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Created February 11, 2017 15:13
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Python 2.x script to add multiple users to cloud9 team via line break separated list of email addresses.
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This code is public domain.
# sample command
# $ python YOURTEAMNAMEHERE users.txt
# (users.txt should be one email per line)
# Also, must set env vars C9_USER_NAME and C9_PASSPHRASE
# Run these two commands in the terminal to safely enter your credentials before running the script:
# $ read -p "Username: " C9_USER_NAME && read -sp "Password: " C9_PASSPHRASE && echo ""
# Be careful if your password contains \ (mine did) as even though use of r'' string will make \ raw,
# C9 parser will not see \ unless you escape with \ so write \\ when setting your environment variable
# (if you set env from bash, you need to escape that too, so you would do
# user@linux:~ $ export C9_PASSPHRASE=my\\\\pass
# if your original password has one \ symbol between my and pass
# Imports
import urllib2, os, sys, re
from time import sleep
from cookielib import CookieJar
# Set constants from args
TEAM_NAME = sys.argv[1]
with open(sys.argv[2]) as f:
file_data =
EMAIL_ADDRESSES = re.split(r"[\r\n]{1,2}", file_data.strip())
# Set constants from environment variables
USER_NAME = os.environ['C9_USER_NAME'] # add login credentials to environment variables of team admin
PASSPHRASE = os.environ['C9_PASSPHRASE'] # change to sys.argv[3] etc. if you want to pass them in bash
# Initialize the CookieJar to handle cookies for urllib2
cj = CookieJar()
opener = urllib2.build_opener(urllib2.HTTPCookieProcessor(cj))
# Data is posted to cloud9 as a text data of a JSON object in the body.
login_data = r'{"username": "' + USER_NAME + '", "password": "' + PASSPHRASE + '"}'
# Create the request object. data is not None so this is POST request
req = urllib2.Request("",
# Set some headers... some of these may not be necessary
# Send the request here. We don't need anything from the response, just the cookies which are handled for us.
result1 = urllib2.urlopen(req)
# Second request, this time we need a token this one is GET request as data=None
req = urllib2.Request("")
# Set headers again.
# Send GET request
result2 = urllib2.urlopen(req)
# Read the token from the response.
token = # Token
# text JSON data with the users email which you want to invite
email_data = r'{"email": "' + ADD_USER_EMAIL + '"}'
# this is a POST request to invite the email address to your team.
req = urllib2.Request("" + TEAM_NAME + "/invite?access_token=" + token,
# Headers again, note the Referer uses the team name.
# Send the POST request
result3 = urllib2.urlopen(req)
print "Added: " + ADD_USER_EMAIL
# Sleep on it, give the server a rest.
sleep(0.7) # each request takes about 1.3 seconds
# 0.7 seconds to not bombard the server. Each request should take 2 seconds total.
# If you get to this line, the user should be added.
# Otherwise, this python script will throw an error to bash.
# I have not included any error handling logic in this script.
print "Success: Added the above users to Cloud9 team: " + TEAM_NAME
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