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Created April 7, 2013 09:57
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# RTS prototype by "eliskan" -
# This will create a map, using tile mapping, and a minimap.
# For now, there is a circle that will bounce around and show its current node
# using a get_node function. Click on the minimap to move, and drag on the
# real map to select units. Eventually, circle will be replaced with units
# which interact with the map and eachother using A* pathfinding.
from scene import *
from random import randint, choice
from os import path, mkdir
from urllib import urlopen
from PIL import Image
#Constants to make things easier to understand later on
FOOD, STONE, WOOD = 0, 1, 2 #Resources. Not used yet.
LAND = [Point(0,0),Point(1,0),Point(2,0),Point(3,0),Point(4,0),Point(5,0),Point(6,0)] #For image loading
CLIFF, SAND, MTN, GRASS, MTN_TO_WATER, WATER, SAND_TO_WATER = 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 #For accessing LAND
## IMAGES MODULE, you can ignore this for now.
folderPath = 'Images'
imgPath = 'a_RTS-Sprites'
urlPath = ""
def loadImage(folderPath,imgPath,urlPath):
if not path.exists(folderPath): mkdir(folderPath)
if not path.exists(folderPath+"/"+imgPath):
url = urlopen(urlPath)
with open(folderPath+"/"+imgPath, "wb") as output:
def cropImage(img, start, ssize=Size(60, 60)):
strt = Point(start.x * ssize.w, start.y * ssize.h)
img = img.crop((strt.x,strt.y,strt.x+ssize.w,strt.y+ssize.h))
d = img.load()
#keycolor = d[0,0] #1st pixel is used as keycolor.
#for x in range(img.size[0]):
# for y in range(img.size[1]):
# p = d[x, y]
# if p == keycolor: #if keycolor set alpha to 0.
# d[x, y] = (p[0], p[1], p[2], 0)
return img
#Each 'node' contains data about its location, type, and parent nodes
class node (object):
def __init__(self, location):
self.type = choice([MTN,MTN_TO_WATER,SAND])#([MTN, SAND, MTN_TO_WATER, GRASS])
#A simple function to return the ratio of two integers or floats
def ratios(item1,item2):
if item1 > item2:
return float(item1)/item2
return float(item2)/item1
#Hit test function. Tests a point to see if a Point() is hitting a square.
def hit(loc1, loc2, size2):
if loc1.x>loc2.x and loc1.x<loc2.x+size2.x:
if loc1.y>loc2.y and loc1.y<loc2.y+size2.y:
return True
#Draw map draws the grids
def draw_map(grid_size, grid_count, grid_pos, map_img):
def draw_status(self):
text("delay time: "+str(self.dt), 'Avenir-Black', 10, 20, 738, 6)
text("x="+str(self.circle_pos.x)+" y"+str(self.circle_pos.y), 'Avenir-Black', 10, 400, 738, 6)
text("nodes="+str(get_node(self.circle_pos.x, self.circle_pos.y, self.grid_count)),
'Avenir-Black', 10, 600, 738, 6)
def get_node(x, y, grid_count):
x = int(round((x-30)/60))
y = int(round((y-30)/60))
if x < 0: x = 0
if y < 0: y = 0
return Point(x,y)
class MyScene (Scene):
def setup(self):
self.grid_count = 25 #Number of columns and rows on the map.
self.minimap_size = 200./self.grid_count #Size of each node on minimap
self.minimap_position = Point(self.size.w-220,20)
self.map_size = 60 #Size of each node on real map
self.map_position = Point(10,10) #Current viewing position of map
self.ratio = ratios(200,self.map_size*self.grid_count) #Finds the ratio to translate to minimap
self.node_array = [] #An array containing every node (map square) on the board
for x in range(self.grid_count):
for y in range(self.grid_count):
self.resources = [0,0,0,0] #Water, food, stone, and wood.
self.drag = False #Drag and drop
self.circle_pos = Point(randint(0,self.map_size), randint(0,self.map_size)) #position of circle
self.circle_vel = Point(randint(-10,10),randint(-10,10)) #velocity of circle
self.circle_selected = False
#Load images. This particular script will split apart the sprite sheet,
#then make a new map image according to our map layout. This way we only
#have to control one image instead of potentially thousands.
self.img = loadImage(folderPath,imgPath,urlPath)
tempImage ='RGBA', (self.grid_count*self.map_size,self.grid_count*self.map_size))
#Iterate through nodes, to place the tiles for each node.
for index, nodes in enumerate(self.node_array):
#im=Image.eval(im,lambda x: x+(i+j)/30)
im = cropImage(self.img,LAND[nodes.type])
im_corners = cropImage(self.img,Point(LAND[nodes.type].x,1))
for pos_x in range(3):
for pos_y in range(3):
im_small = cropImage(im,Point(pos_x,pos_y),Size(20,20))
temp_node = -1
g_index = index
neighbors = []
if pos_x==1 and pos_y==1: #Center tile
im_small = cropImage(im,Point(1,1),Size(20,20))
elif pos_x==0 and pos_y==1: #Left side, centered.
g_index -= self.grid_count
for neighbor in [-1,0,1]:
if nodes.type == neighbors[1]: im_small = cropImage(im,Point(1,1),Size(20,20))
else: im_small = cropImage(im,Point(pos_x,pos_y),Size(20,20))
elif pos_x==2 and pos_y==1: #Right side, centered.
g_index += self.grid_count
for neighbor in [-1,0,1]:
if nodes.type == neighbors[1]: im_small = cropImage(im,Point(1,1),Size(20,20))
else: im_small = cropImage(im,Point(pos_x,pos_y),Size(20,20))
elif pos_x==1 and pos_y==0: #Top side, centered.
g_index -= 1
for neighbor in [self.grid_count*-1,0,self.grid_count]:
if nodes.type == neighbors[1]: im_small = cropImage(im,Point(1,1),Size(20,20))
else: im_small = cropImage(im,Point(pos_x,pos_y),Size(20,20))
elif pos_x==1 and pos_y==2: #Bottom side, centered.
g_index += 1
for neighbor in [self.grid_count*-1,0,self.grid_count]:
if nodes.type == neighbors[1]:
im_small = cropImage(im,Point(1,1),Size(20,20))
tempImage.paste( im_small, (nodes.x*60+pos_x*20,nodes.y*60+pos_y*20) )
else: im_small = cropImage(im,Point(pos_x,pos_y),Size(20,20))
#tempImage.paste( im_small, (nodes.x*60+pos_x*20,nodes.y*60+pos_y*20) )
elif pos_x==0 and pos_y==2: #Bottom left corner
neighbors = [self.node_array[g_index-self.grid_count].type,
if neighbors[0] == nodes.type and neighbors[1]==nodes.type:
if neighbors[2] == nodes.type:
im_small = cropImage(im, Point(1,1),Size(20,20))
else: im_small = cropImage(im_corners,Point(0,1),Size(20,20))
elif neighbors[0] == nodes.type:
im_small = cropImage(im, Point(1,2),Size(20,20))
elif neighbors[1] == nodes.type:
im_small = cropImage(im, Point(0,1),Size(20,20))
else: im_small = cropImage(im, Point(pos_x,pos_y),Size(20,20))
#tempImage.paste( im_small, (nodes.x*60+pos_x*20,nodes.y*60+pos_y*20) )
elif pos_x==2 and pos_y==2: #Bottom right corner
neighbors = [self.node_array[g_index+self.grid_count].type,
if neighbors[0] == nodes.type and neighbors[1]==nodes.type:
if neighbors[2] == nodes.type:
im_small = cropImage(im, Point(1,1),Size(20,20))
else: im_small = cropImage(im_corners,Point(1,1),Size(20,20))
elif neighbors[0] == nodes.type:
im_small = cropImage(im, Point(1,2),Size(20,20))
elif neighbors[1] == nodes.type:
im_small = cropImage(im, Point(2,1),Size(20,20))
else: im_small = cropImage(im, Point(pos_x,pos_y),Size(20,20))
#tempImage.paste( im_small, (nodes.x*60+pos_x*20,nodes.y*60+pos_y*20) )
elif pos_x==0 and pos_y==0: #Top left corner
neighbors = [self.node_array[g_index-self.grid_count].type,
if neighbors[0] == nodes.type and neighbors[1]==nodes.type:
if neighbors[2] == nodes.type:
im_small = cropImage(im, Point(1,1),Size(20,20))
else: im_small = cropImage(im_corners,Point(0,0),Size(20,20))
elif neighbors[0] == nodes.type:
im_small = cropImage(im, Point(1,0),Size(20,20))
elif neighbors[1] == nodes.type:
im_small = cropImage(im, Point(0,1),Size(20,20))
else: im_small = cropImage(im, Point(pos_x,pos_y),Size(20,20))
#tempImage.paste( im_small, (nodes.x*60+pos_x*20,nodes.y*60+pos_y*20) )
elif pos_x==2 and pos_y==0: #Top right corner
neighbors = [self.node_array[g_index+self.grid_count].type,
if neighbors[0] == nodes.type and neighbors[1]==nodes.type:
if neighbors[2] == nodes.type:
im_small = cropImage(im, Point(1,1),Size(20,20))
else: im_small = cropImage(im_corners,Point(1,0),Size(20,20))
elif neighbors[0] == nodes.type:
im_small = cropImage(im, Point(1,0),Size(20,20))
elif neighbors[1] == nodes.type:
im_small = cropImage(im, Point(2,1),Size(20,20))
im_small = cropImage(im, Point(pos_x,pos_y),Size(20,20))
#tempImage.paste( im_small, (nodes.x*60+pos_x*20,nodes.y*60+pos_y*20) )
tempImage.paste( im_small, (nodes.x*60+pos_x*20,nodes.y*60+pos_y*20) )
im_small = cropImage(im, Point(pos_x, pos_y),Size(20,20))
tempImage.paste( im_small, (nodes.x*60+pos_x*20,nodes.y*60+pos_y*20) )#pass
self.minimap_img = load_pil_image(tempImage.resize((200,200), Image.ANTIALIAS))
def draw(self):
#background(1, 1, 1)
draw_map(self.map_size, self.grid_count, self.map_position, self.map_img)
draw_map(self.minimap_size, self.grid_count, self.minimap_position, self.minimap_img)
#Circle for demonstration and testing. Just bounces around
if self.circle_selected: fill(1,0,0,1)
else: fill(0,0,1,1)
self.circle_pos.x -= self.circle_vel.x+self.dt
self.circle_pos.y -= self.circle_vel.y+self.dt
if self.circle_pos.x < 0 or self.circle_pos.x > self.grid_count*self.map_size:
self.circle_vel.x = randint(-10,10)
self.circle_pos.x = 0
if self.circle_pos.y < 0 or self.circle_pos.y > self.grid_count*self.map_size:
self.circle_vel.y = randint(-10,10)
self.circle_pos.y = 0
self.circle_vel.y += .1
self.circle_vel.x += .1
current_node = get_node(self.circle_pos.x, self.circle_pos.y, self.grid_count)
rect(current_node.x*60+self.map_position.x, current_node.y*60+self.map_position.y, 60, 60)
if self.drag: #Drag and drop
rect(self.drag[0].x, self.drag[0].y, self.drag[1].x, self.drag[1].y)
def touch_began(self, touch):
if not hit(touch.location, self.minimap_position, Point(200,200)):
self.drag = [touch.location, Point(0,0)]
def touch_moved(self, touch):
if self.drag:
self.drag[1] = Point(touch.location.x-self.drag[0].x, touch.location.y-self.drag[0].y)
#Check if the selection box is hitting the circle.
#The hittests wont work if drag[1] has negative numbers. So we fix that
tempX, tempY = self.drag[0].x, self.drag[0].y
if self.drag[1].x < 0: tempX = self.drag[0].x + self.drag[1].x
if self.drag[1].y < 0: tempY = self.drag[0].y + self.drag[1].y
if hit(Point(self.circle_pos.x+self.map_position.x,
self.circle_pos.y+self.map_position.y), Point(tempX, tempY),
self.circle_selected = True
else: self.circle_selected = False
elif hit(touch.location, self.minimap_position, Point(200,200)):
self.map_position = Point(tempPoint.x*self.ratio+self.size.w/2,
def touch_ended(self, touch):
#When you touch the minimap, the screen moves.
if self.drag:
self.drag = False
if hit(touch.location, self.minimap_position, Point(200,200)):
self.map_position = Point(tempPoint.x*self.ratio+self.size.w/2,
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