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/main build Secret

Created April 8, 2013 12:19
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main build
import java.util.jar.JarFile
import static
apply plugin: 'idea'
apply plugin: 'java'
apply plugin: 'groovy'
apply from: 'libraries.gradle'
defaultTasks 'assemble'
configurations {
// setup project wide configurations and variables
project.ext {
mainProjectDir = project.projectDir
bundleDir = new File(mainProjectDir, "/bin/java/bundle/pim/")
jarBundleDir = new File(mainProjectDir, "/bin/java/bundle/lib/")
javaSubprojects = []
// called by all java-based sub-projects
addJavaSubproject = { subproject ->
task wrapper(type: Wrapper) {
gradleVersion = '1.4'
buildscript {
repositories {
mavenRepo(name: 'zt-public-snapshots',
url: '')
dependencies {
classpath group: 'org.zeroturnaround', name: 'gradle-jrebel-plugin', version: '1.0.2-SNAPSHOT'
allprojects {
apply plugin: 'maven'
apply plugin: 'java'
apply plugin: 'project-report'
group = 'com.stibo'
version = '1.0-SNAPSHOT'
sourceCompatibility = 1.7
targetCompatibility = 1.7
repositories {
mavenRepo url: ""
clean << {
new File(projectDir, "bin").deleteDir()
idea {
project { project ->
project.wildcards += '/**/!?*.xml'
project.wildcards += '/**/!?*.properties'
ipr {
withXml { provider ->
provider.node.component.find { it.@name == 'VcsDirectoryMappings' }.mapping.@vcs = 'svn'
provider.asNode().appendNode('component', [name: 'JavacSettings']).appendNode('option', [name: 'MAXIMUM_HEAP_SIZE', value: '257'])
def depFile = new File('DepFile.txt')
subprojects { subproject ->
if (new File(subproject.projectDir, "build.gradle").exists() && !'bndextra')) {
addJavaSubproject subproject
apply plugin: 'java'
apply plugin: 'idea'
apply plugin: 'rebel'
subproject.ext {
skipBundling = Boolean.getBoolean('skipBundling')?:false;
mainProject = mainProjectDir
uploadingArchivesInProgress = false
bundleVersion = '1.0.0' // fallback if none has been supplied in the bnd file
configurations {
compile {
transitive = false
rebel {
rebelXmlDirectory = "build/classes/main"
gradle.taskGraph.whenReady {taskGraph ->
taskGraph.allTasks.each {
if ('test')) {
skipBundling = true
uploadBndArchives {
subproject.ext.uploadingArchivesInProgress = true
repositories {
mavenDeployer {
repository(url: "") {
authentication(userName: "jtpe", password: "jtpe")
doFirst {
repositories {
mavenDeployer {
def projectVersion = subproject.version
if (subproject.ext.bundleVersion != null) {
projectVersion = subproject.ext.bundleVersion
def artifactName = - '.jar'
addFilter(artifactName){artifact,file -> == artifactName
if (!projectVersion.endsWith('SNAPSHOT')){
pom(artifactName).version = projectVersion + '-SNAPSHOT'
processResources << {
if (!subproject.ext.skipBundling) {
depFile.append(" MODULE $subproject\n")
def dependentJarsList = []
def addDependendJars
addDependendJars = {resolvedDep, space ->
def moduleVersion = resolvedDep.moduleVersion
if (!moduleVersion.contains("SNAPSHOT")) {
def moduleName = resolvedDep.moduleName
def moduleGroup = resolvedDep.moduleGroup
resolvedDep.allModuleArtifacts.collect {depFile.append("$space --> $\n")}
depFile.append("$space -> and looking for artifact: $moduleGroup:$moduleName:$moduleVersion ")
def moduleArtifact = resolvedDep.allModuleArtifacts.find { == moduleName && it.file != null}
if (moduleArtifact != null) {
def version = osgiVersion(moduleGroup, moduleName, moduleVersion)
if (version && version - 'osgify' != 'no') {
dependentJarsList.add([jarFile: moduleArtifact.file, bundleVersion: version, bundleName: "$moduleName"])
depFile.append(" \n ")
// we skip the transitive dependencies for now
// resolvedDep.children.collect {dep -> addDependendJars(dep, space + ' ')}
} else {
depFile.append(" -- \n")
subproject.configurations.runtime.resolvedConfiguration.firstLevelModuleDependencies.collect { addDependendJars(it, ' ')}
subproject.configurations.bootstrap.resolvedConfiguration.firstLevelModuleDependencies.collect { addDependendJars(it, ' ')}
ant {
taskdef(resource: "aQute/bnd/ant/", classpath: configurations.bnd.asPath)
// use a set to avoid bundling jar files more than once
def dependentJarsSet = dependentJarsList as Set
// during assembly, all third party libraries are bundled using either the default bundling mechanism or
// specific bnd files found in the ConfigurationFiles/lib-bnd-files directory
def bndFileLocation = "${mainProjectDir}/ConfigurationFiles/lib-bnd-files"
dependentJarsSet.collect { bundle ->
def jar = bundle.jarFile
def osgiBundleVersion = bundle.bundleVersion
def osgiBundleName = bundle.bundleName
def bundledJarFile = new File(jarBundleDir,
def bundleVersion = null;
def manifest = new JarFile(jar).manifest
if (manifest != null && manifest.getMainAttributes() != null) {
bundleVersion = manifest.getMainAttributes().find { it.key.toString().equals('Bundle-Version') }?.toString()
if (bundleVersion != null && !osgiBundleVersion.endsWith('osgify')) {
println " -> Skipping bundling for ${}, as it is already bundled as version $bundleVersion"
copy {from jar into jarBundleDir }
} else {
osgiBundleVersion = osgiBundleVersion - 'osgify'
ant.setProperty("Export-Package", "*;version=" + osgiBundleVersion);
ant.setProperty("Bundle-Version", osgiBundleVersion);
ant.setProperty("Bundle-SymbolicName", "stibo." + osgiBundleName);
ant.setProperty("Import-Package", "*;resolution:=optional"); // same as bnd command line wrap task.
def jarBndFile = new File(bndFileLocation,".jar", "") + ".bnd")
try {
if (jarBndFile.exists()) {
println "Bundlifying ${} to ${jarBundleDir} with existing bndfile"
ant.bnd(basedir: ".", files: jarBndFile, failok: "false", classpath: jar, eclipse: "false",
exceptions: "true", output: jarBundleDir, pedantic: "true", trace: "false")
} else {
println "Bundlifying ${} to ${jarBundleDir}"
ant.bndwrap(jars: jar, definitions: bndFileLocation, output: jarBundleDir,
failok: "false", exceptions: "true", trace: "true",
version: osgiBundleVersion, bsn: osgiBundleName)
} catch (Exception ex) {
println "ERROR: $ex.message"
if ("bindex")) {
// special treatment for specific files
bundledJarFile.delete() "${mainProjectDir}/bin/java/bindex.jar") {
zipfileset(src: "${jar}", excludes: "org/osgi/framework/**/*.class", includes: "**/*")
task copyExternalDependencies() << {
copy {
// copy files for possible inclusion with bnd-bundling
// TODO: could be done below, when reading from the bnd-file anyway, so only necessary dependecies are copied...
from configurations.runtime.files { it instanceof ExternalDependency }
into "$subproject.buildDir/lib"
classes.dependsOn copyExternalDependencies
classes.dependsOn generateRebel
task bndTask(dependsOn: classes) {
def subProjectDir = file("${subproject.projectDir}")
subProjectDir.traverse(type: FILES,
nameFilter: ~/.*\.bnd/,
sort: { a, b -> <=> }, maxDepth: 0) { bndFile ->
if (bndFile.canRead()) {
def gradleBnd = new File(subProjectDir, + '_grdl')
if (gradleBnd.canRead()) {
bndFile = gradleBnd
def bndProps = new Properties()
bndFile.withInputStream { InputStream input -> bndProps.load(input) }
def bundleName = bndProps.get("name")
def bundleJarName = bundleName + ".jar"
def bundleJarFile = new File(bundleDir, bundleJarName)
if (subproject.ext.uploadingArchivesInProgress) {
bundleJarFile = new File(buildDir,"libs/$bundleJarName")
// the bndArchives are used for uploading artifacts to nexus
bndArchives file: bundleJarFile, name: bundleName, builtBy: bndTask
// TODO: this bndVersion should be calculated instead of reading it from the file
def bndVersion = bndProps.get('Bundle-Version')
if (bndVersion != null){
subproject.ext.bundleVersion = bndVersion
subproject.version = bndVersion
inputs.dir files(subproject.projectDir).minus(files(subproject.buildDir))
outputs.file bundleJarFile
doLast {
if (!subproject.ext.skipBundling) {
ant {
def outputPath = ""
sourceSets.main.output.collect { if (it.exists()) outputPath += "$it;"}
taskdef(resource: "aQute/bnd/ant/", classpath: configurations.bnd.asPath)
path(id: "bundlePath") {
pathelement(path: outputPath)
pathelement(path: configurations.compile.asPath)
bnd(basedir: subProjectDir, files:, output: bundleJarFile,
classpath: ant.references['bundlePath'],
failok: "false", eclipse: "false", exceptions: "true",
pedantic: "true", trace: "false")
signjar(alias: "Stibo", storepass: "hemmeligt",lazy: "true",jar: bundleJarFile,
keystore: "${mainProjectDir}/ConfigurationFiles/keystore.jks")
sourceSets {
main {
java {
srcDir 'java'
resources {
srcDir 'java'
srcDir 'resources'
test {
java {
srcDir 'java-test'
compileJava << {
copy {
from('java') {
include '**/*.xml'
include '**/*.properties'
into 'build/classes/main'
compileTestJava << {
copy {
from('java-test') {
include '**/*.xml'
include '**/*.properties'
into 'build/classes/test'
test {
if (System.getProperty('stepdebug') != null) {
doFirst {
jvmArgs '-Xdebug',
def simultaneousTests = 0
beforeTest { descriptor ->
simultaneousTests += 1
println("Running: $descriptor (test nr. $simultaneousTests)")
afterTest { descriptor ->
println(" -> finished: " + descriptor)
simultaneousTests -= 1
systemProperty 'overloadconfigfile', "$mainProjectDir/"
systemProperty 'configfile', "$mainProjectDir/idea/"
maxHeapSize = "2048m"
ignoreFailures = true
testReport = true
testResultsDir = file("$rootProject.testResultsDir")
systemProperty 'convertKodoExceptions', System.getProperty('convertKodoExceptions')
def dbTestConnectionFileName = System.getProperty('dbTestConnections', "$mainProjectDir/dbTestConnections.txt");
File dbTestConnections = new File(dbTestConnectionFileName)
if (dbTestConnections.canRead()) {
def lines = dbTestConnections.readLines()
def parallelForks = 0
lines.eachWithIndex { line, index ->
if (!line.startsWith("#")) {
parallelForks += 1
def lineParts = line.split()
def indexNo = index == 0 ? "" : index + 1
systemProperty "STEP_ConnectionURL" + indexNo, lineParts[0]
systemProperty "STEP_ConnectionUser" + indexNo, lineParts[1]
systemProperty "STEP_ConnectionPassword" + indexNo, lineParts[2]
maxParallelForks = parallelForks
systemProperty 'maxParallelForks', parallelForks
} else {
println "ERROR: couldn't read a file with db connections (filename: $dbTestConnectionFileName)"
idea {
module { module ->
if (new File(subproject.projectDir, 'resources').isDirectory()) += configurations.detachedConfiguration(dependencies.create(files(new File(subproject.projectDir, 'resources'))))
if (new File(subproject.projectDir, 'test-resources').isDirectory()) += configurations.detachedConfiguration(dependencies.create(files(new File(subproject.projectDir, 'test-resources')))) += configurations.bootstrap
def originalModuleName =
def newModuleName = getModuleName(module, subproject.projectDir) = newModuleName
iml {
if (buildDir.canRead()) {
inheritOutputDirs = false
outputDir = new File(buildDir, "classes/main")
testOutputDir = new File(buildDir, "classes/test")
withXml { moduleXML ->
println "Creating IntelliJ Idea module for $subproject"
def generatedSrcDir = new File(projectDir, 'generated-src')
def mainDirFinder = { searchDir ->
def foundDir
searchDir.eachDirRecurse { dir ->
if ('main')) {
foundDir = dir;
return foundDir
Node rootManager = node.find { it.@name == 'NewModuleRootManager' }
if (generatedSrcDir.exists()) {
def srcDir = mainDirFinder(generatedSrcDir)
rootManager.appendNode('orderEntry', [type: 'module-library', exported: '']).appendNode('library').appendNode('CLASSES').appendNode('root', [url: "file://${srcDir}"])
def genClassesDir = new File(buildDir, "genclasses")
if (genClassesDir.exists()) {
rootManager.appendNode('orderEntry', [type: 'module-library', exported: '']).appendNode('library').appendNode('CLASSES').appendNode('root', [url: "file://${genClassesDir}"])
def bndFile
def count = 0
// look for a single bnd in the subproject dir
def bndSuffix = ".bnd"
def grdlBndSuffix = ".bnd_grdl"
contentRoot.eachFileMatch({ it.endsWith(bndSuffix) && !it.contains('beans') }, { bndFile = it; count++ })
if (count == 0) {
// less restrictive
contentRoot.eachFileMatch({ it.endsWith(bndSuffix)}, { bndFile = it; count++ })
if (count == 1) {
def grdlBnd = new File(bndFile.parentFile, ( - bndSuffix) + grdlBndSuffix)
if (grdlBnd.exists()) {
bndFile = grdlBnd
bndSuffix = grdlBndSuffix
println " -> Adding bundle for $subproject ($"
addOsmorcFacet(moduleXML,, "$mainProjectDir/build/production/${newModuleName}.jar")
} else if (count > 1) {
// if more than one bnd, we try to determine the correct BND file by convention
def bndFileName = originalModuleName + bndSuffix
def altBndFileName = newModuleName - '_g' + bndSuffix
if (new File(contentRoot, bndFileName).canRead()) {
println " -> Adding bundle for $subproject ($bndFileName)"
addOsmorcFacet(moduleXML, bndFileName, "$mainProjectDir/build/production/${newModuleName}.jar")
} else if (new File(contentRoot, altBndFileName).canRead()) {
println " -> Adding bundle for $subproject ($altBndFileName)*"
addOsmorcFacet(moduleXML, altBndFileName, "$mainProjectDir/build/production/${newModuleName}.jar")
} else {
println "!!! PROBLEM: couldn't determine which bnd to choose!"
println " -> expected default bnd named either $bndFileName or $altBndFileName"
} else {
println "!!! PROBLEM: couldn't find a bnd file in module $!"
dependencies {
bnd withLibrary("stiboWraptask")
bnd withLibrary("bndlib")
testCompile withLibrary("junit")
} else {
if ('bndextra')) {
apply plugin: 'idea'
apply plugin: 'java'
// create extra module for the special idea-bnd-files
idea {
module { module ->
def bndFile
contentRoot.parentFile.eachFileMatch({ it.endsWith(".ideabnd") }, { bndFile = it })
def bndName = - '.ideabnd' = bndName + '_g'
def grdlBndFile = new File(bndFile.parentFile, bndName + '.ideabnd_grdl')
if (grdlBndFile.exists()) {
bndFile = grdlBndFile
iml {
withXml { moduleXML ->
if (bndFile.canRead()) {
addOsmorcFacet(moduleXML, bndFile, "$mainProjectDir/build/production/${bndName}.jar")
def imlFile
bndFile.parentFile.eachFileMatch({ it.endsWith("_g.iml") }, { imlFile = it })
if (imlFile != null)
moduleXML.node.component.find { it.@name == 'NewModuleRootManager' }.appendNode('orderEntry', [type: 'module', 'module-name': - ".iml"])
afterEvaluate {
proj ->
proj.configurations {
stibocompile.extendsFrom compile, archives
def compileDependencies = proj.configurations.compile.dependencies
def orgdependencies = new ArrayList(compileDependencies)
orgdependencies.each {
dependency ->
if (dependency instanceof ProjectDependency)
proj.dependencies {
def path = dependency.dependencyProject.path
compile project(path: path, configuration: 'stibocompile')
def testCompileDependencies = proj.configurations.testCompile.dependencies
new ArrayList(testCompileDependencies + compileDependencies).each { dependency ->
if (dependency instanceof ProjectDependency)
proj.dependencies {
if (subproject.gradle.startParameter.buildProjectDependencies) {
testCompile dependency.dependencyProject.sourceSets.test.output
} else {
testCompile files(dependency.dependencyProject.sourceSets.test.output.classesDir)
compileDependencies.removeAll {
it instanceof ProjectDependency && orgdependencies.contains(it)
private String getModuleName(module, projectDir) {
def parentDirName =
def moduleName = + '_g'
if (!parentDirName.equals("stepx")) {
moduleName = "$parentDirName-${}_g"
return moduleName
private def addOsmorcFacet(moduleXML, bndFileName, jarFileLocation) {
Node node = moduleXML.asNode()
Node facetManager = node.children().find { it.@name == "FacetManager" }
if (facetManager == null) {
facetManager = new Node(node, 'component', [name: 'FacetManager'])
Node facetNode = facetManager.children().find { it.@name == "OSGi" }
if (facetNode == null) {
facetNode = new Node(facetManager, 'facet', [type: 'Osmorc', name: 'OSGi'])
def conf = new NodeBuilder()
def config = conf.configuration(
osmorcControlsManifest: "false",
manifestLocation: "",
jarfileLocation: jarFileLocation,
outputPathType: "SpecificOutputPath",
useBndFile: "true",
bndFileLocation: bndFileName,
useBundlorFile: "false",
bundlorFileLocation: "",
bundleActivator: "",
bundleSymbolicName: "",
bundleVersion: "1.0.0",
ignoreFilePattern: "",
useProjectDefaultManifestFileLocation: "true",
alwaysRebuildBundleJAR: "false") {
// Task for putting modules in module groups based on directory structure
task createIdeaSetup(dependsOn: tasks.idea) {
idea.project {project ->
ipr {
def locateGroupName
locateGroupName = { dir ->
if (dir != null) {
def groupFile = new File(file(dir), "ideagroup.txt")
if (groupFile.canRead()) {
return groupFile.readLines().get(0).toLowerCase()
} else {
if ( != "stepx") {
return locateGroupName(dir.getParentFile())
withXml { provider ->
def modules = provider.node.component.find { it.@name == 'ProjectModuleManager' }.modules
modules.module.collect { module ->
def moduleParentDir = file(module.@filepath.replace("\$PROJECT_DIR\$", mainProjectDir.path)).parentFile
def parentDirParentDir = moduleParentDir.parentFile
if (module.@fileurl.contains('bndextra')) {
module.@group = 'bndextra'
} else {
def name = locateGroupName(moduleParentDir)
module.@group = name ? name :
task checkJpacks() << {
println "Checking all modules i jpack.xml"
def modules = new XmlSlurper().parseText(new File('ConfigurationFiles/jpacks.xml').getText())
modules.package.each { pack ->
def buildFile = new File('../' + pack.toString() + '/build.gradle')
if (!buildFile.canRead()) {
println "No buildfile for $pack "
} else {
if (buildFile.getText().startsWith(' TODO')) {
println "Buildfile in module $pack is not implemented yet"
// make sure all tests are run
test {
dependsOn subprojects*.test
testReport = true
beforeTest { descriptor ->
println("Running test: " + descriptor)
dependencies {
bnd withLibrary("stiboWraptask")
bnd withLibrary("bndlib")
compile gradleApi()
groovy localGroovy()
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