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Created March 12, 2018 14:29
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Minimal code example to recreate issue
import pandas as pd
import pymc3 as pm
from sklearn.preprocessing import LabelEncoder
from theano import shared
import theano.tensor as tt
measurement = pd.read_csv('anonymized_data.csv')
predictors = ['network', 'content_id', 'genre_id', 'weekday_id', 'stratified_hour_id']
train = measurement.loc[measurement.leave_out_set == 0]
test = measurement.loc[measurement.leave_out_set == 1]
# This is to mimic encoding done in actual program so as to be used during model construction
encoders = {}
for predictor in predictors:
encoder = LabelEncoder()[predictor])
encoders[predictor] = encoder
def construct_model(model_variables, encoders):
with pm.Model() as model:
intercept = pm.Normal(
'intercept', mu=0.0, tau=1 / (2 ** 2), shape=1
network_coeff_sigma = pm.HalfNormal('network_coeff_sigma', sd=5)
network_coeff_offset = pm.Normal(
'network_coeff_offset', mu=0, sd=1,
network_coeff = pm.Deterministic(
0.0 + network_coeff_offset * network_coeff_sigma
content_id_coeff_sigma = pm.HalfNormal('content_id_coeff_sigma', sd=5)
content_id_coeff_offset = pm.Normal(
'content_id_coeff_offset', mu=0, sd=1,
content_id_coeff = pm.Deterministic(
0.0 + content_id_coeff_offset * content_id_coeff_sigma
genre_id_coeff_sigma = pm.HalfNormal('genre_id_coeff_sigma', sd=5)
genre_id_coeff_offset = pm.Normal(
'genre_id_coeff_offset', mu=0, sd=1,
genre_id_coeff = pm.Deterministic(
0.0 + genre_id_coeff_offset * genre_id_coeff_sigma
weekday_id_coeff_sigma = pm.HalfNormal('weekday_id_coeff_sigma', sd=5)
weekday_id_coeff_offset = pm.Normal(
'weekday_id_coeff_offset', mu=0, sd=1,
weekday_id_coeff = pm.Deterministic(
0.0 + weekday_id_coeff_offset * weekday_id_coeff_sigma
stratified_hour_id_coeff_sigma = pm.HalfNormal('stratified_hour_id_coeff_sigma', sd=5)
stratified_hour_id_coeff_offset = pm.Normal(
'stratified_hour_id_coeff_offset', mu=0, sd=1,
stratified_hour_id_coeff = pm.Deterministic(
0.0 + stratified_hour_id_coeff_offset * stratified_hour_id_coeff_sigma
# Parameters for categories
link_argument = (
intercept +
network_coeff[model_variables['network']] +
content_id_coeff[model_variables['content_id']] +
genre_id_coeff[model_variables['genre_id']] +
weekday_id_coeff[model_variables['weekday_id']] +
omega = pm.Deterministic('omega', pm.invlogit(link_argument))
kappa = pm.HalfStudentT('kappa', nu=3, sd=3)
# Mean parameter for individual data
mu = pm.Beta(
'mu', alpha=omega * kappa + 1, beta=(1 - omega) * kappa + 1,
# number of observations
# total_size=model_variables['y_obs'].shared.eval().size
likelihood = pm.Binomial(
n=tt.cast(model_variables['n'], 'int64'),
observed=tt.cast(model_variables['y_obs'], 'int64'),
# total_size=model_variables['y_obs'].shared.eval().size
# Rescale coefficients to be deflections from baseline
# b_0 = pm.Deterministic('b_0', tt.mean(link_argument))
# b_1 = pm.Deterministic('b_1', link_argument[model_variables['network']] - b_0)
# b_2 = pm.Deterministic('b_2', link_argument[model_variables['content_id']] - b_0)
# b_3 = pm.Deterministic('b_3', link_argument[model_variables['genre_id']] - b_0)
# b_4 = pm.Deterministic('b_4', link_argument[model_variables['weekday_id']] - b_0)
# b_5 = pm.Deterministic('b_5', link_argument[model_variables['stratified_hour_id']] - b_0)
return model
# creating shared variables results in no error in test point evaluation
model_variables = {}
# Nominal Predictors of model
for predictor in predictors:
model_variables[predictor] = shared(train[predictor].values)
model_variables['y_obs'] = shared(train.y.values)
model_variables['n'] = shared(train.n.values)
model = construct_model(model_variables, encoders)
for RV in model.basic_RVs:
print(, RV.logp(model.test_point))
# However, when repeating with minibatch, model test point evaluates to inf for likelihood
batch_size = 2000
random_seed = 42
model_variables = {}
# Nominal Predictors of model
for predictor in encoders:
encoder = encoders[predictor]
model_variables[predictor] = pm.Minibatch(train[predictor].values, batch_size=batch_size)
model_variables['y_obs'] = pm.Minibatch(train.y.values, batch_size=batch_size)
model_variables['n'] = pm.Minibatch(train.n.values, batch_size=batch_size)
model = construct_model(model_variables, encoders)
for RV in model.basic_RVs:
print(, RV.logp(model.test_point))
# Find all rows where y > n, i.e. rows that would cause likelihood to be inf.
df = pd.DataFrame({'y': model_variables['y_obs'].eval(), 'n': model_variables['y_obs'].eval()})
minibatch = df.loc[df['y'] > df['n']]
df = pd.DataFrame({'y': model_variables['y_obs'].shared.eval(), 'n': model_variables['y_obs'].shared.eval()})
minibatch_shared = df.loc[df['y'] > df['n']]
df = pd.DataFrame({'y': shared(train.y.values).eval(), 'n': shared(train.n.values).eval()})
shared_df = df.loc[df['y'] > df['n']]
# these results show that eval() seems to be giving the wrong index and is what is causing the likelihood to blow up.
len(minibatch), len(minibatch_shared), len(shared_df)
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