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Created April 23, 2017 17:20
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The PowerShell script which can be used to list user profile and delete user profile that were specified by user.
The PowerShell script which can be used to list user profile and delete user profile that were specified by user.
.PARAMETER ListUnusedDay
Lists of unused more than a specified number of days in user profile.
Lists all items in user profile.
.PARAMETER DeleteUnusedDay
Delete the user profile that has not been used for more than the number of days as you specified.
.PARAMETER ExcludedUsers
Sepcifies the user that you do not want to remove.
C:\PS> C:\Script\RemoveLocalUserProfile.ps1 -ListUnusedDay 10
ComputerName LocalPath LastUseTime
------------ --------- -----------
WS-ANDTEST-01 C:\Users\Administrator 11/18/2013 1:37:26 PM
WS-ANDTEST-01 C:\Users\User001 11/22/2013 10:50:35 AM
C:\PS> C:\Script\RemoveLocalUserProfile.ps1 -ListAll
ComputerName LocalPath LastUseTime
------------ --------- -----------
WS-ANDTEST-01 C:\Users\Administrator 11/18/2013 1:37:26 PM
WS-ANDTEST-01 C:\Users\User001 11/22/2013 10:50:35 AM
WS-ANDTEST-01 C:\Users\User002 11/22/2012 10:50:35 AM
C:\PS> C:\Script\RemoveLocalUserProfile.ps1 -DeleteUnusedDay 60
ComputerName LocalPath LastUseTime Action
------------ --------- ----------- ------
WS-ANDTEST-01 C:\Users\User001 11/22/2012 10:50:35 AM Deleted
WS-ANDTEST-01 C:\Users\User002 11/22/2012 10:50:35 AM Deleted
C:\PS> C:\Script\RemoveLocalUserProfile.ps1 -DeleteUnusedDay 60 -ExcludedUsers "User001"
ComputerName LocalPath LastUseTime Action
------------ --------- ----------- ------
WS-ANDTEST-01 C:\Users\User002 11/22/2012 10:50:35 AM Deleted
[Parameter(Mandatory=$true,Position=0,ParameterSetName='ListUnsed', `
HelpMessage="Lists of unused more than a specified number of days in user profile.")]
[Parameter(Mandatory=$true,Position=0,ParameterSetName='ListAll', `
HelpMessage="Lists of specified items in user profile.")]
[Parameter(Mandatory=$true,Position=0,ParameterSetName='DeleteUnused', `
HelpMessage="Delete the user profile that has not been used for more than the number of days as you specified.")]
[Parameter(Mandatory=$false,Position=1,ParameterSetName='DeleteUnused', `
HelpMessage="Specifies names of the user accounts that should not be removed.")]
$UserProfileLists = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_UserProfile | Select-Object @{Expression={$_.__SERVER};Label="ComputerName"},`
LocalPath,@{Expression={$_.ConvertToDateTime($_.LastUseTime)};Label="LastUseTime"} `
| Where{$_.LocalPath -notlike "*$env:SystemRoot*"}
Throw "Gathering profile WMI information from $computername failed. Be sure that WMI is functioning on this system."
If($ListUnusedDay -gt 0)
$ProfileInfo = $UserProfileLists | Where-Object{$_.LastUseTime -le (Get-Date).AddDays(-$ListUnusedDay)}
If($ProfileInfo -eq $null)
Write-Warning -Message "The item not found."
If($DeleteUnusedDay -gt 0)
$ProfileInfo = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_UserProfile | `
Where{$_.ConvertToDateTime($_.LastUseTime) -le (Get-Date).AddDays(-$DeleteUnusedDay) -and $_.LocalPath -notlike "*$env:SystemRoot*" }
Foreach($ExcludedUser in $ExcludedUsers)
#Perform the recursion by calling itself.
$ProfileInfo = $ProfileInfo | Where{$_.LocalPath -notlike "*$ExcludedUser*"}
If($ProfileInfo -eq $null)
Write-Warning -Message "The item not found."
Foreach($RemoveProfile in $ProfileInfo)
#Prompt message
$Caption = "Remove Profile"
$Message = "Are you sure you want to remove profile '$($RemoveProfile.LocalPath)'?"
$Choices = [System.Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription[]]`
[Int]$DefaultChoice = 1
$ChoiceRTN = $Host.UI.PromptForChoice($Caption,$Message,$Choices,$DefaultChoice)
0 {
Try{$RemoveProfile.Delete();Write-Host "Delete profile '$($RemoveProfile.LocalPath)' successfully."}
Catch{Write-Host "Delete profile failed." -ForegroundColor Red}
1 {break}
$ProfileInfo|Select-Object @{Expression={$_.__SERVER};Label="ComputerName"},LocalPath, `
@{Name="Action";Expression={If(Test-Path -Path $_.LocalPath)
{"Not Deleted"}
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