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/laservision.cpp Secret

Created June 26, 2015 13:03
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Some of the laservision functions, including: an implementation of the Hough space, calculation of the misalignment, creation of the minimap and calculation of the y-position error.
#include <math.h>
#include <ctime> // get the time to time this calculation
#include <opencv2/core/core.hpp>
#include <opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp>
#include <iostream>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include "laservision.h"
// Contains all the functions that have to do with laser data
// For a global overvieuw of the functionallities see:
// ----- GLOBAL Variable Context --------------
// All these variables can be used by all the functions in the program
// All variables declared here start with lv_ stands for laser vision
double lv_par_worldangle = M_PI/2; // world angles in rad, when all corners are 90 deg then pi/2 when there are corners 45 deg then pi/4
double lv_par_hough_trustsize = 3.0; // only the data in the trust area is used for calculating the Hough space [in meter]
int lv_Hspace_Asize = 400; // number of angles to check between 0 and 180 deg (matrix size = accuracy)
double lv_par_Haccuracy_p = 0.05; // accuracy of p
double lv_Haccuracy_angle = M_PI/lv_Hspace_Asize;
int lv_Hspace_Psize = (2*round(sqrt((2*lv_par_hough_trustsize)*(2*lv_par_hough_trustsize))/lv_par_Haccuracy_p)+1); // size of matrix in p direction (depent on maximum expected values, which is half the diagonal of the trust size)
std::vector< std::vector<int> > lv_Hspace(lv_Hspace_Asize, std::vector<int>(lv_Hspace_Asize)); // Hough space (matrix)
int lv_Hspace_Phalfsize = floor(lv_Hspace_Psize/2)+1;
int lv_maxval = 0;
int lv_pmaxpos = 0;
int lv_amaxpos = 0;
double lv_misalign;
double lv_angle;
bool lv_anglewrong = false;
// for the minimaps
double lv_par_trustsize = 1.6; // trust size of minimap in meter
double lv_par_accuracy_xy = 0.05; // in meter
double lv_par_sidedoorsize = 0.35;
int lv_minimapsize = round(2*lv_par_trustsize/lv_par_accuracy_xy)+1;
int lv_minimapsizehalf = floor(lv_minimapsize/2);
std::vector< std::vector<int> > lv_minimap1(round(2*lv_par_trustsize/lv_par_accuracy_xy)+1, std::vector<int>(round(2*lv_par_trustsize/lv_par_accuracy_xy)+1)); // matrix minimap1
std::vector< std::vector<int> > lv_minimap2(round(2*lv_par_trustsize/lv_par_accuracy_xy)+1, std::vector<int>(round(2*lv_par_trustsize/lv_par_accuracy_xy)+1)); // matrix minimap1
// for the position error in corridor
double lv_yposerror;
bool lv_show_xydata = false;
bool lv_show_houghspace = false;
bool lv_show_minimap1 = false;
bool lv_show_minimap2 = true;
// ---- FUNCTIONS- ---------------------
// In this function:
// -Calculate the Hough Space
// -Calculate the lv_angle
// -Calculate the lv_misalignment
double lv_updatecompass (emc::LaserData scan)
// clock_t begintime = clock(); // to time this function
// copy of structure of laser data from sensor
// Types from .h file
// double range_min;
// double range_max;
// double angle_min;
// double angle_max;
// double angle_increment;
// double timestamp;
// std::vector<float> ranges;
double range_min = scan.range_min;
double range_max = scan.range_max;
double angle_min = scan.angle_min;
double angle_max = scan.angle_max;
double angle_increment = scan.angle_increment;
int n_samp = scan.ranges.size(); // number of sample points in given vector
std::vector<double> radius; // radius corresponding to samples
radius.assign (n_samp,0.0);
std::vector<double> angle; // angles corresponding to samples
angle.assign (n_samp,0.0);
std::vector<double> xdata; // x data corresponding to samples
xdata.assign (n_samp,0.0);
std::vector<double> ydata; // y data corresponding to samples
ydata.assign (n_samp,0.0);
// double delta_angle = (range_max - range_min)/(n_samp-1);
// Read data, create angles, radius, xdata and ydata
double r = 0.0; double theta = 0.0; double x =0.0; double y =0.0;
int pita = 0; // for counting the points in the trust area
// Transform laser data to x-y data, and count the points in the trust area:
for (int k = 0; k < n_samp; k++)
r = scan.ranges[k];
theta = angle_increment * k + angle_min;
if (r <= range_min)
r = range_max *2;
radius[k] = r;
angle[k] = theta;
x = r*cos(theta);
y = r*sin(theta);
xdata[k] = x;
ydata[k] = y;
if ((fabs(x) < lv_par_hough_trustsize) && (fabs(x) < lv_par_hough_trustsize))
// If there are enough points in the trust area then proceed
if (pita > 50)
if (lv_show_xydata) {
// --- Show image on screen --- //
using namespace cv;
using namespace std;
cv::Mat LaserXYImage = cv::Mat::zeros( 400, 400, CV_8UC3 );
for (int k = 0; k < n_samp; k++)
int x = floor((xdata[k]/lv_par_hough_trustsize*200)+200);
int y = floor((ydata[k]/lv_par_hough_trustsize*200)+200);
if ((x >= 0) && (x < 400) && (y >= 0) && (y < 400))
{<cv::Vec3b>(x,y)[0] = 0;<cv::Vec3b>(x,y)[1] = 0;<cv::Vec3b>(x,y)[2] = 200;
cv::flip(LaserXYImage, LaserXYImage,0);
cv::flip(LaserXYImage, LaserXYImage,1);
cv::namedWindow( "Laser XY data", WINDOW_AUTOSIZE );// Create a window for display.
cv::imshow( "Laser XY data", LaserXYImage ); // Show our image inside it.
cv::waitKey(30); // Wait for a keystroke in the window
// --- End Show image on screen --- //
// Calculating the Hough space
// Clear Hough matrix
for (int p = 0; p < lv_Hspace_Psize; p++)
for (int a = 0; a < lv_Hspace_Asize; a++)
lv_Hspace[p][a] = 0;
// pre calculate the cos and sin (because it is multiple times used in the next operation, to save time)
std::vector<double> Hsin (lv_Hspace_Asize ,0.0);
std::vector<double> Hcos (lv_Hspace_Asize ,0.0);
for (int a = 0; a < lv_Hspace_Asize; a++)
Hsin[a] = sin(lv_Haccuracy_angle*a);
Hcos[a] = cos(lv_Haccuracy_angle*a);
// Apply the Hough transformation
for (int k = 0; k < n_samp; k++) // for each sample
if ((fabs(xdata[k]) <= lv_par_hough_trustsize) && (fabs(ydata[k]) <= lv_par_hough_trustsize)) // check if the sample is in the trust area
for (int a = 0; a < lv_Hspace_Asize; a++) // for all possible angles 0...180 deg
int p = 0;
p = round(( xdata[k] * Hcos[a] + ydata[k] * Hsin[a] ) / lv_par_Haccuracy_p) + lv_Hspace_Phalfsize; // calculate the corresponding p parameter and calculate the position of the pixel
if (( p >= 0) && p < lv_Hspace_Psize) // check if the pixel lays in the matrix
lv_Hspace[p][a]++; // add 1 to that pixel
// find the peak in the Hough space (this point gives the parameters of our reference line)
int lv_maxval = 0; int lv_pmaxpos = 0; int lv_amaxpos = 0;
// just walk through all the elements and remember the highest one.
for (int p = 0; p < lv_Hspace_Psize; p++)
for (int a = 0; a < lv_Hspace_Asize; a++)
if ( lv_Hspace[p][a] > lv_maxval )
lv_maxval = lv_Hspace[p][a];
lv_pmaxpos = p; // perpendicular distance
lv_amaxpos = a; // angle
if (lv_show_houghspace) {
// --- Show image on screen --- //
using namespace cv;
using namespace std;
cv::Mat HoughSpaceImage = cv::Mat::zeros( lv_Hspace_Psize, lv_Hspace_Asize, CV_8UC3 );
int graytint = 0;
for (int p = 0; p < lv_Hspace_Psize; p++)
for (int a = 0; a < lv_Hspace_Asize; a++)
graytint = round(lv_Hspace[p][a]*255/lv_maxval);<cv::Vec3b>(p,a)[0] = graytint;<cv::Vec3b>(p,a)[1] = graytint;<cv::Vec3b>(p,a)[2] = graytint;
if (a==lv_amaxpos)
{<cv::Vec3b>(p,a)[0] = 0;<cv::Vec3b>(p,a)[1] = 0;<cv::Vec3b>(p,a)[2] = 200;
cv::namedWindow( "Hough space", WINDOW_AUTOSIZE );// Create a window for display.
cv::imshow( "Hough space", HoughSpaceImage ); // Show our image inside it.
cv::waitKey(30); // Wait for a keystroke in the window
// --- End Show image on screen --- //
// Here the angle: -\infty < lv_angle < \infty is calculated
// Approach: assumed is that the angle with respect to the world can not change faster than (par_worldangle/2) if it changed faster then
// this means that a line perpendicular is selected to the line of the last measurement (this is compensated by the while loop).
// The lv_angle has a range of -\infty < lv_angle < \infty
// Can be reset by by the operation: lv_angle = 0.0;
double angle_temp = -lv_Haccuracy_angle * lv_amaxpos; // note the - sign because it is the negative of the error
double old_angle = lv_angle;
int correction_turns = round(old_angle/lv_par_worldangle); // approximate turns, to avoid unnecessary loop iterations
while (fabs(old_angle - (correction_turns*lv_par_worldangle + angle_temp)) > lv_par_worldangle*2/3){
if ((correction_turns*lv_par_worldangle + angle_temp)<(old_angle - lv_par_worldangle*2/3)){
lv_angle = correction_turns*lv_par_worldangle + angle_temp;
// std:: //cout << "lv_angle: " << lv_angle << std::endl;
// Here the misalignment: -par_worldangle/2 < lv_angle < par_worldangle/2 with the world is calculated
// Approach: Assumed is that the misalignment is not larger than par_worldangle/2, and if it is larger then
// we correct with steps of par_worldangle such that we find a misaligment smaller than par_worldangle/2
// with the world. (the value of lv_misalign can be dirrectly used in a positive feedback loop)
double misalignment_temp = lv_Haccuracy_angle * lv_amaxpos;
double misalignment = 0.0;
correction_turns = 0;
while (fabs(correction_turns*lv_par_worldangle + misalignment_temp) > lv_par_worldangle/2){
if ((correction_turns*lv_par_worldangle + misalignment_temp)<(-lv_par_worldangle/2)){
lv_misalign = correction_turns*lv_par_worldangle + misalignment_temp;
// clock_t endtime = clock(); // time this function if you like
// double elapsed_secs = double(endtime - begintime) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
// std:: //cout << "sec:" << elapsed_secs << std::endl;
lv_anglewrong = false;
return lv_misalign;
else // if there are not enough points in the trust area (does only happen when in complete open area)
lv_anglewrong = true;
return 0.0;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// In this function:
// Create the Minimaps
// The minimap is aligned with the world instead of with the robot
void lv_updateminimap(emc::LaserData scan, double misalignment)
// clock_t begintime = clock();
double range_min = scan.range_min;
double range_max = scan.range_max;
double angle_min = scan.angle_min;
double angle_max = scan.angle_max;
double angle_increment = scan.angle_increment;
int n_samp = scan.ranges.size(); // number of sample points in given vector
std::vector<double> radius; // radius corresponding to samples
radius.assign (n_samp,0.0);
std::vector<double> angle; // angles corresponding to samples
angle.assign (n_samp,0.0);
std::vector<double> xdata; // x data corresponding to samples
xdata.assign (n_samp,0.0);
std::vector<double> ydata; // y data corresponding to samples
ydata.assign (n_samp,0.0);
// double delta_angle = (range_max - range_min)/(n_samp-1);
// Read data, create angles, radius, xdata and ydata
double r = 0.0;
double theta = 0.0;
double x =0.0;
double y =0.0;
int pita = 0; // points in trust area
for (int k = 0; k < n_samp; k++)
r = scan.ranges[k];
theta = angle_increment * k + angle_min - misalignment;
if (r <= range_min)
r = range_max *2;
radius[k] = r;
angle[k] = theta;
x = r*cos(theta);
y = r*sin(theta);
xdata[k] = x;
ydata[k] = y;
if ((fabs(x) < lv_par_trustsize) && (fabs(x) < lv_par_trustsize))
// make sure that there are enough data points in the trust area
if (pita > 50)
int lv_minimapsize = round(2*lv_par_trustsize/lv_par_accuracy_xy)+1;
int lv_minimapsizehalf = floor(lv_minimapsize/2);
for (int x = 0; x < lv_minimapsize; x++)
for (int y = 0; y < lv_minimapsize; y++)
lv_minimap1[x][y] = 0;
lv_minimap2[x][y] = 0;
// Create map of walls
for (int k = 0; k < n_samp; k++)
int x = floor((xdata[k]/lv_par_accuracy_xy)+lv_minimapsizehalf);
int y = floor((ydata[k]/lv_par_accuracy_xy)+lv_minimapsizehalf);
if ((x >= 0) && (x < lv_minimapsize) && (y >= 0) && (y < lv_minimapsize))
lv_minimap1[x][y] = 1;
// Create map with free area
double map_radius_max = sqrt(2*lv_minimapsize*lv_minimapsize)+1;
double map_angles_res = 1 / map_radius_max/2;
int map_num_of_angles = round( (angle_max - angle_min)/map_angles_res);
for (int a = 0; a < map_num_of_angles; a++)
// std:: //cout << "a:" << map_num_of_angles << std::endl;
double Msin = sin(map_angles_res*a + angle_min - misalignment); //- misalignment
double Mcos = cos(map_angles_res*a + angle_min - misalignment);
// std:: //cout << "t:" << Msin << std::endl;
for (int r = 0; r < map_radius_max*2; r++)
// std:: //cout << "r:" << map_radius_max*2 << std::endl;
int x = round((r*Mcos)+lv_minimapsizehalf);
int y = round((r*Msin)+lv_minimapsizehalf);
// int w = 5;
// int z = 5;
// std:: //cout << "xy:" << w << " y:" << z << std::endl;
if ((x >= 0) && (x < lv_minimapsize) && (y >= 0) && (y < lv_minimapsize))
//lv_minimap2[w][z] = 1;
// std:: //cout << "executed" << std::endl;
// std:: //cout << "size:" << lv_minimapsize << std::endl;
if (lv_minimap1[x][y] < 1)
lv_minimap2[x][y] = 1;
// std:: //cout << "executed" << std::endl;
if (lv_show_minimap1 || lv_show_minimap2){
// --- Show image on screen --- //
using namespace cv;
using namespace std;
cv::Mat Minimap1Image = cv::Mat::zeros( lv_minimapsize, lv_minimapsize, CV_8UC3 );
cv::Mat Minimap2Image = cv::Mat::zeros( lv_minimapsize, lv_minimapsize, CV_8UC3 );
for (int x = 0; x < lv_minimapsize; x++)
for (int y = 0; y < lv_minimapsize; y++)
int color = lv_minimap1[x][y] * 250;<cv::Vec3b>(x,y)[0] = color;<cv::Vec3b>(x,y)[1] = color;<cv::Vec3b>(x,y)[2] = color;
color = lv_minimap2[x][y] * 250;<cv::Vec3b>(x,y)[0] = color;<cv::Vec3b>(x,y)[1] = color;<cv::Vec3b>(x,y)[2] = color;
if (lv_show_minimap1) {
cv::flip(Minimap1Image, Minimap1Image,0);
cv::flip(Minimap1Image, Minimap1Image,1);
cv::namedWindow( "Minimap 1 Image", WINDOW_NORMAL );// Create a window for display.
cv::imshow( "Minimap 1 Image", Minimap1Image ); // Show our image inside it.
cv::waitKey(30); // Wait for a keystroke in the window
if (lv_show_minimap2) {
cv::flip(Minimap2Image, Minimap2Image,0);
cv::flip(Minimap2Image, Minimap2Image,1);
cv::namedWindow( "Minimap 2 Image", WINDOW_NORMAL );// Create a window for display.
cv::imshow( "Minimap 2 Image", Minimap2Image ); // Show our image inside it.
cv::waitKey(1); // Wait for a keystroke in the window
//--- End Show image on screen --- //
// clock_t endtime = clock();
// double elapsed_secs = double(endtime - begintime) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
// std:: //cout << "sec:" << elapsed_secs << std::endl;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// In this function:
// Calculate the y-position error (the distance from the center of the corridor to the robot)
// The minimap is aligned with the world instead of with the robot
double lv_updateypositionerror ()
int rightbound = 0;
int leftbound = 0;
int stop = 0;
double bound_depth_in_meter = 1.0; // How far the robot looks forward
int bound_depth = round(bound_depth_in_meter/lv_par_accuracy_xy);
double max_corridor_size_in_meter = 2;
int max_corridor_size = round(max_corridor_size_in_meter/lv_par_accuracy_xy);
double min_corridor_size_in_meter = 0.3;
int min_corridor_size = round(min_corridor_size_in_meter/lv_par_accuracy_xy);
// Right bound
// Check from the center to the right, column by column if there is a object
// If there is a object in the current column then break the loop, the measured bound is then current-1
for (int y = 0; y < lv_minimapsizehalf; y++)
for (int x = 0; x < bound_depth; x++)
if (lv_minimap2[lv_minimapsizehalf + x][lv_minimapsizehalf - y] == 0)
stop = 1;
rightbound = -y;
if (stop==1)
// Left bound
// Check from the center to the left, column by column if there is a object
// If there is a object in the current column then break the loop, the measured bound is then current-1
stop =0;
for (int y = 0; y < lv_minimapsizehalf; y++)
for (int x = 0; x < bound_depth; x++)
if (lv_minimap2[lv_minimapsizehalf + x][lv_minimapsizehalf + y] == 0)
stop = 1;
leftbound = y;
if (stop==1)
double ypositionerror = (leftbound - (fabs(leftbound) + fabs(rightbound))/2 ) * lv_par_accuracy_xy;
// check if bounds are reliable
// if bounds in front are not oke
if ( fabs(leftbound) >= lv_minimapsizehalf-1 || fabs(rightbound) >= lv_minimapsizehalf-1
|| (fabs(rightbound) + fabs(leftbound)) > round(max_corridor_size) || (fabs(leftbound) + fabs(rightbound)) < min_corridor_size)
ypositionerror = 0.0;
// turn off y error when turning to much
// (fast solution only)
if (fabs(lv_misalign)<0.26){
lv_yposerror = ypositionerror;
return ypositionerror;
lv_yposerror = 0.0;
return 0.0;
#include <iostream>
#include <emc/io.h>
#include <emc/rate.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <stdio.h>
// Public functions -------------------------------------------------------------
// returns double with wall misalignment
double lv_updatecompass (emc::LaserData scan);
// update minimap (stored inside laservision scope, hidden from supervisor)
void lv_updateminimap(emc::LaserData scan, double misalignment);
// return y-position error (error from "ideal" center of corridor)
// can be used for position control
double lv_updateypositionerror();
// Public variables ---------------------------------------------------------------
extern double lv_misalign;
extern double lv_yposerror;
extern double lv_par_worldangle;
extern double lv_par_hough_trustsize;
extern int lv_Hspace_Asize;
extern double lv_par_Haccuracy_p;
extern double lv_Haccuracy_angle;
extern int lv_Hspace_Psize;
extern std::vector< std::vector<int> > lv_Hspace;
extern int lv_Hspace_Phalfsize;
extern int lv_maxval;
extern int lv_pmaxpos;
extern int lv_amaxpos;
extern double lv_misalign;
extern double lv_angle;
extern bool lv_anglewrong;
// for the minimaps
extern double lv_par_trustsize;
extern double lv_par_accuracy_xy;
extern double lv_par_sidedoorsize;
extern int lv_minimapsize;
extern int lv_minimapsizehalf;
extern std::vector< std::vector<int> > lv_minimap1;
extern std::vector< std::vector<int> > lv_minimap2;
// for the position error in corridor
extern double lv_yposerror;
extern bool lv_show_xydata;
extern bool lv_show_houghspace;
extern bool lv_show_minimap1;
extern bool lv_show_minimap2;
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