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Created February 22, 2017 21:15
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Bitmap RGSS C
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
char buffer[length];
sprintf(buffer, "formatos", variables);
MessageBox ( NULL, buffer, "Titulo", MB_OK );
TCHAR   szBuffer[32];
sprintf( szBuffer, "%f", angle[0]);
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#include <cstdlib>
//#include <ctime>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <math.h>
//#include <stddef.h>
//#include <stdio.h>
//#include <stdlib.h>
//#include <string>
//#include <string.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <time.h>
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#define RGSSApi extern "C" __declspec(dllexport)
#define ChannelBlend_Normal(A,B)     ((int)(A))
#define ChannelBlend_Lighten(A,B)    ((int)((B > A) ? B:A))
#define ChannelBlend_Darken(A,B)     ((int)((B > A) ? A:B))
#define ChannelBlend_Multiply(A,B)   ((int)((A * B) / 255))
#define ChannelBlend_Average(A,B)    ((int)((A + B) / 2))
#define ChannelBlend_Add(A,B)        ((int)(min(255, (A + B))))
#define ChannelBlend_Subtract(A,B)   ((int)((A + B < 255) ? 0:(A + B - 255)))
#define ChannelBlend_Difference(A,B) ((int)(abs(A - B)))
#define ChannelBlend_Negation(A,B)   ((int)(255 - abs(255 - A - B)))
#define ChannelBlend_Screen(A,B)     ((int)(255 - (((255 - A) * (255 - B)) >> 8)))
#define ChannelBlend_Exclusion(A,B)  ((int)(A + B - 2 * A * B / 255))
#define ChannelBlend_Overlay(A,B)    ((int)((B < 128) ? (2 * A * B / 255):(255 - 2 * (255 - A) * (255 - B) / 255)))
#define ChannelBlend_SoftLight(A,B)  ((int)((B < 128)?(2*((A>>1)+64))*((float)B/255):(255-(2*(255-((A>>1)+64))*(float)(255-B)/255))))
#define ChannelBlend_HardLight(A,B)  (ChannelBlend_Overlay(B,A))
#define ChannelBlend_ColorDodge(A,B) ((int)((B == 255) ? B:min(255, ((A << 8 ) / (255 - B)))))
#define ChannelBlend_ColorBurn(A,B)  ((int)((B == 0) ? B:max(0, (255 - ((255 - A) << 8 ) / B))))
#define ChannelBlend_LinearDodge(A,B)(ChannelBlend_Add(A,B))
#define ChannelBlend_LinearBurn(A,B) (ChannelBlend_Subtract(A,B))
#define ChannelBlend_LinearLight(A,B)((int)(B < 128)?ChannelBlend_LinearBurn(A,(2 * B)):ChannelBlend_LinearDodge(A,(2 * (B - 128))))
#define ChannelBlend_VividLight(A,B) ((int)(B < 128)?ChannelBlend_ColorBurn(A,(2 * B)):ChannelBlend_ColorDodge(A,(2 * (B - 128))))
#define ChannelBlend_PinLight(A,B)   ((int)(B < 128)?ChannelBlend_Darken(A,(2 * B)):ChannelBlend_Lighten(A,(2 * (B - 128))))
#define ChannelBlend_HardMix(A,B)    ((int)((ChannelBlend_VividLight(A,B) < 128) ? 0:255))
#define ChannelBlend_Reflect(A,B)    ((int)((B == 255) ? B:min(255, (A * A / (255 - B)))))
#define ChannelBlend_Glow(A,B)       (ChannelBlend_Reflect(B,A))
#define ChannelBlend_Phoenix(A,B)    ((int)(min(A,B) - max(A,B) + 255))
#define ChannelBlend_Alpha(A,B,O)    ((int)(O * A + (1 - O) * B))
#define ChannelBlend_AlphaF(A,B,F,O) (ChannelBlend_Alpha(F(A,B),A,O))
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
double round(double d)
return floor(d + 0.5);
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
BOOL APIENTRY DllMain(HMODULE hModule, DWORD  ul_reason_for_call, LPVOID lpReserved) {
switch (ul_reason_for_call) {
return true;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Rect RGSS (rect.__id__ = object)
// RECTSTRUCT * rect = ((RGSSRECT*)(object<<1))->rectvars;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
typedef struct {
DWORD unka;
DWORD unkb;
DWORD x; // x rect
DWORD y; // y rect
DWORD width; // width rect
DWORD height; // height rect
typedef struct {
DWORD flags;
   DWORD klass;
   void (*dmark) (void*);
   void (*dfree) (void*);
   RECTSTRUCT * rectvars;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Color RGSS (method 1) (color.__id__ = object)
// RGSSCOLOR *color = ((RGSSCOLOR*)(object << 1));
// color->data[1] = red, color->data[2] = green, color->data[3] = blue, color->data[4] = alpha
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
typedef struct {
DWORD flags;
DWORD klass;
void(*dmark) (void*);
void(*dfree) (void*);
double *data; //red is index 1, green is index 2, blue 3, alpha 4
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Bitmap RGSS (method 1) (bitmap.__id__ = object)
// RGSSBMINFO *bitmap = ((RGSSBITMAP*)(object << 1))->bm->bminfo;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
typedef struct{
DWORD unk1;
DWORD unk2;
RGSSCOLOR *firstRow;
RGBQUAD *lastRow;
typedef struct{
DWORD unk1;
DWORD unk2;
typedef struct{
DWORD flags;
DWORD klass;
void(*dmark) (void*);
void(*dfree) (void*);
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Color RGSS (method 2)
// RGSSRGBA *color = ((RGSSRGBA*)(object << 1));
// color->red = red, color->green = green, color->blue = blue, color->alpha = alpha
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
typedef union {
unsigned int pixel;
struct {
unsigned char blue;
unsigned char green;
unsigned char red;
unsigned char alpha;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Bitmap RGSS (method 2)
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
typedef struct{
   DWORD unk1;
   DWORD unk2;
   BITMAPINFOHEADER *infoheader;
   RGSSRGBA *firstRow;
   RGSSRGBA *lastRow;
typedef struct{
   DWORD unk1;
   DWORD unk2;
   RGSSBMINFO2 *bminfo;
typedef struct{
   DWORD flags;
   DWORD klass;
   void (*dmark) (void*);
   void (*dfree) (void*);
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Table RGSS (table.__id__ = object)
// TABLESTRUCT * table = ((TABLEDATA*)(object<<1))->tablevars;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
typedef struct {
DWORD unka; //0
DWORD unkb; //0
DWORD dimensions; // # of parameters
DWORD xsize; // xsize
DWORD ysize; // ysize (returns 1 if not specified)
DWORD zsize; // zsize (returns 1 if not specified)
DWORD total_elements; // xsize * ysize * zsize
INT16 * data; // 1-D Array, where [x,y,z] can be found at index [x+(y*xsize)+(z*xsize*ysize)]
typedef struct {
DWORD unk1;
DWORD classname; // I think?
DWORD unk3;
DWORD unk4;
TABLESTRUCT * tablevars;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
//#define ASSERT(x) if(!x){DebugOut("Failed: %s: %d", #x, __LINE__);}
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
int min(int a, int b){
if (a>b)
return b;
return a;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
int max(int a, int b){
if (a>b)
return a;
return b;
RGSSApi int* get_colors(long object)
   RGSSBMINFO2 *bitmap = ((RGSSBITMAP2*)(object << 1))->bm->bminfo;
   long width, height, x, y, x2, y2;
   RGSSRGBA *row;
RGSSRGBA *lastrow;
int *colors;
   width = bitmap->infoheader->biWidth;
   height = bitmap->infoheader->biHeight;
   row = bitmap->lastRow;
   colors = new int(width*height*4);
//lastrow=new RGSSRGBA[width*height*4];
for (y = 0; y < height; y++) {
y2 = y * width * 4;
for (x = 0; x < width; x++) {
x2 = x * 4;
colors[y2 + x2 + 0] = row->red;
colors[y2 + x2 + 1] = row->green;
colors[y2 + x2 + 2] = row->blue;
colors[y2 + x2 + 3] = row->alpha;
return colors;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
RGSSApi BOOL clear_rect(long object, int x, int y, int w, int h){
RGSSBMINFO *bitmap = ((RGSSBITMAP*)(object << 1))->bm->bminfo;
DWORD rowsize;
DWORD width, height;
int i, e;
//int red, green, blue;
if (!bitmap) return false;
width = bitmap->infoheader->biWidth;
height = bitmap->infoheader->biHeight;
if (x>(int)width) x = width;
if (y>(int)height) y = height;
if (x<0) x = 0;
if (y<0) y = 0;
if (w<0) return false;
if (h<0) return false;
if (x + w>(int)width) w = width - x;
if (y + h>(int)height) h = height - y;
rowsize = width * 4;
row = (LPBYTE)(bitmap->firstRow);
row -= rowsize * y;
for (i = y; i < y + h; i++) {
LPBYTE thisrow = row;
thisrow += 4 * x;
for (e = x; e < x + w; e++) {
//red = thisrow[2];
//green = thisrow[1];
//blue = thisrow[0];
thisrow[0] = 0;
thisrow[1] = 0;
thisrow[2] = 0;
thisrow[3] = 0;
thisrow += 4;
row -= rowsize;
return true;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
RGSSApi BOOL fill_rect(long object, int x, int y, int w, int h, int r, int g, int b, int a){
RGSSBMINFO *bitmap = ((RGSSBITMAP*)(object << 1))->bm->bminfo;
DWORD rowsize;
DWORD width, height;
int i, e;
//int red, green, blue;
if (!bitmap) return false;
width = bitmap->infoheader->biWidth;
height = bitmap->infoheader->biHeight;
if (x>(int)width) return false;
if (y>(int)height) return false;
if (x<0) {
w += x;
x = 0;
if (y<0) {
h += y;
y = 0;
if (w<0) return false;
if (h<0) return false;
if (x + w>(int)width) w = width - x;
if (y + h>(int)height) h = height - y;
rowsize = width * 4;
row = (LPBYTE)(bitmap->firstRow);
row -= rowsize * y;
for (i = y; i < y + h; i++) {
LPBYTE thisrow = row;
thisrow += 4 * x;
for (e = x; e < x + w; e++) {
thisrow[0] = b;
thisrow[1] = g;
thisrow[2] = r;
thisrow[3] = a;
thisrow += 4;
row -= rowsize;
return true;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
BOOL fill_rect2(int width, int height, LPBYTE row, int x, int y, int w, int h, int r, int g, int b, int a){
int rowsize;
int i, e;
//int red, green, blue;
if (x>width) return false;
if (y>height) return false;
if (x<0) {
w += x;
x = 0;
if (y<0) {
h += y;
y = 0;
if (w<0) return false;
if (h<0) return false;
if (x + w>width) w = width - x;
if (y + h>height) h = height - y;
rowsize = width * 4;
//row -= rowsize * y;
for (i = y; i < y + h; i++) {
LPBYTE thisrow = row;
//thisrow += 4 * x;
for (e = x; e < x + w; e++) {
thisrow[0] = b;
thisrow[1] = g;
thisrow[2] = r;
thisrow[3] = a;
thisrow += 4;
row -= rowsize;
return true;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
RGSSApi BOOL blt(long object, long source, int x, int y, int srcx, int srcy, int w, int h, int opacity){
RGSSBMINFO *bitmap = ((RGSSBITMAP*)(object << 1))->bm->bminfo;
RGSSBMINFO *src = ((RGSSBITMAP*)(source << 1))->bm->bminfo;
DWORD rowsize, srcrowsize;
DWORD width, height, srcwidth, srcheight;
LPBYTE row, srcrow;
int i, e, sa;
int m2 = 255 * 255;
if (!bitmap) return false;
if (opacity == 0) return false;
width = bitmap->infoheader->biWidth;
height = bitmap->infoheader->biHeight;
srcwidth = src->infoheader->biWidth;
srcheight = src->infoheader->biHeight;
if (srcx>(int)srcwidth) srcx = srcwidth;
if (srcy>(int)srcheight) srcy = srcheight;
if (srcx<0) srcx = 0;
if (srcy<0) srcy = 0;
if (srcwidth<0) return false;
if (srcheight<0) return false;
if (srcx + w>(int)srcwidth) w = srcwidth - srcx;
if (srcy + h>(int)srcheight) h = srcheight - srcy;
if (x>(int)width) x = width;
if (y>(int)height) y = height;
if (x<0) x = 0;
if (y<0) y = 0;
if (w<0) return false;
if (h<0) return false;
if (x + w>(int)width) w = width - x;
if (y + h>(int)height) h = height - y;
rowsize = width * 4;
srcrowsize = srcwidth * 4;
row = (LPBYTE)(bitmap->firstRow);
srcrow = (LPBYTE)(src->firstRow);
row -= rowsize * y;
srcrow -= srcrowsize * srcy;
for (i = y; i < y + h; i++) {
LPBYTE thisrow = row;
LPBYTE thissrcrow = srcrow;
thisrow += 4 * x;
thissrcrow += 4 * srcx;
for (e = x; e < x + w; e++) {
sa = thissrcrow[3] * opacity;
if (sa == m2) {
thisrow[0] = thissrcrow[0];
thisrow[1] = thissrcrow[1];
thisrow[2] = thissrcrow[2];
thisrow[3] = 255;
else if (thisrow[3] == 0) {
thisrow[0] = thissrcrow[0];
thisrow[1] = thissrcrow[1];
thisrow[2] = thissrcrow[2];
thisrow[3] = sa / 255;
else if (sa != 0) {
sa /= 255;
if (sa == 0) continue;
thisrow[0] = thissrcrow[0] * sa / 255 + thisrow[0] * (255 - sa) / 255;
thisrow[1] = thissrcrow[1] * sa / 255 + thisrow[1] * (255 - sa) / 255;
thisrow[2] = thissrcrow[2] * sa / 255 + thisrow[2] * (255 - sa) / 255;
thisrow[3] = min(thisrow[3] + sa * sa / 255, 255);
thisrow += 4;
thissrcrow += 4;
row -= rowsize;
srcrow -= srcrowsize;
return true;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
RGSSApi BOOL replace_image_data(long object,long *object2) {
RGSSBMINFO *bitmap = ((RGSSBITMAP*)(object << 1))->bm->bminfo;
DWORD rowsize, width, height;
long index,x,y;
if (!bitmap) return false;
width = bitmap->infoheader->biWidth;
height = bitmap->infoheader->biHeight;
row = (LPBYTE)bitmap->firstRow;
rowsize = width * 4;
for (y = 0; y < height; y++) {
LPBYTE thisrow = row;
for (x = 0; x < width; x++) {
index = ((y * width) + x) * 4;
thisrow[0] = object2[index];
thisrow[1] = object2[index+1];
thisrow[2] = object2[index+2];
thisrow[3] = object2[index+3];
thisrow += 4;
row -= rowsize;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
RGSSApi BOOL simple_blt(long object, long source, int x, int y, int srcx, int srcy, int w, int h) {
RGSSBMINFO *bitmap = ((RGSSBITMAP*)(object << 1))->bm->bminfo;
RGSSBMINFO *src = ((RGSSBITMAP*)(source << 1))->bm->bminfo;
DWORD rowsize, srcrowsize;
DWORD width, height, srcwidth, srcheight;
LPBYTE row, srcrow;
int i, e;
if (!bitmap) return false;
width = bitmap->infoheader->biWidth;
height = bitmap->infoheader->biHeight;
srcwidth = src->infoheader->biWidth;
srcheight = src->infoheader->biHeight;
if (srcx>(int)srcwidth) srcx = srcwidth;
if (srcy>(int)srcheight) srcy = srcheight;
if (srcx<0) srcx = 0;
if (srcy<0) srcy = 0;
if (srcwidth<0) return false;
if (srcheight<0) return false;
if (srcx + w>(int)srcwidth) w = srcwidth - srcx;
if (srcy + h>(int)srcheight) h = srcheight - srcy;
if (x>(int)width) x = width;
if (y>(int)height) y = height;
if (x<0) x = 0;
if (y<0) y = 0;
if (w<0) return false;
if (h<0) return false;
if (x + w>(int)width) w = width - x;
if (y + h>(int)height) h = height - y;
rowsize = width * 4;
srcrowsize = srcwidth * 4;
row = (LPBYTE)(bitmap->firstRow);
srcrow = (LPBYTE)(src->firstRow);
row -= rowsize * y;
srcrow -= srcrowsize * srcy;
for (i = y; i < y + h; i++) {
LPBYTE thisrow = row;
LPBYTE thissrcrow = srcrow;
thisrow += 4 * x;
thissrcrow += 4 * srcx;
for (e = x; e < x + w; e++) {
thisrow[0] = thissrcrow[0];
thisrow[1] = thissrcrow[1];
thisrow[2] = thissrcrow[2];
thisrow[3] = thissrcrow[3];
thisrow += 4;
thissrcrow += 4;
row -= rowsize;
srcrow -= srcrowsize;
return true;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
int Blend(int type, int a, int b){
switch (type) {
case 1:
return ChannelBlend_Lighten(a,b);
case 2:
return ChannelBlend_Darken(a,b);
case 3:
return ChannelBlend_Multiply(a,b);
case 4:
return ChannelBlend_Average(a,b);
case 5:
return ChannelBlend_Add(a,b);
case 6:
return ChannelBlend_Subtract(a,b);
case 7:
return ChannelBlend_Difference(a,b);
case 8:
return ChannelBlend_Negation(a,b);
case 9:
return ChannelBlend_Screen(a,b);
case 10:
return ChannelBlend_Exclusion(a,b);
case 11:
return ChannelBlend_Overlay(a,b);
case 12:
return ChannelBlend_SoftLight(a,b);
case 13:
return ChannelBlend_HardLight(a,b);
case 14:
return ChannelBlend_ColorDodge(a,b);
case 15:
return ChannelBlend_ColorBurn(a,b);
case 16:
return ChannelBlend_LinearDodge(a,b);
case 17:
return ChannelBlend_LinearBurn(a,b);
case 18:
return ChannelBlend_LinearLight(a,b);
case 19:
return ChannelBlend_VividLight(a,b);
case 20:
return ChannelBlend_PinLight(a,b);
case 21:
return ChannelBlend_HardMix(a,b);
case 22:
return ChannelBlend_Reflect(a,b);
case 23:
return ChannelBlend_Glow(a,b);
case 24:
return ChannelBlend_Phoenix(a,b);
case 25:
return ChannelBlend_Alpha(a,b,255);
case 26:
return b;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
RGSSApi BOOL get_pixel(long object, long x, long y,long color_dest){
RGSSBMINFO *bitmap = ((RGSSBITMAP*)(object << 1))->bm->bminfo;
RGSSCOLOR *color = ((RGSSCOLOR*)(color_dest << 1));
if (!bitmap or !color) return false;
DWORD width = bitmap->infoheader->biWidth;
DWORD height = bitmap->infoheader->biHeight;
if (x < 0 or x > width or y < 0 or y > height) return false;
DWORD rowsize = width * 4;
LPBYTE thisrow = (LPBYTE)(bitmap->firstRow);
thisrow += (x  * 4);
thisrow -= (rowsize * y);
color->data[1] = thisrow[2]; // red
color->data[2] = thisrow[1]; // green
color->data[3] = thisrow[0]; // blue
color->data[4] = thisrow[3]; // alpha
return true;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
RGSSApi BOOL set_pixel(long object, long x, long y,long color_dest){
RGSSBMINFO *bitmap = ((RGSSBITMAP*)(object << 1))->bm->bminfo;
RGSSCOLOR *color = ((RGSSCOLOR*)(color_dest << 1));
if (!bitmap or !color) return false;
DWORD width = bitmap->infoheader->biWidth;
DWORD height = bitmap->infoheader->biHeight;
if (x < 0 or x > width or y < 0 or y > height) return false;
DWORD rowsize = width * 4;
LPBYTE thisrow = (LPBYTE)(bitmap->firstRow);
thisrow += (x  * 4);
thisrow -= (rowsize * y);
thisrow[2] = color->data[1]; // red
thisrow[1] = color->data[2]; // green
thisrow[0] = color->data[3]; // blue
thisrow[3] = color->data[4]; // alpha
return true;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
RGSSApi BOOL draw_light2(long object, long lights_size, long *lights, long *rects,int *blend_type, int background_color){
RGSSBMINFO *bitmap = ((RGSSBITMAP*)(object << 1))->bm->bminfo;
RGSSCOLOR *color = ((RGSSCOLOR*)(background_color << 1));
DWORD rowsize, srcrowsize, width, height, srcwidth, srcheight;
LPBYTE row, srcrow;
int x,y,i,blend;
if (!bitmap) return false;
width = bitmap->infoheader->biWidth;
height = bitmap->infoheader->biHeight;
rowsize = width * 4;
for (i = 0; i < lights_size; i++) {
RGSSBMINFO *src = ((RGSSBITMAP*)(lights[i] << 1))->bm->bminfo;
RECTSTRUCT *rect = ((RGSSRECT*)(rects[i]<<1))->rectvars;
blend = blend_type[i];
srcrow = (LPBYTE)(src->firstRow);
srcwidth = src->infoheader->biWidth;
srcheight = src->infoheader->biHeight;
srcrowsize = srcwidth * 4;
for (y = 0; y < srcheight; y++) {
LPBYTE thissrcrow = srcrow;
for (x = 0; x < srcwidth; x++) {
if (((x + rect->x >= 0 and x + rect->x < width) or (x + rect->x < 0 and x + rect->x + srcwidth > 0)) and
((y + rect->y >= 0 and y + rect->y < height) or (y + rect->y < 0 and y + rect->y + srcheight > 0)))
LPBYTE thisrow = (LPBYTE)(bitmap->firstRow);
thisrow += (x + rect->x) * 4;
thisrow -= rowsize * (y + rect->y);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Blend code
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
if (blend == 0) {
if (255 - thissrcrow[3] < thisrow[3]) {
thisrow[3] = 255 - thissrcrow[3];
thisrow[0] = Blend(3,thisrow[0],thissrcrow[0]);
thisrow[1] = Blend(3,thisrow[1],thissrcrow[1]);
thisrow[2] = Blend(3,thisrow[2],thissrcrow[2]);
else {
if (thissrcrow[3] > 5) {
thisrow[0] = Blend(blend,thisrow[0],thissrcrow[0]);
thisrow[1] = Blend(blend,thisrow[1],thissrcrow[1]);
thisrow[2] = Blend(blend,thisrow[2],thissrcrow[2]);
if (blend == 26) thisrow[3] = thissrcrow[3];
else if (255 - thissrcrow[3] < thisrow[3]) thisrow[3] = 255 - thissrcrow[3];
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
thissrcrow += 4;
srcrow -= srcrowsize;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
RGSSApi BOOL draw_light(long object, long source, long src_rect,int color, int bg_color){
RECTSTRUCT * rect = ((RGSSRECT*)(src_rect<<1))->rectvars;
RGSSBMINFO *bitmap = ((RGSSBITMAP*)(object << 1))->bm->bminfo;
RGSSBMINFO *src = ((RGSSBITMAP*)(source << 1))->bm->bminfo;
DWORD rowsize, srcrowsize;
DWORD width, height, srcwidth, srcheight;
LPBYTE row, srcrow;
int x, y, alpha;
if (!bitmap) return false;
width = bitmap->infoheader->biWidth;
height = bitmap->infoheader->biHeight;
srcwidth = src->infoheader->biWidth;
srcheight = src->infoheader->biHeight;
rowsize = width * 4;
srcrowsize = srcwidth * 4;
srcrow = (LPBYTE)(src->firstRow);
for (y = 0; y < srcheight; y++) {
LPBYTE thisrow = row;
LPBYTE thissrcrow = srcrow;
for (x = 0; x < srcwidth; x++) {
if (x + rect->x >= 0 and x + rect->x < width and y + rect->y >= 0 and y + rect->y < height)
if (thissrcrow[3] > 0)
LPBYTE thisrow = (LPBYTE)(bitmap->firstRow);;
thisrow -= rowsize * (y + rect->y);
thisrow += (x + rect->x) * 4;
alpha = 255 - thissrcrow[3];
if (alpha < 0) alpha = 0;
thisrow[3] = alpha;
if (alpha > 20)
if (color == 1){
thisrow[0] = ChannelBlend_SoftLight(thisrow[0],thissrcrow[0]);
thisrow[1] = ChannelBlend_SoftLight(thisrow[1],thissrcrow[1]);
thisrow[2] = ChannelBlend_SoftLight(thisrow[2],thissrcrow[2]);
//thisrow[3] = thissrcrow[3];
thissrcrow += 4;
srcrow -= srcrowsize;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
RGSSApi BOOL blend_blt(long object, long source, int x, int y, int srcx, int srcy, int w, int h, int blend_type, int opacity){
//if (blend_type == 0) return blt(object, source, x, y, srcx, srcy, w, h, opacity);
RGSSBMINFO *bitmap = ((RGSSBITMAP*)(object << 1))->bm->bminfo;
RGSSBMINFO *src = ((RGSSBITMAP*)(source << 1))->bm->bminfo;
DWORD rowsize, srcrowsize;
DWORD width, height, srcwidth, srcheight;
LPBYTE row, srcrow;
int i, e, sa;
int m2 = 255 * 255;
if (!bitmap) return false;
if (opacity == 0 && blend_type != 12) return false;
width = bitmap->infoheader->biWidth;
height = bitmap->infoheader->biHeight;
srcwidth = src->infoheader->biWidth;
srcheight = src->infoheader->biHeight;
if (srcx>(int)srcwidth) srcx = srcwidth;
if (srcy>(int)srcheight) srcy = srcheight;
if (srcx<0) srcx = 0;
if (srcy<0) srcy = 0;
if (srcwidth<0) return false;
if (srcheight<0) return false;
if (srcx + w>(int)srcwidth) w = srcwidth - srcx;
if (srcy + h>(int)srcheight) h = srcheight - srcy;
if (x>(int)width) x = width;
if (y>(int)height) y = height;
if (x<0) x = 0;
if (y<0) y = 0;
if (w<0) return false;
if (h<0) return false;
if (x + w>(int)width) w = width - x;
if (y + h>(int)height) h = height - y;
rowsize = width * 4;
srcrowsize = srcwidth * 4;
row = (LPBYTE)(bitmap->firstRow);
srcrow = (LPBYTE)(src->firstRow);
row -= rowsize * y;
srcrow -= srcrowsize * srcy;
if (blend_type == 12) srand(time(NULL));
for (i = y; i < y + h; i++) {
LPBYTE thisrow = row;
LPBYTE thissrcrow = srcrow;
thisrow += 4 * x;
thissrcrow += 4 * srcx;
if (y < 0) continue;
for (e = x; e < x + w; e++) {
if (e < 0) continue;
int tmp;
sa = thissrcrow[3] * opacity;
switch (blend_type) {
case 0:
if (sa == m2) {
thisrow[0] = thissrcrow[0];
thisrow[1] = thissrcrow[1];
thisrow[2] = thissrcrow[2];
thisrow[3] = 255;
else if (thisrow[3] == 0) {
thisrow[0] = thissrcrow[0];
thisrow[1] = thissrcrow[1];
thisrow[2] = thissrcrow[2];
thisrow[3] = sa / 255;
else if (sa != 0) {
sa /= 255;
if (sa == 0) continue;
thisrow[0] = ((int)thissrcrow[0] * sa + thisrow[0] * (255 - sa)) / 255;
thisrow[1] = ((int)thissrcrow[1] * sa + thisrow[1] * (255 - sa)) / 255;
thisrow[2] = ((int)thissrcrow[2] * sa + thisrow[2] * (255 - sa)) / 255;
tmp = thisrow[3] + sa * sa / 255;
if (tmp <= 255)
thisrow[3] = tmp;
thisrow[3] = 255;
case 1:
if (sa == m2) {
if (thisrow[0] + thissrcrow[0] <= 255)
thisrow[0] += thissrcrow[0];
thisrow[0] = 255;
if (thisrow[1] + thissrcrow[1] <= 255)
thisrow[1] += thissrcrow[1];
thisrow[1] = 255;
if (thisrow[2] + thissrcrow[2] <= 255)
thisrow[2] += thissrcrow[2];
thisrow[2] = 255;
else if (thisrow[3] == 0) {
thisrow[0] = thissrcrow[0];
thisrow[1] = thissrcrow[1];
thisrow[2] = thissrcrow[2];
thisrow[3] = sa / 255;
else if (sa != 0) {
sa /= 255;
if (sa == 0) continue;
tmp = thisrow[0] + thissrcrow[0] * sa / 255;
if (tmp <= 255)
thisrow[0] = tmp;
thisrow[0] = 255;
tmp = thisrow[1] + thissrcrow[1] * sa / 255;
if (tmp <= 255)
thisrow[1] = tmp;
thisrow[1] = 255;
tmp = thisrow[2] + thissrcrow[2] * sa / 255;
if (tmp <= 255)
thisrow[2] = tmp;
thisrow[2] = 255;
tmp = thisrow[3] + sa * sa / 255;
if (tmp <= 255)
thisrow[3] = tmp;
thisrow[3] = 255;
//thisrow[0] = min(thisrow[0] + thissrcrow[0] * sa / 255, 255);
//thisrow[1] = min(thisrow[1] + thissrcrow[1] * sa / 255, 255);
//thisrow[2] = min(thisrow[2] + thissrcrow[2] * sa / 255, 255);
//thisrow[3] = min(thisrow[3] + sa * sa / 255, 255);
case 21:
if (sa == m2) {
if (thisrow[0] + thissrcrow[0] <= 255)
thisrow[0] += thissrcrow[0];
thisrow[0] = 255;
if (thisrow[1] + thissrcrow[1] <= 255)
thisrow[1] += thissrcrow[1];
thisrow[1] = 255;
if (thisrow[2] + thissrcrow[2] <= 255)
thisrow[2] += thissrcrow[2];
thisrow[2] = 255;
thisrow[3] = 255-thissrcrow[3];
else if (thisrow[3] == 0) {
thisrow[0] = thissrcrow[0];
thisrow[1] = thissrcrow[1];
thisrow[2] = thissrcrow[2];
thisrow[3] = 255-thissrcrow[3];
//thisrow[3] = sa / 255;
else if (sa != 0) {
sa /= 255;
if (sa == 0) continue;
tmp = thisrow[0] + thissrcrow[0] * sa / 255;
if (tmp <= 255)
thisrow[0] = tmp;
thisrow[0] = 255;
tmp = thisrow[1] + thissrcrow[1] * sa / 255;
if (tmp <= 255)
thisrow[1] = tmp;
thisrow[1] = 255;
tmp = thisrow[2] + thissrcrow[2] * sa / 255;
if (tmp <= 255)
thisrow[2] = tmp;
thisrow[2] = 255;
//tmp = thisrow[3] + sa * sa / 255;
//if (tmp <= 255)
//thisrow[3] = tmp;
//thisrow[3] = 255;
//thisrow[0] = min(thisrow[0] + thissrcrow[0] * sa / 255, 255);
//thisrow[1] = min(thisrow[1] + thissrcrow[1] * sa / 255, 255);
//thisrow[2] = min(thisrow[2] + thissrcrow[2] * sa / 255, 255);
//thisrow[3] = min(thisrow[3] + sa * sa / 255, 255);
thisrow[3] = 255 - thissrcrow[3];
case 2:
if (sa == m2) {
if (thisrow[0] - thissrcrow[0] >= 0)
thisrow[0] -= thissrcrow[0];
thisrow[0] = 0;
if (thisrow[1] - thissrcrow[1] >= 0)
thisrow[1] -= thissrcrow[1];
thisrow[1] = 0;
if (thisrow[2] - thissrcrow[2] >= 0)
thisrow[2] -= thissrcrow[2];
thisrow[2] = 0;
else if (thisrow[3] == 0) {
thisrow[0] = 0;
thisrow[1] = 0;
thisrow[2] = 0;
thisrow[3] = sa / 255;
else if (sa != 0) {
sa /= 255;
if (sa == 0) continue;
tmp = thisrow[0] - thissrcrow[0] * sa / 255;
if (tmp >= 0)
thisrow[0] = tmp;
thisrow[0] = 0;
tmp = thisrow[1] - thissrcrow[1] * sa / 255;
if (tmp >= 0)
thisrow[1] = tmp;
thisrow[1] = 0;
tmp = thisrow[2] - thissrcrow[2] * sa / 255;
if (tmp >= 0)
thisrow[2] = tmp;
thisrow[2] = 0;
tmp = thisrow[3] + sa * sa / 255;
if (tmp <= 255)
thisrow[3] = tmp;
thisrow[3] = 255;
//thisrow[0] = min(thisrow[0] + thissrcrow[0] * sa / 255, 255);
//thisrow[1] = min(thisrow[1] + thissrcrow[1] * sa / 255, 255);
//thisrow[2] = min(thisrow[2] + thissrcrow[2] * sa / 255, 255);
//thisrow[3] = min(thisrow[3] + sa * sa / 255, 255);
case 3:
if (sa == m2) {
thisrow[0] = thisrow[0] * thissrcrow[0] / 255;
thisrow[1] = thisrow[1] * thissrcrow[1] / 255;
thisrow[2] = thisrow[2] * thissrcrow[2] / 255;
thisrow[3] = 255;
else if (sa != 0) {
sa /= 255;
if (sa == 0) continue;
thisrow[0] = (thisrow[0] * (255 - sa) + thisrow[0] * thissrcrow[0] * sa / 255) / 255;
thisrow[1] = (thisrow[1] * (255 - sa) + thisrow[1] * thissrcrow[1] * sa / 255) / 255;
thisrow[2] = (thisrow[2] * (255 - sa) + thisrow[2] * thissrcrow[2] * sa / 255) / 255;
tmp = thisrow[3] + sa * sa / 255;
if (tmp <= 255)
thisrow[3] = tmp;
thisrow[3] = 255;
case 4:
if (sa == m2) {
thisrow[0] = 255 - (255 - thisrow[0]) * (255 - thissrcrow[0]) / 255;
thisrow[1] = 255 - (255 - thisrow[1]) * (255 - thissrcrow[1]) / 255;
thisrow[2] = 255 - (255 - thisrow[2]) * (255 - thissrcrow[2]) / 255;
thisrow[3] = 255;
else if (sa != 0) {
sa /= 255;
if (sa == 0) continue;
thisrow[0] = (thisrow[0] * (255 - sa) + sa * (255 - (255 - thisrow[0]) * (255 - thissrcrow[0]) / 255)) / 255;
thisrow[1] = (thisrow[1] * (255 - sa) + sa * (255 - (255 - thisrow[1]) * (255 - thissrcrow[1]) / 255)) / 255;
thisrow[2] = (thisrow[2] * (255 - sa) + sa * (255 - (255 - thisrow[2]) * (255 - thissrcrow[2]) / 255)) / 255;
tmp = thisrow[3] + sa * sa / 255;
if (tmp <= 255)
thisrow[3] = tmp;
thisrow[3] = 255;
case 5:
if (sa == m2) {
if (thisrow[0] > 127)
thisrow[0] = 255 - (255 - thisrow[0]) * (255 - thissrcrow[0]) / 255;
thisrow[0] = thisrow[0] * thissrcrow[0] / 255;
if (thisrow[1] > 127)
thisrow[1] = 255 - (255 - thisrow[1]) * (255 - thissrcrow[1]) / 255;
thisrow[1] = thisrow[1] * thissrcrow[1] / 255;
if (thisrow[2] > 127)
thisrow[2] = 255 - (255 - thisrow[2]) * (255 - thissrcrow[2]) / 255;
thisrow[2] = thisrow[2] * thissrcrow[2] / 255;
thisrow[3] = 255;
else if (sa != 0) {
sa /= 255;
if (sa == 0) continue;
if (thisrow[0] > 127)
thisrow[0] = (thisrow[0] * (255 - sa) + sa * (255 - (255 - thisrow[0]) * (255 - thissrcrow[0]) / 255)) / 255;
thisrow[0] = (thisrow[0] * (255 - sa) + thisrow[0] * thissrcrow[0] * sa / 255) / 255;
if (thisrow[1] > 127)
thisrow[1] = (thisrow[1] * (255 - sa) + sa * (255 - (255 - thisrow[1]) * (255 - thissrcrow[1]) / 255)) / 255;
thisrow[1] = (thisrow[1] * (255 - sa) + thisrow[1] * thissrcrow[1] * sa / 255) / 255;
if (thisrow[2] > 127)
thisrow[2] = (thisrow[2] * (255 - sa) + sa * (255 - (255 - thisrow[2]) * (255 - thissrcrow[2]) / 255)) / 255;
thisrow[2] = (thisrow[2] * (255 - sa) + thisrow[2] * thissrcrow[2] * sa / 255) / 255;
tmp = thisrow[3] + sa * sa / 255;
if (tmp <= 255)
thisrow[3] = tmp;
thisrow[3] = 255;
case 6:
if (sa == m2) {
thisrow[0] = (-thisrow[0] * (2 * (thisrow[0] - 255) * thissrcrow[0] - 255 * thisrow[0])) / (255 * 255);
thisrow[1] = (-thisrow[1] * (2 * (thisrow[1] - 255) * thissrcrow[1] - 255 * thisrow[1])) / (255 * 255);
thisrow[2] = (-thisrow[2] * (2 * (thisrow[2] - 255) * thissrcrow[2] - 255 * thisrow[2])) / (255 * 255);
thisrow[3] = 255;
else if (sa != 0) {
sa /= 255;
if (sa == 0) continue;
thisrow[0] = (thisrow[0] * (255 - sa) + sa * (-thisrow[0] * (2 * (thisrow[0] - 255) * thissrcrow[0] - 255 * thisrow[0])) / (255 * 255)) / 255;
thisrow[1] = (thisrow[1] * (255 - sa) + sa * (-thisrow[1] * (2 * (thisrow[1] - 255) * thissrcrow[1] - 255 * thisrow[1])) / (255 * 255)) / 255;
thisrow[2] = (thisrow[2] * (255 - sa) + sa * (-thisrow[2] * (2 * (thisrow[2] - 255) * thissrcrow[2] - 255 * thisrow[2])) / (255 * 255)) / 255;
tmp = thisrow[3] + sa * sa / 255;
if (tmp <= 255)
thisrow[3] = tmp;
thisrow[3] = 255;
case 7:
if (sa == m2) {
if (255 - thissrcrow[0] > thisrow[0])
thisrow[0] = thisrow[0] * 255 / (255 - thissrcrow[0]);
thisrow[0] = 255;
if (255 - thissrcrow[1] > thisrow[1])
thisrow[1] = thisrow[1] * 255 / (255 - thissrcrow[1]);
thisrow[1] = 255;
if (255 - thissrcrow[2] > thisrow[2])
thisrow[2] = thisrow[2] * 255 / (255 - thissrcrow[2]);
thisrow[2] = 255;
thisrow[3] = 255;
else if (sa != 0) {
sa /= 255;
if (sa == 0) continue;
if (thissrcrow[0] != 255) {
tmp = (thisrow[0] * (255 - sa) + sa * thisrow[0] * 255 / (255 - thissrcrow[0])) / 255;
if (tmp <= 255 && tmp >= 0)
thisrow[0] = tmp;
else if (tmp < 0)
thisrow[0] = 0;
thisrow[0] = 255;
if (thissrcrow[1] != 255) {
tmp = (thisrow[1] * (255 - sa) + sa * thisrow[1] * 255 / (255 - thissrcrow[1])) / 255;
if (tmp <= 255 && tmp >= 0)
thisrow[1] = tmp;
else if (tmp < 0)
thisrow[1] = 0;
thisrow[1] = 255;
if (thissrcrow[2] == 255) {
tmp = (thisrow[2] * (255 - sa) + sa * thisrow[2] * 255 / (255 - thissrcrow[2])) / 255;
if (tmp <= 255 && tmp >= 0)
thisrow[2] = tmp;
else if (tmp < 0)
thisrow[2] = 0;
thisrow[2] = 255;
tmp = thisrow[3] + sa * sa / 255;
if (tmp <= 255)
thisrow[3] = tmp;
thisrow[3] = 255;
case 8:
if (sa == m2) {
if (thissrcrow[0] > 255 - thisrow[0])
thisrow[0] = 255 - (255 - thisrow[0]) * 255 / (thissrcrow[0]);
thisrow[0] = 0;
if (thissrcrow[1] > 255 - thisrow[1])
thisrow[1] = 255 - (255 - thisrow[1]) * 255 / (thissrcrow[1]);
thisrow[1] = 0;
if (thissrcrow[2] > 255 - thisrow[2])
thisrow[2] = 255 - (255 - thisrow[2]) * 255 / (thissrcrow[2]);
thisrow[2] = 0;
thisrow[3] = 255;
else if (sa != 0) {
sa /= 255;
if (sa == 0) continue;
if (thissrcrow[0] == 0) {
thisrow[0] = 255 - thisrow[0];
else {
tmp = (thisrow[0] * (255 - sa) + sa * (255 - (255 - thisrow[0]) * 255 / thissrcrow[0])) / 255;
if (tmp <= 255 && tmp >= 0)
thisrow[0] = tmp;
else if (tmp < 0)
thisrow[0] = 0;
thisrow[0] = 255;
if (thissrcrow[1] == 0) {
thisrow[1] = 255 - thisrow[1];
else {
tmp = (thisrow[1] * (255 - sa) + sa * (255 - (255 - thisrow[1]) * 255 / thissrcrow[1])) / 255;
if (tmp <= 255 && tmp >= 0)
thisrow[1] = tmp;
else if (tmp < 0)
thisrow[1] = 0;
thisrow[1] = 255;
if (thissrcrow[2] == 0) {
thisrow[2] = 255 - thisrow[2];
else {
tmp = (thisrow[2] * (255 - sa) + sa * (255 - (255 - thisrow[2]) * 255 / thissrcrow[2])) / 255;
if (tmp <= 255 && tmp >= 0)
thisrow[2] = tmp;
else if (tmp < 0)
thisrow[2] = 0;
thisrow[2] = 255;
tmp = thisrow[3] + sa * sa / 255;
if (tmp <= 255)
thisrow[3] = tmp;
thisrow[3] = 255;
case 9:
if (sa == m2) {
tmp = thisrow[0] + thissrcrow[0] - 255;
if (tmp >= 0)
thisrow[0] = tmp;
thisrow[0] = 0;
tmp = thisrow[1] + thissrcrow[1] - 255;
if (tmp >= 0)
thisrow[1] = tmp;
thisrow[1] = 0;
tmp = thisrow[2] + thissrcrow[2] - 255;
if (tmp >= 0)
thisrow[2] = tmp;
thisrow[2] = 0;
thisrow[3] = 255;
else if (thisrow[3] == 0) {
thisrow[0] = 0;
thisrow[1] = 0;
thisrow[2] = 0;
thisrow[3] = sa / 255;
else if (sa != 0) {
sa /= 255;
if (sa == 0) continue;
tmp = (thisrow[0] * (255 - sa) + sa * (thisrow[0] + thissrcrow[0] - 255)) / 255;
if (tmp >= 0)
thisrow[0] = tmp;
thisrow[0] = 0;
tmp = (thisrow[1] * (255 - sa) + sa * (thisrow[1] + thissrcrow[1] - 255)) / 255;
if (tmp >= 0)
thisrow[1] = tmp;
thisrow[1] = 0;
tmp = (thisrow[2] * (255 - sa) + sa * (thisrow[2] + thissrcrow[2] - 255)) / 255;
if (tmp >= 0)
thisrow[2] = tmp;
thisrow[2] = 0;
tmp = thisrow[3] + sa * sa / 255;
if (tmp <= 255)
thisrow[3] = tmp;
thisrow[3] = 255;
case 10:
if (sa == m2) {
if (thisrow[0] > thissrcrow[0])
thisrow[0] = thissrcrow[0] * 255 / thisrow[0];
thisrow[0] = 255;
if (thisrow[1] > thissrcrow[1])
thisrow[1] = thissrcrow[1] * 255 / thisrow[1];
thisrow[1] = 255;
if (thisrow[2] > thissrcrow[2])
thisrow[2] = thissrcrow[2] * 255 / thisrow[2];
thisrow[2] = 255;
thisrow[3] = 255;
else if (sa != 0) {
sa /= 255;
if (sa == 0) continue;
if (thisrow[0] == 0) {
thisrow[0] = thissrcrow[0];
else {
tmp = (thisrow[0] * (255 - sa) + sa * thissrcrow[0] * 255 / thisrow[0]) / 255;
if (tmp <= 255 && tmp >= 0)
thisrow[0] = tmp;
else if (tmp < 0)
thisrow[0] = 0;
thisrow[0] = 255;
if (thisrow[1] == 0) {
thisrow[1] = thissrcrow[1];
else {
tmp = (thisrow[1] * (255 - sa) + sa * thissrcrow[1] * 255 / thisrow[1]) / 255;
if (tmp <= 255 && tmp >= 0)
thisrow[1] = tmp;
else if (tmp < 0)
thisrow[1] = 0;
thisrow[1] = 255;
if (thisrow[2] == 0) {
thisrow[2] = thissrcrow[2];
else {
tmp = (thisrow[2] * (255 - sa) + sa * thissrcrow[2] * 255 / thisrow[2]) / 255;
if (tmp <= 255 && tmp >= 0)
thisrow[2] = tmp;
else if (tmp < 0)
thisrow[2] = 0;
thisrow[2] = 255;
tmp = thisrow[3] + sa * sa / 255;
if (tmp <= 255)
thisrow[3] = tmp;
thisrow[3] = 255;
case 11:
sa /= 255;
if (sa == 0) continue;
thisrow[0] = fabs((float)(thisrow[0] - thissrcrow[0]));
thisrow[1] = fabs((float)(thisrow[1] - thissrcrow[1]));
thisrow[2] = fabs((float)(thisrow[2] - thissrcrow[2]));
tmp = thisrow[3] + sa * sa / 255;
if (tmp <= 255)
thisrow[3] = tmp;
thisrow[3] = 255;
case 12:
if (rand() % 258 < opacity + 1) {
thisrow[0] = thissrcrow[0];
thisrow[1] = thissrcrow[1];
thisrow[2] = thissrcrow[2];
thisrow[3] = thissrcrow[3];
thisrow += 4;
thissrcrow += 4;
row -= rowsize;
srcrow -= srcrowsize;
return true;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
RGSSApi BOOL transfer_blt(long object, long source, int x, int y, int srcx, int srcy, int w, int h, int transfer_mode, int opacity){
RGSSBMINFO *bitmap = ((RGSSBITMAP*)(object << 1))->bm->bminfo;
RGSSBMINFO *src = ((RGSSBITMAP*)(source << 1))->bm->bminfo;
DWORD rowsize, srcrowsize;
DWORD width, height, srcwidth, srcheight;
LPBYTE row, srcrow;
int i, e, sa;
int m2 = 255 * 255;
if (!bitmap) return false;
if (opacity == 0) return false;
width = bitmap->infoheader->biWidth;
height = bitmap->infoheader->biHeight;
srcwidth = src->infoheader->biWidth;
srcheight = src->infoheader->biHeight;
if (srcx>(int)srcwidth) srcx = srcwidth;
if (srcy>(int)srcheight) srcy = srcheight;
if (srcx<0) srcx = 0;
if (srcy<0) srcy = 0;
if (srcwidth<0) return false;
if (srcheight<0) return false;
if (srcx + w>(int)srcwidth) w = srcwidth - srcx;
if (srcy + h>(int)srcheight) h = srcheight - srcy;
if (x>(int)width) x = width;
if (y>(int)height) y = height;
if (x<0) x = 0;
if (y<0) y = 0;
if (w<0) return false;
if (h<0) return false;
if (x + w>(int)width) w = width - x;
if (y + h>(int)height) h = height - y;
rowsize = width * 4;
srcrowsize = srcwidth * 4;
row = (LPBYTE)(bitmap->firstRow);
srcrow = (LPBYTE)(src->firstRow);
row -= rowsize * y;
srcrow -= srcrowsize * srcy;
for (i = y; i < y + h; i++) {
LPBYTE thisrow = row;
LPBYTE thissrcrow = srcrow;
thisrow += 4 * x;
thissrcrow += 4 * srcx;
for (e = x; e < x + w; e++) {
sa = thissrcrow[3] * opacity;
switch (transfer_mode) {
case 0:
if (sa == m2) {
thisrow[0] = thissrcrow[0];
thisrow[1] = thissrcrow[1];
thisrow[2] = thissrcrow[2];
thisrow[3] = 255;
else if (thisrow[3] == 0) {
thisrow[0] = thissrcrow[0];
thisrow[1] = thissrcrow[1];
thisrow[2] = thissrcrow[2];
thisrow[3] = sa / 255;
else if (sa != 0) {
sa /= 255;
if (sa == 0) continue;
thisrow[0] = thissrcrow[0] * sa / 255 + thisrow[0] * (255 - sa) / 255;
thisrow[1] = thissrcrow[1] * sa / 255 + thisrow[1] * (255 - sa) / 255;
thisrow[2] = thissrcrow[2] * sa / 255 + thisrow[2] * (255 - sa) / 255;
thisrow[3] = min(thisrow[3] + sa * sa / 255, 255);
case 1:
thisrow[0] = thissrcrow[0];
thisrow[1] = thissrcrow[1];
thisrow[2] = thissrcrow[2];
thisrow[3] = thissrcrow[3] * opacity / 255;
case 2:
if (thisrow[3] == 0) {
else if (sa == m2) {
thisrow[0] = thissrcrow[0];
thisrow[1] = thissrcrow[1];
thisrow[2] = thissrcrow[2];
else if (sa != 0) {
sa /= 255;
if (sa == 0) continue;
thisrow[0] = (thissrcrow[0] * sa + thisrow[0] * (255 - sa)) / 255;
thisrow[1] = (thissrcrow[1] * sa + thisrow[1] * (255 - sa)) / 255;
thisrow[2] = (thissrcrow[2] * sa + thisrow[2] * (255 - sa)) / 255;
case 3:
if (thisrow[3] == 255) {
else if (sa == m2) {
thisrow[0] = (thissrcrow[0] * (255 - thisrow[3]) + thisrow[0] * thisrow[3]) / 255;
thisrow[1] = (thissrcrow[1] * (255 - thisrow[3]) + thisrow[1] * thisrow[3]) / 255;
thisrow[2] = (thissrcrow[2] * (255 - thisrow[3]) + thisrow[2] * thisrow[3]) / 255;
thisrow[3] = 255;
else if (sa != 0) {
sa /= 255;
thisrow[0] = (thissrcrow[0] * (255 - thisrow[3]) * sa + thisrow[0] * thisrow[3] * (510 - sa)) / m2;
thisrow[1] = (thissrcrow[1] * (255 - thisrow[3]) * sa + thisrow[1] * thisrow[3] * (510 - sa)) / m2;
thisrow[2] = (thissrcrow[2] * (255 - thisrow[3]) * sa + thisrow[2] * thisrow[3] * (510 - sa)) / m2;
thisrow[3] += (255 - thisrow[3]) * sa / 255;
thisrow += 4;
thissrcrow += 4;
row -= rowsize;
srcrow -= srcrowsize;
return true;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
RGSSApi bool transition_in(long object, long transition, int frames, int duration, int rdur) {
RGSSBMINFO *bitmap = ((RGSSBITMAP*)(object << 1))->bm->bminfo;
RGSSBMINFO *trans = ((RGSSBITMAP*)(transition << 1))->bm->bminfo;
int w, h, tw, th;
DWORD rowsize, trsize;
LPBYTE row, tr;
int ofs;
int i, e, ind;
if (!bitmap) return false;
w = bitmap->infoheader->biWidth;
h = bitmap->infoheader->biHeight;
tw = trans->infoheader->biWidth;
th = trans->infoheader->biHeight;
if (tw < w || th < h) return false;
//rdur = duration / 2;
ofs = (duration - rdur);
rowsize = w * 4;
trsize = tw * 4;
row = (LPBYTE)bitmap->firstRow;
tr = (LPBYTE)trans->firstRow;
for (i = 0; i < h; i++) {
LPBYTE thisrow = row;
LPBYTE thissrcrow = tr;
for (e = 0; e < w; e++) {
ind = thissrcrow[2];
if (frames - ind * ofs / 255 > 0 && frames - ind * ofs / 255 <= rdur) {
thisrow[3] = thisrow[3] * (frames - ind * ofs / 255) / rdur;
else if (frames - ind * ofs / 255 <= 0) {
thisrow[3] = 0;
thisrow += 4;
thissrcrow += 4;
row -= rowsize;
tr -= trsize;
return true;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
RGSSApi bool transition_out(long object, long transition, int frames, int duration, int rdur) {
RGSSBMINFO *bitmap = ((RGSSBITMAP*)(object << 1))->bm->bminfo;
RGSSBMINFO *trans = ((RGSSBITMAP*)(transition << 1))->bm->bminfo;
int w, h, tw, th;
DWORD rowsize, trsize;
LPBYTE row, tr;
int ofs;
int i, e, ind;
if (!bitmap) return false;
w = bitmap->infoheader->biWidth;
h = bitmap->infoheader->biHeight;
tw = trans->infoheader->biWidth;
th = trans->infoheader->biHeight;
if (tw < w || th < h) return false;
ofs = (duration - rdur);
rowsize = w * 4;
trsize = tw * 4;
row = (LPBYTE)bitmap->firstRow;
tr = (LPBYTE)trans->firstRow;
for (i = 0; i < h; i++) {
LPBYTE thisrow = row;
LPBYTE thissrcrow = tr;
for (e = 0; e < w; e++) {
ind = thissrcrow[2];
if (frames - ind * ofs / 255 > 0 && frames - ind * ofs / 255 <= rdur) {
thisrow[3] = thisrow[3] - thisrow[3] * (frames - ind * ofs / 255) / rdur;
else if (frames - ind * ofs / 255 > rdur) {
thisrow[3] = 0;
thisrow += 4;
thissrcrow += 4;
row -= rowsize;
tr -= trsize;
return true;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
RGSSApi bool draw_map(int* data, int* priority, int* sizes, long tileset, long* autotiles, long layer, int ox, int oy, int pri) {
RGSSBMINFO *bitmap = ((RGSSBITMAP*)(layer << 1))->bm->bminfo;
int width, height;
int ind, i, e, a;
int tileid, xoff, yoff, z;
if (!bitmap) return false;
width = bitmap->infoheader->biWidth;
height = bitmap->infoheader->biHeight;
ind = 0;
for (i = 0; i < width / 32; i++) {
for (e = 0; e < height / 32; e++) {
for (a = 0; a < sizes[2]; a++) {
//ind = (i * sizes[1] * sizes[0] + e * sizes[0] + a);
tileid = (int)data[ind];
z = (int)priority[ind];
if (z != pri) continue;
if (tileid >= 384) {
tileid -= 384;
xoff = tileid % 8;
yoff = floor(tileid / 8.0);
blt(layer, tileset, i * 32, e * 32, xoff * 32, yoff * 32, 32, 32, 255);
return true;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
RGSSApi bool split_bitmap(long object1, long object2, int change_y, int change_x){
if (change_y == 0 && change_x == 0) return false;
RGSSBMINFO *bitmap1 = ((RGSSBITMAP*)(object1 << 1))->bm->bminfo;
RGSSBMINFO *bitmap2 = ((RGSSBITMAP*)(object2 << 1))->bm->bminfo;
DWORD width1, width2, height1, height2, size;
int strtx, strty, xmod, ymod;
int x;
double ratio;
if (!bitmap1 || !bitmap2) return false;
width1 = bitmap1->infoheader->biWidth;
height1 = bitmap1->infoheader->biHeight;
width2 = bitmap2->infoheader->biWidth;
height2 = bitmap2->infoheader->biHeight;
if (width1 != width2 || height1 != height2) return false;
size = min(width1, height1);
xmod = (width1 - size) / 2;
ymod = (height1 - size) / 2;
xmod = (xmod == 0) ? -ymod / fabs((float)(change_y)) : xmod;
ymod = (ymod == 0) ? -xmod / fabs((float)(change_x)) : ymod;
x = 0;
ratio = ((float)width1) / height1;
if (fabs((float)(change_y * ratio)) >= fabs((float)(change_x)) && change_y > 0) {
strtx = xmod + ((float)size) / 2 - ((float)change_x) / change_y * size / 2;
strty = 0;
while (strty < (int)height1) {
blt(object2, object1, strtx, strty, strtx, strty, width1 - strtx, change_y, 255);
clear_rect(object1, strtx, strty, width1 - strtx, change_y);
strty += change_y;
strtx += change_x;
else if (fabs((float)(change_y * ratio)) >= fabs((float)(change_x))) {
strtx = xmod + ((float)size) / 2 - ((float)change_x) / (-change_y) * size / 2;
strty = height1 + change_y;
while (strty > 0) {
blt(object2, object1, strtx, strty, strtx, strty, width1 - strtx, -change_y, 255);
clear_rect(object1, strtx, strty, width1 - strtx, -change_y);
strty += change_y;
strtx += change_x;
else if (change_x > 0) {
strtx = 0;
strty = ymod + ((float)size) / 2 - ((float)change_y) / change_x * size / 2;
while (strtx < (int)width1) {
blt(object2, object1, strtx, strty, strtx, strty, change_x, height1 - strty, 255);
clear_rect(object1, strtx, strty, change_x, height1 - strty);
strty += change_y;
strtx += change_x;
else {
strtx = width1 + change_x;
strty = ymod + ((float)size) / 2 - ((float)change_y) / (-change_x) * size / 2;
while (strtx > 0) {
blt(object2, object1, strtx, strty, strtx, strty, -change_x, height1 - strty, 255);
clear_rect(object1, strtx, strty, -change_x, height1 - strty);
strty += change_y;
strtx += change_x;
return true;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
RGSSApi BOOL tint(long object, int amount, int r, int g, int b){
RGSSBMINFO *bitmap = ((RGSSBITMAP*)(object << 1))->bm->bminfo;
DWORD rowsize;
DWORD width, height;
int i, e;
//int red, green, blue;
if (!bitmap) return false;
width = bitmap->infoheader->biWidth;
height = bitmap->infoheader->biHeight;
rowsize = width * 4;
row = (LPBYTE)(bitmap->firstRow);
for (i = 0; i < (int)height; i++) {
LPBYTE thisrow = row;
for (e = 0; e < (int)width; e++) {
thisrow[0] = (((float)amount) * b + ((float)(100 - amount)) * thisrow[0]) / 100;
thisrow[1] = (((float)amount) * g + ((float)(100 - amount)) * thisrow[1]) / 100;
thisrow[2] = (((float)amount) * r + ((float)(100 - amount)) * thisrow[2]) / 100;
thisrow += 4;
row -= rowsize;
return true;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
RGSSApi BOOL colorize(long object, int amount, int r, int g, int b){
RGSSBMINFO *bitmap = ((RGSSBITMAP*)(object << 1))->bm->bminfo;
DWORD rowsize;
DWORD width, height;
int i, e;
int avg;
//int red, green, blue;
if (!bitmap) return false;
width = bitmap->infoheader->biWidth;
height = bitmap->infoheader->biHeight;
rowsize = width * 4;
row = (LPBYTE)(bitmap->firstRow);
for (i = 0; i < (int)height; i++) {
LPBYTE thisrow = row;
for (e = 0; e < (int)width; e++) {
avg = (thisrow[0] + thisrow[1] + thisrow[2]) / 3;
thisrow[0] = (((float)amount) * b + ((float)(100 - amount)) * avg) / 100;
thisrow[1] = (((float)amount) * g + ((float)(100 - amount)) * avg) / 100;
thisrow[2] = (((float)amount) * r + ((float)(100 - amount)) * avg) / 100;
thisrow += 4;
row -= rowsize;
return true;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
RGSSApi BOOL grayscale(long object, int amount){
RGSSBMINFO *bitmap = ((RGSSBITMAP*)(object << 1))->bm->bminfo;
DWORD rowsize;
DWORD width, height;
int i, e;
int avg;
if (!bitmap) return false;
if (amount == 0) return true;
width = bitmap->infoheader->biWidth;
height = bitmap->infoheader->biHeight;
rowsize = width * 4;
row = (LPBYTE)(bitmap->firstRow);
for (i = 0; i < (int)height; i++) {
LPBYTE thisrow = row;
for (e = 0; e < (int)width; e++) {
avg = (thisrow[0] + thisrow[1] + thisrow[2]) / 3;
if (amount < 100) {
thisrow[0] = (((float)(100 - amount)) * thisrow[0] + ((float)amount) * avg) / 100;
thisrow[1] = (((float)(100 - amount)) * thisrow[1] + ((float)amount) * avg) / 100;
thisrow[2] = (((float)(100 - amount)) * thisrow[2] + ((float)amount) * avg) / 100;
else {
thisrow[0] = avg;
thisrow[1] = avg;
thisrow[2] = avg;
thisrow += 4;
row -= rowsize;
return true;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
RGSSApi BOOL ripple(long object, long source, int amplitude, int wavelength, int dir){
//if(wavelength == 0) return false;
RGSSBMINFO *bitmap = ((RGSSBITMAP*)(object << 1))->bm->bminfo;
DWORD width, height;
int i;
int shift;
//int red, green, blue;
if (!bitmap) return false;
width = bitmap->infoheader->biWidth;
height = bitmap->infoheader->biHeight;
shift = 0;
clear_rect(object, 0, 0, width, height);
if (dir == 0) {
for (i = 0; i < (int)height; i++) {
shift = sin((float)i / amplitude) * wavelength;
if (wavelength > 0) {
blt(object, source, shift + wavelength, i, 0, i, width, 1, 255);
else {
blt(object, source, shift - wavelength, i, 0, i, width, 1, 255);
else {
for (i = 0; i < (int)width; i++) {
shift = sin((float)i / amplitude) * wavelength;
if (wavelength > 0) {
blt(object, source, i, shift + wavelength, i, 0, 1, height, 255);
else {
blt(object, source, i, shift - wavelength, i, 0, 1, height, 255);
return true;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
RGSSApi int ripple_circ(long object, int cx, int cy, int o, int w, int change, int amnt) {
RGSSBMINFO *bitmap = ((RGSSBITMAP*)(object << 1))->bm->bminfo;
DWORD rowsize;
DWORD width, height;
int i, e, d, sx, sy, ex, ey;
float ratio;
if (!bitmap) return false;
width = bitmap->infoheader->biWidth;
height = bitmap->infoheader->biHeight;
rowsize = width * 4;
row = (LPBYTE)(bitmap->firstRow);
ratio = 0.0;
sx = max(cx - amnt, 0);
sy = max(cy - amnt, 0);
ex = min(cx + amnt, width);
ey = min(cy + amnt, height);
double* sins = new double[w];
for (i = 0; i < w; i++) {
sins[i] = change * sin(M_PI * 3 / 2 + ((float)((i + o) % w)) * M_PI * 2 / w) / 100;
row -= rowsize * sy;
row += 4 * sx;
for (i = sy; i < (int)ey; i++) {
LPBYTE thisrow = row;
for (e = sx; e < (int)ex; e++) {
d = (int)sqrt((pow((float)e - cx, 2)) + (pow((float)i - cy, 2)));
if (d > amnt) {
thisrow += 4;
ratio = 1 + sins[d % w];
thisrow[0] = max(min(thisrow[0] * ratio, 255), 0);
thisrow[1] = max(min(thisrow[1] * ratio, 255), 0);
thisrow[2] = max(min(thisrow[2] * ratio, 255), 0);
thisrow += 4;
row -= rowsize;
return true;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
RGSSApi BOOL negative(long object){
RGSSBMINFO *bitmap = ((RGSSBITMAP*)(object << 1))->bm->bminfo;
DWORD rowsize;
DWORD width, height;
int i, e;
if (!bitmap) return false;
width = bitmap->infoheader->biWidth;
height = bitmap->infoheader->biHeight;
rowsize = width * 4;
row = (LPBYTE)(bitmap->firstRow);
for (i = 0; i < (int)height; i++) {
LPBYTE thisrow = row;
for (e = 0; e < (int)width; e++) {
thisrow[0] = (255 - thisrow[0]);
thisrow[1] = (255 - thisrow[1]);
thisrow[2] = (255 - thisrow[2]);
thisrow += 4;
row -= rowsize;
return true;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
RGSSApi BOOL draw_circle(long object, int cx, int cy, int rad, int thick, int start_angle, int end_angle, int r, int g, int b, int a) {
int error, x, y;
int radb, errorb, xb, yb;
int t;
int ang;
start_angle %= 360;
while (start_angle < 0) {
start_angle += 360;
end_angle %= 360;
while (end_angle < 0) {
end_angle += 360;
if (end_angle == 0 && start_angle == 0) {
end_angle = 360;
rad -= 1;
error = -rad;
x = rad;
y = 0;
radb = rad - 1;
errorb = -radb;
xb = radb;
yb = 0;
if (rad == 0) {
fill_rect(object, cx, cy, 1, 1, r, g, b, a);
return true;
while (x >= y) {
t = x - xb;
ang = 61 * y / rad;
if ((end_angle > start_angle && end_angle >= 270 - ang && start_angle <= 270 - ang) || (end_angle < start_angle && (end_angle >= 270 - ang || start_angle <= 270 - ang))) {
fill_rect(object, cx + x + 1 - t, cy + y, t, 1, r, g, b, a);
if (x != 0 && ((end_angle > start_angle && end_angle >= 90 + ang && start_angle <= 90 + ang) || (end_angle < start_angle && (end_angle >= 90 + ang || start_angle <= 90 + ang)))) {
fill_rect(object, cx - x, cy + y, t, 1, r, g, b, a);
if (y != 0 && ((end_angle > start_angle && end_angle >= 270 + ang && start_angle <= 270 + ang) || (end_angle < start_angle && (end_angle >= 270 + ang || start_angle <= 270 + ang)))) {
fill_rect(object, cx + x + 1 - t, cy - y, t, 1, r, g, b, a);
if (x != 0 && y != 0 && ((end_angle > start_angle && end_angle >= 90 - ang && start_angle <= 90 - ang) || (end_angle < start_angle && (end_angle >= 90 - ang || start_angle <= 90 - ang)))) {
fill_rect(object, cx - x, cy - y, t, 1, r, g, b, a);
if (x != y) {
if ((end_angle > start_angle && end_angle >= 180 + ang && start_angle <= 180 + ang) || (end_angle < start_angle && (end_angle >= 180 + ang || start_angle <= 180 + ang))) {
fill_rect(object, cx + y, cy + x + 1 - t, 1, t, r, g, b, a);
if ((end_angle > start_angle && end_angle >= 180 - ang && start_angle <= 180 - ang) || (end_angle < start_angle && (end_angle >= 180 - ang || start_angle <= 180 - ang))) {
fill_rect(object, cx - y, cy + x + 1 - t, 1, t, r, g, b, a);
if ((end_angle > start_angle && end_angle >= 360 - ang && start_angle <= 360 - ang) || (end_angle < start_angle && (end_angle >= 360 - ang || start_angle <= 360 - ang))) {
fill_rect(object, cx + y, cy - x, 1, t, r, g, b, a);
if ((end_angle > start_angle && end_angle >= ang && start_angle <= ang) || (end_angle < start_angle && (end_angle >= ang || start_angle <= ang))) {
fill_rect(object, cx - y, cy - x, 1, t, r, g, b, a);
error += y;
errorb += yb;
y += 1;
yb += 1;
error += y;
errorb += yb;
if (error >= 0) {
error -= x;
x -= 1;
error -= x;
if (errorb >= 0) {
errorb -= xb;
xb -= 1;
errorb -= xb;
if (thick > 1) draw_circle(object, cx, cy, rad, thick - 1, start_angle, end_angle, r, g, b, a);
return true;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
RGSSApi int draw_ellipse(long object, int cx, int cy, int rx, int ry, int thick, int start_angle, int end_angle, int r, int g, int b, int a) {
int rxb = rx - 1, ryb = ry - 1;
int rx2 = rx * rx, rxb2 = rxb * rxb;
int ry2 = ry * ry, ryb2 = ryb * ryb;
int tworx2 = 2 * rx2, tworxb2 = 2 * rxb2;
int twory2 = 2 * rx2, tworyb2 = 2 * ryb2;
int p, pb;
int x = 0, xb = 0;
int y = ry, yb = ryb;
int px = 0, pxb = 0;
int py = tworx2 * y, pyb = tworxb2 * yb;
int t;
int ne1, ne2;
//int ang;
/* Plot the initial point in each quadrant. */
fill_rect(object, cx + x, cy + y, 1, 1, r, g, b, a);
fill_rect(object, cx - x, cy + y, 1, 1, r, g, b, a);
fill_rect(object, cx + x, cy - y, 1, 1, r, g, b, a);
fill_rect(object, cx - x, cy - y, 1, 1, r, g, b, a);
/* Region 1 */
p = round(ry2 - (rx2 * ry) + (0.25 * rx2));
pb = round(ryb2 - (rxb2 * ryb) + (0.25 * rxb2));
ne1 = 0;
ne2 = 0;
while (px < py) {
bool extra = false;
if (pxb >= pyb) extra = true;
px += twory2;
pxb += tworyb2;
if (extra) ne1++;
if (p < 0)
p += ry2 + px;
else {
py -= tworx2;
p += ry2 + px - py;
if (pb < 0)
pb += ryb2 + pxb;
else {
pyb -= tworxb2;
pb += ryb2 + pxb - pyb;
if (extra) ne2++;
t = y - yb;
fill_rect(object, cx + x, cy + y + 1 - t, 1, t, r, g, b, a);
fill_rect(object, cx - x, cy + y + 1 - t, 1, t, r, g, b, a);
fill_rect(object, cx + x, cy - y, 1, t, r, g, b, a);
fill_rect(object, cx - x, cy - y, 1, t, r, g, b, a);
xb -= ne1;
pxb -= tworyb2 * ne1;
yb += ne2;
pyb += tworxb2 * ne2;
/* Region 2 */
p = round(ry2 * (x + 0.5) * (x + 0.5) + rx2 * (y - 1) * (y - 1) - rx2 * ry2);
pb = round(ryb2 * (xb + 0.5) * (xb + 0.5) + rxb2 * (yb - 1) * (yb - 1) - rxb2 * ryb2);
while (y > 0) {
py -= tworx2;
pyb -= tworxb2;
if (p > 0)
p += rx2 - py;
else {
px += twory2;
p += rx2 - py + px;
if (pb > 0)
pb += rxb2 - pyb;
else {
pxb += tworyb2;
pb += rxb2 - pyb + pxb;
t = x - xb;
fill_rect(object, cx + x + 1 - t, cy + y, t, 1, r, g, b, a);
fill_rect(object, cx - x, cy + y, t, 1, r, g, b, a);
fill_rect(object, cx + x + 1 - t, cy - y, t, 1, r, g, b, a);
fill_rect(object, cx - x, cy - y, t, 1, r, g, b, a);
if (thick > 1) {
draw_ellipse(object, cx, cy, rxb, ryb, thick - 1, start_angle, end_angle, r, g, b, a);
return true;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void get_radial_average2(int width, int height, LPBYTE row, int x, int y, int cx, int cy, float scale, int amnt, int* col, int* avg, int* tp, int mr, int wc) {
int rscale;
int curx, cury, error, ystep, xstep;
int x1, y1, deltax, deltay;
bool steep;
if (wc > 0) {
long rr = 2.0 * sqrt((double)x * x * height * height + (double)y * y * width * width);
//rr = scale * rr;
//rr -= rr % mr;
rscale = scale * rr / mr;
else {
rscale = scale;
LPBYTE thisrow;
int rowsize = width * 4;
avg[0] = 0;
avg[1] = 0;
avg[2] = 0;
avg[3] = 0;
avg[4] = 0;
//int ex, ey;
//ex = round(x * rscale + cx);
//ey = round(y * rscale + cy);
if (rscale != 0) {
deltax = -x;
deltay = -y;
x1 = x + cx;
y1 = y + cy;
steep = fabs((float)(deltay)) > fabs((float)(deltax));
if (steep) {
int tmp;
tmp = x1;
x1 = y1;
y1 = tmp;
tmp = deltax;
deltax = deltay;
deltay = tmp;
ystep = deltay / fabs((float)(deltay));
xstep = deltax / fabs((float)(deltax));
deltay = fabs((float)(deltay));
deltax = fabs((float)(deltax));
error = deltax / 2;
curx = x1;
cury = y1;
for (int i = 0; i < rscale; i++) {
if (steep) {
if (curx < height && curx >= 0 && cury < width && cury >= 0) {
thisrow = row;
thisrow -= curx * rowsize;
thisrow += cury * 4;
avg[0] += thisrow[2];
avg[1] += thisrow[1];
avg[2] += thisrow[0];
avg[3] += thisrow[3];
else {
else {
if (cury < height && cury >= 0 && curx < width && curx >= 0) {
thisrow = row;
thisrow -= cury * rowsize;
thisrow += curx * 4;
avg[0] += thisrow[2];
avg[1] += thisrow[1];
avg[2] += thisrow[0];
avg[3] += thisrow[3];
else {
error -= deltay;
if (error < 0) {
cury += ystep;
error += deltax;
if ((steep && cury == width / 2 + ystep) || (!steep && cury == height / 2 + ystep)) break;
curx += xstep;
if ((!steep && curx == width / 2 + xstep) || (steep && curx == height / 2 + xstep)) break;
thisrow = row;
thisrow -= (y + cy) * rowsize;
thisrow += (x + cx) * 4;
if (avg[4] == 0) {
col[0] = thisrow[2];
col[1] = thisrow[1];
col[2] = thisrow[0];
col[3] = thisrow[3];
col[0] = avg[0] / avg[4];
col[1] = avg[1] / avg[4];
col[2] = avg[2] / avg[4];
col[3] = avg[3] / avg[4];
//col[0] = col[0] * amnt / 100 + thisrow[2] * (100 - amnt) / 100;
//col[1] = col[1] * amnt / 100 + thisrow[1] * (100 - amnt) / 100;
//col[2] = col[2] * amnt / 100 + thisrow[0] * (100 - amnt) / 100;
//col[3] = col[3] * amnt / 100 + thisrow[3] * (100 - amnt) / 100;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
RGSSApi bool radial_blur(long object, long source, int scale, int amnt, int wc) {
RGSSBMINFO *bitmap = ((RGSSBITMAP*)(object << 1))->bm->bminfo;
RGSSBMINFO *src = ((RGSSBITMAP*)(source << 1))->bm->bminfo;
int cx, cy, i, e;
int* col = new int[4];
int* avg = new int[5];
int* tp = new int[4];
int rowsize;
int mr;
int width, height, sw, sh;
LPBYTE row, sr;
if (!bitmap) return false;
width = bitmap->infoheader->biWidth;
height = bitmap->infoheader->biHeight;
sw = src->infoheader->biWidth;
sh = src->infoheader->biHeight;
if (width != sw || height != sh) return false;
rowsize = width * 4;
sr = (LPBYTE)(src->firstRow);
row = (LPBYTE)(bitmap->firstRow);
cx = width / 2;
cy = height / 2;
mr = height * width;// * sqrt(cx * cx + cy * cy);
for (i = 0; i < height; i++) {
LPBYTE thisrow = row;
for (e = 0; e < width; e++) {
get_radial_average2(sw, sh, sr, e - cx, i - cy, cx, cy, scale, amnt, col, avg, tp, mr, wc);
thisrow[2] = (int)col[0];
thisrow[1] = (int)col[1];
thisrow[0] = (int)col[2];
thisrow[3] = (int)col[3];
thisrow += 4;
row -= rowsize;
return true;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
RGSSApi bool table_lookup(long object, int* table, int ua) {
RGSSBMINFO *bitmap = ((RGSSBITMAP*)(object << 1))->bm->bminfo;
DWORD rowsize;
DWORD width, height;
int i, e;
if (!bitmap) return false;
width = bitmap->infoheader->biWidth;
height = bitmap->infoheader->biHeight;
rowsize = width * 4;
row = (LPBYTE)(bitmap->firstRow);
for (i = 0; i < (int)height; i++) {
LPBYTE thisrow = row;
for (e = 0; e < (int)width; e++) {
thisrow[0] = max(min(table[thisrow[0]], 255), 0);
thisrow[1] = max(min(table[thisrow[1]], 255), 0);
thisrow[2] = max(min(table[thisrow[2]], 255), 0);
if (ua > 0) thisrow[3] = max(min(table[thisrow[3]], 255), 0);
thisrow += 4;
row -= rowsize;
return true;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void get_rect_average(int width, int height, LPBYTE row, int x, int y, int w, int h, int* avg) {
int i, e;
int rowsize;
LPBYTE row2;
if (x>width) x = width;
if (y>height) y = height;
if (x<0) x = 0;
if (y<0) y = 0;
if (x + w>width) w = width - x;
if (y + h>height) h = height - y;
if (w<0) return;
if (h<0) return;
rowsize = width * 4;
row2 = row;
//row2 -= rowsize * y;
for (i = y; i < y + h; i++) {
LPBYTE thisrow = row2;
//thisrow += 4 * x;
for (e = x; e < x + w; e++) {
avg[0] += thisrow[2];
avg[1] += thisrow[1];
avg[2] += thisrow[0];
avg[3] += thisrow[3];
thisrow += 4;
row2 -= rowsize;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
RGSSApi bool pixelize(long object, int sizex, int sizey) {
int* avg = new int[5];
RGSSBMINFO *bitmap = ((RGSSBITMAP*)(object << 1))->bm->bminfo;
int width, height;
LPBYTE row, thisrow;
int rowsize;
int i, e, nw, nh;//, x, y;
if (!bitmap) return false;
width = bitmap->infoheader->biWidth;
height = bitmap->infoheader->biHeight;
rowsize = width * 4;
nw = ceil((float)width / sizex);
nh = ceil((float)height / sizey);
row = (LPBYTE)(bitmap->firstRow);
//row = mr;
for (e = 0; e < nh; e++) {
thisrow = row;
for (i = 0; i < nw; i++) {
avg[0] = 0;
avg[1] = 0;
avg[2] = 0;
avg[3] = 0;
avg[4] = 0;
get_rect_average(width, height, thisrow, i * sizex, e * sizey, sizex, sizey, avg);
avg[0] /= avg[4];
avg[1] /= avg[4];
avg[2] /= avg[4];
avg[3] /= avg[4];
fill_rect2(width, height, thisrow, i * sizex, e * sizey, sizex, sizey, avg[0], avg[1], avg[2], avg[3]);
thisrow += 4 * sizex;
/*row = mr;
row -= rowsize * e * sizey;
for (y = 0;y < min(sizey, height - e * sizey);y++) {
thisrow = row;
thisrow += i * sizex * 4;
for (x = 0;x < min(sizex, width - i * sizex);x++) {
thisrow[0] = avg[2];
thisrow[1] = avg[1];
thisrow[2] = avg[0];
thisrow[3] = avg[3];
thisrow += 4;
row -= rowsize;
//thisrow[0] = max(min(table[thisrow[0]], 255), 0);
//thisrow[1] = max(min(table[thisrow[1]], 255), 0);
//thisrow[2] = max(min(table[thisrow[2]], 255), 0);
//if (ua > 0) thisrow[3] = max(min(table[thisrow[3]], 255), 0);
row -= rowsize * sizey;
return true;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
RGSSApi void get_pixels(long object, int* pixels) {
//int* pixels;
RGSSBMINFO *bitmap = ((RGSSBITMAP*)(object << 1))->bm->bminfo;
int rowsize;
int width, height;
int i, e;
//int red, green, blue;
if (!bitmap) return;
width = bitmap->infoheader->biWidth;
height = bitmap->infoheader->biHeight;
//pixels = new int[width * height * 4];
rowsize = width * 4;
row = (LPBYTE)(bitmap->firstRow);
for (i = 0; i < height; i++) {
LPBYTE thisrow = row;
for (e = 0; e < width; e++) {
pixels[e * height * 4 + i * 4] = thisrow[2];
pixels[e * height * 4 + i * 4 + 1] = thisrow[1];
pixels[e * height * 4 + i * 4 + 2] = thisrow[0];
pixels[e * height * 4 + i * 4 + 3] = thisrow[3];
thisrow += 4;
row -= rowsize;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
float det(float a, float b, float c, float d){
return a*d-b*c;
void intersectLines(int *xx2, int *yy2, float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, float x3, float y3, float x4, float y4) {
  float d = det(x1-x2,y1-y2,x3-x4,y3-y4) + 0.000001;
  *xx2 = ceil(det(det(x1,y1,x2,y2),x1-x2,det(x3,y3,x4,y4),x3-x4)/d+0.4);
  *yy2 = ceil(det(det(x1,y1,x2,y2),y1-y2,det(x3,y3,x4,y4),y3-y4)/d+0.4);
void transferPoint(float x0, float y0, float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, float x3, float y3, int x, int y, int w, int h, int *xx2, int *yy2) {
  intersectLines(xx2, yy2,
    ((h-y)*x0 + (y)*x3)/h, ((h-y)*y0 + y*y3)/h,
    ((h-y)*x1 + (y)*x2)/h, ((h-y)*y1 + y*y2)/h,
    ((w-x)*x0 + (x)*x1)/w, ((w-x)*y0 + x*y1)/w,
    ((w-x)*x3 + (x)*x2)/w, ((w-x)*y3 + x*y2)/w);
// points = packed [esquina superior izquierda, esquina superior derecha, esquina inferior derecha, esquina inferior izquierda]
RGSSApi BOOL transform(long object, long object2, float *points) {
RGSSBMINFO *bitmap = ((RGSSBITMAP*)(object << 1))->bm->bminfo;
RGSSBMINFO *bitmap2 = ((RGSSBITMAP*)(object2 << 1))->bm->bminfo;
int width, height, width2, height2;
LPBYTE row, row2, thisrow;
int rowsize;
int x, y, x2, y2, x3, y3, red, green, blue, alpha;
if (!bitmap) return false;
width = bitmap2->infoheader->biWidth;
height = bitmap2->infoheader->biHeight;
width2 = bitmap->infoheader->biWidth;
height2 = bitmap->infoheader->biHeight;
rowsize = width * 4;
clear_rect(object, 0, 0, width, height);
x3 = 0; y3 = 0;
for (y = 0; y < height; y++) {
for (x = 0; x < width; x++) {
row = (LPBYTE)(bitmap2->firstRow);
row -= rowsize * y;
row += 4 * x;
alpha = row[3];
red = row[2];
green = row[1];
blue = row[0];
if (x3 != x2 || y3 != y2){
if (x2 >= 0 && y2 >= 0 and x2 < width2 and y2 < height2)
//fill_rect(object, x3, y3, max(x2-x+1,1), max(y2-y+1,1), red, green, blue, alpha);
//fill_rect(object, x3, y3, max(x2-x+1,1), min(y2-y+1,4), red, green, blue, alpha);
if (width == width2 && height == height2)
fill_rect(object, x3, y3, 2, 1, red, green, blue, alpha);
fill_rect(object, x3, y3, max(x2-x+1,1), min(y2-y+1,4), red, green, blue, alpha);
x3 = x2; y3 = y2;
return true;
// Rota una imagen en el eje X
RGSSApi BOOL rotate_x(long source_bitmap, long dest_bitmap, double *angle, long invert_x, long invert_y, long invert_animation, double *z, double *div_z, int *rect) {
RGSSBMINFO *bitmap = ((RGSSBITMAP*)(source_bitmap << 1))->bm->bminfo;
RGSSBMINFO *bitmap2 = ((RGSSBITMAP*)(dest_bitmap << 1))->bm->bminfo;
int width, height, width2, height2, x0, y0, x, y, x2, y2, red, green, blue, alpha, rowsize;
double sinf, cosf, z2;
LPBYTE row, row2, thisrow;
if (!bitmap) return false;
sinf = sin(angle[0]);
cosf = cos(angle[0]);
if (invert_animation == 0){
sinf = sinf * (-1);
cosf = cosf * (-1);
width = bitmap->infoheader->biWidth;
height = bitmap->infoheader->biHeight;
width2 = bitmap2->infoheader->biWidth;
height2 = bitmap2->infoheader->biHeight;
rowsize = width * 4;
x0 = width2 / 2;
y0 = height2 / 2;
for (y = 0; y < height; y++) {
for (x = 0; x < width; x++) {
if (invert_x == 1){
x2 = width - x-1;
x2 = x;
if (invert_y == 1){
y2 = height - y-1;
y2 = y;
row = (LPBYTE)(bitmap->firstRow);
row -= rowsize * y2;
row += 4 * x2;
alpha = row[3];
red = row[2];
green = row[1];
blue = row[0];
z2 = y * sinf - z[0] * cosf;
y2 = y0 + y * cosf - z[0] * sinf;
x2 = x0 + x + z2 / div_z[0];
if (x2 < rect[0]) rect[0] = x2;
if (x2 > rect[1]) rect[1] = x2;
if (y2 < rect[2]) rect[2] = y2;
if (y2 > rect[3]) rect[3] = y2;
if (x2 >= 0 && y2 >= 0 and x2 <= width2 and y2 <= height2){
fill_rect(dest_bitmap, x2, y2, 2, 1, red, green, blue, alpha);
// Rota una imagen en el eje Y
RGSSApi BOOL rotate_y(long source_bitmap, long dest_bitmap, double *angle, long invert_x, long invert_y, long invert_animation, double *z, double *div_z, int *rect) {
RGSSBMINFO *bitmap = ((RGSSBITMAP*)(source_bitmap << 1))->bm->bminfo;
RGSSBMINFO *bitmap2 = ((RGSSBITMAP*)(dest_bitmap << 1))->bm->bminfo;
int width, height, width2, height2, x0, y0, x, y, x2, y2, red, green, blue, alpha, rowsize;
double sinf, cosf, z2;
LPBYTE row, row2, thisrow;
if (!bitmap) return false;
sinf = sin(angle[0]);
cosf = cos(angle[0]);
if (invert_animation == 0){
sinf = sinf * (-1);
cosf = cosf * (-1);
width = bitmap->infoheader->biWidth;
height = bitmap->infoheader->biHeight;
width2 = bitmap2->infoheader->biWidth;
height2 = bitmap2->infoheader->biHeight;
rowsize = width * 4;
x0 = width2 / 2;
y0 = height2 / 2;
for (y = 0; y < height; y++) {
for (x = 0; x < width; x++) {
if (invert_x == 1){
x2 = width - x-1;
x2 = x;
if (invert_y == 1){
y2 = height - y-1;
y2 = y;
row = (LPBYTE)(bitmap->firstRow);
row -= rowsize * y2;
row += 4 * x2;
alpha = row[3];
red = row[2];
green = row[1];
blue = row[0];
z2 = x * sinf - z[0] * cosf;
x2 = x0 + x * cosf + z[0] * sinf;
y2 = y0 + y + z2 / div_z[0];
if (x2 < rect[0]) rect[0] = x2;
if (x2 > rect[1]) rect[1] = x2;
if (y2 < rect[2]) rect[2] = y2;
if (y2 > rect[3]) rect[3] = y2;
if (x2 >= 0 && y2 >= 0 and x2 < width2 and y2 < height2){
fill_rect(dest_bitmap, x2, y2, 2, 1, red, green, blue, alpha);
// Rota una imagen en el eje Z
RGSSApi BOOL rotate_z(long source_bitmap, long dest_bitmap, double *angle, long invert_x, long invert_y, long invert_animation, double *z, double *div_z, int *rect) {
RGSSBMINFO *bitmap = ((RGSSBITMAP*)(source_bitmap << 1))->bm->bminfo;
RGSSBMINFO *bitmap2 = ((RGSSBITMAP*)(dest_bitmap << 1))->bm->bminfo;
int width, height, width2, height2, x0, y0, x, y, x2, y2, red, green, blue, alpha, rowsize;
double sinf, cosf, z2;
LPBYTE row, row2, thisrow;
if (!bitmap) return false;
sinf = sin(angle[0]);
cosf = cos(angle[0]);
if (invert_animation == 0){
sinf = sinf * (-1);
cosf = cosf * (-1);
width = bitmap->infoheader->biWidth;
height = bitmap->infoheader->biHeight;
width2 = bitmap2->infoheader->biWidth;
height2 = bitmap2->infoheader->biHeight;
rowsize = width * 4;
x0 = width2 / 2;
y0 = height2 / 2;
for (y = 0; y < height; y++) {
for (x = 0; x < width; x++) {
if (invert_x == 1){
x2 = width - x-1;
x2 = x;
if (invert_y == 1){
y2 = height - y-1;
y2 = y;
row = (LPBYTE)(bitmap->firstRow);
row -= rowsize * y2;
row += 4 * x2;
alpha = row[3];
red = row[2];
green = row[1];
blue = row[0];
z2 = z[0] * cosf - x * sinf;
x2 = x0 + x * cosf - y * sinf + z2 / div_z[0];
y2 = y0 + x * sinf + y * cosf - z2 / div_z[0];
if (x2 < rect[0]) rect[0] = x2;
if (x2 > rect[1]) rect[1] = x2;
if (y2 < rect[2]) rect[2] = y2;
if (y2 > rect[3]) rect[3] = y2;
if (x2 >= 0 && y2 >= 0 and x2 < width2 and y2 < height2){
fill_rect(dest_bitmap, x2, y2, 3, 3, red, green, blue, alpha);
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Con este filtro se consiguen varias cosas:
// blur -> Filter33(bitmap.__id__,3,3,[0,1,0,1,1,1,0,1,0,5].pack("i*"),1,0)
// blur more -> Filter33(bitmap.__id__,3,3,[1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,9].pack("i*"),1,0)
// sharpen -> Filter33(bitmap.__id__,3,3,[0,-1,0,-1,5,-1,0,-1,0,1].pack("i*"),1,0)
// sharpen more -> Filter33(bitmap.__id__,3,3,[-1,-1,-1,-1,9,-1,-1,-1,-1,1].pack("i*"),1,0)
// detect edges -> Filter33(bitmap.__id__,3,3,[0,-1,0,-1,4,-1,0,-1,0,1].pack("i*"),1,0)
// emboss -> Filter33(bitmap.__id__,3,3,[-2,-1,0,-1,1,1,0,1,2,1].pack("i*"),1,0)
// glow -> Filter33(bitmap.__id__,5,4,[0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0].pack("i*"),1,1)
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
RGSSApi bool Filter33(long object, int kWidth, int kHeight, int* kernel, int scale, bool newEffects)
#pragma warning (disable:4312)
RGSSBMINFO2 *bitmap = ((RGSSBITMAP2*)(object << 1))->bm->bminfo;
#pragma warning (default:4312)
long width, height;
RGSSRGBA *rowcopy;
long x, y;
float red, green, blue;
int xm, xp, ym, yp;
kWidth += kWidth % 2 - 1;
kHeight += kHeight % 2 - 1;
if (!bitmap)
return false;
width = bitmap->infoheader->biWidth;
height = bitmap->infoheader->biHeight;
rowcopy = new RGSSRGBA[width*height];
row = bitmap->lastRow;
RGSSRGBA *rowcopyOffset = rowcopy;
memcpy(rowcopy, row, width*height * 4);
if (scale == 0)
scale = 1;
for (y = 0; y < height; y++)
for (x = 0; x < width; x++)
if (newEffects){
kernel[3] = row->red;
kernel[9] = row->green;
kernel[14] = row->blue;
scale = row->red + row->green + row->blue + 1;
red = 0;
green = 0;
blue = 0;
xm = -min((kWidth - 1) / 2, x);
ym = -min((kHeight - 1) / 2, y);
xp = min((kWidth - 1) / 2, width - x - 1);
yp = min((kHeight - 1) / 2, height - y - 1);
for (int i = 0; i < kWidth; i++) {
for (int e = 0; e < kHeight; e++) {
red += (rowcopyOffset + min(xp, max(xm, i - kWidth / 2)) + width * min(yp, max(ym, e - kHeight / 2)))->red * kernel[i + e * kWidth];
green += (rowcopyOffset + min(xp, max(xm, i - kWidth / 2)) + width * min(yp, max(ym, e - kHeight / 2)))->green * kernel[i + e * kWidth];
blue += (rowcopyOffset + min(xp, max(xm, i - kWidth / 2)) + width * min(yp, max(ym, e - kHeight / 2)))->blue * kernel[i + e * kWidth];
red /= scale;
green /= scale;
blue /= scale;
row->red = (unsigned char)min(255, max(0, red));
row->green = (unsigned char)min(255, max(0, green));
row->blue = (unsigned char)min(255, max(0, blue));
return true;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
RGSSApi BOOL multiply(long object, int r, int g, int b){
RGSSBMINFO *bitmap = ((RGSSBITMAP*)(object << 1))->bm->bminfo;
DWORD rowsize;
DWORD width, height;
int i, e;
//int red, green, blue;
if (!bitmap) return false;
width = bitmap->infoheader->biWidth;
height = bitmap->infoheader->biHeight;
rowsize = width * 4;
row = (LPBYTE)(bitmap->firstRow);
for (i = 0; i < (int)height; i++) {
LPBYTE thisrow = row;
for (e = 0; e < (int)width; e++) {
thisrow[0] = thisrow[0] * b / 256;
thisrow[1] = thisrow[1] * g / 256;
thisrow[2] = thisrow[2] * r / 256;
thisrow += 4;
row -= rowsize;
return true;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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