then don't divide => \x@diff & \y@diff
\divide\x@diff by\num@segments% remain same.
\divide\y@diff by\num@segments
\advance\num@segments by\@ne %for the last segment for which I subtracted
%\@tempdima & \@tempdimb from \x@diff & \y@diff
\else\num@segments=2 % one at each end.
%%\typeout{num@segments finally = \the\num@segments}
%% equiv to \multiput(#4,#5)(\x@diff,\y@diff){\num@segments}{\copy\@dotbox}
%% with arguements in absolute dimensions.
\@xdim=#4\unitlength \@ydim=#5\unitlength
\loop \ifnum\num@segments > 0
\unskip\raise\@ydim\hbox to\z@{\hskip\@xdim \copy\@dotbox\hss}%
\advance\num@segments \m@ne\advance\@xdim\x@diff\advance\@ydim\y@diff%
%%1.00 .833333 .80 .75 .66666 .60 .50 .40 .33333 .25 .20 .16666
%% .916666 .816666 .775 .708333 .633333 .55 .45 .366666 .291666 .225 .183333
%% 0.0
%% the first line has absolute slopes corresponding to various permissible
%% integer combinations representing slopes. The second line is the midpoint
%% of all those slopes (attempted to show them in the middle of two entries).
%% \lineslope(x@diff dimen, y@diff dimen)
%% Given base (x@diff) and height (y@diff) in dimensions, determines the
%% closest available slope and returns the two required integers in \@xarg
%% and \@yarg. The given base and height can be ANYTHING, -ve or +ve, or
%% even 0pt. \lineslope knows about (0,1) and (1,0) slopes too and returns
%% correct values if the conditions regarding x@diff & y@diff are obeyed
%% (see NOTE). Used by \drawline. This is the simplest and only way I could
%% figure out to accomplish it!.
%% NOTE: both the dimensions (x@diff & y@diff) must be in SAME units and the
%% larger of the two dimensions must be atleast 1pt (i.e. 65536sp). To avoid
%% dividing by 0, I make the larger dimension = 1pt if it is < 1pt.
%% will need a similar one for vectors, or maybe this can be used. For
%% vectors the range is -4, 4 unlike lines where it is -6, 6.
\ifdim #1 <0pt \@xdim= -#1 \else\@xdim=#1\fi
\ifdim #2 <0pt \@ydim= -#2 \else\@ydim=#2\fi
%%\typeout{xdim,ydim= \the\@xdim, \the\@ydim}
\ifdim\@xdim >\@ydim \@tempdima=\@xdim \@xdim=\@ydim \@ydim=\@tempdima
\@flippedargstrue\else\@flippedargsfalse\fi% x < y
\ifdim\@ydim >1pt \@tempcnta=\@ydim
\divide\@tempcnta by 65536% now \@tempcnta=integral part of #1.
\divide\@xdim \@tempcnta\fi
\ifdim\@xdim <.083333pt \@xarg=1 \@yarg=0
\else\ifdim\@xdim <.183333pt \@xarg=6 \@yarg=1
\else\ifdim\@xdim <.225pt \@xarg=5 \@yarg=1
\else\ifdim\@xdim <.291666pt \@xarg=4 \@yarg=1
\else\ifdim\@xdim <.366666pt \@xarg=3 \@yarg=1
\else\ifdim\@xdim <.45pt \@xarg=5 \@yarg=2
\else\ifdim\@xdim <.55pt \@xarg=2 \@yarg=1
\else\ifdim\@xdim <.633333pt \@xarg=5 \@yarg=3
\else\ifdim\@xdim <.708333pt \@xarg=3 \@yarg=2
\else\ifdim\@xdim <.775pt \@xarg=4 \@yarg=3
\else\ifdim\@xdim <.816666pt \@xarg=5 \@yarg=4
\else\ifdim\@xdim <.916666pt \@xarg=6 \@yarg=5
\else \@xarg=1 \@yarg=1%
\if@flippedargs\relax\else\@tempcnta=\@xarg \@xarg=\@yarg
\ifdim #1 <0pt \@xarg= -\@xarg\fi
\ifdim #2 <0pt \@yarg= -\@yarg\fi
%%\typeout{closest slope integers = \the\@xarg, \the\@yarg}
% usage: \drawline[#](x1,y1)(x2,y2)....(xN,yN)
% % # is an optional integer between -100 & infinity.
% \renewcommand{\drawlinestretch}{-50} %ONLY INTEGERS PERMITTED.
\def\drawlinestretch{0} %well, could have used a counter.
% kind of tail recursion.
\def\drawline{\@ifnextchar [{\@idrawline}{\@idrawline[\drawlinestretch]}}
\def\@idrawline[#1](#2,#3){\@ifnextchar ({\@iidrawline[#1](#2,#3)}{\relax}}
\x@diff=#4\unitlength \advance\x@diff by -#2\unitlength
\y@diff=#5\unitlength \advance\y@diff by -#3\unitlength
%% override any linethickness declarations, and since horiz & vertical lines
%% come out thinner than the slanted ones, assign slightly larger values.
%% default values are: thinlines=0.4pt, thicklines=0.8pt
\ifx\@linefnt\tenln \linethickness{0.5pt} \else \linethickness{0.9pt}\fi
\lineslope(\x@diff,\y@diff)% returns the two integers in \@xarg & \@yarg.
{\ifdim\x@diff <\z@ \x@diff=-\x@diff\fi
\ifdim\y@diff <\z@ \y@diff=-\y@diff\fi
\ifdim\x@diff >10pt \global\@toosmallfalse\fi
\ifdim\y@diff >10pt \global\@toosmallfalse\fi}
%% For efficiency, if the line is horiz or vertical then we draw it in one
%% shot, only if the stretch is not -ve and the line is not too small.
\ifnum#1 <0 \relax\else\@horvlinetrue\fi
\if@toosmall\@horvlinetrue\fi% to get 'or' condition. We necessarily draw a
% solid line if the line is too small ignoring any -ve stretch.
\ifdim\x@diff =0pt \put(#2,#3){\ifdim\y@diff >0pt \@linelen=\y@diff \@upline
\else\@linelen=-\y@diff \@downline\fi}%
\else\ifdim\y@diff =0pt
\ifdim\x@diff >0pt \put(#2,#3){\vrule \@height \@halfwidth \@depth
\@halfwidth \@width \x@diff}
\else \put(#4,#5){\vrule \@height \@halfwidth \@depth
\@halfwidth \@width -\x@diff}\fi
\else\@drawittrue\fi\fi % construct the line explicitly
\ifnum\@xarg< 0 \@negargtrue\else\@negargfalse\fi
\ifnum\@xarg =0 \setbox\@linechar%
\hbox{\hskip -\@halfwidth \vrule \@width \@wholewidth \@height 10.2pt
\@depth \z@}
\else \ifnum\@yarg =0 \setbox\@linechar%
\hbox{\vrule \@height \@halfwidth \@depth \@halfwidth \@width 10.2pt}
\else \if@negarg \@xarg -\@xarg \@yyarg -\@yarg
\else \@yyarg \@yarg\fi
\ifnum\@yyarg >0 \@tempcnta\@yyarg \else \@tempcnta -\@yyarg\fi
\if@toosmall% => it isn't a horiz or vert line and is toosmall.
%% following is neat. The last segment takes \wd\@linechar & \ht\@linechar
%% so plot the line as though it were from (#2,#3) to
%% (#4-\wd\@linechar,#5-\ht\@linechar) (i.e. for positive slope; of course,
%% signs are reversed for other slopes). For horizontal & vertical dashes we
%% don't have to subtract the ht & wd resp. since they are already centered.
\ifnum\@xarg=0\relax\else\ifdim\x@diff >\z@ \advance\x@diff -\wd\@linechar
\else\advance\x@diff \wd\@linechar\fi\fi
\ifnum\@yarg=0\relax\else\ifdim\y@diff >\z@\advance\y@diff -\ht\@linechar
\else\advance\y@diff \ht\@linechar\fi\fi
\ifdim\x@diff <\z@ \@x@diff=-\x@diff \else\@x@diff=\x@diff\fi
\ifdim\y@diff <\z@ \@y@diff=-\y@diff \else\@y@diff=\y@diff\fi
%%\typeout{x@diff,y@diff=\the\x@diff , \the\y@diff}
\num@segments=0 \num@segmentsi=0
\ifdim\wd\@linechar >1pt
\num@segmentsi=\@x@diff \divide\num@segmentsi \wd\@linechar\fi
\ifdim\ht\@linechar >1pt
\num@segments=\@y@diff \divide\num@segments \ht\@linechar\fi
\ifnum\num@segmentsi >\num@segments \num@segments=\num@segmentsi\fi
\advance\num@segments \@ne %to account for round-off error
\ifnum #1=0 \relax \else\ifnum #1 < -99
\typeout{***drawline: reduction <= -100 percent implies blankness!***}
\else\num@segmentsi=#1 \advance\num@segmentsi by 100
\multiply\num@segments \num@segmentsi
\divide\num@segments by 100
\ifnum \num@segments=0 \num@segments=1 \fi
%%\typeout{num@segments after = \the\num@segments}
\divide\x@diff \num@segments
\divide\y@diff \num@segments
\advance\num@segments \@ne %for the last segment for which I subtracted
%\wd & \ht of \@linechar from \@x@diff & \@y@diff.
%%\typeout{numseg,x@diff,y@diff= \the\num@segments, \the\x@diff, \the\y@diff}
\@xdim=#2\unitlength \@ydim=#3\unitlength
\if@negarg \advance\@xdim -\wd\@linechar\fi
\ifnum\@yarg <0 \advance\@ydim -\ht\@linechar\fi
%%following loop equiv to \multiput@abs(\@xdim,\@ydim)%
%%with arguements in absolute dimensions.
\loop \ifnum\num@segments > 0
\unskip\raise\@ydim\hbox to\z@{\hskip\@xdim \copy\@linechar\hss}%
\advance\num@segments \m@ne\advance\@xdim\x@diff\advance\@ydim\y@diff%
\fi%the if of @toosmall
\fi}}% for \if@drawit
%usage: \putfile{datafile}{OBJECT}
% The OBJECT is plotted at EACH of the coordinates read from the datafile.
% The idea of these macros is to generate (x,y) pairs using some program
% and then directly use those coordinates. Since TeX doesn't have real
% floating point calculations, it is much more efficient and accurate to do
% things this way. One can also use the unix facility 'spline' now to
% generate smooth curves with equidistant ``dots''.
% NOTE: the external file of coordinates must have x y pairs with a space
% between them. Also it is suggested that some extension such as '.put'
% be used for such datafiles to distinguish them in which case it must
% be explicitely specified in the 1st argument so that TeX doesn't look
% for a .tex extension.
% The % char remains valid as a comment char and such lines are ignored;
% however, there should be atleast one space after the second entry if a
% comment is on the same line as data since % eats up the newline.
\long\def\splittwoargs#1 #2 {(#1,#2)}
\long\def\putfile#1#2{\openin\@datafile = #1
\ifeof\@datafile\relax\else\read\@datafile to\@dataline\fi
%if file nonexistent, do nothing.
\else\ifx\@dataline\@empty \relax
% eepicemu Version 1.1a < February 1, 1988 >
% Written by Conrad Kwok
% Internet :
% csnet : kwok@ucd.csnet
% csnet :
% UUCP : ...!ucbvax!ucdavis!iris!kwok
% The macros are in public domain.
% You may distribute or modify it in any ways you like.
% Please report any bugs, enhancements, comments, suggestions, etc.
% Change logs:
% o February 1, 1989
% Add \newdimen\maxovaldiam for compatility with eepic
% o February 1, 1989
% Enhanced to handle new commands in eepic 1.1
\typeout{Emulation of EEPIC using EPIC. Version 1.1a - Released February 1, 1988}
\ifnum #1=#2%
\@tempdimb #1\unitlength
\ifdim \@tempdimb > 15pt
\@tempdimb #1\unitlength
\ifdim \@tempdimb > 40pt
%\def\arc#1#2#3{\typeout{arc function is not supported in emulation package}}
\@ifnextchar ({\@ispline(#1,#2)}%
\@ifnextchar ({\@iispline(#1,#2)(#3,#4)}%
\@ifnextchar ({%
\@spxcnt=#3 \advance\@spxcnt by #5 \divide\@spxcnt by 2\relax
\@spycnt=#4 \advance\@spycnt by #6 \divide\@spycnt by 2\relax
\@ispxcnt=\@spxcnt\relax \@ispycnt=\@spycnt\relax
% else
\@cmidxcnt=#1 \advance\@cmidxcnt by #3
\advance\@cmidxcnt by #3 \advance\@cmidxcnt by #5
\divide\@cmidxcnt by 4
\@cmidycnt=#2 \advance\@cmidycnt by #4
\advance\@cmidycnt by #4 \advance\@cmidycnt by #6
\divide\@cmidycnt by 4
\newdimen\maxovaldiam \maxovaldiam 40pt\relax
\setlength{\oddsidemargin}{0in} %{-.25in} % new system requirements
\setlength{\evensidemargin}{0in} %{-.25in} % February 2001
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% fullpict.sty %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%%%%%% Written by Bruce Shawyer 14 March 1995 %%%%%%
%%%%%% Updated and improved 14 November 1995 %%%%%%
%%%%%% Second update September 1996 %%%%%%
%%%%%% Third update August 1998 %%%%%%
%%%%%% Fourth update March 2001 %%%%%%
%%%%%% Fifth update April 2001 %%%%%%
\newcount\gs@ \newcount\gs@d \newcount\a@@@a
\divide\gs@ by72820\divide\gs@ by#1\setlength\unitlength{\gs@ pt}}
\g@odfullunit{#1}\@picht #2\unitlength
\setbox\@picbox\hbox to#1\unitlength\bgroup
\hskip -#3\unitlength \lower #4\unitlength \hbox\bgroup\ignorespaces}
\divide\gs@ by145640\divide\gs@ by#1\setlength\unitlength{\gs@ pt}}
\g@odhalfunit{#1}\@picht #2\unitlength
\setbox\@picbox\hbox to#1\unitlength\bgroup
\hskip -#3\unitlength \lower #4\unitlength \hbox\bgroup\ignorespaces}
\divide\gs@ by72820\divide\gs@ by#1\multiply\gs@ by#2\divide\gs@ by100
\setlength\unitlength{\gs@ pt}}
\sc@leunit{#2}{#1}\@picht #3\unitlength
\setbox\@picbox\hbox to#2\unitlength\bgroup
\hskip -#4\unitlength \lower #5\unitlength \hbox\bgroup\ignorespaces}
\divide\gs@ by72820\divide\gs@ by#1\multiply\gs@ by#2\divide\gs@ by100
\setlength\unitlength{\gs@ pt}}
\sc@leunit{#2}{#1}\@picht #3\unitlength
\setbox\@picbox\hbox to#2\unitlength\bgroup
\hskip -#4\unitlength \lower #5\unitlength \hbox\bgroup\ignorespaces}
% new environments July 1998
% ticks2.sty % version beta3 % 13 March 2001 % Bruce Shawyer
\newcount\t@ck\newcount\s@ck \newcount\xt@ck\newcount\yt@ck
\newdimen\ty@@k\newdimen\sy@@k \newdimen\xt@@k\newdimen\xs@@k
\sc@leunit{#2}{#1}\@picht #3\unitlength
\setbox\@picbox\hbox to#2\unitlength\bgroup
\hskip -#4\unitlength \lower #5\unitlength \hbox\bgroup\ignorespaces
\t@@k=#2pt \t@y@k=#3pt \xt@@k=#4pt \divide\xt@@k by65536
\yt@@k=#5pt \divide\yt@@k by65536
\sc@leunit{#2}{#1}\@picht #3\unitlength
\setbox\@picbox\hbox to#2\unitlength\bgroup
\hskip -#4\unitlength \lower #5\unitlength \hbox\bgroup\ignorespaces
\t@@k=#2pt \t@y@k=#3pt \xt@@k=#4pt \divide\xt@@k by65536
\yt@@k=#5pt \divide\yt@@k by65536
\gdef\Vector(#1,#2)#3{\@xarg #1\relax \@yarg #2\relax
\@tempcnta \ifnum\@xarg<\z@ -\@xarg\else\@xarg\fi
\@linelen #3\unitlength \divide\@linelen by200 \multiply\@linelen by203
\ifnum\a@@@a<86 \divide\@linelen by200 \multiply\@linelen by201\fi
\ifnum\a@@@a<76 \divide\@linelen by200 \multiply\@linelen by201\fi
\ifnum\a@@@a<51 \divide\@linelen by200 \multiply\@linelen by202\fi
\ifnum\a@@@a<46 \divide\@linelen by200 \multiply\@linelen by201\fi
\ifnum\a@@@a<41 \divide\@linelen by200 \multiply\@linelen by201\fi
\ifnum\a@@@a<36 \divide\@linelen by200 \multiply\@linelen by201\fi
\ifnum\a@@@a<31 \divide\@linelen by200 \multiply\@linelen by201\fi
\ifnum\a@@@a<26 \divide\@linelen by200 \multiply\@linelen by201\fi
\ifnum\a@@@a<21 \divide\@linelen by200 \multiply\@linelen by201\fi
\ifnum\@xarg =\z@ \@vvector
\else \ifnum\@yarg =\z@ \@hvector \else \@svector\fi
\def\xticks#1{\@ifnextchar [{\@xticks#1}{\@xticks#1[1]}}
\def\@xticks#1[#2]{\t@@k@=\t@@k\s@@k=#1pt\divide\s@@k by256 \advance\t@@k@
\ifnum\s@@k<65536 \advance\t@@k@ by1pt \fi \multiply\t@@k@ by256
\divide\t@@k@ by\number\s@@k \t@ck=\number\t@@k@ \divide\t@ck by65536
\advance\t@ck by1
\multiput(\number\xt@@k,0)(#1,0){\t@ck}{\line(0,-1){#2}} \else
\multiput(\number\xt@@k,0)(#1,0){\t@ck}{\line(0,1){-#2}} \fi}
\def\yticks#1{\@ifnextchar [{\@yticks#1}{\@yticks#1[1]}}
\def\@yticks#1[#2]{\t@@k@=\t@y@k\s@@k=#1pt\divide\s@@k by256 \advance\t@@k@
\ifnum\s@@k<65536 \advance\t@@k@ by1pt \fi \multiply\t@@k@ by256
\divide\t@@k@ by\number\s@@k \t@ck=\number\t@@k@ \divide\t@ck by65536
\advance\t@ck by1
\def\ticks#1{\@ifnextchar [{\@ticks#1}{\@ticks#1[1]}}
\def\xnums#1{\@ifnextchar [{\@xnums#1}{\@xnums#1[.25]}}
\s@ck=\xt@@k\multiply\s@ck by 65536 \advance\s@ck by\t@@k
\divide\s@ck by65536
\loop \advance\xt@ck by#1 \ifnum\xt@ck=0 \advance\xt@ck by#1 \fi
\def\ynums#1{\@ifnextchar [{\@ynums#1}{\@ynums#1[.25]}}
\cput(-#2,\number\yt@@k){\number\yt@@k} \xt@ck=\number\yt@@k
\s@ck=\yt@@k\multiply\s@ck by 65536 \advance\s@ck by\t@y@k
\divide\s@ck by65536
\loop \advance\xt@ck by#1 \ifnum\xt@ck=0 \advance\xt@ck by#1 \fi
\def\nums#1{\@ifnextchar [{\@nums#1}{\@nums#1[.25]}}
% font size calculation
% % percentages for font size changes
\def\t@x#1{\gs@d=\number\textwidth\divide\gs@d by\number\hsize
\multiply\gs@done by\number\gs@d \multiply\gs@dtwo by\number\gs@d
\multiply\gs@dthree by\number\gs@d \multiply\gs@dfour by\number\gs@d
\tiny\ifnum#1>\gs@done\scriptsize \gs@dfont=4
\ifnum#1>\gs@dtwo\footnotesize \gs@dfont=3
\ifnum#1>\gs@dthree\small \gs@dfont=2
\ifnum#1>\gs@dfour\normalsize \gs@dfont=1
% additions August 1998
% calculation of #1*#2 +#3 or xa+b - answer is \@d@x
\def\m@l#1#2#3{\@d@z=#1 \divide\@d@z by32
\@d@x=#2pt \multiply\@d@x by\@d@z \divide\@d@x by2048
\@d@y=#3pt \advance\@d@x by\@d@y}
% main macro calculation - #1 is the angle in degrees, #x is the object put
% #3 is the multiplier for extra distance
\def\@x@p#1#2#3{\rm\@dz=#1pt \@dzz=720pt \advance\@dz by2\@dzz
\divide\@dz by65536 \s@c=\number\@dz \divide\s@c by360 \multiply\s@c by360
\@dzz=\s@c pt \divide\@dzz by65536 \advance\@dz by-1\@dzz
% \@dz is now in [0,360)
\@d@z=1\@dz \divide\@dz by15 \s@c=\number\@dz \multiply\@dz by15
\advance\@dzz by-1\@dz \advance\s@c by1 \@dz=65536\@d@z
% \@d@z is angle in range[0,15) in dodecant \s@c all measured positively
\ifnum\s@c=1 %time zone 1
\ifnum\s@c=2 %time zone 2
\ifnum\s@c=3 %time zone 3
\ifnum\s@c=4 %time zone 4
\ifnum\s@c=5 %time zone 5
\ifnum\s@c=6 %time zone 6
\ifnum\s@c=7 %time zone 7
\ifnum\s@c=8 %time zone 8
\ifnum\s@c=9 %time zone 9
\ifnum\s@c=10 %time zone 10
\ifnum\s@c=11 %time zone 11
\ifnum\s@c=12 %time zone 12
\ifnum\s@c=13 %time zone 13
\ifnum\s@c=14 %time zone 14
\ifnum\s@c=15 %time zone 15
\ifnum\s@c=16 %time zone 16
\ifnum\s@c=17 %time zone 17
\ifnum\s@c=18 %time zone 18
\ifnum\s@c=19 %time zone 19
\ifnum\s@c=20 %time zone 20
\ifnum\s@c=21 %time zone 21
\ifnum\s@c=22 %time zone 22
\ifnum\s@c=23 %time zone 23
\ifnum\s@c=24 %time zone 24
\@d@x=1.25pt \divide\@d@x by2048
\multiply\@dx by\@d@x \divide\@dx by32
\multiply\@dy by\@d@x \divide\@dy by32
% increasing the distance by #3
\@dz=#3pt \divide\@dz by2048
\multiply\@dx by\number\@dz \multiply\@dy by\number\@dz
\divide\@dx by32 \divide\@dy by32
% adjusting for font size
% normal 8, small 7, foot 6, script 5, tiny 4
% what we have here is for crux.sty -3.8, -3.95, -4.1, -4.4, -5.5
% and we need for 2130.sty -3.8, -3.95, -3.95, -4.1, -4.8
\ifnum\gs@dfont=1 \multiply\@dx by8 \multiply\@dy by8 \advance\@dx by-3.8ex
\ifnum\gs@dfont=2 \multiply\@dx by7 \multiply\@dy by7 \advance\@dx by-3.95ex
\ifnum\gs@dfont=3 \multiply\@dx by6 \multiply\@dy by6 \advance\@dx by-3.95ex
\ifnum\gs@dfont=4 \multiply\@dx by5 \multiply\@dy by5 \advance\@dx by-4.1ex
\ifnum\gs@dfont=5 \multiply\@dx by4 \multiply\@dy by4 \advance\@dx by-4.8ex
% moving the origin - #2 is the object to be put
\setbox0=\hbox{#2} \advance\@dx by-0.5\wd0
\@dz=\dp0\advance\@dz by-\ht0 \divide\@dz by2
\advance\@dy by\@dz \raisebox{\@dy}{\kern\@dx #2}}
% the MAIN macro
\def\angleput#1{\@ifnextchar [{\@ngleput#1}{\@ngleput#1[1]}}
% \angleput{degrees}[multiplier](xcoord,ycoord){object}
% geographic putting commands
\def\cput(#1,#2)#3{\angleput{0}[0](#1,#2){#3}} % centre #3 on (#1,#2)
\def\eput(#1,#2)#3{\angleput{0}(#1,#2){#3}} % put #3 east of (#1,#2)
\def\nput(#1,#2)#3{\angleput{90}(#1,#2){#3}} % put #3 north of (#1,#2)
\def\sput(#1,#2)#3{\angleput{270}(#1,#2){#3}} % put #3 south of (#1,#2)
\def\wput(#1,#2)#3{\angleput{180}(#1,#2){#3}} % put #3 west of (#1,#2)
\def\neput(#1,#2)#3{\angleput{45}(#1,#2){#3}} % put #3 ne of (#1,#2)
\def\seput(#1,#2)#3{\angleput{315}(#1,#2){#3}} % put #3 se of (#1,#2)
\def\nwput(#1,#2)#3{\angleput{135}(#1,#2){#3}} % put #3 nw of (#1,#2)
\def\swput(#1,#2)#3{\angleput{225}(#1,#2){#3}} % put #3 sw of (#1,#2)
\def\lcm{\mathop{\operator@font lcm}}
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% END fullpict.sty %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% END fullpict.sty %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
\def\dist{\mathop{\rm dist}}
\def\slope{\mathop{\rm slope}}
\def\per{\mbox{\rm$\,$.}} \def\com{\rm\mbox{$\,$,}}
\def\sem{\rm\mbox{$\,$;}} \def\col{\rm\mbox{$\,$:}}
\def\equ{{\mbox{\ $\;=\;$\ }}}
\def\dashfill#1{\@ifnextchar [{\@ashfill#1}{\@ashfill#1[1]}}
\def\@ashfill#1[#2]{\dashf@ll=#2pt \divide\dashf@ll by1024
\d@shfill=.44em\multiply\d@shfill by\number\dashf@ll \divide\d@shfill by64
\leavevmode\cleaders \hb@xt@\d@shfill
{\hss #1\hss}\hfill\kern\z@}\makeatother
% {\@nomath\em \ifdim \fontdimen\@ne\font >\z@
% \rmp \else \itp \fi}
\def\ARC#1{\setbox0=\hbox{#1}\unitlength=\wd0 \divide\unitlength by4
\ifnum\unitlength<680000\curve(0,.9,2,1.35,4,.9)\else %%
% added July 2000
\newdimen\cjo\newdimen\cjoh \newdimen\cjt\newdimen\cjth
\cjoh=#1\unitlength\advance\cjoh by#3\unitlength
\cjth=#2\unitlength\advance\cjth by#4\unitlength
\divide\cjoh by2\divide\cjth by2
\cjt=#4\unitlength\advance\cjt by-#2\unitlength
\cjo=#3\unitlength\advance\cjo by-#1\unitlength
\divide\cjt by8096\divide\cjo by8096
\ifnum#5=0\relax\else\multiply\cjt by\number#5\multiply\cjo by\number#5
\multiply\cjt by256\multiply\cjo by256\fi
\advance\cjoh by-\cjt
\advance\cjth by\cjo
%2002 macros
\def\fsize#1{\normalsize \ifnum #1=1 \large\fi \ifnum #1=2 \Large\fi \ifnum
#1=3 \LARGE\fi \ifnum #1=4 \huge\fi \ifnum #1>4 \Huge\fi \ifnum #1=-1
\small\fi \ifnum #1=-2 \footnotesize\fi \ifnum #1=-3 \scriptsize\fi \ifnum
#1<-3 \tiny\fi}
% style vectorb.sty
% written by Bruce Shawyer, Department of Mathematics and Statistics
% Memorial University of Newfoundland, St. John's, Newfoundland,
% Canada A1C 5S7 email
% makes use of curvesb.sty (UNIX) or curveslb.sty (emtex)
% makes use of \rotate{deg}{object}
% may not preview the arrows on the end of the vectors properly
% requires Postscript to implement for printing
% draws a vector (arrow) from point (a,b) to point (c,d)
% no restriction on the slope as with \vector
\newdimen\x@ne \newdimen\y@ne \newdimen\xtw@ \newdimen\ytw@
\newdimen\md@n \newdimen\mn@m \newdimen\sl@p \newcount\fl@g
\x@ne=#1pt \y@ne=#2pt \xtw@=#3pt \ytw@=#4pt
\divide\x@ne by655 \divide\y@ne by655 \divide\xtw@ by655 \divide\ytw@ by655
% unit is now 100
% x change
\md@n=\xtw@ \advance\md@n by-\x@ne
% y change
\mn@m=\ytw@ \advance\mn@m by-\y@ne
% slope
\ifnum\md@n=0 \ifnum\mn@m>0 \fl@g=90\fi \fi
\ifnum\md@n=0 \ifnum\mn@m<0 \fl@g=270\fi\else
\sl@p=\mn@m\multiply\sl@p by100 \divide\md@n by10 \divide\sl@p by\md@n
\multiply\md@n by10
% make slope positive
\ifnum\sl@p<0 \multiply\sl@p by-1\fi
% unit is now 1000
\ifnum\sl@p< 57290 \fl@g= 89\fi \ifnum\sl@p< 28636 \fl@g= 88\fi
\ifnum\sl@p< 19081 \fl@g= 87\fi \ifnum\sl@p< 14301 \fl@g= 86\fi
\ifnum\sl@p< 11430 \fl@g= 85\fi \ifnum\sl@p< 9514 \fl@g= 84\fi
\ifnum\sl@p< 8144 \fl@g= 83\fi \ifnum\sl@p< 7115 \fl@g= 82\fi
\ifnum\sl@p< 6314 \fl@g= 81\fi \ifnum\sl@p< 5671 \fl@g= 80\fi
\ifnum\sl@p< 5145 \fl@g= 79\fi \ifnum\sl@p< 4705 \fl@g= 78\fi
\ifnum\sl@p< 4331 \fl@g= 77\fi \ifnum\sl@p< 4011 \fl@g= 76\fi
\ifnum\sl@p< 3732 \fl@g= 75\fi \ifnum\sl@p< 3487 \fl@g= 74\fi
\ifnum\sl@p< 3271 \fl@g= 73\fi \ifnum\sl@p< 3078 \fl@g= 72\fi
\ifnum\sl@p< 2904 \fl@g= 71\fi \ifnum\sl@p< 2747 \fl@g= 70\fi
\ifnum\sl@p< 2605 \fl@g= 69\fi \ifnum\sl@p< 2475 \fl@g= 68\fi
\ifnum\sl@p< 2356 \fl@g= 67\fi \ifnum\sl@p< 2246 \fl@g= 66\fi
\ifnum\sl@p< 2145 \fl@g= 65\fi \ifnum\sl@p< 2050 \fl@g= 64\fi
\ifnum\sl@p< 1963 \fl@g= 63\fi \ifnum\sl@p< 1881 \fl@g= 62\fi
\ifnum\sl@p< 1804 \fl@g= 61\fi \ifnum\sl@p< 1732 \fl@g= 60\fi
\ifnum\sl@p< 1664 \fl@g= 59\fi \ifnum\sl@p< 1600 \fl@g= 58\fi
\ifnum\sl@p< 1540 \fl@g= 57\fi \ifnum\sl@p< 1483 \fl@g= 56\fi
\ifnum\sl@p< 1428 \fl@g= 55\fi \ifnum\sl@p< 1376 \fl@g= 54\fi
\ifnum\sl@p< 1327 \fl@g= 53\fi \ifnum\sl@p< 1280 \fl@g= 52\fi
\ifnum\sl@p< 1235 \fl@g= 51\fi \ifnum\sl@p< 1192 \fl@g= 50\fi
\ifnum\sl@p< 1150 \fl@g= 49\fi \ifnum\sl@p< 1111 \fl@g= 48\fi
\ifnum\sl@p< 1072 \fl@g= 47\fi \ifnum\sl@p< 1036 \fl@g= 46\fi
\ifnum\sl@p< 1001 \fl@g= 45\fi \ifnum\sl@p< 966 \fl@g= 44\fi
\ifnum\sl@p< 933 \fl@g= 43\fi \ifnum\sl@p< 900 \fl@g= 42\fi
\ifnum\sl@p< 869 \fl@g= 41\fi \ifnum\sl@p< 839 \fl@g= 40\fi
\ifnum\sl@p< 810 \fl@g= 39\fi \ifnum\sl@p< 781 \fl@g= 38\fi
\ifnum\sl@p< 754 \fl@g= 37\fi \ifnum\sl@p< 727 \fl@g= 36\fi
\ifnum\sl@p< 700 \fl@g= 35\fi \ifnum\sl@p< 675 \fl@g= 34\fi
\ifnum\sl@p< 649 \fl@g= 33\fi \ifnum\sl@p< 625 \fl@g= 32\fi
\ifnum\sl@p< 601 \fl@g= 31\fi \ifnum\sl@p< 577 \fl@g= 30\fi
\ifnum\sl@p< 554 \fl@g= 29\fi \ifnum\sl@p< 532 \fl@g= 28\fi
\ifnum\sl@p< 510 \fl@g= 27\fi \ifnum\sl@p< 488 \fl@g= 26\fi
\ifnum\sl@p< 466 \fl@g= 25\fi \ifnum\sl@p< 445 \fl@g= 24\fi
\ifnum\sl@p< 424 \fl@g= 23\fi \ifnum\sl@p< 404 \fl@g= 22\fi
\ifnum\sl@p< 384 \fl@g= 21\fi \ifnum\sl@p< 364 \fl@g= 20\fi
\ifnum\sl@p< 344 \fl@g= 19\fi \ifnum\sl@p< 325 \fl@g= 18\fi
\ifnum\sl@p< 306 \fl@g= 17\fi \ifnum\sl@p< 287 \fl@g= 16\fi
\ifnum\sl@p< 268 \fl@g= 15\fi \ifnum\sl@p< 249 \fl@g= 14\fi
\ifnum\sl@p< 231 \fl@g= 13\fi \ifnum\sl@p< 213 \fl@g= 12\fi
\ifnum\sl@p< 194 \fl@g= 11\fi \ifnum\sl@p< 176 \fl@g= 10\fi
\ifnum\sl@p< 158 \fl@g= 9\fi \ifnum\sl@p< 141 \fl@g= 8\fi
\ifnum\sl@p< 123 \fl@g= 7\fi \ifnum\sl@p< 105 \fl@g= 6\fi
\ifnum\sl@p< 87 \fl@g= 5\fi \ifnum\sl@p< 70 \fl@g= 4\fi
\ifnum\sl@p< 52 \fl@g= 3\fi \ifnum\sl@p< 35 \fl@g= 2\fi
\ifnum\sl@p< 17 \fl@g= 1\fi \ifnum\sl@p< 0 \fl@g= 0\fi
\ifnum\mn@m>0 \ifnum\md@n<0 \advance\fl@g by-180 \multiply\fl@g by-1\fi\fi
\ifnum\mn@m<0 \ifnum\md@n<0 \advance\fl@g by180\fi\fi
\ifnum\mn@m<0 \ifnum\md@n>0 \advance\fl@g by-360 \multiply\fl@g by-1\fi\fi
\ifnum\mn@m=0 \ifnum\md@n<0 \fl@g=180\fi\fi
\join(#1,#2)(#3,#4) \put(#3,#4){\rotate{\number\fl@g}{\vector(1,0){.05}}}}
%%%%%%%%%%% August 2003 from TUGBOAT
\def\clap#1{\hbox to 0pt{\hss#1\hss}}
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