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Created March 13, 2017 08:40
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Powershell script to automate the creation of required Office 365 IP addresses or URLs in a Checkpoint management server
Create the required objects in a Checkpoint R80+ management server to allow Office 365 traffic
This script will connect to
and download an XML file containing the required objects to allow Office 365 traffic to pass.
It will then create the objects (IPv4, IPv6 addresses or URLs) into the Checkpoint management
server using the R80+ API, according to the selected parameters.
It depends on the ConvertFrom-O365AddressesXMLFile module
Name: Create-O365CheckpointObjects
Version: 1.1.0
DateCreated: 2017-02-17
DateUpdated: 2016-03-09
The mandatory Checkpoint management server hostname or IP address
The Checkpoint R80 API port
By default, 443 will be used
An optional MDS domain name to use
An optional Office 365 to filter on (among "WAC","Sway","Planner","Yammer","OfficeMobile", "ProPlus",
"RCA","OneNote","OfficeiPad","EXO","SPO","Office365Video","LYO","Identity","CRLs","o365" and "EOP"
If not specified, all Office 365 services objects will be created
A mandatory object type to filter on (among "IPv4","IPv6","URL")
A prefix for the Office 365 objects in the Checkpoint management server
By default, "O365" will be used
The primary category for the Office 365 application objects in the Checkpoint management server
By default, "Microsoft & Office365 Services" will be used
Create-O365CheckpointObjects -Server cpserver -Type IPv4
Will create the IPv4 objects for all the Office 365 apps in a Checkpoint management server
named "cpserver"
Create-O365CheckpointObjects -Server cpserver -Service LYO -Type IPv6 -Verbose
Will create the IPv6 network objects for Skype for Business in a Checkpoint management server
named "cpserver"
Create-O365CheckpointObjects -Server cpserver -Service EOP -Type URL -Category "Exchange"
Will create an application object for Exchange Online, with the required URLs, and a primary
category set to "Exchange"
Param (
[int]$Port = 443,
[string]$Prefix = "O365",
[string]$Category = "Microsoft & Office365 Services",
# Import the required module
If (Get-Module -ListAvailable -Name ConvertFrom-O365AddressesXMLFile) {} Else{
Write-Host "The O365AddressesXMLFile module is not installed. Exiting" -BackgroundColor Red
Exit 1
If ( ! (Get-module ConvertFrom-O365AddressesXMLFile )) {
Import-Module ConvertFrom-O365AddressesXMLFile
# The URL blacklist
$blacklist = "facebook|youtube|evernote|google-analytics|wunderlist|flurry|adjust|uservoice|hockeyapp||webtrends|tific|yahoo|bing|apple"
# Checkpoint API URIs
$loginURI = "https://${Server}:${Port}/web_api/login"
$logoutURI = "https://${Server}:${Port}/web_api/logout"
$discardURI = "https://${Server}:${Port}/web_api/discard"
$publishURI = "https://${Server}:${Port}/web_api/publish"
$addNetURI = "https://${Server}:${Port}/web_api/add-network"
$AddAppURI = "https://${Server}:${Port}/web_api/add-application-site"
$SetGrpURI = "https://${Server}:${Port}/web_api/set-group"
Function CPAPIRequest {
Param (
[string]$method = "POST",
[bool]$stoponerror = $False
Process {
$mybodyjson = $body | convertto-json -compress
try {
If ($headers.Length -gt 0) {
$myresponse = Invoke-WebRequest -uri $uri -ContentType "application/json" -Method $method -headers $headers -body $mybodyjson -ErrorAction Stop
} Else {
$myresponse = Invoke-WebRequest -uri $uri -ContentType "application/json" -Method $method -body $mybodyjson -ErrorAction Stop
} catch {
$result = $_.Exception.Response.GetResponseStream()
$reader = New-Object System.IO.StreamReader($result)
$reader.BaseStream.Position = 0
If ($stoponerror) { Exit 1 }
Return $myresponse
Write-Host "************************************************************"
Write-Host "This script will create the required objects in a Checkpoint" -ForegroundColor Yellow
Write-Host "R80+ management server to allow Office 365 traffic to pass." -ForegroundColor Yellow
Write-Host "************************************************************"
Write-Host "*************** Getting objects from Office 365 ******************" -BackgroundColor Yellow -ForegroundColor Black
$objs = ConvertFrom-O365AddressesXMLFile
If ($Service) {
Write-Host "Filtering on service $Service..."
$objs = $objs | where { $_.Service -eq $Service }
Write-Host "Filtering on type $Type..."
$objs = $objs | where { $_.type -eq $Type }
If ($Type -eq "URL") {
Write-Host "Applying the URL blacklist..."
$objs = $objs | Where-Object { $_.Url -notmatch $blacklist }
Write-Verbose "Objects downloaded from Microsoft :"
Write-Verbose ($objs | ft | Out-String)
# Count objects
$count = ($objs | measure).count
If ($count -eq 0) {
Write-Host "Cannot find Office 365 objects. Exiting" -BackgroundColor Red
Exit 1
} Else {
Write-Host "Found $count objects matching the filters"
$confirmation = Read-Host "Are you sure you want to proceed (y|n) ?"
if ($confirmation -ne 'y') {
# Prompt for Checkpoint credentials
If ($cred = $host.ui.PromptForCredential('Credentials', 'Please enter the credentials to access the Checkpoint API','', '')){}Else{Exit}
$User = $cred.Username
$Password = $cred.GetNetworkCredential().Password
#create credential json
if($DomainName.length -gt 0){$myCredentialhash.add("domain", $DomainName) }
#allow self signed certs
[System.Net.ServicePointManager]::ServerCertificateValidationCallback = { $True }
$myresponse = CPAPIRequest -uri $loginURI -body $myCredentialhash -stoponerror $True
#remove objects with password
rv "Password"
if ($credential.password.Length -gt 0) {rv "cred"}
$myresponsecontent=$myresponse.Content | ConvertFrom-Json
Write-Host "***************** Creating O365 objects ********************" -BackgroundColor Yellow -ForegroundColor Black
# Looping through Office 365 services
Foreach ($srv in ($objs | Select-Object -Unique Service) ) {
$grpname = "{0}_{1}_{2}" -f $Prefix, $Type, $srv.Service
If ($Type -eq "URL" ) { # URLs
$urllist = @()
Foreach ($node in ( $objs | where {$_.Service -eq $srv.Service } ) ) {
$URL = $node.Url
If ($URL -eq "") { Continue } # Skip empty URLs
# Sanitize Url
$URL = $URL -replace "\.","\." -replace "\*",".*" | ? {$_.trim() -ne "" }
Write-Host "Adding object $URL of type $Type"
$urllist += $URL
Write-Host "Creating application $grpname" -ForegroundColor Green
$myresponse = CPAPIRequest -uri $AddAppURI -body $mybody -headers $myCPHeader
Else { # IPv4 or IPv6
Write-Host "Creating group $grpname" -ForegroundColor Green
$myresponse = CPAPIRequest -uri $AddGrpURI -body $mybody -headers $myCPHeader
$members = @()
Foreach ($node in ( $objs | where {$_.Service -eq $srv.Service } ) ) {
$IPaddress = ($node.IPAddress).IPAddressToString
$SubNetMaskLength = $node.SubNetMaskLength
$Name = "{0}_{1}_{2}" -f $Prefix, $Type, $IPaddress
$members += $Name
Write-Host "Creating object $Name of type $Type"
$myresponse = CPAPIRequest -uri $AddNetURI -body $mybody -headers $myCPHeader
Write-Host "Adding objects to group $grpname" -ForegroundColor Green
$myresponse = CPAPIRequest -uri $SetGrpURI -body $mybody -headers $myCPHeader
$confirmation = Read-Host "Do you want to publish the objects (y|n) ?"
if ($confirmation -eq 'y') {
# Publish the objects
$myresponse = CPAPIRequest -uri $publishURI -body @{} -headers $myCPHeader
If ($myresponse.statuscode -eq 200){
Write-Host "Successfully published the objects." -ForegroundColor Green
Else {
Write-Host "Error when publishing the objects." -ForegroundColor Red
Else {
$myresponse = CPAPIRequest -uri $discardURI -body @{} -headers $myCPHeader
# logout
$myresponse = CPAPIRequest -uri $logoutURI -body @{} -headers $myCPHeader
Write-Host "********************** End of script ***********************" -BackgroundColor Yellow -ForegroundColor Black
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