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Created July 25, 2017 01:33
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# Name: storm data conversion, extraction, and selection
# Description: Final Project
# Created by: socio
# Date: 7/10/2016
print '---RESET---'
# Import system modules
import arcpy, csv, datetime, gzip, os, shutil, urllib, urllib2
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
# Functions
def message(message):
'This prints a passed string as both print and arcpy.AddMessage().'
print message
def fgdb(workSpace):
'Verifies the existence of a FGDB or creates a new one.'
stormFGDB = 'NOAA_StormDatabase.gdb'
pathFGDB = os.path.join(workSpace, stormFGDB)
if os.path.exists(pathFGDB):
message('The FGDB already exists and will be used to store new storm data.')
message('The FGDB does not exist. A new one will be created.')
arcpy.CreateFileGDB_management(workSpace, stormFGDB)
return pathFGDB
def download(htmlName, year):
'Downloads NOAA CSV data.'
urlNOAA = ''
site = urllib2.urlopen(urlNOAA)
html =
soup = BeautifulSoup(html, 'html.parser')
for link in soup.find_all('a'):
links = link.get('href')
if 'd' + year in links:
if htmlName in links:
downloadURL = urlNOAA + links
download = urllib.urlretrieve(downloadURL, links)
message('NOAA ' + htmlName + '.csv.gz has been downloaded.')
return links
def decompress(csvName, workSpace, links, year):
'This decompresses and saves CSV files for use.'
newCSV = year + '_' + csvName + '.csv'
oldFilePath = os.path.join(workSpace, links)
newFilePath = os.path.join(workSpace, newCSV)
with, 'rb') as file_in, open(newFilePath, 'wb') as file_out:
shutil.copyfileobj(file_in, file_out)
message('NOAA ' + csvName + '.csv.gz has been decompressed.')
message('NOAA ' + csvName + '.csv has been written to disk, compressed file has been deleted.')
return newCSV
def xyEvent(newCSV):
'Creates an XY Event feature layer.'
xField = 'LONGITUDE'
yField = 'LATITUDE'
xyLayer = 'NOAA_' + year + '_xyFeature'
spatialRef = 4326
arcpy.MakeXYEventLayer_management(newCSV, xField, yField, xyLayer, spatialRef, '')
print 'XY feature event created. Creating temporary feature class.'
return xyLayer
def copyFeature(makeFeature, pathFGDB, newCSV):
'Creates new feature and deletes the feature layer.'
xyFeature = os.path.join(pathFGDB, makeFeature)
arcpy.CopyFeatures_management(makeFeature, xyFeature)
return xyFeature
def replacechars(replaceCSV):
'Replaces characters for other characters in a CSV.'
message('Replacing illegal pipe characters in details.csv with hyphens.')
with open(replaceCSV, 'rb') as infile, open(replaceCSV.strip('.csv') + '_temp.csv', 'wb') as outfile:
reader = csv.reader(infile)
writer = csv.writer(outfile)
for row in reader:
row = [x.replace('|', '-') for x in row]
os.rename(replaceCSV.strip('.csv') + '_temp.csv', replaceCSV)
return replaceCSV
def joinFeature(xyFeature, joinTable, pathFGDB, year, stateName, eventType):
'Joins XY feature to CSV and creates new feature.'
layerNameJoin = 'stormJoin_' + year
joinField = 'EVENT_ID'
outNameJoin = stateName + '_' + eventType.replace(' ', '_') + '_' + year + '_join'
outFeatureJoin = os.path.join(pathFGDB, outNameJoin)
message('Preparing for join procedure.')
arcpy.MakeFeatureLayer_management(xyFeature, layerNameJoin)
message('Join procedure complete.')
arcpy.AddJoin_management(layerNameJoin, joinField, joinTable, joinField)
message('Creating new joined feature class.')
joinFeature = arcpy.CopyFeatures_management(layerNameJoin, outFeatureJoin)
message('Cleaning up unneeded files')
return joinFeature
def selection(joinFeature, pathFGDB, year, stateName, eventType):
'Selects user input features from the joined feature.'
selectName = 'storm_' + year
outName = stateName + '_' + eventType.replace(' ', '_') + '_' + year
outFeature = os.path.join(pathFGDB, outName)
eventField = 'EVENT_TYPE'
stateField = 'STATE'
stateQuery = '"' + stateField + '" = ' + "'" + stateName + "'"
stormQuery = '"' + eventField + '" = ' + "'" + eventType + "'"
attributeQuery = stateQuery + ' AND ' + stormQuery
arcpy.MakeFeatureLayer_management(joinFeature, selectName)
message('Selecting from user input varaibles: ' + stateName + ', ' + eventType)
arcpy.SelectLayerByAttribute_management(selectName, 'NEW_SELECTION', attributeQuery)
attributeCount = int(str(arcpy.GetCount_management(selectName)))
if not attributeCount > 0:
message('No features selected.')
message('Features selected.')
message('Creating new feature class.')
arcpy.CopyFeatures_management(selectName, outFeature)
message('Cleaning up unneeded files')
# Set user input variables - these variables will be set by the user
workSpace = r'D:\PennState\Geog485\FinalProject\ScriptTest'
years = ['1950', '2015', '2016', '2020']
eventType = 'Heavy Rain'
stateName = 'TEXAS'
message('Input variables successfully set.')
# Set environments
arcpy.env.workspace = workSpace
arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = True
arcpy.env.qualifiedFieldNames = False
now =
message('Environments successfully set.')
# Check FGDB availability, use or create
pathFGDB = fgdb(workSpace)
# Loop multiple years for data acquisition and generation
for year in years:
# Validate year
if not 1950 <= int(year) <= now.year:
message(year + ' is out of range.')
message(year + ' is in range.')
# Download the NOAA storm location file
locLinks = download('location', year)
# Decompress and save CSV file
locCSV = decompress('location', workSpace, locLinks, year)
# Create xyEvent layer
xyLayer = xyEvent(locCSV)
# Make xyEvent feature
xyFeature = copyFeature(xyLayer, pathFGDB, locCSV)
# Download the NOAA storm details file
detLinks = download('details', year)
# Decompress and save CSV file
detCSV = decompress('details', workSpace, detLinks, year)
# Replace pipes ( | ) with hyphens ( - )
replaceCSV = replacechars(detCSV)
# Create join feature, delete temporary feature
joinFC = joinFeature(xyFeature, replaceCSV, pathFGDB, year, stateName, eventType)
# Select and export user-specified location and event type
selection(joinFC, pathFGDB, year, stateName, eventType)
message('The NOAA location csv was not generated. No features were joined.')
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