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Created August 2, 2014 18:38
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using System;
class HouseWithWindow
static void Main()
int n = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
int dots = n - 1;
int innerDots = 1;
Console.WriteLine("{0}*{0}",new string('.',dots));
for (int i = 0; i < n-2; i++)
Console.WriteLine("{0}*{1}*{0}",new string('.',dots), new string('.',innerDots));
innerDots += 2;
Console.WriteLine("*{0}*",new string('.',2*n-3));
Console.WriteLine("{0}",new string('*',2*n-1));
int cycleSpins = (n - n / 2) / 2;
for (int i = 0; i < cycleSpins; i++)
Console.WriteLine("*{0}*", new string('.', 2 * n - 3)); //copy later
int windowDots = ((2*n-3)-(n-3))/2;
for (int i = 0; i < n/2; i++)
Console.WriteLine("*{0}{1}{0}*", new string('.',windowDots), new string ('*',n-3));
for (int i = 0; i < cycleSpins; i++)
Console.WriteLine("*{0}*", new string('.', 2 * n - 3));
Console.WriteLine("{0}", new string('*', 2 * n - 1));
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