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Created December 14, 2014 11:10
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Processing script ticker for BlinkyMatrix
// Learning Processing
// Daniel Shiffman
// Exercise 17-6: Stock Ticker
// A class to describe a stock quote
class Stock {
String name; // Name
int val; // Value
float x; // x position
String display; // What we see onscreen
Stock(String n) {
name = n;
//val = v;
// Concatenate the name, value and some spaces
display = name + " ";
// A function to set x position
void setX(float x_) {
x = x_;
// Scroll the quote and reset it when it gets far enough offscreen
void move() {
x = x - 1;
if (x < width-totalW) {
x = width;
// Display the quote
void display() {
// Return the width of the quote
float textW() {
return textWidth(display);
// Main ticker code from // Learning Processing // Daniel Shiffman // // Exercise 17-6: Stock Ticker
// Other code from BlinkyTape Webpage
import processing.serial.*;
Stock[] stocks = new Stock[7];
float totalW = 0;
PFont f; // Global font variable
Serial s;
void setup() {
// Connect to the first serial port we can find
// We assume there is a BlinkyTape there
for(String p : Serial.list()) {
// NOTE: you'll need to change the next line to match the serial port system, i.e. COMx on Windows
if (p.startsWith("COM5")) {
s = new Serial(this, p, 115200);
frameRate(4); // no rush here right
//f = loadFont( "M37_FEEL_THE_BIT-5.vlw");
//f = loadFont( "bit-01:cube_16_remix-5.vlw");
f = loadFont( "5x5-Pixel-8.vlw");
// Giving the stocks names and values to display
stocks[0] = new Stock(" MARRY");
stocks[1] = new Stock("XMAS");
stocks[2] = new Stock("AND ");
stocks[3] = new Stock("A");
stocks[4] = new Stock("HAPPY");
stocks[5] = new Stock("NEW");
stocks[6] = new Stock("YEAR ");
// We space the stock quotes out according to textWidth()
float x = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < stocks.length; i++) {
x = x + (stocks[i].textW());
totalW = x;
void draw() {
// Move and display all quotes
for (int i = 0; i < stocks.length; i++) {
for (int i = 0; i < pixels.length; i++) {
// look at the pixel and send to the led in r,g,b
s.write((byte)min(254, red(pixels[i])));
s.write((byte)min(254, green(pixels[i])));
s.write((byte)min(254, blue(pixels[i])));
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