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Created March 20, 2018 14:38
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tell application "Photos"
-- Add the photo you want to search for to a top level album as the first item in the album
set resultcaption to "Searching for: "
set sel to selection
if sel is {} then error "The selection is empty" -- no selection
on error errTexttwo number errNumtwo
display dialog "No photos selected " & errNumtwo & return & errTexttwo
end try
set imagename to "unknown filename"
set target to item 1 of sel -- the image to seach for
tell target
set imagename to the filename of target
end tell
on error errTexttwo number errNumtwo
display dialog "Cannot get the filename of the first image: " & errNumtwo & return & errTexttwo
end try
set resultcaption to (resultcaption & imagename)
end tell
display alert resultcaption buttons {"Cancel", "OK"} as informational giving up after 2
on error errText number errNum
if (errNum is equal to -128) then
-- User cancelled.
end if
end try
-- From Jacques Rioux's script:
tell application "Photos"
-- set sel to selection
if sel is {} then return -- no selection
set thisId to id of item 1 of sel
on error errText number errNum
display dialog "Error: cannot get the image ID" & errNum & return & errText & "Trying again"
delay 2
set thisId to id of item 1 of sel
on error errTexttwo number errNumtwo
display dialog "Skipping image due to repeated error: " & errNumtwo & return & errTexttwo
error "giving up"
end try --second attempt
end try
set theseNames to {}
set theseNames to name of (albums whose id of media items contains thisId)
on error errText number errNum
display dialog "Error: cannot get the albums" & errNum & return & errText & "Trying again"
delay 2
set theseNames to name of (albums whose id of media items contains thisId)
on error errTexttwo number errNumtwo
display dialog "Skipping image due to repeated error: " & errNumtwo & return & errTexttwo
error "giving up"
end try
end try
end tell
if theseNames is not {} then
set {oTid, text item delimiters} to {text item delimiters, return}
set {t, text item delimiters} to {theseNames as string, oTid}
-- return oTid
set t to "No album"
end if
set resultcaption to resultcaption & ", found it in these albums:
" & t as string
set the clipboard to resultcaption
display dialog resultcaption buttons {"OK"} default button "OK" -- you can press the Enter key or the return Key to close the dialog
return resultcaption -- léonie
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