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/EseDefrag.cpp Secret

Created October 10, 2013 23:21
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Minimalistic, non-robust program to test the effects of prefetching and defragmentation on ESENT databases. With sample results for one database.
// Compile as cl.exe /EHsc EseDefrag.cpp
#include <Windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <esent.h>
#include <vector>
#include <unordered_set>
#include <string>
#include <cstdint>
#include <memory>
#pragma comment(lib, "esent.lib")
#pragma comment(lib, "winmm.lib")
static bool TryMove(JET_SESID sesid, JET_TABLEID tableid, long move)
const JET_ERR err = ::JetMove(sesid, tableid, move, JET_bitNil);
if (JET_errNoCurrentRecord == err)
return false;
if (err != JET_errSuccess)
throw err;
return true;
static bool TryMoveFirst(JET_SESID sesid, JET_TABLEID tableid)
return TryMove(sesid, tableid, JET_MoveFirst);
static bool TryMoveNext(JET_SESID sesid, JET_TABLEID tableid)
return TryMove(sesid, tableid, JET_MoveNext);
static std::string RetrieveColumnAsString(JET_SESID sesid, JET_TABLEID tableid, JET_COLUMNID columnid)
std::unique_ptr<char[]> pBackupBuf;
char smallbuf[50];
unsigned long datasize = sizeof(smallbuf);
char* buf = smallbuf;
JET_ERR err = JET_wrnBufferTruncated;
while (err == JET_wrnBufferTruncated)
unsigned long actual;
err = ::JetRetrieveColumn(sesid, tableid, columnid, buf, datasize, &actual, JET_bitRetrieveCopy, nullptr);
if (err < JET_errSuccess)
throw err;
if (err == JET_wrnColumnNull)
return std::string();
if (err == JET_wrnBufferTruncated)
datasize = actual;
pBackupBuf.reset(new char[datasize]);
buf = pBackupBuf.get();
datasize = actual;
return std::string(buf, datasize);
static std::vector<std::string> GetTableNames(JET_SESID sesid, JET_DBID dbid)
std::vector<std::string> tableNames;
objectList.cbStruct = sizeof(objectList);
JET_ERR err = JetGetObjectInfoA(sesid, dbid, JET_objtypTable, nullptr, nullptr, &objectList, objectList.cbStruct, JET_ObjInfoListNoStats);
if (err != 0)
throw err;
if (objectList.cRecord > 0)
for (bool moveSuccess = TryMoveFirst(sesid, objectList.tableid); moveSuccess == true; moveSuccess = TryMoveNext(sesid, objectList.tableid))
auto name = RetrieveColumnAsString(sesid, objectList.tableid, objectList.columnidobjectname);
JetCloseTable(sesid, objectList.tableid);
return tableNames;
std::unordered_set<std::string> GetIndexNames(JET_SESID sesid, JET_TABLEID tableid)
std::unordered_set<std::string> inxNames;
JET_INDEXLIST inxList = {};
inxList.cbStruct = sizeof(inxList);
JET_ERR err = JetGetTableIndexInfoA(sesid, tableid, "", &inxList, sizeof(inxList), JET_IdxInfoList);
if (err != JET_errSuccess)
throw err;
for (bool moveSuccess = TryMoveFirst(sesid, inxList.tableid); moveSuccess == true; moveSuccess = TryMoveNext(sesid, inxList.tableid))
inxNames.insert(RetrieveColumnAsString(sesid, inxList.tableid, inxList.columnidindexname));
JetCloseTable(sesid, inxList.tableid);
return inxNames;
static JET_THREADSTATS GetEseThreadStats()
stats.cbStruct = sizeof(stats);
::JetGetThreadStats(&stats, stats.cbStruct);
return stats;
static void TimeTableIteration(JET_SESID sesid, JET_TABLEID tableid, const char* tableName, const char* indexName)
const DWORD startTime = timeGetTime();
const JET_THREADSTATS startStats = GetEseThreadStats();
::JetSetCurrentIndex2A(sesid, tableid, indexName, JET_bitMoveFirst);
unsigned long ulRecs = 0;
for (bool bMoveSuccess = TryMoveFirst(sesid, tableid); bMoveSuccess; bMoveSuccess = TryMoveNext(sesid, tableid))
const DWORD endTime = timeGetTime();
const JET_THREADSTATS endStats = GetEseThreadStats();
printf("In table '%s' by index '%s', there are %u records. Elapsed: %.3lf seconds\n", tableName, indexName == nullptr ? "(primary)" : indexName, ulRecs, (endTime - startTime) / 1000.);
printf("Read %u pages. Referenced %u pages. Preread %u pages.\n",
endStats.cPageRead - startStats.cPageRead,
endStats.cPageReferenced - startStats.cPageReferenced,
endStats.cPagePreread - startStats.cPagePreread);
static void TimeDatabaseIteration(bool prefetch, JET_SESID sesid, JET_DBID dbid)
for (const std::string& table : GetTableNames(sesid, dbid))
JET_TABLEID tableid;
JET_GRBIT openOpts = JET_bitTableReadOnly | JET_bitTableSequential;
if (prefetch)
openOpts |= JET_bitTablePreread;
openOpts |= JET_bitTableOpportuneRead;
if (JetOpenTableA(sesid, dbid, table.c_str(), nullptr, 0, openOpts, &tableid) == JET_errSuccess)
for (const auto& inx : GetIndexNames(sesid, tableid))
TimeTableIteration(sesid, tableid, table.c_str(), inx.c_str());
TimeTableIteration(sesid, tableid, table.c_str(), inx.c_str());
::JetCloseTable(sesid, tableid);
fprintf(stderr, "Failed to open table %s\n", table.c_str());
static HANDLE g_hDefragCompletedEvent = nullptr;
static JET_ERR JET_API DefragCallBack(_In_ JET_SESID ,
_Inout_opt_ void* ,
_Inout_opt_ void* ,
_In_opt_ void * ,
if (g_hDefragCompletedEvent != nullptr)
return JET_errSuccess;
// One possible error-handling strategy is to jump to an error-handling
// label whenever an ESENT call fails.
#define Call(func) \
do { \
err = (func); \
if (err < JET_errSuccess) { \
goto HandleError; \
} \
__pragma(warning(suppress:4127)) \
} while (false)
int main(int argc, char* argv [])
const char* szFileName = nullptr;
const char* szTxLogsPath = ".\\";
bool justDoTiming = false;
bool prefetch = false;
for (int i = 1; i < argc; i++)
switch (argv[i][0])
case '/':
case '-':
switch (argv[i][1])
case 'l':
case 'L':
szTxLogsPath = &argv[i][2];
case 't':
case 'T':
justDoTiming = true;
case 'p':
case 'P':
prefetch = true;
fprintf(stderr, "Invalid command line flag: %s.", argv[i]);
return 1;
if (szFileName != nullptr)
fprintf(stderr, "Database file already specified.\n");
return 1;
szFileName = argv[i];
if (*szTxLogsPath == '\0')
fprintf(stderr, "Invalid transaction log file path.\n");
return 2;
if (szFileName == nullptr)
fprintf(stderr, "Must specify the database filename.\n");
return 1;
JET_ERR err;
unsigned long dwPageSize = 8192;
Call(JetGetDatabaseFileInfoA(szFileName, &dwPageSize, sizeof(dwPageSize), JET_DbInfoPageSize));
Call(JetSetSystemParameterW(nullptr, JET_sesidNil, JET_paramDatabasePageSize, dwPageSize, nullptr));
JET_INSTANCE instance;
Call(JetCreateInstanceW(&instance, L"esedefrag"));
Call(JetSetSystemParameterA(&instance, JET_sesidNil, JET_paramLogFilePath, 0, szTxLogsPath));
Call(JetSetSystemParameterA(&instance, JET_sesidNil, JET_paramSystemPath, 0, szTxLogsPath));
const JET_API_PTR uiNewMinCacheSizeMegs = 1024;
const double dPagesToMBRatio = dwPageSize / static_cast<double>(1024 * 1024);
Call(::JetSetSystemParameter(nullptr, JET_sesidNil, JET_paramCacheSizeMin, static_cast<JET_API_PTR>(uiNewMinCacheSizeMegs / dPagesToMBRatio), nullptr));
JET_SESID sesid;
Call(JetBeginSessionW(instance, &sesid, 0, 0));
Call(JetAttachDatabaseA(sesid, szFileName, JET_bitNil));
JET_DBID dbid;
Call(JetOpenDatabaseA(sesid, szFileName, nullptr, &dbid, JET_bitNil));
if (justDoTiming)
TimeDatabaseIteration(prefetch, sesid, dbid);
g_hDefragCompletedEvent = CreateEventW(nullptr, TRUE, FALSE, nullptr);
if (g_hDefragCompletedEvent != nullptr)
unsigned long ulPasses = 1;
Call(::JetSetSystemParameterW(&instance, sesid, JET_paramEnableOnlineDefrag, JET_OnlineDefragAll, nullptr));
const auto start = timeGetTime();
Call(JetDefragment2A(sesid, dbid, nullptr, &ulPasses, nullptr, DefragCallBack, JET_bitDefragmentBatchStart));
::WaitForSingleObject(g_hDefragCompletedEvent, INFINITE);
const auto end = timeGetTime();
printf("Defrag took %.2lf seconds\n", (end - start) / 1000.0);
fprintf(stderr, "Failed to allocate defrag completed event\n");
JetEndSession(sesid, 0);
return 0;
printf("ESENT error %d\n", err);
return 1;
In table 'main' by index 'data', there are 25 records. Elapsed: 0.031 seconds
Read 5 pages. Referenced 31 pages. Preread 0 pages.
In table 'main' by index 'data', there are 25 records. Elapsed: 0.000 seconds
Read 0 pages. Referenced 31 pages. Preread 0 pages.
In table 'main' by index 'key', there are 25 records. Elapsed: 254.066 seconds
Read 41713 pages. Referenced 41738 pages. Preread 0 pages.
In table 'main' by index 'key', there are 25 records. Elapsed: 1.951 seconds
Read 340 pages. Referenced 41738 pages. Preread 0 pages.
In table 'MSysObjects' by index 'Id', there are 136 records. Elapsed: 0.000 seconds
Read 0 pages. Referenced 141 pages. Preread 0 pages.
In table 'MSysObjects' by index 'Id', there are 136 records. Elapsed: 0.000 seconds
Read 0 pages. Referenced 141 pages. Preread 0 pages.
In table 'MSysObjects' by index 'Name', there are 136 records. Elapsed: 0.000 seconds
Read 0 pages. Referenced 137 pages. Preread 0 pages.
In table 'MSysObjects' by index 'Name', there are 136 records. Elapsed: 0.000 seconds
Read 0 pages. Referenced 137 pages. Preread 0 pages.
In table 'MSysObjects' by index 'RootObjects', there are 20 records. Elapsed: 0.015 seconds
Read 0 pages. Referenced 21 pages. Preread 0 pages.
In table 'MSysObjects' by index 'RootObjects', there are 20 records. Elapsed: 0.000 seconds
Read 0 pages. Referenced 21 pages. Preread 0 pages.
In table 'MSysObjectsShadow' by index 'Id', there are 136 records. Elapsed: 0.000 seconds
Read 2 pages. Referenced 141 pages. Preread 0 pages.
In table 'MSysObjectsShadow' by index 'Id', there are 136 records. Elapsed: 0.000 seconds
Read 0 pages. Referenced 141 pages. Preread 0 pages.
In table 'MSysUnicodeFixupVer2' by index 'secondary', there are 0 records. Elapsed: 0.000 seconds
Read 1 pages. Referenced 1 pages. Preread 0 pages.
In table 'MSysUnicodeFixupVer2' by index 'secondary', there are 0 records. Elapsed: 0.000 seconds
Read 0 pages. Referenced 1 pages. Preread 0 pages.
In table 'MSysUnicodeFixupVer2' by index 'primary', there are 0 records. Elapsed: 0.000 seconds
Read 0 pages. Referenced 1 pages. Preread 0 pages.
In table 'MSysUnicodeFixupVer2' by index 'primary', there are 0 records. Elapsed: 0.000 seconds
Read 0 pages. Referenced 1 pages. Preread 0 pages.
In table 'main' by index 'data', there are 25 records. Elapsed: 0.031 seconds
Read 5 pages. Referenced 31 pages. Preread 0 pages.
In table 'main' by index 'data', there are 25 records. Elapsed: 0.000 seconds
Read 6 pages. Referenced 31 pages. Preread 0 pages.
In table 'main' by index 'key', there are 25 records. Elapsed: 253.161 seconds
Read 41712 pages. Referenced 41738 pages. Preread 1 pages.
In table 'main' by index 'key', there are 25 records. Elapsed: 1.907 seconds
Read 335 pages. Referenced 41738 pages. Preread 1 pages.
In table 'MSysObjects' by index 'Id', there are 136 records. Elapsed: 0.000 seconds
Read 0 pages. Referenced 141 pages. Preread 0 pages.
In table 'MSysObjects' by index 'Id', there are 136 records. Elapsed: 0.000 seconds
Read 0 pages. Referenced 141 pages. Preread 0 pages.
In table 'MSysObjects' by index 'Name', there are 136 records. Elapsed: 0.000 seconds
Read 0 pages. Referenced 137 pages. Preread 0 pages.
In table 'MSysObjects' by index 'Name', there are 136 records. Elapsed: 0.000 seconds
Read 0 pages. Referenced 137 pages. Preread 0 pages.
In table 'MSysObjects' by index 'RootObjects', there are 20 records. Elapsed: 0.000 seconds
Read 0 pages. Referenced 21 pages. Preread 0 pages.
In table 'MSysObjects' by index 'RootObjects', there are 20 records. Elapsed: 0.000 seconds
Read 0 pages. Referenced 21 pages. Preread 0 pages.
In table 'MSysObjectsShadow' by index 'Id', there are 136 records. Elapsed: 0.000 seconds
Read 0 pages. Referenced 141 pages. Preread 2 pages.
In table 'MSysObjectsShadow' by index 'Id', there are 136 records. Elapsed: 0.000 seconds
Read 0 pages. Referenced 141 pages. Preread 0 pages.
In table 'MSysUnicodeFixupVer2' by index 'secondary', there are 0 records. Elapsed: 0.000 seconds
Read 0 pages. Referenced 1 pages. Preread 1 pages.
In table 'MSysUnicodeFixupVer2' by index 'secondary', there are 0 records. Elapsed: 0.000 seconds
Read 0 pages. Referenced 1 pages. Preread 0 pages.
In table 'MSysUnicodeFixupVer2' by index 'primary', there are 0 records. Elapsed: 0.000 seconds
Read 0 pages. Referenced 1 pages. Preread 0 pages.
In table 'MSysUnicodeFixupVer2' by index 'primary', there are 0 records. Elapsed: 0.000 seconds
Read 0 pages. Referenced 1 pages. Preread 0 pages.
No prefetch, pre defrag:
In table 'main' by index 'data', there are 25 records. Elapsed: 153.617 seconds
Read 23306 pages. Referenced 23380 pages. Preread 50 pages.
In table 'main' by index 'data', there are 25 records. Elapsed: 1.912 seconds
Read 278 pages. Referenced 23380 pages. Preread 0 pages.
In table 'main' by index 'key', there are 25 records. Elapsed: 252.253 seconds
Read 41713 pages. Referenced 41738 pages. Preread 0 pages.
In table 'main' by index 'key', there are 25 records. Elapsed: 0.025 seconds
Read 0 pages. Referenced 41738 pages. Preread 0 pages.
In table 'MSysObjects' by index 'Id', there are 119 records. Elapsed: 0.000 seconds
Read 0 pages. Referenced 124 pages. Preread 0 pages.
In table 'MSysObjects' by index 'Id', there are 119 records. Elapsed: 0.000 seconds
Read 0 pages. Referenced 124 pages. Preread 0 pages.
In table 'MSysObjects' by index 'Name', there are 119 records. Elapsed: 0.000 seconds
Read 0 pages. Referenced 120 pages. Preread 0 pages.
In table 'MSysObjects' by index 'Name', there are 119 records. Elapsed: 0.000 seconds
Read 0 pages. Referenced 120 pages. Preread 0 pages.
In table 'MSysObjects' by index 'RootObjects', there are 19 records. Elapsed: 0.000 seconds
Read 0 pages. Referenced 20 pages. Preread 0 pages.
In table 'MSysObjects' by index 'RootObjects', there are 19 records. Elapsed: 0.000 seconds
Read 0 pages. Referenced 20 pages. Preread 0 pages.
In table 'MSysObjectsShadow' by index 'Id', there are 119 records. Elapsed: 0.023 seconds
Read 2 pages. Referenced 124 pages. Preread 0 pages.
In table 'MSysObjectsShadow' by index 'Id', there are 119 records. Elapsed: 0.000 seconds
Read 0 pages. Referenced 124 pages. Preread 0 pages.
In table 'MSysUnicodeFixupVer2' by index 'secondary', there are 0 records. Elapsed: 0.000 seconds
Read 1 pages. Referenced 1 pages. Preread 0 pages.
In table 'MSysUnicodeFixupVer2' by index 'secondary', there are 0 records. Elapsed: 0.000 seconds
Read 0 pages. Referenced 1 pages. Preread 0 pages.
In table 'MSysUnicodeFixupVer2' by index 'primary', there are 0 records. Elapsed: 0.000 seconds
Read 0 pages. Referenced 1 pages. Preread 0 pages.
In table 'MSysUnicodeFixupVer2' by index 'primary', there are 0 records. Elapsed: 0.000 seconds
Read 0 pages. Referenced 1 pages. Preread 0 pages.
Prefetch, pre defrag
In table 'main' by index 'data', there are 25 records. Elapsed: 153.511 seconds
Read 23306 pages. Referenced 23380 pages. Preread 50 pages.
In table 'main' by index 'data', there are 25 records. Elapsed: 1.739 seconds
Read 248 pages. Referenced 23380 pages. Preread 0 pages.
In table 'main' by index 'key', there are 25 records. Elapsed: 252.182 seconds
Read 41712 pages. Referenced 41738 pages. Preread 1 pages.
In table 'main' by index 'key', there are 25 records. Elapsed: 0.032 seconds
Read 0 pages. Referenced 41738 pages. Preread 0 pages.
In table 'MSysObjects' by index 'Id', there are 119 records. Elapsed: 0.000 seconds
Read 0 pages. Referenced 124 pages. Preread 0 pages.
In table 'MSysObjects' by index 'Id', there are 119 records. Elapsed: 0.000 seconds
Read 0 pages. Referenced 124 pages. Preread 0 pages.
In table 'MSysObjects' by index 'Name', there are 119 records. Elapsed: 0.000 seconds
Read 0 pages. Referenced 120 pages. Preread 0 pages.
In table 'MSysObjects' by index 'Name', there are 119 records. Elapsed: 0.000 seconds
Read 0 pages. Referenced 120 pages. Preread 0 pages.
In table 'MSysObjects' by index 'RootObjects', there are 19 records. Elapsed: 0.000 seconds
Read 0 pages. Referenced 20 pages. Preread 0 pages.
In table 'MSysObjects' by index 'RootObjects', there are 19 records. Elapsed: 0.000 seconds
Read 0 pages. Referenced 20 pages. Preread 0 pages.
In table 'MSysObjectsShadow' by index 'Id', there are 119 records. Elapsed: 0.016 seconds
Read 0 pages. Referenced 124 pages. Preread 2 pages.
In table 'MSysObjectsShadow' by index 'Id', there are 119 records. Elapsed: 0.000 seconds
Read 0 pages. Referenced 124 pages. Preread 0 pages.
In table 'MSysUnicodeFixupVer2' by index 'secondary', there are 0 records. Elapsed: 0.000 seconds
Read 0 pages. Referenced 1 pages. Preread 1 pages.
In table 'MSysUnicodeFixupVer2' by index 'secondary', there are 0 records. Elapsed: 0.000 seconds
Read 0 pages. Referenced 1 pages. Preread 0 pages.
In table 'MSysUnicodeFixupVer2' by index 'primary', there are 0 records. Elapsed: 0.000 seconds
Read 0 pages. Referenced 1 pages. Preread 0 pages.
In table 'MSysUnicodeFixupVer2' by index 'primary', there are 0 records. Elapsed: 0.000 seconds
Read 0 pages. Referenced 1 pages. Preread 0 pages.
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