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/HashTable.cpp Secret

Created March 8, 2015 00:47
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#include "HashTable.h"
HashTable::HashTable( int tableLength )
if (tableLength <= 0) tableLength = TABLE_SIZE;
array = new LinkedList[ tableLength ];
length = tableLength;
int HashTable::hash( string const itemKey )
unsigned int sum = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < itemKey.length(); i++) {
sum = (sum * 32) + itemKey[i];
return sum = sum % TABLE_SIZE;
void HashTable::insertItem( Item * newItem )
int index = hash( newItem -> key);
array[ index ].insertItem( newItem );
bool HashTable::removeItem( string const itemKey )
//string local_var = itemKey;
int index = hash( itemKey );
return array[ index ].removeItem( itemKey );
Item * HashTable::getItemByKey( string const itemKey )
int index = hash( itemKey );
return array[index].getItem( itemKey );
void HashTable::printTable()
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
cout << "Slot[" << i << "]:";
int HashTable::getLength()
return length;
int HashTable::getNumberOfItems()
int itemCount = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
itemCount += array[i].getLength();
return itemCount;
if (array) {
delete [] array;
std::ostream& operator<< ( std::ostream& out,
HashTable &passed_in_hashTahbe_object )
return out;
#ifndef HashTable_h
#define HashTable_h
#include "LinkedList.h"
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
const int TABLE_SIZE = 3;
class HashTable
LinkedList * array;
int length;
int hash( string itemKey );
HashTable( int tableLength = 3 );
void insertItem( Item * newItem );
bool removeItem( string const itemKey );
Item * getItemByKey( string const itemKey );
void printTable();
int getLength();
int getNumberOfItems();
friend std::ostream& operator<< ( std::ostream& out,
HashTable &passed_in_hashTahbe_object );
#include "LinkedList.h"
head = new Item;
head -> next = NULL;
length = 0;
void LinkedList::insertItem( Item * pi_newItem )
if (!head -> next)
head -> next = pi_newItem;
Item * p = head;
Item * q = head;
while (q)
p = q;
q = p -> next;
p -> next = pi_newItem;
pi_newItem -> next = NULL;
bool LinkedList::removeItem( string const itemKey )
if (!head -> next) return false;
Item * p = head;
Item * q = head;
while (q)
if (q->key == itemKey)
p -> next = q -> next;
delete q;
return true;
p = q;
q = p -> next;
return false;
string const LinkedList::getItemKey(Item* ri_Item){
Player *local = getCurrPlayer(ri_Item);
return local->getuserName();
Item * LinkedList::getItem( string pi_itemkey ) const
Item * p = head;
Item * q = head;
while (q)
p = q;
if ((p != head) && (p -> key == pi_itemkey))
return p;
q = p -> next;
return NULL;
void LinkedList::printList()
if (length == 0)
cout << "\n EMPTY \n";
Item * p = head;
Item * q = head;
cout << "\n " ;
while (q)
p = q;
if (p != head)
cout << p -> key << " ["<<getPlayerLevel(*p) <<"]";
if (p -> next) cout << "\n ";
else cout << " ";
q = p -> next;
cout << "\n";
int LinkedList::getPlayerLevel(Item& ri_Item){
return ri_Item.a_player.getLevel();
int LinkedList::getLength()
return length;
Player* LinkedList::getCurrPlayer(Item* ri_Item){
Player *temp;
temp = &ri_Item->a_player;
return temp;
Item * p = head;
Item * q = head;
while (q)
p = q;
q = p -> next;
if (q) delete p;
#ifndef LinkedList_h
#define LinkedList_h
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include "Player.h"
using namespace std;
struct Item
string key;
Player a_player;
Item * next;
class LinkedList
Item * head;
int length;
void insertItem( Item * newItem );
bool removeItem( string const itemKey ) ;
Item * getItem( string itemKey ) const;
Player * getCurrPlayer(Item* ri_Item);
string const getItemKey(Item* ri_Item);
int getPlayerLevel(Item& ri_Item);
void printList();
int getLength();
#include <iostream>
#include "Player.h"
#include "HashTable.h"
#include "PlayerDB.h"
#ifdef _WIN32
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <crtdbg.h>
using namespace std;
void Test()
Player* outPlayer = NULL;
// Test 1: Make sure that an empty player database doesn't fail
PlayerDB pdb(cout);
// Test 2: Try to fetch a non-user
outPlayer = pdb.FetchPlayer("sleak");
if (outPlayer != NULL) {
cout << "Fetched a player when we shouldn't have..." << endl;
// Test 3: Add some players, and a duplicate
// Test 4: Removing players
// Test 5: Fetch a player and make sure that it is the correct one
outPlayer = pdb.FetchPlayer("Sappho");
if (outPlayer != NULL) {
pdb.PrintDiagnostics(); // Note that the level for Sappho should be "1" now
// Test 6: Try some degenerate cases
pdb.AddPlayer(Player("a long player name to make sure our hash function will work with long names.",FEMALE));
// Test 7: Add a bunch more players
// Test 8: Removing stuff in various positions in the linked list
int main()
#ifdef _WIN32
if (_CrtDumpMemoryLeaks()) {
cout << "Memory leaks!" << endl;
#include "Player.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;
#pragma warning(disable:4996) // allow call to strcpy
char* userName;
int playerLevel;
gender playerGender;
Player::Player() : userName ( NULL ), playerGender ( UNKNOWN ),
playerLevel ( 0 )
Player::Player ( char * pi_userName, gender ci_gender ) :
userName ( NULL ),
playerGender ( UNKNOWN ),
playerLevel ( 0 )
setuserName ( pi_userName );
setGender ( ci_gender );
Player::Player ( char * pi_userName, gender ci_gender, int ci_level ) :
userName ( NULL ),
playerGender ( UNKNOWN ),
playerLevel ( ci_level )
setuserName ( pi_userName );
setGender ( ci_gender );
Player::Player ( const Player& ri_Player ) : userName ( NULL ),
playerGender ( UNKNOWN )
setuserName ( ri_Player.userName );
setGender ( ri_Player.playerGender );
setLevel ( ri_Player.playerLevel );
const Player& Player::operator= ( const Player& ri_Player )
//if it is a self copy, don't do anything
if ( this == &ri_Player )
return *this;
//make current object *this a copy of the passed in student
setuserName ( ri_Player.userName );
setGender ( ri_Player.playerGender );
setLevel ( ri_Player.playerLevel );
return *this;
// if(userName)
// delete[] userName;
void Player::LevelUp()
void Player::setLevel ( int ci_level )
playerLevel = ci_level;
void Player::incrementLevel()
int Player::getLevel ( void ) const
return playerLevel;
void Player::setGender ( gender ci_playerGender )
playerGender = ci_playerGender;
gender Player::getGender ( void ) const
return playerGender;
void Player::setuserName ( char * pi_userName )
if ( this->userName )
delete [] this->userName;
//set new name
this->userName = new char[strlen ( pi_userName ) + 1];
strcpy ( this->userName, pi_userName );
char * Player::getuserName() const
return userName;
// Player.h
// lab3e
// Created by admini on 3/4/15.
// Copyright (c) 2015 admini. All rights reserved.
#ifndef __lab3e__Player__
#define __lab3e__Player__
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
enum gender {MALE, FEMALE, UNKNOWN};
class Player
Player ( char * pi_userName, gender pi_playerGender );
Player ( char * pi_userName, gender pi_playerGender, int pi_level );
Player ( const Player&
pi_Player ); //copy constructor: make current object a copy of "student"
~Player(); //destructor: release the dynamically allocated memory
char * getuserName ( void ) const;
int getLevel ( void ) const;
gender getGender ( void ) const;
void setuserName ( char * pi_userName );
void setGender ( gender ci_playerGender );
void setLevel ( int ci_level );
void incrementLevel();
void LevelUp();
const Player& operator= ( const Player&
pi_Player ); //overloading assignment operator
friend ostream& operator<< ( ostream& out, const Player& ri_Player );
char *userName;
int playerLevel;
gender playerGender;
bool operator< ( const Player& d1, const Player& d2 );
bool operator== ( const Player& d1, const Player& d2 );
#endif /* defined(__lab3e__Player__) */
// PlayerDB.cpp
// lab3e
// Created by admini on 3/4/15.
// Copyright (c) 2015 admini. All rights reserved.
#include "PlayerDB.h"
PlayerDB::PlayerDB() : playerDB_Out ( &cout )
PlayerDB::PlayerDB ( ostream& out ) : playerDB_Out ( &out )
bool PlayerDB::AddPlayer ( const Player &ri_player )
bool player_added = false;
string local_userName = ri_player.getuserName(); // so we only do one lookup
*playerDB_Out << "Attempting to add player \"" << local_userName <<
"\" to the database -- ";
if ( !player_database.getItemByKey ( local_userName.c_str() ) )
Item * newItem = new Item {ri_player.getuserName(), ri_player , NULL};
player_database.insertItem ( newItem );
*playerDB_Out << "Success!." << endl;
player_added = true;
*playerDB_Out << "Failed." << endl;
return player_added;
bool PlayerDB::RemovePlayer ( string const name )
bool rval = false;
*playerDB_Out << "Removeing player \"" << name << "\" -- ";
if ( player_database.removeItem ( name ) )
*playerDB_Out << "Success!" << endl;
rval = true;
*playerDB_Out << "Failed." << endl;
return rval;
Player *PlayerDB::FetchPlayer ( string const userName )
Item *local_Item;
Player *local_Player;
local_Item = player_database.getItemByKey ( userName );
*playerDB_Out << "Fetching player \"" << userName << "\" -- ";
if ( local_Item != NULL )
*playerDB_Out << "Success!" << endl;
local_Player = &local_Item->a_player;
*playerDB_Out << "Failed." << endl;
local_Player = nullptr;
return local_Player;
void PlayerDB::PrintDiagnostics()
unsigned int hashTableCap = player_database.getLength();
unsigned int hashTableEntries = player_database.getNumberOfItems();
*playerDB_Out << "====================" << endl;
*playerDB_Out << "Hash Table Diagnostics" << endl << endl;
*playerDB_Out << "Table Size: " << hashTableCap << endl;
*playerDB_Out << "Number of Entries: " << hashTableEntries << endl;
*playerDB_Out << player_database;
*playerDB_Out << "====================" << endl;
// PlayerDB.h
// lab3e
// Created by admini on 3/4/15.
// Copyright (c) 2015 admini. All rights reserved.
#ifndef __lab3e__PlayerDB__
#define __lab3e__PlayerDB__
#include <iostream>
#include "HashTable.h"
using namespace::std;
class PlayerDB : Player
PlayerDB ( ostream& out );
bool AddPlayer ( const Player &a_passed_in_player );
bool RemovePlayer ( string const name );
Player *FetchPlayer ( string userName );
void PrintDiagnostics();
HashTable player_database;
ostream* playerDB_Out;
#endif /* defined(__lab3e__PlayerDB__) */
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