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Created March 1, 2013 18:11
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GregTech Materials List v0.1
* HTML5 Boilerplate
* What follows is the result of much research on cross-browser styling.
* Credit left inline and big thanks to Nicolas Gallagher, Jonathan Neal,
* Kroc Camen, and the H5BP dev community and team.
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EXAMPLE Media Queries for Responsive Design.
Theses examples override the primary ('mobile first') styles.
Modify as content requires.
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Print styles.
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<h1>Furl's FTB Materials List</h1>
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<p>Currently supporting all GregTech machines, IC2, RP2, and Thermal Expansion blocks</p>
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# --
# Recipe data
recipes = {
'Lapis Lazuli Block': {
'Lapis Lazuli': 9
'Dispenser': {
'Cobblestone': 7
'Bow': 1
'Redstone': 1
'Sticky Piston': {
'Piston': 1
'Slimeball': 1
'Piston': {
'Wood Planks': 3
'Cobblestone': 4
'Iron Ingot': 1
'Redstone': 1
'Bricks': {
'Brick': 4
'Chest': {
'Wood Planks': 8
'Crafting Table': {
'Wood Planks': 4
'Furnace': {
'Cobblestone': 8
'Lever': {
'Stick': 1
'Cobblestone': 1
'Pressure Plate': {
'Wood Planks': 2
'Redstone Torch': {
'Redstone': 1
'Stick': 1
'Iron Bars': {
'Iron Ingot': 6/16
'Glass Pane': {
'Glass': 6/16
'Beacon': {
'Nether Star': 1
'Obsidian': 3
'Glass': 5
'Iron Pick': {
'Iron Ingot': 3
'Stick': 2
'Iron Axe': {
'Iron Ingot': 3
'Stick': 2
'Flint and Steel': {
'Iron Ingot': 1
'Flint': 1
'Bow': {
'Stick': 3
'String': 3
'Stick': {
'Wood Planks': 0.5
'Brick': {
'Clay': 1
'Redstone Repeater': {
'Redstone Torch': 2
'Redstone': 1
'Stone': 3
'Quarry': {
'Diamond Drill': 1
'Tier 4 Circuit': 1
'Iron Gear': 3
'Gold Gear': 2
'Diamond Gear': 2
'Reinforced Stone': {
'Stone': 1
'Advanced Alloy': 1/8
'Reinforced Glass': {
'Glass': 7/7
'Advanced Alloy': 2/7
'Crop': {
'Stick': 2
'BatBox': {
'RE-Battery': 3
'Copper Cable': 1
'Wood Planks': 5
'MFE': {
'Lithium Battery': 4
'2xIns. Gold Cable': 4
'Machine Block': 1
'MFSU': {
'Lapotron Crystal': 6
'MFE': 1
'Advanced Machine Block': 1
'Advanced Circuit': 1
'LV-Transformer': {
'Copper Ingot': 3
'Copper Cable': 2
'Wood Planks': 4
'MV-Transformer': {
'Machine Block': 1
'2xIns. Gold Cable': 2
'HV-Transformer': {
'4xIns. HV Cable': 2
'Electronic Circuit': 1
'MV-Transformer': 1
'Energy Crystal': 1
'Iron Fence': {
'Refined Iron': 0.5
'Generator': {
'RE-Battery': 1
'Machine Block': 1
'Furnace': 1
'Geothermal Generator': {
'Glass': 4
'Empty Cell': 2
'Generator': 1
'Refined Iron': 2
'Water Mill': {
'Generator': 1/2
'Aluminium Ingot': 4/2
'Wind Mill': {
'Generator': 1
'Carbon Plate': 4
'Solar Panel': {
'Glass Pane': 3
'Silicon Plate': 2
'Carbon Plate': 1
'Generator': 1
'Tier 2 Circuit': 2
'Nuclear Reactor': {
'Reactor Chamber': 3
'Generator': 1
'Electronic Circuit': 1
'Machine Block': {
'Refined Iron': 8
'Iron Furnace': {
'Iron': 8
'Electric Furnace': {
'Iron Furnace': 1
'Electronic Circuit': 1
'Redstone': 2
'Macerator': {
'Diamond': 3
'Flint': 4
'Tier 4 Circuit': 1
'Extractor': {
'Treetap': 4
'Electronic Circuit': 1
'Machine Block': 1
'Compressor': {
'Stone': 6
'Machine Block': 1
'Electronic Circuit': 1
'Canning Machine': {
'Tin Ingot': 7
'Electronic Circuit': 1
'Machine Block': 1
'Miner': {
'Mining Pipe': 2
'Electronic Circuit': 2
'Machine Block': 1
'Pump': {
'Empty Cell': 4
'Mining Pipe': 2
'Treetap': 1
'Machine Block': 1
'Electronic Circuit': 1
'Magnetizer': {
'Iron Fence': 2
'Redstone': 6
'Machine Block': 1
'Electrolyzer': {
'Copper Cable': 4
'Electronic Circuit': 1
'Empty Cell': 2
'Machine Block': 1
'Recycler': {
'Dirt': 3
'Refined Iron': 2
'Glowstone Dust': 1
'Compressor': 1
'Advanced Machine Block': {
'Machine Block': 1
'Advanced Alloy': 2
'Carbon Plate': 2
'Induction Furnace': {
'Copper Ingot': 7
'Electric Furnace': 1
'Advanced Machine Block': 1
'Terraformer': {
'Glowstone Dust': 4
'Dirt': 3
'TFBP - Empty': 1
'Advanced Machine Block': 1
'Teleporter': {
'Advanced Circuit': 4
'Advanced Machine Block': 1
'Glass Fibre Cable': 2
'Diamond': 1
'Frequency Transmitter': 1
'Tesla Coil': {
'Redstone': 5
'MV-Transformer': 1
'Refined Iron': 2
'Electronic Circuit': 1
'Crop-Matron': {
'Chest': 1
'Electronic Circuit': 2
'Machine Block': 1
'Crop': 4
'Mining Pipe': {
'Refined Iron': 6/8
'Treetap': 1/8
'Reactor Chamber': {
'Machine Block': 1
'Dense Copper Plate': 4
'Advanced Solar Panel': {
'Solar Panel': 1
'Irradiant Glass Pane': 3
'Advanced Alloy': 2
'Advanced Circuit': 2
'Advanced Machine Block': 1
'Hybrid Solar Panel': {
'Advanced Solar Panel': 1
'Lapis Lazuli Block': 1
'Carbon Plate': 2
'Iridium Plate': 2
'Enriched Sunnarium': 1
'Advanced Circuit': 2
'Ultimate Hybrid Solar Panel': [
'Hybrid Solar Panel': 8
'Advanced Circuit': 1
'Advanced Solar Panel': 1
'Coal Chunk': 3
'Enriched Sunnarium Alloy': 2
'Lapis Lazuli Block': 1
'Fusion Coil': {
'Highly Advanced Machineblock': 4
'Tesla Coil': 2
'Iridium Neutron Reflector': 1
'Energy Flow Circuit': 1
'Superconductor [GT]': 1
'Iridium Reinforced Stone': {
'Reinforced Stone': 1
'Iridium Ingot': 1
'LESU-Block': {
'Lapis Lazuli Block': 8
'Tier 2 Circuit': 1
'Highly Advanced Machineblock': {
'Chrome Ingot': 4
'Titanium Ingot': 4
'Advanced Machine Block': 1
'Standard Machine Casing': {
'Refined Iron': 6/4
'Machine Block': 1/4
'Tier 2 Circuit': 2/4
'Reinforced Machine Casing': {
'Steel Ingot': 6/4
'Tier 4 Circuit': 2/4
'Advanced Machine Block': 1/4
'Advanced Machine Casing': {
'Chrome Ingot': 6/4
'Data Control Circuit': 2/4
'Highly Advanced Machineblock': 1/4
'Block of Steel': {
'Steel Ingot': 9
'Fusion Reactor': {
'Lapotronic Energy Orb': 2
'Energy Flow Circuit': 4
'Supercondensator': 2
'GregTech Computer Cube': 1
'Lightning Rod': {
'Energy Flow Circuit': 4
'Highly Advanced Machineblock': 4
'Supercondensator': 1
'Quantum Chest': {
'Computer Monitor': 1
'Data Orb': 4
'Highly Advanced Machineblock': 2
'Energy Flow Circuit': 1
'Teleporter': 1
'GregTech Computer Cube': {
'Computer Monitor': 4
'Advanced Machine Block': 1
'Data Orb': 2
'Energy Flow Circuit': 2
'UUM-Assembler': {
'Lithium Battery': 1
'Data Orb': 2
'Electric Craftingtable': 1
'Teleporter': 1
'Quantum Chest': 1
'GregTech Computer Cube': 1
'Data Control Circuit': 2
'Sonictron': {
'Music Disc': 1
'Tier 2 Circuit': 4
'Jukebox': 1
'Note Block': 2
'Advanced Machine Block': 1
'Lapotronic Energy Storage Unit': {
'LESU-Block': 1
'LV-Transformer': 1
'MV-Transformer': 1
'Tier 4 Circuit': 2
'Interdimensional Energy Storage Unit': {
'Ender Chest': 1
'Iridium Plate': 4
'Adjustable Energy Storage Unit': 4
'Adjustable Energy Storage Unit': {
'Lapotronic Energy Orb': 8
'GregTech Computer Cube': 1
'Charge-O-Mat': {
'Energy Flow Circuit': 4
'Chest': 2
'Advanced Machine Block': 1
'GregTech Computer Cube': 1
'Lapotronic Energy Orb': 1
'Industrial Centrifuge': {
'Refined Iron': 4
'Tier 4 Circuit': 2
'Advanced Machine Block': 2
'Extractor': 1
'Superconductor Wire': {
'Advanced Machine Block': 4/4
'Energy Flow Circuit': 2/4
'Superconductor [GT]': 3/4
'Player Detector': {
'Tier 4 Circuit': 4
'GregTech Computer Cube': 1
'Matter Fabricator': {
'Energy Flow Circuit': 4
'Highly Advanced Machineblock': 2
'Lapotronic Energy Orb': 1
'Teleporter': 2
'Supercondensator': {
'Highly Advanced Machineblock': 1
'Lapotronic Energy Orb': 2
'Superconductor [GT]': 2
'Energy Flow Circuit': 4
'Electric Craftingtable': {
'Electrum Ingot': 4
'RE-Battery': 1
'Tier 4 Circuit': 2
'Crafting Table': 1
'Advanced Machine Block': 1
'Electric Translocator': {
'Electrum Ingot': 4
'RE-Battery': 1
'Piston': 1
'Tier 2 Circuit': 2
'Machine Block': 1
'Small Electric Buffer': {
'Large Electric Buffer': 1/8
'Large Electric Buffer': {
'Electrum Ingot': 4
'RE-Battery': 1
'Tier 4 Circuit': 2
'Chest': 1
'Machine Block': 1
'Advanced Translocator': {
'Advanced Machine Block': 1
'Piston': 1
'RE-Battery': 1
'Electrum Ingot': 4
'Tier 4 Circuit': 2
'Advanced Buffer': {
'Electrum Ingot': 4
'RE-Battery': 1
'Small Electric Buffer': 1
'Computer Monitor': 1
'Tier 4 Circuit': 2
'Electric Rock Breaker': {
'Obsidian': 4
'Tier 2 Circuit': 2
'Mining Drill': 1
'Advanced Machine Block': 1
'Diamond': 1
'Electric Sorter': {
'Electrum Ingot': 4
'RE-Battery': 1
'Tier 2 Circuit': 2
'Computer Monitor': 1
'Electric Translocator': 1
'Electric Item Clearer': {
'Electrum Ingot': 4
'Sticky Piston': 1
'Advanced Machine Block': 1
'Small Electric Buffer': 1
'Tier 2 Circuit': 1
'RE-Battery': 1
'Industrial Electrolyzer': {
'Refined Iron': 4
'Extractor': 1
'Electrolyzer': 1
'Magnetizer': 1
'Tier 4 Circuit': 2
'Crop Harvestor': {
'Electrum Ingot': 4
'Electric Item Clearer': 1
'Sticky Piston': 1
'Tier 2 Circuit': 1
'Diamond Sawblade': 1
'Advanced Machine Block': 1
'Scrapboxinator': {
'Electrum Ingot': 4
'Electric Item Clearer': 1
'Dispenser': 1
'Pressure Plate': 1
'Advanced Machine Block': 1
'Tier 2 Circuit': 1
'Industrial Grinder': {
'Diamond Grinder': 3
'Tier 4 Circuit': 3
'Advanced Machine Block': 1
'Industrial Electrolyzer': 1
'Pump': 1
'Industrial Blast Furnace': {
'Cupronickel Heating Coil': 4
'Tier 2 Circuit': 2
'Advanced Machine Block': 1
'Induction Furnace': 2
'Quantum Tank': {
'Energy Flow Circuit': 4
'Platinum Ingot': 4
'Quantum Chest': 1
'Implosion Compressor': {
'Advanced Alloy': 4
'Tier 2 Circuit': 2
'Compressor': 1
'Advanced Machine Block': 2
'Industrial Sawmill': {
'Pump': 2
'Diamond Sawblade': 3
'Tier 4 Circuit': 3
'Advanced Machine Block': 1
'Diesel Generator': {
'Tier 2 Circuit': 2
'Generator': 1
'Refined Iron': 5
'Gas Turbine': {
'Wind Mill': 2
'Reinforced Glass': 1
'Tier 4 Circuit': 2
'Invar Ingot': 4
'Thermal Generator': {
'Aluminium Ingot': 5
'Reinforced Glass': 1
'Tier 2 Circuit': 2
'Geothermal Generator': 1
'Semifluid Generator': {
'Refined Iron': 5
'Reinforced Glass': 1
'Generator': 1
'Tier 2 Circuit': 2
'Vacuum Freezer': {
'Refined Iron': 4
'Pump': 2
'Tier 4 Circuit': 2
'Reinforced Glass': 1
'Advanced Regulator': {
'Computer Monitor': 1
'Tier 4 Circuit': 4
'Advanced Buffer': 4
'Dragon Egg Energy Siphon': {
'Energy Flow Circuit': 4
'Teleporter': 1
'Supercondensator': 1
'Lapotronic Energy Orb': 1
'Iridium Plate': 2
'Chemical Reactor': {
'Aluminium Ingot': 4
'Magnetizer': 1
'Compressor': 1
'Extractor': 1
'Tier 4 Circuit': 2
'Magic Energy Converter': {
'Beacon': 1
'Tier 4 Circuit': 4
'Thaumium Ingot': 2
'Lapotron Crystal': 1
'Teleporter': 1
'Magic Energy Absorber': {
'Beacon': 1
'Energy Flow Circuit': 1
'Superconductor [GT]': 1
'Iridium Plate': 2
'Magic Energy Converter': 1
'Distillation Tower': {
'Industrial Centrifuge': 2
'Pump': 2
'Industrial Electrolyzer': 2
'Highly Advanced Machineblock': 1
'Energy Flow Circuit': 2
#750 - RP2
'Alloy Furnace': {
'Bricks': 8
'Blulectric Furnace': {
'Iron Ingot': 2
'Clay Block': 5
'Blue Alloy Ingot': 1
'Buffer': {
'Iron Bars': 4
'Wood Planks': 4
'Project Table': {
'Crafting Table': 1
'Chest': 1
'Wood Planks': 4
'Stone': 3
'Blulectric Alloy Furnace': {
'Iron Ingot': 2
'Bricks': 5
'Blue Alloy Ingot': 1
'Charging Bench': {
'Obsidian': 2
'Wood Planks': 2
'Blue Alloy Ingot': 1
'Chest': 1
'BT Battery': 2
'Copper Coil': 1
'Red Alloy Wire': {
'Red Alloy Ingot': 3/12
'Insulated Wire': {
'Wool': 6/12
'Red Alloy Ingot': 3/12
'Bundled Cable': {
'String': 4/2
'Insulated Wire': 5/2
'Blue Alloy Wire': {
'Blue Alloy Ingot': 3/12
'Wool': 6/12
'10kV Wire': {
'Blue Alloy Wire': 1
'Wool': 1
'Fluid Pipe': {
'Brass Ingot': 6/16
'Glass': 1/16
'Pneumatic Tube': {
'Brass Ingot': 2/8
'Glass': 1/8
'Redstone Tube': {
'Pneumatic Tube': 1
'Redstone': 1
'Restriction Tube': {
'Pneumatic Tube': 1
'Iron Ingot': 1
'Magtube': {
'Fine Copper Wire': 6/8
'Obsidian': 2/8
'Glass': 1/8
'Ribbon Cable': {
'Fine Copper Wire': 3/8
'Blulectric Engine': {
'Brass Gear': 2
'Brass Ingot': 3
'Glass': 1
'Blulectric Motor': 1
#754 -- Add lumar for RP2 CPU stuff
# 'Backplane': {
# 'Iron Bars': 6
# 'Fine Copper Wire': 2
# 'Gold Ingot': 1
# }
# '8K RAM Module': {
# 'Red-Doped Wafer': 4
# 'Iron Bars': 4
# 'Diamond': 1
# }
'Timer': {
'Stone Wafer': 2
'Stone Wire': 3
'Stone Pointer': 1
'Stone Anode': 2
'Stone Cathode': 1
'Sequencer': {
'Stone Wafer': 4
'Stone Cathode': 4
'Stone Pointer': 1
'State Cell': {
'Stone Wafer': 3
'Stone Wire': 2
'Silicon Chip': 1
'Stone Anode': 1
'Stone Pointer': 1
'Stone Cathode': 1
'RS Latch': {
'Stone Wafer': 1
'Stone Wire': 4
'Stone Anode': 2
'Stone Cathode': 2
'NOR Gate': {
'Stone Wafer': 4
'Stone Anode': 1
'Stone Cathode': 1
'Stone Wire': 3
'OR Gate': {
'Stone Wafer': 4
'Stone Cathode': 2
'Stone Wire': 3
'NAND Gate': {
'Stone Wafer': 2
'Stone Anode': 3
'Stone Cathode': 3
'Stone Wire': 1
'AND Gate': {
'Stone Wafer': 2
'Stone Anode': 2
'Stone Cathode': 4
'Stone Wire': 1
'XNOR Gate': {
'Stone Anode': 3
'Stone Cathode': 4
'Stone Wire': 2
'XOR Gate': {
'Stone Anode': 3
'Stone Cathode': 3
'Stone Wire': 3
'Pulse Former': {
'Stone Wafer': 1
'Stone Anode': 3
'Stone Cathode': 3
'Stone Wire': 2
'Toggle Latch': {
'Stone Wafer': 4
'Stone Cathode': 2
'Stone Wire': 2
'Lever': 1
'NOT Gate': {
'Stone Wafer': 4
'Stone Anode': 3
'Stone Wire': 1
'Stone Cathode': 1
'Buffer Gate': {
'Stone Wafer': 2
'Stone Anode': 2
'Stone Cathode': 2
'Stone Wire': 3
'Ender Chest': {
'Blaze Rod': 4
'Obsidian': 2
'Ender Pearl': 1
'Chest': 1
'Wool': 1
'Multiplexer': {
'Stone Wafer': 1
'Stone Anode': 3
'Stone Cathode': 4
'Stone Wire': 1
'Repeater': {
'Stone Wafer': 3
'Stone Anode': 1
'Stone Cathode': 2
'Stone Wire': 3
'Synchronizer': {
'Stone Wire': 5
'Silicon Chip': 2
'Stone Anode': 1
'Stone Cathode': 1
'Randomizer': {
'Stone Wafer': 2
'Tainted Silicon Chip': 3
'Stone Wire': 4
'Transparent Latch': {
'Stone Wafer': 1
'Stone Anode': 1
'Stone Cathode': 5
'Stone Wire': 2
'Light Sensor': {
'Blue-Doped Wafer': 1
'Stone Wafer': 7
'Stone Wire': 1
'Null Cell': {
'Stone Wafer': 4
'Stone Redwire': 5
'Invert Cell': {
'Stone Wafer': 4
'Stone Redwire': 4
'Plate Assembly': 1
'Non-Invert Cell': {
'Stone Wafer': 3
'Stone Cathode': 1
'Stone Redwire': 4
'Plate Assembly': 1
'Counter': {
'Stone Wafer': 4
'Stone Cathode': 2
'Stone Wire': 2
'Stone Pointer': 1
'Bus Transceiver': {
'Stone Wafer': 1
'Red-Doped Wafer': 1
'Stone Bundle': 6
'Support Frame': {
'Stick': 8
'Brass Ingot': 1
'Tube Frame': {
'Support Frame': 1
'Pneumatic Tube': 1
'Redstone Tube Frame': {
'Support Frame': 1
'Redstone Tube': 1
'Deployer': {
'Cobblestone': 6
'Chest': 1
'Piston': 1
'Redstone': 1
'Block Breaker': {
'Cobblestone': 6
'Iron Pick': 1
'Piston': 1
'Redstone': 1
'Transposer': {
'Cobblestone': 5
'Redstone': 1
'Piston': 1
'Wood Planks': 2
'Filter': {
'Cobblestone': 5
'Red-Doped Wafer': 1
'Piston': 1
'Gold Ingot': 2
'Item Detector': {
'Brass Ingot': 2
'Pneumatic Tube': 2
'Red-Doped Wafer': 2
'Pressure Plate': 1
'Wood Planks': 2
'Sorting Machine': {
'Iron Ingot': 5
'Red-Doped Wafer': 2
'Blue Alloy Ingot': 1
'Filter': 1
'Battery Box': {
'BT Battery': 4
'Wood Planks': 1
'Iron Ingot': 3
'Blue Alloy Ingot': 1
'Frame Motor': {
'Iron Ingot': 5
'Blue Alloy Ingot': 1
'Brass Ingot': 2
'Blulectric Motor': 1
'Retriever': {
'Leather': 1
'Brass Ingot': 2
'Iron Ingot': 2
'Blue Alloy Ingot': 1
'Filter': 1
'Ender Pearl': 2
'Kinetic Generator': {
'Iron Ingot': 6
'Brass Ingot': 1
'Blue Alloy Ingot': 1
'Blulectric Motor': 1
'Regulator': {
'Brass Ingot': 2
'Red-Doped Wafer': 2
'Item Detector': 1
'Buffer': 2
'Wood Planks': 2
'Thermopile': {
'Copper Ingot': 4
'Iron Ingot': 2
'Blue Alloy Ingot': 1
'Blue-Doped Wafer': 2
'Igniter': {
'Netherrack': 2
'Flint and Steel': 1
'Cobblestone': 4
'Deployer': 1
'Redstone': 1
'Assembler': {
'Brass Ingot': 2
'Iron Ingot': 3
'Red-Doped Wafer': 1
'Bundled Cable': 2
'Deployer': 1
'Ejector': {
'Wood Planks': 4
'Cobblestone': 2
'Redstone': 1
'Transposer': 1
'Buffer': 1
'Relay': {
'Wood Planks': 4
'Cobblestone': 2
'Red-Doped Wafer': 1
'Transposer': 1
'Buffer': 1
'Sortron': {
'Diamond': 1
'Iron Ingot': 4
'Red-Doped Wafer': 2
'Ribbon Cable': 1
'Sorting Machine': 1
'Manager': {
'Regulator': 1
'Sorting Machine': 1
'Iron Ingot': 2
'Red-Doped Wafer': 2
'Wood Planks': 2
'Blue Alloy': 1
'Solar Panel [RP2]': {
'Blue-Doped Wafer': 8
'Blue Alloy Ingot': 1
'Pump [RP2]': {
'Iron Ingot': 5
'Blue Alloy Ingot': 1
'Fluid Pipe': 2
'Blulectric Motor': 1
'Accelerator': {
'Obsidian': 4
'Blue Alloy Ingot': 4
'Grate': {
'Iron Bars': 7
'Fluid Pipe': 1
'Voltage Transformer': {
'Iron Ingot': 5
'Blue Alloy Ingot': 2
'Copper Coil': 2
'Powered Furnace': {
'Machine Frame': 1
'Redstone Reception Coil': 1
'Copper Ingot': 2
'Bricks': 2
'Redstone': 1
'Pulverizer': {
'Machine Frame': 1
'Redstone Reception Coil': 1
'Copper Ingot': 2
'Flint': 2
'Piston': 1
'Sawmill': {
'Machine Frame': 1
'Redstone Reception Coil': 1
'Copper Ingot': 2
'Wood Planks': 2
'Iron Axe': 1
'Induction Smelter': {
'Machine Frame': 1
'Redstone Reception Coil': 1
'Copper Ingot': 2
'Invar Ingot': 2
'Bucket': 1
'Magma Crucible': {
'Machine Frame': 1
'Redstone Reception Coil': 1
'Copper Ingot': 2
'Nether Brick': 2
'Bucket': 1
'Liquid Transposer': {
'Machine Frame': 1
'Redstone Reception Coil': 1
'Copper Ingot': 2
'Glass': 2
'Bucket': 1
'Glacial Precipitator': {
'Machine Frame': 1
'Redstone Reception Coil': 1
'Copper Ingot': 2
'Snow': 2
'Piston': 1
'Igneous Extruder': {
'Machine Frame': 1
'Pneumatic Servo': 1
'Tin Ingot': 2
'Glass': 2
'Piston': 1
'Aqueous Accumulator': {
'Machine Frame': 1
'Pneumatic Servo': 1
'Tin Ingot': 2
'Glass': 2
'Bucket': 1
'Hardened Glass': {
'Lead Ingot': 1/2
'Pulverized Obsidian': 2/2
'Redstone Energy Conduit': {
'Molten Redstone': 0.05
'Energy Conduit (Empty)': 1
'Liquiduct': {
'Copper Ingot': 2/4
'Hardened Glass': 1/4
'Redstone Energy Cell': {
'Energy Cell Frame (Full)': 1
'Electrum Ingot': 3
'Lead Ingot': 2
'Redstone Conductance Coil': 1
'Steam Engine': {
'Copper Ingot': 3
'Redstone Transmission Coil': 1
'Copper Gear': 2
'Piston': 1
'Magmatic Engine': {
'Invar Ingot': 3
'Redstone Transmission Coil': 1
'Invar Gear': 2
'Piston': 1
'Portable Tank': {
'Hardened Glass': 4
'Tin Ingot': 1
'Energy Tesseract': {
'Unattuned Tesseract': 1
'Redstone Conductance Coil': 1
'Lead Ingot': 2
'Silver Ingot': 2
'Electrum Ingot': 1
'Liquid Tesseract': {
'Unattuned Tesseract': 1
'Pneumatic Servo': 1
'Tin Ingot': 2
'Silver Ingot': 2
'Copper Ingot': 1
'Item Tesseract': {
'Unattuned Tesseract': 1
'Pneumatic Servo': 1
'Tin Ingot': 3
'Silver Ingot': 2
'Wood Gear': {
'Stick': 4
'Stone Gear': {
'Wood Gear': 1
'Cobblestone': 4
'Iron Gear': {
'Wood Gear': 1
'Iron Ingot': 4
'Gold Gear': {
'Wood Gear': 1
'Gold Ingot': 4
'Diamond Gear': {
'Wood Gear': 1
'Diamond': 4
'Gate': {
'Redstone Chipset': 1
'Iron AND Gate': {
'Redstone Iron Chipset': 1
'Red Pipe Wire': 1
'Iron OR Gate': {
'Redstone Iron Chipset': 1
'Red Pipe Wire': 1
'Gold AND Gate': {
'Redstone Golden Chipset': 1
'Red Pipe Wire': 1
'Blue Pipe Wire': 1
'Gold OR Gate': {
'Redstone Golden Chipset': 1
'Red Pipe Wire': 1
'Blue Pipe Wire': 1
'Diamond AND Gate': {
'Redstone Diamond Chipset': 1
'Red Pipe Wire': 1
'Blue Pipe Wire': 1
'Green Pipe Wire': 1
'Yellow Pipe Wire': 1
'Diamond OR Gate': {
'Redstone Diamond Chipset': 1
'Red Pipe Wire': 1
'Blue Pipe Wire': 1
'Green Pipe Wire': 1
'Yellow Pipe Wire': 1
'Red Pipe Wire': {
'Rose Red': 1/8
'Redstone': 1/8
'Iron Ingot': 1/8
'Blue Pipe Wire': {
'Lapis Lazuli': 1/8
'Redstone': 1/8
'Iron Ingot': 1/8
'Green Pipe Wire': {
'Cactus Green': 1/8
'Redstone': 1/8
'Iron Ingot': 1/8
'Yellow Pipe Wire': {
'Dandelion Yellow': 1/8
'Redstone': 1/8
'Iron Ingot': 1/8
'Redstone Chipset': {
'Redstone': 1
'Redstone Iron Chipset': {
'Redstone': 1
'Iron Ingot': 1
'Redstone Golden Chipset': {
'Redstone': 1
'Gold Ingot': 1
'Redstone Diamond Chipset': {
'Redstone': 1
'Diamond': 1
'Pulsating Chipset': {
'Ender Pearl': 0.5
'Redstone': 0.5
#5257 - RP2 Item
'Red Alloy Ingot': [
'Redstone': 4
'Iron Ingot': 1
'Redstone': 4
'Copper Ingot': 1
'Blue Alloy Ingot': {
'Nikolite': 4
'Silver Ingot': 1
'Brass Ingot': {
'Tin Ingot': 1/4
'Copper Ingot': 3/4
'Silicon Boule': {
'Coal': 8
'Sand': 8
'Silicon Wafer': {
'Silicon Boule': 1/16
'Blue-Doped Wafer': {
'Nikolite': 4
'Silicon Wafer': 1
'Red-Doped Wafer': {
'Redstone': 4
'Silicon Wafer': 1
'Tinplate': {
'Iron Ingot': 2/4
'Tin Ingot': 1/4
'Fine Copper Wire': {
'Copper Ingot': 1
'Diamond Drawplate': 1/256
'Fine Iron Wire': {
'Iron Ingot': 1
'Diamond Drawplate': 1/256
'Copper Coil': {
'Iron Bars': 4
'Fine Copper Wire': 4
'Iron Ingot': 1
'Blulectric Motor': {
'Copper Coil': 2
'Iron Ingot': 6
'Blue Alloy Ingot': 1
'Canvas': {
'Stick': 1
'String': 8
#5259 - Simplified recipe; requires handsaw, but w/e
'Diamond Drawplate': {
'Diamond': 9/4
'Iton Ingot': 9/2
'Brass Gear': {
'Stone Gear': 1
'Brass Ingot': 4
#5271 - RP2 logic
'Stone Wafer': {
'Stone': 1/2
'Stone Wire': {
'Stone Wafer': 1
'Redstone': 1
'Stone Anode': {
'Redstone': 3/4
'Stone Wafer': 3
'Stone Cathode': {
'Redstone Torch': 1
'Stone Wafer': 1
'Stone Pointer': {
'Stone': 1
'Redstone Torch': 1
'Stone Wafer': 1
'Stone Redwire': {
'Red Alloy Wire': 1
'Stone Wafer': 1
'Plate Assembly': {
'Stone Wafer': 3
'Red Alloy Ingot': 1
'Stick': 2
'Stone Cathode': 1
'Silicon Chip': {
'Red-Doped Wafer': 1/3
'Stone Wafer': 3/3
'Tainted Silicon Chip': {
'Glowstone Dust': 1
'Silicon Chip': 1
'Stone Bundle': {
'Bundled Cable': 1
'Stone Wafer': 1
'BT Battery': {
'Nikolite': 6
'Copper Ingot': 2
'Tin Ingot': 1
'Wooden Sail': {
'Canvas': 6
'Stick': 2
'Wood Planks': 1
'Wooden Wind Turbine': {
'Wooden Sail': 6
'Iron Ingot': 27/4
'Wooden Windmill': {
'Wooden Sail': 3
'Iron Ingot': 9/4
'Controller Circuit': {
'Lapis Lazuli': 1
'Redstone': 2
'Sand': 2
'Gold Ingot': 1
'Redstone Repeater': 1
'Slimeball': 1
'Receiver Circuit': {
'Lapis Lazuli': 1
'Redstone': 2
'Sand': 2
'Gold Ingot': 1
'Redstone Repeater': 1
'Slimeball': 1
'Seed Oil': {
'Seeds': 1/0.02
'Basic Circuit Board': {
'Redstone': 6
'Tin Ingot': 1
'Enhanced Circuit Board': {
'Redstone': 6
'Bronze Ingot': 3
'Refined Circuit Board': {
'Redstone': 6
'Iron Ingot': 3
'Hardened Casing': {
'Diamond': 4
'Sturdy Casing': 1
'Impregnated Casing': {
'Wood': 8
'Seed Oil': 0.25
'Sturdy Casing': {
'Bronze Ingot': 8
'Copper Electron Tube': {
'Copper Ingot': 5/4
'Redstone': 2/4
'Glass': 0.5/4
'Tin Electron Tube': {
'Tin Ingot': 5/4
'Redstone': 2/4
'Glass': 0.5/4
'Bronze Electron Tube': {
'Bronze Ingot': 5/4
'Redstone': 2/4
'Glass': 0.5/4
'Iron Electron Tube': {
'Iron Ingot': 5/4
'Redstone': 2/4
'Glass': 0.5/4
'Golden Electron Tube': {
'Gold Ingot': 5/4
'Redstone': 2/4
'Glass': 0.5/4
'Diamantine Electron Tube': {
'Diamond': 5/4
'Redstone': 2/4
'Glass': 0.5/4
'Autarchic Gate': {
'Pulsating Chipset': 1
'Redstone Iron Chipset': 1
'Gate': 1
'Autarchic Iron AND Gate': {
'Pulsating Chipset': 1
'Redstone Iron Chipset': 1
'Iron AND Gate': 1
'Autarchic Iron OR Gate': {
'Pulsating Chipset': 1
'Redstone Iron Chipset': 1
'Iron OR Gate': 1
'Autarchic Gold AND Gate': {
'Pulsating Chipset': 1
'Redstone Iron Chipset': 1
'Gold AND Gate': 1
'Autarchic Gold OR Gate': {
'Pulsating Chipset': 1
'Redstone Iron Chipset': 1
'Gold OR Gate': 1
'Autarchic Diamond AND Gate': {
'Pulsating Chipset': 1
'Redstone Iron Chipset': 1
'Diamond AND Gate': 1
'Autarchic Diamond OR Gate': {
'Pulsating Chipset': 1
'Redstone Iron Chipset': 1
'Diamond OR Gate': 1
#20257 - TE Item
'Pulverized Obsidian': {
'Obsidian': 1
'Pneumatic Servo': {
'Iron Ingot': 2
'Redstone': 1
'Glass': 2
'Redstone Reception Coil': {
'Redstone': 2
'Gold Ingot': 1
'Redstone Transmission Coil': {
'Redstone': 2
'Silver Ingot': 1
'Redstone Conductance Coil': {
'Redstone': 2
'Electrum Ingot': 1
'Copper Gear': {
'Copper Ingot': 4
'Iron Ingot': 1
'Tin Gear': {
'Tin Ingot': 4
'Iron Ingot': 1
'Invar Gear': {
'Invar Ingot': 4
'Iron Ingot': 1
'Machine Frame': {
'Iron Ingot': 4
'Glass': 4
'Gold Ingot': 1
'Energy Cell Frame (Empty)': {
'Electrum Ingot': 4
'Hardened Glass': 4
'Diamond': 1
'Energy Cell Frame (Full)': {
'Energy Cell Frame (Empty)': 1
'Molten Redstone': 1
'Energy Conduit (Empty)': {
'Electrum Ingot': 2/4
'Hardened Glass': 1/4
'Tesseract Frame': {
'Tin Ingot': 4
'Hardened Glass': 4
'Diamond': 1
'Unattuned Tesseract': {
'Tesseract Frame': 1
'Molten Ender': 1
# TE Liquid
'Molten Ender': {
'Ender Pearl': 1/0.25
'Molten Redstone': {
'Redstone': 1/0.025
'Energy Flow Circuit': {
'Platinum Ingot': 1
'Lapotron Crystal': 1
'Tier 4 Circuit': 1
'Data Control Circuit': {
'Platinum Ingot': 1
'Tier 4 Circuit': 1
'Tier 5 Circuit': 1
'Superconductor [GT]': {
'Energy Flow Circuit': 3/4
'Tungsten Ingot': 2/4
'Iridium Plate': 1/4
'60k NaK Coolantcell': 3/4
'Data Storage Circuit': {
'Emerald': 8/4
'Tier 4 Circuit': 1/4
'Computer Monitor': {
'Red Dye': 1
'Lime Green Dye': 1
'Blue Dye': 1
'Glass Pane': 1
'Aluminium Ingot': 4
'Glowstone Dust': 1
'Diamond Sawblade': {
'Steel Ingot': 4/4
'Diamond Dust': 4/4
'Diamond Grinder': {
'Steel Ingot': 4/2
'Diamond Dust': 4/2
'Diamond': 1/2
'Kanthal Heating Coil': {
'Refined Iron': 3/3
'Aluminium Ingot': 3/3
'Chrome Ingot': 3/3
'Nichrome Heating Coil': {
'Nickel Ingot': 4/2
'Chrome Ingot': 1/2
'Cupronickel Heating Coil': {
'Copper Ingot': 4/3
'Nickel Ingot': 4/3
'Wolframium Grinder': {
'Steel Ingot': 4/2
'Tungsten Ingot': 4/2
'Block of Steel': 1/2
'60k Helium Coolant Cell': {
'Helium Cell': 1
'Tin Ingot': 4
'180k Helium Coolant Cell': {
'60k Helium Coolant Cell': 3
'Tin Ingot': 6
'360k Helium Coolant Cell': {
'180k Helium Coolant Cell': 2
'Dense Copper Plate': 1
'Tin Ingot': 6
'Lapotronic Energy Orb': {
'Lapotron Crystal': 8
'Iridium Plate': 1
'Iridium Neutron Reflector': {
'Thick Neutron Reflector': 8
'Iridium Plate': 1
'Data Orb': {
'Tier 5 Circuit': 4/4
'Tier 6 Circuit': 4/4
'Data Control Circuit': 1/4
'Lithium Battery': {
'Aluminium Ingot': 4
'Lithium Cell': 2
'2xIns. Gold Cable': 1
'60k NaK Coolantcell': {
'Tin Ingot': 4
'10k Coolant Cell': 1
'Sodium Cell': 2
'Potassium Cell': 2
'Dense Copper Plate': {
'Copper Ingot': 8
'Thick Neutron Reflector': {
'Berylium Cell': 1
'Neutron Reflector': 4
'Neutron Reflector': {
'Coal Dust': 4
'Tin Dust': 4
'Dense Copper Plate': 1
'Advanced Heat Exchanger': {
'Glass Fibre Cable': 4
'Electronic Circuit': 2
'Heat Exchanger': 2
'Dense Copper Plate': 1
'Heat-Capacity Reactor Plating': {
'Dense Copper Plate': 2
'Reactor Plating': 1
'60k Coolant Cell': {
'30k Coolant Cell': 2
'Dense Copper Plate': 1
'Tin Ingot': 6
'30k Coolant Cell': {
'10k Coolant Cell': 3
'Tin Ingot': 6
'Overclocker Upgrade': [
'Electronic Circuit': 1
'Copper Cable': 1
'10k Coolant Cell': 3
'Tier 2 Circuit': 1/2
'Copper Cable': 2/2
'60k Helium Coolant Cell': 1/2
'Tier 2 Circuit': 1/2
'Copper Cable': 2/2
'60k NaK Coolantcell': 1/2
'Lappack': {
'Lapis Lazuli Block': 6
'Tier 4 Circuit': 1
'BatPack': 1
'Frequency Transmitter': {
'Copper Cable': 1
'Electronic Circuit': 1
'Coal Chunk': {
'Obsidian': 1
'Compressed Coal Ball': 8
'Compressed Coal Ball': {
'Coal Ball': 1
'Coal Ball': {
'Flint': 1
'Coal Dust': 8
'TFBP - Empty': {
'Electronic Circuit': 1
'Advanced Circuit': 1
'Redstone': 2
'Nano Saber': {
'Iridium Plate': 2
'Platinum Ingot': 2
'Energy Flow Circuit': 2
'Lapotron Crystal': 1
'Carbon Plate': {
'Coal Dust': 8
'QuantumSuit Boots': {
'NanoSuit Boots': 1
'Lapotron Crystal': 1
'Iridium Plate': 2
'Rubber Boots': 2
'QuantumSuit Leggings': {
'Machine Block': 2
'Lapotron Crystal': 1
'Iridium Plate': 2
'Glowstone Dust': 2
'NanoSuit Leggings': 1
'QuantumSuit Bodyarmor': {
'NanoSuit Bodyarmor': 1
'Lapotron Crystal': 1
'Advanced Alloy': 3
'Iridium Plate': 4
'QuantumSuit Helmet': {
'NanoSuit Helmet': 1
'Iridium Plate': 2
'Lapotron Crystal': 1
'Advanced Circuit': 2
'Reinforced Glass': 1
'NanoSuit Boots': {
'Carbon Plate': 4
'Energy Crystal': 1
'NanoSuit Leggings': {
'Carbon Plate': 6
'Energy Crystal': 1
'NanoSuit Bodyarmor': {
'Carbon Plate': 7
'Energy Crystal': 1
'NanoSuit Helmet': {
'Carbon Plate': 4
'Energy Crystal': 1
'Glass': 1
'BatPack': {
'RE-Battery': 6
'Electronic Circuit': 1
'Tin Ingot': 1
'Copper Cable': {
'Rubber': 6/6
'Copper Ingot': 3/6
'Uninsulated Copper Cable': {
'Copper Ingot': 3/6
'Gold Cable': {
'Gold Ingot': 3/12
'Insulated Gold Cable': {
'Gold Ingot': 1/4
'Rubber': 4/4
'2xIns. Gold Cable': {
'Gold Ingot': 1/4
'Rubber': 8/4
'HV Cable': {
'Refined Iron': 3/12
'Insulated HV Cable': {
'Refined Iron': 1/4
'Rubber': 4/4
'2xIns. HV Cable': {
'Insulated HV Cable': 1
'Rubber': 1
'4xIns. HV Cable': {
'2xIns. HV Cable': 1
'Rubber': 1
'Glass Fibre Cable': {
'Glass': 6/8
'Diamond': 1/8
'Electrum Ingot': 2/8
'Ultra-Low-Current Cable': {
'Tin Ingot': 3/9
'EU-Detector Cable': {
'Electronic Circuit': 1
'Redstone': 3
'4xIns. HV Cable': 1
'EU-Splitter Cable': {
'Redstone': 2
'4xIns. HV Cable': 2
'Lever': 1
'Advanced Alloy': {
'Steel Ingot': 3/4
'Bronze Ingot': 3/4
'Aluminium Ingot': 3/4
'Advanced Circuit': {
'Electrum Ingot': 4/2
'Glowstone Dust': 2/2
'Lapis Lazuli': 2/2
'Silicon Plate': 1/2
'Electronic Circuit': {
'Refined Iron': 1/2
'Electrum Ingot': 2/2
'Copper Cable': 6/2
'Heat Exchanger': {
'Dense Copper Plate': 1
'Tin Ingot': 3
'Electronic Circuit': 1
'Reactor Plating': {
'Dense Copper Plate': 1
'Advanced Alloy': 1
'10k Coolant Cell': {
'Water Cell': 1
'Tin Ingot': 4
'Mining Laser': {
'Advanced Alloy': 2
'Titanium Ingot': 2
'Advanced Circuit': 1
'Energy Crystal': 1
'Ruby': 1
'360k Helium Coolant Cell': 1
'Rubber Boots': {
'Rubber': 6
'Wool': 1
'Treetap': {
'Wood Planks': 5
'Diamond Drill': {
'Mining Drill': 1
'Advanced Circuit': 1
'Diamond': 3
'Titanium Ingot': 2
'Mining Drill': {
'Steel Ingot': 5
'Tier 2 Circuit': 1
'RE-Battery': 1
'Empty Cell': {
'Tin Ingot': 4/4
'Lapotron Crystal': {
'Lapis Lazuli': 6
'Tier 2 Circuit': 2
'Sapphire': 1
'Energy Crystal': {
'Ruby': 1
'Redstone': 8
'RE-Battery': {
'Copper Cable': 1
'Tin Ingot': 4
'Redstone': 2
'Sunnarium': {
'UU-Matter': 6
'Glowstone Dust': 3
'Sunnarium Alloy': {
'Iridium Plate': 8
'Sunnarium': 1
'Irradiant Uranium': {
'Refined Uranium': 1
'Glowstone Dust': 4
'Enriched Sunnarium': {
'Irradiant Uranium': 8
'Sunnarium': 1
'Enriched Sunnarium Alloy': {
'Enriched Sunnarium': 4
'Sunnarium Alloy': 1
'Irradiant Glass Pane': {
'Reinforced Glass': 6/6
'Irradiant Uranium': 2/6
'Glowstone Dust': 1/6
'GraviChestPlate': {
'Superconductor [IC]': 4
'Ultimate Lappack': 1
'Gravitation Engine': 2
'HV-Transformer': 1
'QuantumSuit Bodyarmor': 1
'Ultimate Lappack': {
'Lapotron Crystal': 6
'Iridium Plate': 1
'Lappack': 1
'Superconductor [IC]': 1
'Superconductor Cover': {
'Carbon Plate': 3/3
'Advanced Alloy': 4/3
'Iridium Plate': 2/3
'Superconductor [IC]': {
'Gold Ingot': 1/3
'Superconductor Cover': 6/3
'Glass Fibre Cable': 2/3
'Cooling Core': {
'60k Coolant Cell': 4
'Advanced Heat Exchanger': 2
'Heat-Capacity Reactor Plating': 2
'Iridium Plate': 1
'Gravitation Engine': {
'Tesla Coil': 4
'Superconductor [IC]': 2
'Cooling Core': 2
'HV-Transformer': 1
'Magnetron': {
'Copper Ingot': 4
'Refined Iron': 4
'Superconductor [IC]': 1
'Varja Core': {
'Iridium Plate': 2
'HV-Transformer': 1
'Superconductor [IC]': 2
'Magnetron': 1
'Tesla Coil': 1
'Ultimate Solar Helmet': {
'Advanced Circuit': 2
'Superconductor': 2
'HV-Transformer': 1
'QuantumSuit Helmet': 1
'Ultimate Hybrid Solar Panel': 1
'Vajra': {
'Lapotron Crystal': 1
'Advanced Alloy': 2
'Energy Crystal': 1
'Refined Iron': 2
'Carbon Plate': 2
'Varja Core': 1
'Advanced Diamond Drill': {
'Diamond Drill': 1
'Overclocker Upgrade': 3
'Advanced Circuit': 2
#GT Meta
# Circuit OreDicts
'Tier 0 Circuit': [
'Redstone Torch': 1
'Redstone Chipset': 1
'Tier 1 Circuit': [
'Basic Circuit Board': 1
'Copper Electron Tube': 1
'Tin Electron Tube': 1
'Bronze Electron Tube': 1
'Iron Electron Tube': 1
'Redstone Iron Chipset': 1
'Gate': 1
'Tier 2 Circuit': [
'Redstone Golden Chipset': 1
'Electronic Circuit': 1
'Enhanced Circuit Board': 1
'Golden Electron Tube': 1
'Iron AND Gate': 1
'Iron OR Gate': 1
'Autarchic Gate': 1
'Controller Circuit': 1
'Receiver Circuit': 1
'Tier 3 Circuit': [
'Refined Circuit Board': 1
'Diamantine Electron Tube': 1
'Redstone Diamond Chipset': 1
'Gold AND Gate': 1
'Gold OR Gate': 1
'Autarchic Iron AND Gate': 1
'Autarchic Iron OR Gate': 1
'Tier 4 Circuit': [
'Pulsating Chipset': 1
'Advanced Circuit': 1
'Diamond AND Gate': 1
'Diamond OR Gate': 1
'Autarchic Gold AND Gate': 1
'Autarchic Gold OR Gate': 1
'Tier 5 Circuit': [
'Data Storage Circuit': 1
'Autarchic Diamond AND Gate': 1
'Autarchic Diamond OR Gate': 1
'Tier 6 Circuit': {
'Data Control Circuit': 1
'Tier 7 Circuit': {
'Energy Flow Circuit': 1
'Tier 8 Circuit': {
'Data Orb': 1
# 'Tier 9 Circuit'
'Tier 10 Circuit': {
'GregTech Computer Cube': 1
stacks = {
'Ender Pearl': 16
'Thick Neutron Reflector': 1
'Neutron Reflector': 1
# poor man's model
currentName = ''
currentAmount = ''
# Gets mats for a gregtech item by name
render_mats = (name, amount) ->
return if not name
amount or= 1
currentName = name
currentAmount = amount
mats_detail = ''
mats_total = {}
mats_summary = []
mats = { }
mats[name] = amount
expand = (node) ->
for item of node
if recipes[item]
sub_node = recipes[item]
# Alternate recipe handling p1 - use saved preference for item
num_recipes = 1
is_hidden = localStorage[item + '.hidden']
is_hidden or= false
if Array.isArray(sub_node)
num_recipes = sub_node.length
alternate_index = parseInt(localStorage[item + '.alternate'] or 0)
alternate_index or= 0
sub_node = sub_node[alternate_index]
if not is_hidden
sub_item_total = {}
for sub_item of sub_node
sub_item_total[sub_item] = node[item] * sub_node[sub_item]
node[item] = [node[item], sub_item_total, num_recipes]
node[item] = [node[item], null, num_recipes, is_hidden]
# at some point I should template this too...
# need a custom hbars thing for trees :/
detail = (node) ->
if localStorage['style.count-with-stacks']
count = fact_count_style
count = main_count_style
mats_detail += '<ul>\n'
for item of node
info = node[item]
if info[2] > 1 # possibly undef > 1
mats_detail += [
'<li class="mats-alternate" data-name="'
'" data-count="'
'<i class="icon-wrench"></i>'
].join ''
mats_detail += '<li data-name="' + item + '">'
if info[3]
mats_detail += '<i class="icon-chevron-right"></i>'
else if info[1]
mats_detail += '<i class="icon-chevron-down"></i>'
mats_detail += [
'<strong>', item, '</strong>x', count(item, info[0] or info)
if info[1]
mats_total[item] = mats_total[item] or 0
mats_total[item] += (info[0] or info)
mats_detail += '</li>\n'
mats_detail += '</ul>\n'
if localStorage['style.count-with-stacks']
main_count = fact_count_style
alt_count = main_count_style
main_count = main_count_style
alt_count = fact_count_style
for mat of mats_total
count = main_count mat, mats_total[mat]
abbr_count = alt_count mat, mats_total[mat]
mats_summary.push {
name: mat
abbr_count: abbr_count if abbr_count isnt count
template {
mats_summary: _.sortBy mats_summary, (n) ->
amount: if amount is 1 then '' else 'x' + amount.toString 10
main_count_style = (name, count) ->
frac = get_fraction(count)
frac[0] if frac[0]
' & ' if frac[1] and frac[0]
].join ''
fact_count_style = (name, count) ->
frac = get_fraction(count)
base = frac[0]
mult = stacks[name] or 64
stack_count = Math.floor base / mult
excess = base % mult
if stack_count is 0
base if base
' & ' if frac[1] and base
].join ''
stack_count if stack_count and stack_count isnt 1
'*' if stack_count and mult isnt 1 and stack_count isnt 1
mult if stack_count and mult isnt 1
' + ' if excess and stack_count
excess if excess
' & ' if frac[1] and (excess or stack_count)
].join ''
rerender = () ->
main$el = $ '#mats-main'
main$el.html render_mats currentName, currentAmount
# apply events, add content
post_render = () ->
($ 'i.icon-wrench').on 'click', (e) ->
name = ($'li').data 'name'
count = ($'li').data 'count'
localStorage[name + '.alternate'] = (
parseInt(localStorage[name + '.alternate'] or 0) + 1
) % count
($ 'i.icon-chevron-down').on 'click', (e) ->
name = ($'li').data 'name'
localStorage[name + '.hidden'] or= ''
localStorage[name + '.hidden'] = '1'
($ 'i.icon-chevron-right').on 'click', (e) ->
name = ($'li').data 'name'
localStorage[name + '.hidden'] or= ''
localStorage[name + '.hidden'] = ''
($ 'abbr').on 'click', (e) ->
localStorage['style.count-with-stacks'] =
if localStorage['style.count-with-stacks'] then '' else '1'
# gets a compound fraction (as array[base:num, fraction:str]) from number
get_fraction = (n) ->
{ abs, floor } = Math
if floor(n) is n
return [n, '']
swapped = false
sigma = 0.00001
if n < 1
n = 1 / n
swapped = true
p0 = 1
q0 = 0
p1 = floor n
q1 = 1
remainder = n - p1
while abs(remainder) >= sigma and abs( p1 / q1 - n ) > sigma
remainder = 1 / remainder
next_cf = floor remainder
p2 = next_cf * p1 + p0
q2 = next_cf * q1 + q0
break if q2 > 256 or (p2 > 1 and q2 > 1 and p2 * q2 > 100000)
p0 = p1
p1 = p2
q0 = q1
q1 = q2
remainder = remainder - next_cf
numerator = if swapped then q1 else p1
denominator = if swapped then p1 else q1
if numerator >= denominator
base = floor numerator / denominator
numerator -= base * denominator
if numerator is 0
return [base, '']
return [base, [numerator, denominator].join '/']
return [0, [numerator, denominator].join '/']
template = null
template = Handlebars.compile $('#template-mats').html()
button$el = $ '#mats-update-button'
main$el = $ '#mats-main'
name$el = $ '.input-long'
amount$el = $ '.input-short'
form$el = $ '#mats-form'
link$el = $ '.icon-link'
name$el.typeahead {
source: (item for item of recipes)
submit_handler = (e) ->
name = name$el[0].value or name$el[0].placeholder
amount = amount$el[0].value or amount$el[0].placeholder
main$el.html render_mats name, amount
button$el.on 'click', submit_handler
link_handler = (e) ->
name = name$el[0].value or name$el[0].placeholder
amount = amount$el[0].value or amount$el[0].placeholder
(($ 'a').attr 'href', encodeURI [
].join ''
(($ 'a').text 'Link'
link$el.on 'click', link_handler
# support inbound links
hash = window.location.hash
if hash.length > 1
[_, name, amount] = hash.match /#([^\/]+)(?:\/(\d+))?/
main$el.html render_mats name, parseInt amount
if typeof template is 'function'
else false
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