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Created June 14, 2017 12:59
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namespace Equin.ApplicationFramework
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Windows.Forms;
/// <include file='doc\ListBindingHelper.uex' path='docs/doc[@for="ListBindingHelper"]/*' />
/// <devdoc>
/// </devdoc>
public static class ListBindingHelper
private static Attribute[] browsableAttribute;
private static Attribute[] BrowsableAttributeList
if (browsableAttribute == null)
browsableAttribute = new Attribute[] { new BrowsableAttribute(true) };
return browsableAttribute;
/// <include file='doc\ListBindingHelper.uex' path='docs/doc[@for="ListBindingHelper.GetList"]/*' />
/// <devdoc>
/// <para>[To be supplied.]</para>
/// </devdoc>
public static object GetList(object list)
if (list is IListSource)
return (list as IListSource).GetList();
return list;
/// <include file='doc\ListBindingHelper.uex' path='docs/doc[@for="ListBindingHelper.GetList2"]/*' />
/// <devdoc>
/// <para>[To be supplied.]</para>
/// </devdoc>
public static object GetList(object dataSource, string dataMember)
// The purpose of this method is to find a list, given a 'data source' object and a
// decription of some 'data member' property of that object which returns the list.
// - If the data source is not a list, we get the list by just querying for the
// current value of that property on the data source itself.
// - If the data source is a list, we have to first pick some item from that list,
// then query for the value of that property on the individual list item.
dataSource = GetList(dataSource);
if (dataSource == null || dataSource is Type || String.IsNullOrEmpty(dataMember))
return dataSource;
PropertyDescriptorCollection dsProps = ListBindingHelper.GetListItemProperties(dataSource);
PropertyDescriptor dmProp = dsProps.Find(dataMember, true);
if (dmProp == null)
throw new System.ArgumentException(""+dataMember);
object currentItem;
if (dataSource is ICurrencyManagerProvider)
// Data source is another BindingSource so ask for its current item
CurrencyManager cm = (dataSource as ICurrencyManagerProvider).CurrencyManager;
bool currentKnown = (cm != null && cm.Position >= 0 && cm.Position <= cm.Count - 1);
currentItem = currentKnown ? cm.Current : null;
else if (dataSource is IEnumerable)
// Data source is an enumerable list, so walk to the first item
currentItem = GetFirstItemByEnumerable(dataSource as IEnumerable);
// Data source is not a list, so just use the data source itself
currentItem = dataSource;
// Query the data member property on the chosen object to get back the list
return (currentItem == null) ? null : dmProp.GetValue(currentItem);
/// <include file='doc\ListBindingHelper.uex' path='docs/doc[@for="ListBindingHelper.GetListName"]/*' />
/// <devdoc>
/// <para>[To be supplied.]</para>
/// </devdoc>
public static string GetListName(object list, PropertyDescriptor[] listAccessors)
string name;
if (list == null)
return string.Empty;
ITypedList typedList = list as ITypedList;
if (typedList != null)
// Use typed list
name = typedList.GetListName(listAccessors);
Type type;
// We always resolve via type in this case (not an instance)
if ((null == listAccessors) || (listAccessors.Length == 0))
Type listAsType = list as Type;
if (listAsType != null)
type = listAsType;
type = list.GetType();
// We don't walk down - always use type name
PropertyDescriptor pd = listAccessors[0];
type = pd.PropertyType;
name = GetListNameFromType(type);
return name;
/// <include file='doc\ListBindingHelper.uex' path='docs/doc[@for="ListBindingHelper.GetListItemProperties"]/*' />
/// <devdoc>
/// <para>[To be supplied.]</para>
/// </devdoc>
public static PropertyDescriptorCollection GetListItemProperties(object list)
PropertyDescriptorCollection pdc;
if (list == null)
return new PropertyDescriptorCollection(null);
else if (list is Type)
pdc = GetListItemPropertiesByType(list as Type);
object target = GetList(list);
if (target is ITypedList)
pdc = (target as ITypedList).GetItemProperties(null);
else if (target is IEnumerable)
pdc = GetListItemPropertiesByEnumerable(target as IEnumerable);
pdc = TypeDescriptor.GetProperties(target);
return pdc;
/// <include file='doc\ListBindingHelper.uex' path='docs/doc[@for="ListBindingHelper.GetListItemProperties1"]/*' />
/// <devdoc>
/// <para>[To be supplied.]</para>
/// </devdoc>
public static PropertyDescriptorCollection GetListItemProperties(object list, PropertyDescriptor[] listAccessors)
PropertyDescriptorCollection pdc;
if ((null == listAccessors) || (listAccessors.Length == 0))
pdc = GetListItemProperties(list);
if (list is Type)
pdc = GetListItemPropertiesByType(list as Type, listAccessors);
object target = GetList(list);
if (target is ITypedList)
pdc = (target as ITypedList).GetItemProperties(listAccessors);
else if (target is IEnumerable)
pdc = GetListItemPropertiesByEnumerable(target as IEnumerable, listAccessors);
pdc = GetListItemPropertiesByInstance(target, listAccessors, 0);
return pdc;
/// <include file='doc\ListBindingHelper.uex' path='docs/doc[@for="ListBindingHelper.GetListItemProperties2"]/*' />
/// <devdoc>
/// <para>[To be supplied.]</para>
/// </devdoc>
public static PropertyDescriptorCollection GetListItemProperties(object dataSource, string dataMember, PropertyDescriptor[] listAccessors)
dataSource = GetList(dataSource);
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(dataMember))
// Find the property on the data source specified by the data member
PropertyDescriptorCollection dsProps = ListBindingHelper.GetListItemProperties(dataSource);
PropertyDescriptor dmProp = dsProps.Find(dataMember, true);
// Error: Property not found - data member is invalid
if (dmProp == null)
throw new System.ArgumentException(""+dataMember);
// Add the data member property to the list accessors
int len = (listAccessors == null) ? 1 : (listAccessors.Length + 1);
PropertyDescriptor[] listAccessors2 = new PropertyDescriptor[len];
listAccessors2[0] = dmProp;
for (int i = 1; i < len; ++i)
listAccessors2[i] = listAccessors[i - 1];
// Replace old accessors with new accessors
listAccessors = listAccessors2;
return GetListItemProperties(dataSource, listAccessors);
/// <include file='doc\ListBindingHelper.uex' path='docs/doc[@for="ListBindingHelper.GetListItemType"]/*' />
/// <devdoc>
/// <para>[To be supplied.]</para>
/// </devdoc>
public static Type GetListItemType(object list)
if (list == null)
return null;
Type itemType = null;
// special case for IListSource
if ((list is Type) && (typeof(IListSource).IsAssignableFrom(list as Type)))
list = CreateInstanceOfType(list as Type);
list = GetList(list);
Type listType = (list is Type) ? (list as Type) : list.GetType();
object listInstance = (list is Type) ? null : list;
if (typeof(Array).IsAssignableFrom(listType))
itemType = listType.GetElementType();
PropertyInfo indexer = GetTypedIndexer(listType);
if (indexer != null)
itemType = indexer.PropertyType;
else if (listInstance is IEnumerable)
itemType = GetListItemTypeByEnumerable(listInstance as IEnumerable);
itemType = listType;
return itemType;
// Create an object of the given type. Throw an exception if this fails.
private static object CreateInstanceOfType(Type type)
object instancedObject = null;
Exception instanceException = null;
BindingFlags flags = BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.CreateInstance;
instancedObject = Activator.CreateInstance(type, flags, null, new object[] { }, null);
catch (TargetInvocationException ex)
instanceException = ex; // Default ctor threw an exception
catch (MethodAccessException ex)
instanceException = ex; // Default ctor was not public
catch (MissingMethodException ex)
instanceException = ex; // No default ctor defined
if (instanceException != null)
throw new NotSupportedException(""+instanceException);
return instancedObject;
/// <include file='doc\ListBindingHelper.uex' path='docs/doc[@for="ListBindingHelper.GetListItemType2"]/*' />
/// <devdoc>
/// <para>[To be supplied.]</para>
/// </devdoc>
public static Type GetListItemType(object dataSource, string dataMember)
// No data source
if (dataSource == null)
return typeof(Object);
// No data member - Determine item type directly from data source
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(dataMember))
return GetListItemType(dataSource);
// Get list item properties for this data source
PropertyDescriptorCollection dsProps = GetListItemProperties(dataSource);
if (dsProps == null)
return typeof(Object);
// Find the property specified by the data member
PropertyDescriptor dmProp = dsProps.Find(dataMember, true);
if (dmProp == null || dmProp.PropertyType is ICustomTypeDescriptor)
return typeof(Object);
// Determine item type from data member property
return GetListItemType(dmProp.PropertyType);
private static string GetListNameFromType(Type type)
string name;
if (typeof(Array).IsAssignableFrom(type))
// If the type is Customers[], this will return "Customers"
name = type.GetElementType().Name;
else if (typeof(IList).IsAssignableFrom(type))
// If the type is BindingList<T>, TCollection, TList (or equiv), this will return "T"
PropertyInfo indexer = GetTypedIndexer(type);
if (indexer != null)
name = indexer.PropertyType.Name;
name = type.Name;
// Fallback to type name
name = type.Name;
return name;
private static PropertyDescriptorCollection GetListItemPropertiesByType(Type type, PropertyDescriptor[] listAccessors)
PropertyDescriptorCollection pdc = null;
if ((null == listAccessors) || (listAccessors.Length == 0))
pdc = GetListItemPropertiesByType(type);
pdc = GetListItemPropertiesByType(type, listAccessors, 0);
return pdc;
private static PropertyDescriptorCollection GetListItemPropertiesByType(Type type, PropertyDescriptor[] listAccessors, int startIndex)
PropertyDescriptorCollection pdc = null;
Type subType = listAccessors[startIndex].PropertyType;
// subType is the property type - which is not to be confused with the item type.
// For example, if a class Customer has a property of type Orders[], then Given:
// GetListItemProperties(typeof(Customer), PDForOrders)
// PDForOrders.PropertyType will be Array (not Orders)
// If there are no more ListAccessors, then we want:
// GetListItemProperties(PDForOrders.PropertyType) // this returns the shape of Orders not Array
// If there are more listAccessors, then we'll call
// GetListItemProperties(PDForOrders.PropertyType, listAccessors, startIndex++)
startIndex = startIndex + 1;
if (startIndex >= listAccessors.Length)
// Last item, return shape of item
pdc = GetListItemProperties(subType);
// Walk down the tree
pdc = GetListItemPropertiesByType(subType, listAccessors, startIndex);
// Return descriptors
return pdc;
private static PropertyDescriptorCollection GetListItemPropertiesByEnumerable(IEnumerable iEnumerable, PropertyDescriptor[] listAccessors, int startIndex)
PropertyDescriptorCollection pdc = null;
object subList = null;
// Walk down the tree - first try and get the value
// This is tricky, because we can't do a standard GetValue - we need an instance of one of the
// items in the list.
// For example:
// Customer has a property Orders which is of type Order[]
// Customers is a Customer[] (this is the IList)
// Customers does not have the property "Orders" - Customer has that property
// So we need to get the value of Customers[0]
object instance = GetFirstItemByEnumerable(iEnumerable);
if (instance != null)
// This calls GetValue(Customers[0], "Orders") - or Customers[0].Orders
// If this list is non-null, it is an instance of Orders (Order[]) for the first customer
subList = GetList(listAccessors[startIndex].GetValue(instance));
if (null == subList)
// Can't get shape by Instance, try by Type
pdc = GetListItemPropertiesByType(listAccessors[startIndex].PropertyType, listAccessors, startIndex);
// We have the Instance (e.g. Orders)
IEnumerable ienumerableSubList = subList as IEnumerable;
if (ienumerableSubList != null)
if (startIndex == listAccessors.Length)
// Last one, so get the shape
pdc = GetListItemPropertiesByEnumerable(ienumerableSubList);
// Looks like they want more (e.g. Customers.Orders.OrderDetails)
pdc = GetListItemPropertiesByEnumerable(ienumerableSubList, listAccessors, startIndex);
// Not a list, so switch to a non-list based method of retrieving properties
pdc = GetListItemPropertiesByInstance(subList, listAccessors, startIndex);
return pdc;
private static PropertyDescriptorCollection GetListItemPropertiesByEnumerable(IEnumerable enumerable, PropertyDescriptor[] listAccessors)
PropertyDescriptorCollection pdc = null;
if ((null == listAccessors) || (listAccessors.Length == 0))
pdc = GetListItemPropertiesByEnumerable(enumerable);
ITypedList typedList = enumerable as ITypedList;
if (typedList != null)
pdc = typedList.GetItemProperties(listAccessors);
// Walk the tree
pdc = GetListItemPropertiesByEnumerable(enumerable, listAccessors, 0);
return pdc;
private static Type GetListItemTypeByEnumerable(IEnumerable iEnumerable)
object instance = GetFirstItemByEnumerable(iEnumerable);
return (instance != null) ? instance.GetType() : typeof(object);
private static PropertyDescriptorCollection GetListItemPropertiesByInstance(object target, PropertyDescriptor[] listAccessors, int startIndex)
// At this point, things can be simplified because:
// We know target is _not_ a list
// We have an instance
PropertyDescriptorCollection pdc;
// Get the value of the first listAccessor
if (listAccessors != null && listAccessors.Length > startIndex)
// Get the value (e.g. given Foo with property Bar, this gets Foo.Bar)
object value = listAccessors[startIndex].GetValue(target);
if (value == null)
// It's null - we can't walk down by Instance so use Type
pdc = GetListItemPropertiesByType(listAccessors[startIndex].PropertyType, listAccessors, startIndex);
PropertyDescriptor[] accessors = null;
if (listAccessors.Length > startIndex + 1)
int accessorsCount = listAccessors.Length - (startIndex + 1);
accessors = new PropertyDescriptor[accessorsCount];
for (int i = 0; i < accessorsCount; ++i)
accessors[i] = listAccessors[startIndex + 1 + i];
// We've got the instance of Bar - now get it's shape
pdc = GetListItemProperties(value, accessors);
// Fallback to TypeDescriptor
pdc = TypeDescriptor.GetProperties(target, BrowsableAttributeList);
return pdc;
// returns true if 'type' can be treated as a list
private static bool IsListBasedType(Type type)
// check for IList, ITypedList, IListSource
if (typeof(IList).IsAssignableFrom(type) ||
typeof(ITypedList).IsAssignableFrom(type) ||
return true;
// check for IList<>:
if (type.IsGenericType && !type.IsGenericTypeDefinition)
if (typeof(IList<>).IsAssignableFrom(type.GetGenericTypeDefinition()))
return true;
// check for SomeObject<T> : IList<T> / SomeObject : IList<(SpecificListObjectType)>
foreach (Type curInterface in type.GetInterfaces())
if (curInterface.IsGenericType)
if (typeof(IList<>).IsAssignableFrom(curInterface.GetGenericTypeDefinition()))
return true;
return false;
/// <devdoc>
/// Returns info about the 'indexer' property on the specified type. The presence of an indexer is used to
/// determine that the type represents a collection or list. The return type of that indexer is used to
/// determine the underlying item type.
/// PROCESS: We look for the first public instance property on the type that is an 'indexer'. This property
/// is usually - but not always - called "Item". So we look at 'indexer parameters' to identify true indexers,
/// rather than looking at the property name. And we also ignore any indexers that return an item type of just
/// Object, since we are trying to use indexers here to determine the actual underlying item type!
/// NOTE: A special rule is also enforced here - we only want to consider using the typed indexer on list
/// based types, ie. types we already know are supposed to be treated as lists (rather than list items).
/// </devdoc>
private static PropertyInfo GetTypedIndexer(Type type)
PropertyInfo indexer = null;
if (!IsListBasedType(type))
return null;
System.Reflection.PropertyInfo[] props = type.GetProperties(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance);
for (int idx = 0; idx < props.Length; idx++)
if (props[idx].GetIndexParameters().Length > 0 && props[idx].PropertyType != typeof(object))
indexer = props[idx];
//Prefer the standard indexer, if there is one
if (indexer.Name == "Item")
return indexer;
private static PropertyDescriptorCollection GetListItemPropertiesByType(Type type)
return TypeDescriptor.GetProperties(GetListItemType(type), BrowsableAttributeList);
private static PropertyDescriptorCollection GetListItemPropertiesByEnumerable(IEnumerable enumerable)
PropertyDescriptorCollection pdc = null;
Type targetType = enumerable.GetType();
if (typeof(Array).IsAssignableFrom(targetType))
pdc = TypeDescriptor.GetProperties(targetType.GetElementType(), BrowsableAttributeList);
ITypedList typedListEnumerable = enumerable as ITypedList;
if (typedListEnumerable != null)
pdc = typedListEnumerable.GetItemProperties(null);
PropertyInfo indexer = GetTypedIndexer(targetType);
if (indexer != null && !typeof(ICustomTypeDescriptor).IsAssignableFrom(indexer.PropertyType))
Type type = indexer.PropertyType;
pdc = TypeDescriptor.GetProperties(type, BrowsableAttributeList);
// Reflection, and consequently TypeDescriptor would not return properties defined on the "base" interface,
// for example
// public interface IPerson {String FirstName { get; set; }}
// public interface ITeacher : IPerson {int ClassRoom { get; set; }}
// typeof (ITeacher).GetProperties() would return only the "ClassRoom" property
// DevDiv2 518025
// if (type.IsInterface) {
// Type[] interfaces = type.GetInterfaces();
// // initialize the list to an arbitrary length greater than pdc.Count
// List<PropertyDescriptor> merged = new List<PropertyDescriptor>(pdc.Count * 2 + 1);
// foreach (Type baseInterface in interfaces) {
// PropertyDescriptorCollection props = TypeDescriptor.GetProperties(baseInterface, BrowsableAttributeList);
// if (props != null) {
// foreach (PropertyDescriptor p in props) {
// merged.Add(p);
// }
// }
// }
// if (merged.Count != 0) {
// PropertyDescriptor[] props = new PropertyDescriptor[pdc.Count];
// pdc.CopyTo(props, 0);
// merged.AddRange(props);
// pdc = new PropertyDescriptorCollection(merged.ToArray());
// }
// }
// See if we were successful - if not, return the shape of the first
// item in the list
if (null == pdc)
object instance = GetFirstItemByEnumerable(enumerable);
if (enumerable is string)
pdc = TypeDescriptor.GetProperties(enumerable, BrowsableAttributeList);
else if (instance == null)
pdc = new PropertyDescriptorCollection(null);
pdc = TypeDescriptor.GetProperties(instance, BrowsableAttributeList);
if (!(enumerable is IList) && (pdc == null || pdc.Count == 0))
pdc = TypeDescriptor.GetProperties(enumerable, BrowsableAttributeList);
// Return results
return pdc;
private static object GetFirstItemByEnumerable(IEnumerable enumerable)
object instance = null;
if (enumerable is IList)
// If the list supports IList (which is a superset of IEnumerable), then try to use its IList indexer
// to get the first item, since some ILists don't support use of their plain IEnumerable interface.
IList list = enumerable as IList;
instance = (list.Count > 0) ? list[0] : null;
// Otherwise use the enumerator to get the first item...
IEnumerator listEnumerator = enumerable.GetEnumerator();
if (listEnumerator.MoveNext())
instance = listEnumerator.Current;
// after we are done w/ the enumerator, reset it
catch (NotSupportedException)
// Some data sources do not offer a full implementation of IEnumerable. For example, SqlDataReader
// only supports reading forwards through items, so it does not support calls to IEnumerable.Reset().
instance = null;
return instance;
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